My Perfect Life

Chapter 3899: 3904

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This arhat relic from sanshengjiao is precious, but it can't be used by non Buddhist monks. It seems precious, but it's very weak.

It's an idea of Guixie Shengshi to bribe master Xuanji with this. I have to say it really worked.

Gang cut saint to this result quite satisfied, but the mood is still very unhappy.

The main reason is that the credit goes to the envoy.

Knowing that the ancient Buddha's stone slab was taken away by a heavenly chosen one named Shen Lang, the gangzhesheng envoy was even more upset.

Lingshan's stone slab of ancient Buddha is lost. If we can't bring it back this time, the leader will surely blame it.

Thinking that he had not made any contribution, but also had to be blamed, which was unacceptable to the arrogant gangzhesheng envoy, he decided to recover the stone slab of the ancient Buddha and capture the chosen one.

But at that time, Shen Lang had already fled to the Tianyuan sea, and the gangzhesheng envoy could not get his position.

The master Xuanji is not a fuel-efficient lamp after the defection. He is also very interested in the ancient Buddha slate. He even reveals that he has his own apprentice Shenxiu's Benming soul card. He can sense the location of Shenxiu and track the whereabouts of the chosen one.

Seeing that master Xuanji had a way to track down the chosen one, the gang chop envoy immediately took action.

In order to improve the efficiency, the gang chop Saint envoy and the Ming wind Saint envoy only brought two thousand celestial friars, so many people just to track two celestial friars, it's more than enough!

That's the scene.

Although the gangzhesheng emissary put a blood curse on master Xuanji, he was not at ease. He simply used Xianbao to bind him first to prevent master Xuanji from playing tricks.

After entering the Tianyuan sea, the gangzhan and Mingfeng envoys followed for more than half a month, but they didn't catch Shen Lang and Shenxiu. They were worried.

"You can feel the location, so tell us how long it will take to catch up with the chosen one

Master Xuanji said frankly: "the moving speed of the other side is very fast. The speed of the flying immortal treasure of Gangzha Daoyou is only a bit faster than that of Tianxuan. It will take us at least half a month to catch up with them."

"The speed of my chariot is not slow. Since the speed of the candidate that day was so fast, it proved that he really had some skills. That's fine. At least it won't be too boring. "

The gang chop Saint made his mouth show a grim smile, and then ordered to the two thousand celestial friars on the chariot: "all friars, give me all the strength to push the chariot!"


Two thousand celestial friars on the chariot simultaneously put chaotic power into the two golden unicorn spirits in front of the chariot.


The two unicorns in front of the chariot roared, and the chariot spewed flames into the sky and sped away towards the distance. The speed increased by 30% again, so fast that even the divine sense could not catch it.

With the chariot driving at high speed, master Xuanji always reminds Shenxiu of the location change.

Although this chariot is also a flying immortal treasure of rongling level, it has the blessing of weapon spirit, which is much higher than the dragon boat without weapon spirit. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than ten days later.

Master Xuanji on the chariot suddenly opened his eyes and said, "the position is very close!"

"Are you sure? How can I not feel the breath fluctuation of the other side's flying magic weapon? "

The ghost wind Saint asks a way with half faith.

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Master Xuanji held the soul card in his hand and felt it carefully for a while. He said in a deep voice: "it's not in the air, it's deep in the sea."

"Just in time! You wait here first. Don't scare me. Let me go alone to explore the wind! "

Having said that, the gang chop holy emissary turned into a golden storm and plunged into the sea.

"Boom" a loud noise, the sea below set off huge waves, the momentum is extremely shocking.

Just like a golden lightning, the gang chop envoy swept to the bottom of the sea.

When he arrived at the bottom of the sea, he found the energy wave released by the diving dragon flying boat and rushed to catch up.

After all, the gangzhasheng envoy is a monk at the top of luotianxian's primary stage. His escape speed is much faster than that of ordinary luotianxian's primary stage monks. He is approaching Qianlong Feizhou at a very fast speed.

After a while, the dragon boat had already appeared in the scope of the spirit observation of the gangzhasheng emissary. The gangzhasheng emissary raised his eyebrows and said, "it's a mysterious dragon boat. No wonder it's so fast!"

"I'm wasting so much time. Let me give you a big gift first!"

The fierce light of excitement flickered in his eyes, and his fingertips quickly drew a strange golden seal in front of him.

"Xuanxianshu, Jinghuang sword formula!"

Suddenly, the golden Dharma seal in front of the gangzhasheng emissary suddenly surged into the golden light. A huge golden sword, tens of thousands of feet long, was formed. It released the golden light that was as strong as the sun and illuminated the bottom of the sea.

The sea water around is almost boiling, and the terrible energy wave attacks in all directions. Some nearby fish, shrimp and sea animals are even directly shocked into vermicelli by this energy wave!At this moment, the ape king in the Qianlong flying boat, thousands of miles away, was acutely aware of this powerful energy fluctuation. He immediately stood up and exclaimed, "no! It's the enemy attack! "

The roar of the ape King spread throughout the hall, arousing the vigilance of all monks. Shen Lang left Guangtian palace for the first time and rushed out of the training room.

Just before the crowd knew what had happened, a huge golden sword shaped like a mountain gave off a dazzling golden light. With the power of destroying the sky and the earth, it dashed towards the Dragon Boat!

As the golden sword hit, the whole sea floor was like a big earthquake, and the violent current released a sharp roar, which was creepy!

"Not good!"

The king of apes, aware of the huge sword coming, angrily opened his eyes and rushed out of the dragon boat as fast as he could.

Seeing that the golden sword was about to fly away, the ape king was burning with a huge silver flame. His body suddenly expanded to tens of thousands of feet high, and his spirit pressure was fully opened. He sacrificed the golden Panlong pillar and madly injected chaotic spirit power into the Panlong pillar.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The Panlong pillar expanded rapidly and became a golden stone pillar tens of thousands of feet long.

The huge ape king put his arms around the Golden Dragon pole and smashed the golden sword with the power of shaking heaven and earth, trying to resist the power of the golden sword!

The next moment.


The sound of heavy shock resounds from the bottom of the sea. The Dragon pole bumps into the golden sword, and the golden light splashes out to cover everything you can see. The terrible energy makes the surrounding water roar!

The power contained in the golden sword was extremely overbearing. The Panlong column that the king of apes hit with all his strength only resisted for a moment, then it was shaken away by the burst force carried by the sword, and almost flew out by this energy.

Seeing that the golden sword was about to hit the dragon boat, Shen Lang rushed out of the dragon boat at the critical moment. The holy devil's eye in the middle of his brow shot out a huge amount of blood, and his mouth burst out: "xuanxianshu, the holy eye is destroyed!"

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