My perfect yandere!

Chapter 65: Change in plan!

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"You should have more careful with him, Tsubaki-san. I did tell you in clear words, right? You are the closest person to him and if he starts getting terrified of you, do you think there would be any help left for Kazuya-kun?" Adjusting her glasses the doctor looked directly at the raven-haired girl whose flawless face had distress painted all over.

Tsubaki was called by the doctor after she (doctor) helped Kazuya to regain his composure and gave him some medicinal pills which had a sleeping effect too, helping him to have a thoughtless sleep.

Tsubaki was shaken to the core when for the first time she saw Kazuya in this state where he was shivering from being around her. The look he gave her before hiding himself was engraved in her memory which she might never be able to forget. The way he shouted, the way he backed away, the way he was terrified of was all she could recollect frame by frame if she closes her eyes.

But she didn't had dared to think about such a thing at the moment. 

No, she cannot cry now when her Kazu-kun was only relying on her support.

Looking back at the doctor she voiced her immediate thoughts.

"Tell me how can I help him right at this moment? You asked me to not behave possessively around him but that was for his temporary treatment. I will make sure to not show such a trait again but I want something strong to get him back. From my perspective, Kazu-kun is suffocating here and that's hurting me. So tell me what should I do?"

Her voice of serene, unlike her chaotic mind. Her words never showed emotions, unlike her consciousness which was oozing emotions for a certain someone. And the older lady was able to discern Tsubaki's dilemma somehow, so sighing she began to speak.

"I know how you feel so I won't go from the normal procedure. We have cases of r*pe victims, human trafficking, drug addiction, and many others. Some of them had a strong will to get back on their feet not so long after but those with emotionally incapable of overgrowing their fear take a lot of time before we can discharge them. But Kazuya-kun is somewhat in the middle stage." 

Sighing she took off her glasses before handing Tsubaki a glass of water and proceeding with her explanation.

"It's not evident but I highly believe that his parents abandoning him had greatly affected his flow of emotions and now someone whome he thought of close childhood friend and sister did something like this. I am surprised how he is still able to hold normal conversations like nothing sort of mentioning happened at all." 

Tsubaki felt proud to hear such praises about her Kazu-kun so she didn't interrupt her prolonged lectures. Tsubaki knew how hard it was for Kazuya to come over such an incident and even though she gives herself very less credit it was inevitable that her role in being his support was a massive factor in how he still was holding himself even facing something like so hideous.

"Back to the world Tsubaki ma'am." Looking back toward her front Tsubaki realized she was zoning out for some time but rather than being embarrassed she just clicked her tongue by getting disturbed.

"So as for conclusion. Don't be with him." Tsubaki upon hearing such words widened her eyes before clutching the glass in her hand with her fullest strength.

"You know what you are saying is near to impossible right?" It wasn't an argument but a conviction that Tsubaki's sane or insane mind could never allow her to breach. And of course, there wasn't anyone else in this world who could come in between them either. It was laughable to be a suggestion.

The older lady smiled in defeat as she tried to shoot an arrow in the darkness to bluff the target but she failed.

"Let me rephrase it. Don't be with him alone for some days. It might sound rude but you are the reason which might lead him to his far worse end. So for some days be with more people. Family, friends anyone he is comfortable with."

Tsubaki after hearing such a remark cooled down a bit or she tried to. It was fortunate that she had an extra mind to keep things separate.

At first, she thought of bringing him to her parents' house. Some people care for him and even though she doesn't feel right about it, there was a person too who had a good relationship with Kazuya. But she soon disregarded the idea.

'Kazu-kun will become aware that I am treating him like a patient...' Suddenly changing their residence even temporarily to her parents' house it would be no doubt that Kazuya would think otherwise.

Rummaging through her mind a sudden idea clicked and soon her fingers were already on her mobile screen dialing a specific number.


Sitting inside a dimly lighted room, the Principal of the school where Kazuya and Tsubaki weren't seen in past weeks, sighed while massaging his temples. He was an old-aged white-haired man and usually keeps a lively appearance in front of students.

However, every human has their limit. The principal despite not minding his age much all the time gets tired after the school affairs he handles so a cup of tea on a peaceful spring evening was helping him get over his accumulated stress of the day.

Sighing he leaned back on his chair and was about to dive into his world of old days while gawking at the drowning sun of his youth.


Almost spilling the hot content of the cup over his coat, the principal sat straight as he felt a buzzing sound from his upper pocket. He knew who could call on this cell so even before checking the caller he started sweating like he just finished a marathon.

Putting back the cup on his working table in a rash manner he didn't let the caller wait for more than ten seconds before he took out the phone and clicked the green cloud on it.

"Good evening Tsubaki-sama. I hope you and Kazuya-sama are doing well." The principal despite being in such a profession where he most of his life has spent in a superior position was talking in such a tone that might make people believe whether he got connected with the God on the other side.

"Good evening Principal. I wanted to ask, where are we going for the trip this summer?" The question was abrupt which made the older one confused as he hung his mouth for a second longer.

"Uh...Mount Takao is the place we have informed the students about. Is it to Tsubaki-sama's liking?" Since the summer was approaching the school gives a refreshing break before the mid-term. 

Like all the previous years the council decided to make the trip to the mountains which was within their budget and was convenient to venture in a short time. 

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For some instance, the other side went silent as the man held his breath in anticipation. After what felt like an eternity, in a non-arguable tone Tsubaki spoke up.

"That would include trekking too. Cancel it, and notify the council about Kazruizawa. My agent will have a call for the budget and other preparation. Until then".


That's it.

It generally happens this way so the principal was already too accustomed to such behavior. Sighing he sat back and held his cup again. 

Founding his tea cold he called for his secretary while again regaining the massage between his brows.

"You called me, sir?" 

"Yes bring me a new cup of tea and also...a new tourism booklet of Naka-Karuizawa."


[Future Diary]

Standing in front of a school gate, a tall handsome man probably in his mid-twenties was currently leaning back on his car while facing toward the exit from where one after another children were walking out.

The parents who came apart from the man were mostly female for some reason and were glancing at his profile every now and then. 

The man was totally clueless about such gazes more like his whole attention was drawn to somewhere else. His eyes were continuously fixated on the children who were running out of the gate, while he impatiently waited for the one he desired to see.

Finally, he found the girl he was looking for which formed an extremely warm smile on his face forcing the women around to forget about their children and look at him without restraint at all.

"Dad!" A young girl with beautiful raven hair darted toward the man with a beaming smile on her face.  Due to the rush, she almost fell forward but a manly arm held the small figure upward before wrapping her in his embrace.

"Easy there baby. You could have hurt yourself." Checking on his precious daughter Kazuya told her in a soft tone.

Despite being getting scolded the little girl was all smiles as getting hugged by her father was the best thing she receives after a full tiring day at school. 

Soon the father-daughter duo sat inside the car and drove away without any further ado.

"You want something to eat before we reach home? Mom isn't home so I will be preparing lunch today." 

"Whatever you make is the best so I dont wanna eat anything now." Kazuya raised his brows while keeping his gaze straight as he asked teasingly the little munchkin who was currently drawing something on her sketchbook.

"Better than mom's?" Her scribbling hand halted as with her pearly teeth exposing she grinned at her father in understanding which he already knew what was about.

"Ah, dad that reminds me. My classmates always talk about how their father gets scolded by their mom and like a scared cat accepts their unreasonable requests. Dad, are you too afraid of mom?"  Kazuya sighed upon hearing how children these days learn such things before he ruffled the little one's hair gently.

"It's not like that. Every married people don't need to be afraid of one another. So dont let it get on you okay?" 

"But you didn't get afraid of her anytime in the past? Like never in the super past too?"

Upon being pried on, Kazuya's hand which was on the steering wheel trembled for a second before his anxiousness started building inside.

"Dad?" Not finding her father speaking the little one titled her head before bringing her small hand on top of Kazuya's.

His consciousness immediately was pulled back as he halted the car near an ice cream parlor and got out after helping his daughter with the seat belt. 

The mind filled with flavored ice cream soon forgot about what she asked her dad about which helped Kazuya too. Watching the proof of his and Tsubaki's love, who was currently enjoying her triple-layered ice cream,  he smiled with a faint sadness before he took out his phone and tapped on the only contact which had name saved as 'Wife????' before typing a single five-worded text.

'I miss you. Come back.'


A/N:- Their married life will be too wholesome. The next time I will write a future diary it will contain all three of them, so look forward to it.

And yeah... it's finally vacation time...

Drop a comment and let me know if you are hyped for it~

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