My Perfect Life

Chapter 3900: 3905

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Suddenly, a powerful column of blood light shot out of Shen Lang's eyes, and hit the golden sword with an earth shaking power.


The sound of the explosion sounded like a rock breaking shock, and the huge movement almost overturned the whole sea floor. The endless blood light and the golden awn interweaved and collided with each other, and the roar continued.

The sea water in the center of the explosion was even bombarded into nothingness. The terrifying energy swept around, and the diving dragon flying boat was shocked out by the violent energy!

Fortunately, there is a barrier to protect, otherwise the impact of the explosion energy alone can destroy the dragon boat.

"Hold on!"

Shen Lang's mouth roared madly, pouring his own chaotic spirit power into the holy devil's eye. The gushing blood colored light collided with the golden sword fiercely, and burst out the sound of breaking through gold and stone.

However, even if Shen Lang tried his best, he still couldn't stop the power of the golden sword!

With the power of destroying heaven and earth, the golden sword gradually suppresses the bloody light, and is about to kill Shen Lang himself.

At this critical moment.

Yuluocha, jiutouwang, Shenxiu, Xia linger, Xia Shaner, Meier, the goddess of the moon, juechen, Baichen and other celestial peak friars rushed out of the dragon boat.

"Xuanxianshu, samadhi divine wind!"

When yuluocha saw that the waves were not good, he pushed his palms forward and showed samadhi as fast as he could.

In the center of yuluocha's palm, a storm of green, yellow, and gray came out. It was like a huge wave, rushing towards the golden sword.

"Nine stars in a row!"

The nine headed king turned into the body, and the nine insect heads suddenly spewed out nine huge balls of light to attack the golden sword.

"Fu Hu FA Yin!"

Behind Shenxiu rises the Dharma image of Fu Hu, which is like a huge mountain. The golden light of the Dharma seal is shining like the sun that is about to burst, and it quickly bumps into the golden sword.

"Spinning stars!"

Xia ling'er and Xia Shan'er release a huge white vortex and rush out.

At the same time, Meier, the goddess of the moon, juechen, Baichen and other friars at the top of the celestial peak also used their powerful magic power to bombard the golden sword.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

For a moment, a large area of the attack like a torrential rain smashed into the golden sword, burst out like a loud sound.

The golden sword finally collapsed and burst under the bombardment of many magical powers. It turned into a huge amount of golden light and raged on the sea floor!

Shen Lang stood in front of the monks for the first time. He used the golden body formula as fast as he could, forming a golden mask to resist the impact of the golden light.

The boundary of Qianlong flying boat was collided by golden light, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface.

Fortunately, all the celestial friars in the boat rushed out in time and exerted their defense powers together, which prevented the outer boundary of the dragon from collapsing.


The gangzhasheng emissary, who had escaped from afar, saw that his terrified sword formula had been resisted. He let out a sound of surprise and then let out his divine consciousness to sweep forward.

"It's interesting that there are Luo Tianxian? It seems that we have not only caught the chosen one, but also the rat who is against our three saints

The gang chop Saint made Shenzhi aware of a group of friars outside the Qianlong flying boat. The cold and powerful Shenzhi stayed on Shen Lang and ape king for a moment, and his face showed the color of surprise.

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"Be careful, my dear brother, it should be Luo Tianxian of Sansheng sect!"

Ape King aware of the spirit of gang cut saint, surprised hair upside down, clenched his teeth, toward the waves launched a sound.

At the moment when he was swept by the divine sense of gangzhesheng, Shen Lang felt like falling into the ice cellar. With this strength of divine sense and the powerful divine power attack just now, the opponent was not an ordinary Luo Tianxian!

After the rampant golden light and roar all around subsided, the bottom of the sea was in a mess.


Many of the celestial friars in the United Army saw the face of the gang chop holy emissary and took a cold breath one after another. They were all shocked by the terrible evil spirit and pressure released from this person.

Shen Lang took away the dragon boat as fast as he could. He stared at the Gangzha holy envoy in front of him with a gloomy face and asked, "are you the holy envoy of Sansheng religion?"

The envoy sneered: "boy, you are the chosen one. I can tell you my name is Gangcha. Please remember it for me!"

Shen Lang's eyes are wide open and his heart is shaking.

What shocked him was not that the other party could see through the identity of his chosen one, but his name!

According to the information I learned earlier, gangzhasheng envoy ranked second in Sansheng sect, and reached the peak of luotianxian's primary level of cultivation. His strength is extremely strong, which is by no means comparable to Xuanyou's.

I'm afraid Xuanyou and Badao are not his opponents!

No wonder the power of this man's magic power just now is so incredible.Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. It's a thousand calculations. It's not that the holy emissary ranked second in the three saints would come after tianyuanhai. This time, they really ran into a big trouble.

"Boy, I don't think it's surprising that you can kill Yanhuang and Batao. What a strange thing!"

The gang chop Saint made Shen Lang look a few eyes carefully, tut tut said, and his expression was slightly disappointed.

At first, he thought there was something different about this heavenly chosen one, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that. At most, it's just good physical cultivation.

Yanhuang and Badao are really rubbish. They will die in the hands of a celestial monk. As soon as he thought that he was as famous as the two wastes, he felt humiliated in his heart and felt that the name of the holy envoy had stained his identity.

Shen Lang hardened his head and asked, "you've come all the way here. What can I do for you?"

The gang chop sage envoy glanced at Shen Lang and said contemptuously, "boy, why do you know that? I don't like to bully the small with the big. As long as you are obedient and go back to sanshengjiao with me, I won't touch you. Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk! "

"You dream! If you come to fight, you can't threaten my brother! "

The ape King roared and was about to rush forward, but he was stopped by the waves.

Shen Lang's face changed several times. He repressed the humiliation and reluctance in his heart and gritted his teeth: "good! I can go with you, but I have a request that you release the monks behind me and let them go by themselves. "

As soon as this word came out, the friar of celestial being in the rear burst the pot in an instant.

"Shen, what are you talking about?" Yuluochajiao cried out.

"Second brother, don't give in. It's a big deal The king of nine also cheered.

"Brother Shen Lang, we are not greedy for life and afraid of death. You don't have to resist the pressure alone!" Xia ling'er cried, biting her silver teeth.

"Commander Shen Lang, we will advance and retreat together with you, even if we die!"

Bai Chen and a group of Huaguo Mountain elders roared out one after another, and the crowd was excited.

Shen Lang clenched his fists and shuddered. He was extremely unwilling in his eyes!

If he is a person, he will fight to the end! But at the moment, standing behind him is his own Taoist partner, his brother, his best friend Shen Lang didn't have the courage to watch them die.

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