My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota)

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Hanging Out

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".........." I was shocked. "What? Move?"

"That's right. By the time we're in high school, I will be somewhere else. Far away."

"W-what? Why didn't you tell me before?!"

"I didn't want to worry about that. I wanted to continue to have fun with you- no, I wanted you to have fun being with me too- without having to worry about me disappearing or anything."

"..." He has a valid point. If he told me before, it would have got in our way.

"Is that why you've been acting so strange lately?"

"...Yeah." He says after a pause.

We both became silent. I was trying to sort my thoughts. It's hard to believe he's gonna be gone. Even if we went to different school's, we could have still hung out... but... 

I clasps my hands together.

"When are you moving?" I finally say, breaking the silence.

"A little after grad."

"How long after?"

"...About a week and a half."

"I see." We still had a couple of weeks together.

There was another silence.

He looks up at something. "Ah, look at the time. Lunch is already over." He stands up. "You coming?" I look at him. I could see his smile. He holds his hand out. I grab onto it and he pulls me up.

He starts walking after I got up.

A couple of seconds passed by since we got up and started.

I grab onto his sleeve. He comes to a stop because of the sudden action. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry...." I say looking down.

"...." He was quiet. "Heh, What are you saying?" I look up at him, confused.


"It's not like we promised we would go to the same school or anything." 

He walks over to me. He turns his body around. 

He slaps my back, creating a loud smack noise on my back. "Ow!" It really hurt! I touch my back. "What was that for~?!"

“Stop apologizing so much! We will always be buddies! Even if we’re really far from each other!” He smiles at me. “Its like lovers. Even with the distance they still love each other. Their bonds even become stronger when they meet and stuff! And plus, you should choose whichever school you want!” He smiles brightly.

At that moment, I felt as though that unpleasant feeling from before slowly vanished. 

"Hmf, yeah!" I break into a soft smile. 

I truly made a good friend.

We start walking together, making our way to class. 

"You're gonna keep the actual promise though, right?"

"Ah, yeah. Don't worry."


After a while we made it to class.

The two of us were breathing pretty heavily. We ran half the way here. 

We open the door and sit at our desks. 

"Whew, that was close," He says.


After I stopped him by pulling on his sleeve, we forgot about lunch ending and took our time getting back to class. We were so close to being late.

A couple of seconds later, the teacher came in and took attendance. 

Luckily, none of us were late.

If we came about 10-30 seconds later, we would have been marked late.

Lessons continued for a couple of hours and it was almost time for the long and... 'eventful' school day to end.

Throughout the lesson, I was constantly thinking about what Souma said. About him moving. 

The bell rings. It finally the end of the day.

"See you all tomorrow. Be safe on your way back home. You are dismissed." The teacher says.

Me, Souma and the rest of students start packing our things.

"Lets go." He says, standing up.


We leave the room.


We left the school building and currently were walking along the sidewalk.

"Where are we gonna go?" I ask.

"Hehe~ You'll see~"

I follow him, confused where I would end up. 

After a while we came to a stop.

I look up. 

According to the inside and the name of the place- its seems we came to an arcade.

"We're here." He looks at me while holding his hand out to the arcade.

We go inside. 

There were lots of people inside. It wasn't too crowded though. It was mostly filled with young kids. About our age or in high school. There were a couple of adults too. But, they could be counted on one hand.

I look around baffled by this place. It was as if I was a kid that stumbled upon the toy section. It was my first time here.

There were so many different games.

"What do you want to do first?" He asks, interrupting my wandering mind.

"I'm not sure. What do you want to do?" There was too much to choose from. Choosing one would be quite hard.

"Hmm~ Ah! Follow me!" 

He grabs me by the hand and starts running over to somewhere.

"Ah, right. We can't run..." He came to a stop. I bump into him because of the sudden stop. "You okay?" He looks back at me.

I get myself off of him. "Yeah." I didn't get hurt at all. 

He lets go of my hand and I just follow him.


"Is this a rhythmic game?"

"Heh, that's right. Guess what."


"This can make you smarter." He says.

"Hmm~ I'm listening." 

"Since you have to make sure you hit the right thing, it will help your ability to spot and see things and it can also help your reflexes. Meaning, it can help your brain and help it develop. It can also help your brain process things better."

"Oh~ Now we're talking."

"Allow me to demonstrate!" He pulls his sleeve up and walks towards the machine.

He inserts a coin inside the machine and the game soon starts.

'Difficulty level: Very Easy' Was displayed on the screen.

The music starts.

As there wasn't any seats, this game was played while standing.

The notes slowly come. They were pretty slow.

He taps the blue circle button as the thing came close. 

'Good' it displayed.


As he continued, it got faster. He was currently at 'medium' difficulty. 

Three notes came at once. Following behind them were two more notes.

He successfully gets passed the first 3 but then messes up on the two behind it.

"Ah! I lost!" He groans.

'You Lose' was displayed on the screen, covering the actual game.

He turns around and walks back to me.

"Good job." I lightly clap. It wasn't that great, I guess.

"Haruka~!! At least your on my side~"

"Hm? What are you talking about? I was just kidding."

"Huh? Oh... I see... The world hates me, eh... heh, I see...."

"Chill, chill. I was kidding again. You did pretty well. You completed 2 levels, good job."

"Haruka~!!" He jumps at me for a hug but I dodged. "Hmm~ I thought you were on my side. Oh, well." He pouts. "Anyways, your turn. Go get the evil machine!"

"Yes, Sensei!" I salute. 

I was about to go into war. It was me vs the 'evil' machine. 

If I can't beat two levels(get a higher score then Souma), I lose the 'war'. If I beat his score then I win.

Am I nervous right now? Not really. Do I think I have a chance of winning? Heh, I don't plan on just winning. I plan on getting 2 times his score.

I guess I'm a little too confident- Maybe even being a little arrogant. Although it's true I've played some rhythmic games, I've never played one in an arcade. It might be a little different. Different as in harder.

I insert a coin making a clink sound as the coin enters the machine and shuffled through it. There wasn't one pair of clinks though. There was another one. It was beside me.

I turn head to look at where the other pair of sound was coming from.

Beside me- was a person that seemed to be a girl, in a black hoodie. Her hood was covering her head so I couldn't see her face. She also had a black cap under her hood, making it even harder to see her face. She looked like she was about our age though(by her height).

She was standing in front of another one of these 'evil' machines. I guess she's also gonna play this game.

The music soon started.

'Difficulty: Very Easy' The machine says.

It seemed before I couldn't hear it because... I'm not sure. I guess cause it was a little loud. Or maybe because I was focused on something else or, I just didn't care.

The shapes started coming out. They were really quite slow.

I press one of the buttons every 2-ish seconds. It was kinda boring.

'Perfect' It displays.

The girl beside me seemed to also be able to complete this pretty easily. I'm pretty sure almost anyone can do this. They weren't lying about it being 'Very Easy', that's for sure.

We passed by the next level('Easy') Easily haha, haha. Get it? Easy-ly. Aha, aha, get it? No? Oh, okay...

You are reading story My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) at

The girl was still in the game.

Now it was time for the final stage of the war to begin. If I complete this level, I win the war. 

'Difficulty: Medium'

The notes were a little faster but were still pretty easy.

The first couple notes were pretty much 'Easy' but a little faster- but as the level progressed, it got harder. But, it was still fairly easy.


I just need to get a couple more until I can beat his score.


One! A holding note comes straight at me. I hold it.

Two! A double note followed it(double note: You tap two notes at the same time).

Three! After those two notes came an attack of another three notes.

I look up at my score.

"You're pretty good, Haruka~" Souma says.

'Score: 102783' 

Done! I won the war. I also beat Souma's score. 

What was even the point of the 'war' anyways? I guess, motivation?

Well, whatever.

The level was over. As I waited for the next level to come, I looked at the girl. She was staring at the screen with her hands in her pockets.

The machine called out the difficulty level and I turned my attention back to it.


We passed a couple of levels. The girl still hadn't lost. The game also got harder.

"Yo, check this out!" Someone in the background called.


The level finished and we were now on the last level.

'FiNal leVel: DiFFicUlty: GoD MoDe’

I could tell this level would be quite the challenge. Even the words were messed up.

I took a big breath in and release it. 

The music played after 2 seconds.

What the?! I thought to myself, surprised. I would expect nothing less from a final level. I smirk. This level was on a completely different level from the other ones.

The level starts off with a consecutive collection of 1 notes, making it a little harder then the level before.

After that, a barrage of random notes consisting of all the different types of notes came at me/us.  

Before long, a swarm of people gathered around us. 


"They're so good~!"

The room was filled with the chatter of the people and our tapping.

The game was starting to get even more fun now. It was getting even more intense.

I wonder if she's also having fun? Not that I can see for myself. If I look away for even a second, I'm done.

Ah~ This feels so good~ The consecutive notes, being unable to look away. For some reason, it was really exciting.

The grin on my face doesn't seem do be disappearing any time soon.


We were on the last spurt. 

The shapes came at us like a machine gun freely shooting(but slower obviously).

It's like I've become one with the screen. It was as if my fingers moving on their own.

A clear liquid started striding down my forehead at slow pace. It was sweat. I chuckle. To think I would sweat from this. 

It was probably from the pressure of being close to losing every time and the stares from the people behind me.

I think this is also a first for me. Sweating while playing. 

I chuckle again. This arcade has taken quite a few of my first's.

'Final step: DeViL MoDe' The screen displays. I'm assuming its like the last part to it rather then a level. A hard finisher.

The screen turned darker. Normally the background was a lighter color. Now its black. 

There was a count down. 




'Start!!!' It now says. 'For it will be your end soon...' Um... things started turning ominous pretty quickly.

The notes came at me even faster then before. It was like a car coming at full speed. Straight at you. They were coming in an instant. With a minimum of two notes per time.

Now it was getting difficult. It was like I was barely getting to the shapes on time. 

I had to Continuously switch which button to tap. My hands kept switching from one place to another. My mind was barely able to tell which one I should be pressing.

The sweat from before, came down to my eye. 

Oh, no!

It went in my eye. 

I flinched a little. My body stopped pressed for a second.

Oh, Shoot!!!!

It kinda stung but that's not the point right now.

I was about to face a wave of notes. I was barely even prepared. Since I stopped for a second, the notes piled up.

My hands kept spamming the buttons as if my life depended on it. This is most definitely the hardest thing I've faced so far in a game; in my 14 years of life.

I guess this is a special thing with rhythmic games. 

The girl sure is lucky. I'm barely hanging on because I stopped for a second. She probably hasn't stopped yet. 

I only had a couple of waves of the notes before I finish the barrage that piled up from before.

It felt like the very last part came faster then the rest. But that was probably just me.

Done! I continue to tap as I wasn't finish yet. I still had a lot more. I just finished my piled up ones. The level itself wasn't over yet. There was most certainly no time to celebrate.

"What?! How did he manage to clear all of that?!!" Someone says. 

After that one line, a couple more people were saying something. I couldn't hear what they were saying though.

I was starting to lose my concentration.


The only thing I can hear right now is my intense tapping, my heavy breathing and my heart racing 100km/h. I couldn't even hear the song anymore.

I couldn't even hear the girl's tapping or the chatter of the people behind me anymore. I couldn't even see anything other then the screen and the notes displayed on it. 

My arms were starting to get tried because of all the tapping. 

How long have I even been playing for? 

Was the girl even still playing?

The notes slowed down for a slight second. This was a signal the level was finally about to end!

My focus, concentration and motivation soar through the roof. It was as if all the exhaustion from before vanished in an instant. It was like I got all my energy back. 

I slowly take a deep breath in and start tapping like crazy. I was literally holding my breath.

This is probably the longest level yet.


Ahg! Why now?

One of my fingers suddenly tensed up! I guess I pulled a muscle. It makes sense with what I'm doing.

I'm sorry, poor finger of mine, but please hold out- please endure this for a little longer.

I breathe in, holding my breathe and continue with my onslaught of tapping.

I was doing much better now.

I was mostly getting 'perfect's now.

Like before, my full concentration was on the screen. Once again, I felt like I've become one with the machine. 

My hands were also in sync with the shapes that came at me. Like a programmed machine. 

The notes slowed once again. A double hold note comes without anything in the middle. 

After conquering both of those, a couple random one notes comes at me.

The speed of the notes once again go back to devil mode or whatever it was called. 

The tapping started sounding like some kind of beat. I guess this is why it called a 'rhythmic' game. Or rather, one reason.

I was finally able to hear other things again. I release my breath as I couldn't it for any longer. 

My body and mind are finally starting to relax again, luckily. 

"Go for the win, Haruka!" Souma yells over the loud voices of the other people.

"Heh, That's what I plan to do!" A smirk forms on my face. I felt like I was at full power.

This was the very last part. I just need to do this and I finish the level!


After these couple notes, I couldn't see anything else. That must mean that the ones left are the last notes. 

But, this last part is the hardest part. Its much more complex then other parts.

It was a utter mess. It was filled all the different notes and in a order in which it would make the player completely confused. There were a bunch of zig zag notes; held notes that you press and then go in a zig zag with.

But... for some reason I wasn't nervous or anything like that. I wasn't worried nor confused. I wasn't even the slightest bit stressed out. For some reason, I was grinning like crazy.

I actually found this interesting- like I wanted to complete it no matter what. 

It felt like I'm not even 'me' anymore. Like I'm another person or something.

I finish all those notes and were on the last holding notes.

I press them at the same time and then wait for them to finish. I eventually let go.

'You win. Game: Complete.' Were the words displayed on the screen.

I won!!!!!


You can find story with these keywords: My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), Read My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota), My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) novel, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) book, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) story, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) full, My Onee-chan-Sensei(Onee-San X Shota) Latest Chapter

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