My Seven Pals

Chapter 1: My new friends

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" Oh no! " a middle aged man called out wile getting dressed.


" I'm going to be late for work this is the forth time this week " as he finished getting dressed he came running out of his apartment and the people passing by would see a man screaming.


" No, no, no, NO! i cant be late "


' if i just keep on running maybe i would get there before my boss finds out I'm not at work, what am i kidding he always greets us at the gate of course he will know' 


'its just around the corner.'


But as he turns the corner he see's his boss standing at the gate where he sees his boss greeting a couple of employees he decides to push himself a little more and went from a running pace to a full on sprint.


' I . WILL . MAKE . IT .' 


As the employees waked in the building the boss started to close the gate to the employee entrance.


I need to go faster.


he starts to push his limits sprinting as fast as he can ignoring all the pain and his body's cries for rest.   


but it was all for not he was to late his boss looked at him as he closed the gate and said.











" your fired "


" I'm fired " he said only able to repeat his now former boss only for him to speek his final words to him.


" don't worry I'm not completely heartless I have your pay check right hear "

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All he can do was simply take his money it was a good pay check up to $1,000 it was good, he can survive off it for the next to months.


" Oh and your welcome i put twice the amount in their because i know you wont be able to get a job any time soon "


" so you gave me $2,000? "


" yes $2,000 now get out of my face "


" yes sir " it was all he could say as he walked away 


' this sucks, life sucks, but at lest i got my money ' 


walking away he goes to a near by convenience store he need to stock up on food because he didn't know how long he will be unemployed for 


unknowingly his eyes starts to wander at the people along the road and get set on a young looking man walking down the road 


'he looks like he doing good in his life'


the man started walking down the the middle of the road in order to get to the other side when as the man is crossing the street a Simi truck comes barreling down the small road at speed way over the speed limit heading right for the man crossing the street


'poor soul' is all the people that are about to witness the collision can think of but not him he runs forwards to push the man thinking that he is just a dead beat so this is the only meaningful thing he will do in his life 


'if i cant have a happy life i will at least give another Pearson a chance at one'


as he pushes the young man out the way he just wats there on the road for the contact with the fast moving truck but it never comes opening his eyes he sees time frozen and seven blurry figures 


"who... who are you" 


not expecting a answer yet he got one in the form of telepathy yet sounding like a deep eco in his mind


"we are your Pals"






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