My perfect yandere!

Chapter 60: He belongs to me~1!

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"Mm, where am I?" Slowly lifting my lids I tried to adjust my eyes, but it didn't take me long to perceive my surrounding as darkness was the only thing I could see.

My body was restrained that was for sure, and not like that who held me in the school equipment storage, but in an expert-like bind. My legs, arms, shoulders everything were tied without a single leeway for movement. The numbness of my body signified that I am being here for some time already.

The last thing I remember was the party, I and my schoolmates were celebrating on our victory in the baseball tournament. There was a huge number of people who were cheering and engaged in the celebration. As I remember Tsubaki was also with me all this time, with a cheerful smile blended with pride adorning her face.

Everything was going perfect today. My team resulted in an overwhelming victory over the other team, and I was naturally on cloud nine of the team's performance.

'Then how come I got abducted again...' The last thing I remember was when I moved away from the crowd for a pee break, someone tapped on my back and ...

'What after that...?' I was genuinely frightened upon realizing that I wasn't able to recall some of my memory. I have a feeling that this time it's not someone from school but a person who has well planned about capturing me thoroughly.

I turned my head as much as I could but failed to see anything. Apart from abyss-like silence and darkness, nothing reached my senses. 

"Is someone out there? It's going too far for a joke." I shouted when suddenly a beam of light fell on me, just before I closed my eyes from getting blind. I wasn't able to see anything now, but fortunately, the light became dimmer and soon the whole room got lit.

My eyes widened as I saw that I wasn't in any equipment room or storage, it was a metal bunker. The thing I was sitting on was a wide wooden chair with cable wire all around my body. There was a rectangular window some distance ahead of me with a metallic door at the corner of the glass. This kind of room was generally shown in movies where interrogation happens. A glass that could be seen from only one side, complete soundproof prison, and types of equipment for torture.

I gulped my spit which passed through my dry throat as I tried to observe as much as I could in the metal jail I was in. But nothing seemed peculiar to note.

"It's futile little brother." Suddenly the door was swung open before I saw a familiar face on the other side.

I knew her. Chestnut brown hair, round eyes, tall stature. Yes, she was my cousin and the only person I have shared my every secret other than Kunimi. 

"Haru-nee? Is it you?" I have been looking at her for a long time and indeed her demeanor and physical appearance have changed, but there wasn't any doubt from her eyes that she was my favorite cousin.

"We meet again Kazu. Ain't I have become beautiful?" She twirled after walking some steps ahead as in to show me how mature she has become in the past years. 

"Indeed you have become prettier Haru-nee. But why didn't you contact me if you had returned ?" Uncle Kuruse did tell me that she would be coming back at the end of April, so it wasn't that surprising.

"I thought to give my Kazu a surprise. Did you miss me?" The strange behavior of my cousin was growing even more as she hoped and suddenly landed on the armrest of the chair I was sitting on. She leaned toward me and wrapped her hand around my arm in a way I want liking.

"Haru-nee. Is it you who took me here and wrapped me in this?" I asked even though I somehow knew that she have done all this. But I just couldn't think of any reason for it.

"Of course I did." She started weirdly rubbing her face and mine as her hand went inside my jersey. Her every movement was sending me a shiver as all her past images started betraying my memory.

"Can you tell me why?" The current Haru-nee was dangerous. The way she was eyeing me, touching me was something a brother and sister don't share among themselves. She was getting intimate with me just how and I Tsubaki get on the bed every night. 

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"As dense as an ever huh little brother."  She pouted like she always did in the past but for some definite reason, I couldn't find it cute.

"Mou~Isnt it clear by now. I love you Kazu. For a long....long time, I have been dreaming to become Kazuya's bride. Now tell this Nee-chan that you love her too, so we can get married and have a lot of kids."

She was overbearing and spouting something I never thought to hear from her.  It was no exaggeration to say that my cousin was breathtakingly gorgeous. In middle high, she became an Idol and attained a lot of popularity. Since I was also into idols at that time I always loved to watch her shows. But after entering high school she retired from her idol career. 

Even in high school she never got unnoticed and was popular as much as Tsubaki is. I still remember that once uncle told me how many families have sent marriage proposals to her and how many tv channels were asking her to participate. 

At that time when I asked why she wasnt participating in those shows, she said, 

'If I become busy with those things then who would play with my Kazu?' I was a middle schooler at that time so finding someone giving me such importance I became more than happy.

Back in the day, I always wondered why Haru-nee didn't date anyone and spent her weekends playing with a kid like me. But now I realize that she wasnt intending to date anyone from the start.

"I don't love you Haru-nee. I never saw you like that. Please let me go and we will forget about this ever happened." I genuinely didn't want bad for my cousin even after all this. I simply adore her too much and she was the only person who knew the most about me. I have spent my childhood with her, so this much was something I could turn blindfold for the sake of our shared memories.

But it seems Haru-nee wasnt in any mind to hear any kind of reasoning. 

"Hmm~ Dont worry you will see me as a woman and love me too Ka~zu~ya". She turned her back toward me and started walking back to the door.

"Haru-nee! I have a girl I love, please don't do this. It won't be good for anyone, let me go." I shouted at her which made her feet halt. She turned toward me with a look that made me terrified. Her gentle eyes were emitting something I wasnt used to seeing from her. She suddenly walked toward me and grabbed my throat a little roughly.

"Listen my baka brother. If I ever hear the name of that slut again from you, I will do something which you will regret for the rest of your life. You know I can't harm you, but you know whome I can? You told me doing all this won't bring any good to anyone right? Utter about her again, I will make sure that indeed no one can rest even in their death." She brushed off my throat which felt sore because of her tight grip.

She backed off before fanatically smiling at me. The way her facial expressions shifted was scary. 

"Of course, we will be happy whatever happens. So rest here I will bring something good for my cute little brother. And don't make noises when nee-chan would be away okay?" She leaned and before I could have backed away planted a swift kiss on my lips.

"Kyah! Our first kiss happened already. Kazu you pervert~♡"

She hopped away while shouting merrily along the way. Soon the lights went off and again I was met with eternal darkness.

I lowered my head as I knew Haru-nee had made every preparation to keep me here so shouting was futile. I slowly closed my eyes and to calm my anxious heart I thought about a single person.



A/N:- This would be a little longer than my average drama chapter count. Don't worry nothing bloody gore would happen but a little abuse and sexual harassment. 

The true face of Yandere is what I am going to introduce, so brace yourself.

And drop a comment if you are hyped for the upcoming chapters~

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