My perfect yandere!

Chapter 45: Look at me !

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"Finally it's starting". A girl exclaimed as she unbuttoned her shirt. Like her, all the twenty girls, including me, were changing clothes inside the girl's locker room. I didn't know why they were so happy to finally be able to cheer for boys, but to whom I could complain. I was also looking forward to the commencement of this club for a long while.

Clipping my long silver hair in a ponytail, I slid down my skirt and got rid of my school shirt. I found some staring at me but I ignored it. When I turned my head, I found the most popular girl beside me changing her dress as well, with her eyes smiling all the time.

" Waah! Tsubaki san. Your figure is truly great. Do you work out?" Someone from behind asked in a cheerful tone. On her remark, I also eyed the girl and found the reason for the compliment. The person beside me had a figure which I might feel lazy to build but even so fail in the end. Her being an idol or model, wouldn't be too surprising at all.

"Yes." She just replied with a single word. It wasnt like I never have met this person but for some specific reason, I don't like her. How could I? My girlfriend seems to admire her a lot which had created numerous disturbances between us in the past.

'Ah?' Suddenly my eyes landed on her neck where I saw a familiar pendant. As she covered herself with a cheerleading dress, I ended up asking.

"Do you know Sakahi Kazuya kun?" As I asked she turned her head toward me in a flash. Not only her but almost everyone else's gazes were fixated on me.

"Wh...what?" I asked.

"Yes. He is my boyfriend why?" She asked with a bone-chilling voice which made me drop cold sweat.

"Ah, that nothing". I was about to shrug the topic off when she took the lead and asked me.

" What about it? Is it related to him?" She asked in a voice that wasnt ready for any rejection at all. Looking at her I finally decided to confess before the matter become serious.

"Ah fine. When he was selecting it I helped him. At that time I didn't know who he was. Recently because of the game, his name is flowing in the air, that's why I asked in spur ". I sighed at the end of my words. I was sure that the person in front of me wasnt in a healthy relationship.

'Well, isn't it the same for me too '. Sighing I followed her gaze and found her evaluating me. I didn't take it to heart and waited for her to speak.

" Oh! Okay". Just two words as she curved her lips in an ominous smile before leaving the locker and exiting the room. I was dumbfounded and realizing my surrounding, I noticed that it wasnt only me who noticed it.

'She is extremely obsessed with him. I better not interact with him again'.


"What do you think? In my view, his natural swing is conditional which might could become advantageous." I asked Kunimi as we walked toward the gym.

In the past too, after practice, all the boys go to the gym to relax for some particular reason. Well, I wasn't any different so I wasnt complaining at all.

"Hmm, I also think so. But he strains more than necessary on his arm. It might backfire in a real match where the pressure was nothing compared to practice ones". I nodded in affirmation as even if we raise the bar in the regular matches, the final showdown always gives a dangerously exciting vibe.

As we walked inside, everyone including me halted at their place because of the spectacle we came across.

The paradise of every student was in front of us. Wearing short blue frocks with a crop white top on above the waist, the girls varying from each year were engaged in their cheerleading club. Holding a pom-pom in hand they were cheerfully shouting in rhythm while performing synced steps. They were all beautiful girls in the group no doubt but my gaze fell on a particular raven-haired one.

She was looking adorable at the same time so sizzling that my eyes never left her. The small beads of sweat, the way she was moving was too eye-catching to avoid. I gawked at her without hesitation until Kunimi poked me on the back.

" You are going to draw a hole on her. Let's go and sit there. You can watch all you want after that". I sighed and after nodding, followed him. Other guys were also watching her in particular, which I felt uncomfortable but I couldn't complain. It's not like I could store Tsubaki in a glass cage, all for myself.

We cheered whenever a perfect pose or landing occurred on which I earned a beautiful smile from Tsubaki every time.

The way she looks at me always makes me fluffy inside. Even though it's been more than half a month, I still sometimes couldn't believe that she's my girlfriend.

It would be not possible for us to gather where the cheerleading practice was going on, but it was rumored that the in-charge of both clubs was in a secret relationship, so yeah this arrangement became reasonable.

After some more minutes, the practice came to an end as everyone walked toward the person they knew from the baseball club and others returned to the locker room.

"Sorry for the wait Kazu kun".

" I didn't wait for long tho". Tsubaki walked toward me while huffing a little as she literally dashed as soon the students were freed to go.

"Here." I offered her the drink I bought earlier for her. Being with her for so long, I know what she prefers so I didnt make the same mistake with beverages as the last time.

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"Thank you". She smiled at me before she plopped down on the stair stand on which I was sitting. I took out the wet wipe from my bag and as soon she finished drinking, I planted the wipe on her sweaty nape.

" Ahn~". She moaned in a very destructive manner making my hand halt for a second before I continued.

"Ka..Ka..Ka.." She was stammering quite hard but didn't turn away and let me wipe her thoroughly. I heard murmurs from others, but I never cared before so today wasnt a festival. Her face which regained some of its natural colors suddenly started heating up.

"Here done." I smiled at her as she turned toward me with tomato red face. 

"Kazu kun that's cheating". She punched me with her small fist colliding cutely with me. I laughed at her before grabbing her hand and pulling her close.

" But you did ask me to not restrict myself. You unleashed this side of mine so you better take responsibility."

"Uu.." She cried adorably before landing on my chest to hide herself. 

While chuckling at Tsubaki's cute antics, suddenly my gaze fell on a specific girl who just exited the locker room and was crossing toward the exit of the gym. Her eyes met mine when I smiled and waved at her.

Tsubaki also saw me waving and turned her head toward the girl who helped me in the mall a few days ago. She waved back a little awkwardly before shifting out of the sight like she was in rush.

"Strange..." I muttered when suddenly Tsubaki tugged my shirt before I directed my gaze toward me.


She suddenly planted her lips on mine. I was flabbergasted by her sudden attack that my eyes went wide. The kiss didn't long more than three seconds before she pulled my collar and brought my face just beside hers before she whispered...

"Don't look at anyone but me or I also might not be able to hold back tonight..."


[Future diary.]

"Aunt Aiko. How my father and mother were in school days". My adorable fluffball asked me as she settled on my lap while holding our school album where a specific picture was on display.

Despite being 13 years old, my munchkin behaves totally like a kid and I never got tired as I love her so much.

" Your parents huh. Well, they weren't normal couples that's for sure. I still remember the first time your father saved me and your mom misunderstood us. But yeah...they were sweet and idols for various people". I sighed as I remember my good old days when the stress about the monthly budget never bothered me.

"Oh-oh. So my mom was possessive of my father even back then". I giggled lightly at the child's innocent remark. I didn't want to give a bad impression of her mother but at last, I ended up saying something which I truly felt.

" Possessive huh. Well, the woman who can own the whole school just so she could use her power to bound her love, I think possessive isn't the word I would use to describe her. It's more like she was..."

"Aiko san. Can I get my daughter back. My lovely husband is waiting outside". A cold chilly voice which I still haven't forgotten until this date reached my ears. My back suddenly stiffened as I turned toward the direction of the voice and saw a breathtaking beauty standing there.

" Mama..." My sugar dose also left my side and hoped in her mother's embrace. I stood up with a smile.

"Good evening". 

" Good evening Aiko san. Thank you for taking care of my daughter. I hope next time you would also tell her more of our interesting stories". 

I nodded before she left not long so after.

I plopped down on the chair with a sigh of relief.

"She still is too dangerous. I don't know how Kazuya kun handles her..."


A/N: This idea of a future glimpse came to me because this novel will end on their wedding day so I thought why not...

Anyway, leave a comment about your view on this new concept.

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