My Quiet Life

Chapter 28: 27. The call of the void (Part 3)

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The carriage took me through the narrow streets of the lower district once more as I leaned against the door, staring at the passing houses. My visit at the church yesterday had left me much to think about.

Sitting at my desk, I had first considered what sort of donation I should give the orphanage. Not only was it what Lily would have wanted, but also because I felt as though I owed them something. My eyes drifted across the desk as I pondered on this question until it landed on the crumpled ball of paper still on my desk. I unfolded it and stared at the neat handwriting of my father.

The impending death he mentioned in his letter was not, as some might imagine, a play on my sense of duty. For years now his lungs had been under attack by some disease as per the messengers reports. He had not much time left in this world and his pleas were not of a selfish nature.

If I didn’t marry and prove I could produce an heir before his death, not only the county, but my position as a noble and all our land would be stripped from our dynasty. I knew this, but I couldn’t bring myself to betray Lilica.

My thoughts then drifted to the young girl. Silika. She looked so much like her. Almost as if she was our…

I leaned back on my chair. Yes. That could work.

I stood up from my chair and immediately called for Alzan, my butler. He seemed confused at first when I explained that I wished for him to prepare a room for a young girl, but the rest of my requests seemed to clear up any strange misunderstanding.

The entire staff was busy at the estate that evening. When I woke up in the morning,I let the servant bathe me and ate properly. I couldn’t present myself to the orphanage looking like a corpse.

The carriage came to a stop at the church just as I had requested. I had told them it was to avoid scaring the children, but in truth, I simply wished to experience the walk the girl had taken that day.

Commoner’s daily life looked strange to me. Walking up and down streets carrying things. Wouldn’t it be easier to move everything at once using a carriage or atleast a cart? I shook my head at the thought, it wasn’t my place to say what made sense here. Instead I took in the sights as I rounded the corner to Plum street.

It was only a moment before I reached the orphanage. It wasn’t very large. Perhaps the size of a country house, but with 3 floors, it still looked quite imposing.

As I stepped on the paved path toward the front door. Two girls came through the door. I immediately recognised Silika and froze.

The girl was happily chatting with her friend as they made their way toward me, seemingly unaware of my presence. It wasn’t until they were only a few feet away that Silika’s friend noticed me.

“M-My lord! W-What b-b-brings you here?”

I suddenly remembered her, she was the stuttering greeter at the church yesterday. So they were friends after all? Silika also looked up, recognising me she smiled and waved at me. I smiled and waved back. She was dressed differently today, a yellow dress and in her arms was a black rabbit plush. To my suprise, I noticed a Scorn insignia around her neck...

A very unusual sight to say the least

“If it isn't our greeter from yesterday and Silika. I’m sorry young lady, but I never caught your name?”

“C-Coleen, m-my lord. I-I w-w-wi-ish y-you a g-g-great sp-spring festival!”

She said with surprising excitement. Silika seemed just as excited peeking behind me, probably thinking about the festival awaiting for her around the church.

Not wanting to accidentally make her hate me, I stepped aside.

“A great festival to you both as well. I will see you later.”

Coleen had a curious expression on her face for a moment hearing my words. Did she pick up on the implications behind my words?

“As you say my lord. Blessed be.”

“Blessed be.”

Without another word, the two started walking into the busy street. I felt something pull in my chest as I saw their small shape disappear into the crowd, but I told myself I would see her again soon enough.

I walked toward the main door and knocked.

A blue-haired boy answered the door.

“What is it?”

The boy asked in a mefiant tone.

“Could you fetch me the director of this establishment? I would like to have a word.”

“Do you mean Uncle?”

The boy asked, slightly confused.

It must be how the children called the person in charge, so I nodded.

The boy slammed the door on my nose as I heard him down the hallways.

I guess manners are not a priority in this establishment… It’s a good thing I’m not in a particularly aristocratic mood. This incident alone would be enough to earn the boy a day on a pillori... If not a notch on the ear or cut off the tip of his pinkie.

I would do well to warn ‘Uncle’ that not all nobles are so forgiving.

Not a minute later, a man rushed to the door. He was young, no older than myself. Probably much younger actually. His long white hair was tied behind his back and sweat was pooled on his brow.

“Welcome, my lord! What brings you to this place?”

The man said with a smile, but I could tell from his short sentence that he was out of breath, probably having rushed to the door after the message from the blue-haired boy.

After all, it was unusual for a noble to visit an establishment in the lower quarters. Now. How should I approach this conversation? Should I get straight to the point…? or maybe I should build a positive rapport first?

“I wanted to discuss the possibility of sponsoring your establishment.”

He looked surprised.

“Is that so?!”

His voice betrayed his utter confusion.

Maybe that wasn’t such a good opener after all… It was customary to give a favour to get something from a merchant or another noble, but perhaps not from a simple commoner?

“Well, yes… Amongst other things…”

I said, trying my best at an innocent smile.

“...Why don’t we continue this conversation in my office?”

The man said with a confused smile.

It wasn’t much of an opener after all, but I’ll take this as a victory.

He opened the door fully and guided me through the hallways.

This place was truly packed with children… They ran up and down the hallway excitedly. Some of them left the building in a group just as we entered. Probably heading to the festival where Silika and Coleen had been heading to.

Children everywhere… Lilica would have loved it here...

We finally reached the office. The man offered me a seat in front of his desk while he sat down on the opposite side.

“I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Delian Blaine. The kids here call me ‘Uncle’. I am the director of the orphanage. May I ask who you are?”

He looked more composed sitting behind his desk. It did give him a dignified look to be sitting behind such a large and busy desk. Despite his young age and disheveled clothing, he truly looked like a director now.

“I am Baron Marshall Ashbrook, first son of Count Eleran Ashbrook of Clotop.”

By Hadesusme

The director looked stunned for a moment, before bowing his head.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, count apparent. What can this common man do for you today?”

He lifted back his head and looked more nervous than ever. Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest introduction. Too intimidating. Baron would have been enough.

I should try to relax the atmosphere. I looked around the room and noticed a well stocked library.

“Quite an impressive collection.”

I said while pointing at the shelves with my chin.

You are reading story My Quiet Life at

Delian looked in the direction and smiled.

“Children are full of questions. I’m a director as well as an educator. It is my solemn responsibility to fulfill their curiosity.”

He didn’t seem to be annoyed by this. In fact, he looked satisfied. Like a man who had found his purpose in life. An enviable position.

Delian paused for a moment, as if lost in thoughts, before turning to me.

“Do you have any children, my lord?”

His question was innocent, but immediately, I felt a pit in my chest. A hollow whistling echoed through my heart. I tried to appear unbothered, but I must have failed.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

He said, looking genuinely sorry for his question, but I shook my head.

“Don’t be. It is in part the reason that brings me here today.”

He suddenly perked up, probably remembering that this was no mere social chat.

“Ah yes, so about that... What can I do for you?”

Suddenly my seat felt too stiff and my shirt too tight. What am I being so nervous about? Is this a mistake? No. No, I’m just getting anxious, it’s fine.

“I’m looking to adopt a child.”

He blinked a few times. As if registering the information before nodding.

“If I may be frank, my lord. We don’t often have adoptions in this facility. Most of the children that come here are cases that require a lot of attention, I’m not sure you will fin…”

I waved my hand, cutting him off.

“I am aware of the details regarding your orphanage. I had a report drawn on the facility. I’m aware of the relation you have with Septenary church, and your expertly handling of the children and their education.”

I said while trying to sound as pleasant as I could rather than threatening.

“And I do not come here, blindly looking to adopt a child. I’m looking to adopt a girl. A particular girl. Her name is Silika.”

The expression shifted again in the man’s face.

“Uhm… Silika… That is... Well...”

His face contorted in all sorts of manner as if wrestling different emotions.

"I understand that she's a sweet looking child, but wouldn't you consider adopting another child instead?"

He finally asked me, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't consider adopting a child in the first place if it wasn't for her."

I simply retorted. His lips pursed slightly.

"You see, my lord. Silika is not what I would call a typical child. Even by my standards."

I gathered he meant she was unusual, even for an orphan, but I shrugged.

"We all have our differences."

I simply answered.

"But my lord she's…"

"Deaf? Do you think I'm foolish enough to come here without even knowing that much?"

I said cutting his excuses short. I understood that he had some reservations, but his logic was getting irritating ‘even by my standards’.

"No, my lord. I assumed you already knew that much if you knew her name. I was talking about the daymares…"

He said with a complex expression.


He nodded.

"Silika is not a typical child. She has gone through… Difficult things. Not only is she deaf as you have already mentioned, but she has suffered tremendously in the past.”

He took a moment and tried to swallow audibly. His throat getting dry. Was it just nerves?

“Her arms, her legs… Her entire body is covered in countless scars, but that's not what is important. Her soul is also scarred. Her mind is fractured between the present and the past. The very worst of her past. My lord, can I ask you something? Do you sometimes recall events from the past and the mere thought brings pain to you?"

At that moment, I recalled Lilica dying in bloodied sheets. I closed my eyes.

"Every day of my life."

I answered and he nodded.

"Silika does too, but she doesn't simply recall them. She relives them. When the memories occur, she will stop being with us and will simply drop and scream. It's not to say it happens everytime. She is strong. Unbelievably strong. But at any time, she could break down again. It’s a constant uphill battle, trying to get her to forget her past. Every night she cries in her sleep and wakes up in sweat, screaming. Someone must be with her, at her side. Could you be there? No matter the time of day or night? No matter where?"

I didn't know what to say.

Could I be there? I wanted to be, but could I truly..?

Suddenly the door flew open and slammed against the wall.

I turned around and recognised the little girl from earlier. Silika's friend. What was her name… coleen?


By Hadesusme

She looked in a complete panic, her hair was all over the place. Her face was swollen above the brow and her dress was torn around the shoulder.

The man completely forgot our discussion and rushed toward the girl.

"What is it, Colie? What happened?

Understanding that something was going on, I also got up from my seat and walked toward them.

Coleen was here, but where was…

"I-It's S-S-Si-li-li-lika!"

She struggled to say her friend's name. Tears pooling in her eyes.

Delian patted the girl's arm, trying to keep her from breaking down.

"It's okay, Colie. Silika. Yes. Silika. What happened to her?"

I was getting nervous. This isn’t good.

She was struggling to get the words out as they got caught in her throat.

"T-T-They t-took her! T-They took Silika..!"

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