My Seven Pals

My Seven Pals

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My Seven Pals

Review: 7.5/10 from 7 ratings

Totta a young man who has no work or social skill whatsoever finds him self walking down the road to the nearest convenient store to get this weeks worth of food when he sees a young man who seems to be doing well and in a joyful stage of life going across the road to the same store as him. as the man is crossing the street a Simi truck comes barreling down the small road at speed way over the speed limit heading right for the man crossing the street, Totta a man with nothing going on in his life decides to sacrifice himself for the young man to live so he runs over pushing the man out the way the man safely landing on the other side after that he closed hid eyes expected to feel the sweet release of death but it never came opening his eyes he sees seven odd blurry figures standing be for him in this time stoped zone

Totta (why... who are you)

he got no response only a ringing voice in his head saying "we are your Pals"


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