My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten – Goodbye Kisses

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What Miss V had said to me in the park had left me buzzing with a new sense of energy - the kind I hadn’t felt in a long time. It was a sense of power that came from knowing I was able to pretty much whatever I wanted with her. To use her perfect, toned, delicious body in any way I pleased, and have her beg for more at the end of it. It made me hard just thinking about it - and I’d thought about it a lot before. And so, when night fell, and we stepped through the door of my house once again, and our eyes met - mine, sharp and excited, hers, welcoming and challenging - I didn’t hesitate. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her, and I knew she would enjoy every second of it.

We had just kicked off our shoes when I grabbed her by the hair, pushing her up against  the wall opposite the front door, pulling her head back so she was looking up at the ceiling. I explored her body with one hand, running it down her front, groping and slapping her tits before doing the same to her ample ass. I pushed her dress up to her waist, admiring for just a moment the firmness of her ass, before I slapped it, hard. So hard my palm stung, and a little moan escaped her lips. I spanked her again, this time leaning in to whisper:

“On your knees, slut.”

“Yes, Sir.” came the reply, without any hesitation. She dropped to her knees in front of me, her back against the wall. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she met mine - a challenge, almost. Curiosity. Wondering how far I would go. How hard. I unbuttoned my pants, slapped my cock on her face, let it rest there for a while. 

“You wanna suck my cock, slut?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Where are you manners?”

“Yes please, Sir.” Miss V said, a slight smile appearing on her lips before she began to kiss and lick along my shaft. I stroked her head absently, my hand gliding over her smooth black hair. I gathered her hair in my hand slowly, before curling it into a fist. I pushed her head back against the wall and thrusted my cock deep into her throat, pulling back just a bit before pushing it deep again. The wet walls of her throat clenched with each thrust, her eyes watering as she looked up at me. I pushed myself as deep as I could and held it there, until she gagged and struggled to move her head away. Then I pulled out and slapped my wet cock on her face again, feeling a sudden desire to cum already, to finish on her beautiful face, claiming it for myself. But that would be stupid. We had a long night ahead of us after all, and I knew what she really wanted. 

“On your feet, slut.”

“Right away, Sir.” Miss V said, perky tits bouncing as she hopped to her feet in one nimble movement. For the next part of tonight’s entertainment, this dress, pretty as it was, would have to go. I pulled it over her head and tossed it aside - revealing a set of red lace lingerie underneath. For a moment, I forgot what I was going to do next. Her breasts were even more beautiful cupped in a decorative bra. Her panties were small, criss-crossed, teasing and, as I found out when I slipped a hand between her legs - drenched in her wetness. The absurdity of the situation hit me, completely throwing me off the stern, rough and dominating character I was playing. Miss V had to be ten years older than me, and ten times as good looking. And here she was, dressed in sexy lingerie she’d picked out just for this occasion, all but begging me to fuck her. “You like it, Sir?” Miss V asked, running a hand over her smooth, exposed thigh. 

“I love it, you naughty little slut.” I said, dropping to my knees in front of her. I pulled her panties to the side and discovered she was even more wet than I imagined. My tongue was all over her, everywhere at once, licking her pussy, her lips, her clit. I wanted it all. I wanted to make her feel good more than anything. And so I pushed my fingers deep inside her and sucked on her clit until she grabbed a fistful of my hair and moaned loud enough that I worried the neighbours would hear us. Then I got to my feet, grabbed her by the hair and kissed her. It was wet, sloppy, with my lips covered in her juices. But she loved it. My hand slipped under her bra, as we kissed, a gasp escaping in the space between our lips as I twisted her stiff nipple. We pulled back, and our eyes met. 

“Are you ready?” 

Miss V nodded, smiling. 

“Come upstairs with me,” I said. We climbed the stairs to the bedroom hand in hand. I closed the door to my room as we entered. Even though the house was empty, it just felt right. Miss V lay down on the bed, her hair spread out on the pillow beneath her head. Her legs were bent at the knee, slightly apart. Still in that tempting red lingerie, she looked like the kind of magazine cover that young men used to hide under their beds, and once again I was surprised to find that I was in the same room as her.

I got rid of my jacket, my shirt, and my trousers. Standing before her fully nude just made me harder - my cock almost painfully erect, throbbing as it pointed up towards the ceiling. I slipped my fingers under the straps of her panties, met her eyes as I began to slip them down her shapely thighs, calves and off her feet. Her pussy was just as wet as it had been downstairs - maybe even more so. A spot had formed on the bed sheet beneath her crotch, where she had dripped onto it. She spread her legs wider, moving her hips temptingly, a small smile on her lips, “What are you waiting for?” she asked. As sultry as her voice was, I caught a hint of something else too - hesitation. Maybe even fear. I would have to take this real slow.

I climbed on to the bed, her legs either side of mine, my arms wrapped around her torso. Her breasts were soft against my chest. We were eye to eye, our noses touching. My shaft was pressed against her wet pussy - I could feel how hot and wet she was, waiting for me. I felt her hand wrap around my cock. She guided me to her pussy, until my tip was all but inside her. I met her eyes again, to make sure she wanted this. In those blue eyes, as she stared up at me, I saw nothing but yearning. I moved my hips, pushing my cock inside her. Her pussy stretched, clenching my shaft immediately, sending tingles up my spine. Miss V let out a quiet moan, one hand caressing her clit, the other playing with my hair. I pushed deeper inside, until I could feel her wetness against my swollen balls. Being so deep inside her was ecstasy. I could barely move for fear of cumming too soon. 

Gently, I began to thrust, moving my hips just the slightest amount. I leaned into her as I did, kissing her all over. Her neck, her ears, her cheeks, her lips. Every part of her tasted heavenly. Her tits held firm under my hands, her nipples stiff as I pinched and pulled at them, her fancy bra discarded on the floor. And all the while I kept driving my cock deep inside her, picking up the pace with each thrust, rewarded with a moan each time I stuffed my entire length into her tight, wet pussy. Miss V kissed my ear, lifting her head to whisper something laced with desperation and desire:

“Harder. Fuck me harder, Danny.”

“I was waiting for you to ask.”

I planted my hands on either side of her head, lifting myself up. My eyes never left hers as I slammed my hips down into her over and over again, feeling her entire body tremble when we met. She closed her eyes, her mouth open in a perpetual gasp of pleasure, her hand rubbing furiously at her clit. I let out a groan as I thrusted into her again - I had been focusing on her so much that I hadn’t noticed how close I was. It was building up inside me, pleasure so intense it was almost pain. I slowed down, not wanting to pull out before she came. She let out one final moan, pulling my lips to hers before her knees came together, her body quivering from the force of cumming. I pulled out sooner than I would’ve liked to, my cock wet and tense. I wouldn’t be able to handle another stroke. But I held it in, letting myself lie on top of her while she stroked my hair and ran her hand down the crease of my back.

“That was… amazing.” she breathed into my ear.

“You’re welcome,” I smiled, planting a kiss on her rosy cheek. 

“You’re so desperate to cum, aren’t you? Poor boy.”

“I’m saving it. There’s a lot more I wanna do with you.”

“Is that so?” she said, pressing her forehead against mine, “Catch your breath. I’m not going to let you pull out next time. Not until you fill me up.” 

I groped her tit absently with one hand, “I’m gonna fuck you so deep you’ll be leaking cum for days.”

Miss V smiled, “All bark, no bite.” Her eyes were clear in their meaning. 

I got to my feet, rolling her over onto her stomach, pushing down on her torso so her back was arched, her ass up in the air. I spanked her hard, the sound of skin against skin ringing out in the silence, followed by a cute giggle. I worked my tongue into her pussy, tasting her as I spanked her again, over and over, until her ass turned red and her giggling became moans. Her clit was my favourite thing to play with - she twitched and quivered every time I took it into my mouth. With one hand pushing her head down into the mattress, the other keeping her back properly arched, I rammed my cock into her pussy, all at once this time, letting out a gasp of my own as my senses flooded with pleasure. I pulled my hips back, almost pulling out before slamming into her again, my swollen, heavy balls slapping against her wetly. She moaned sharply with each deliberate, forceful thrust. 

“Say you’re a dirty little slut.” I said, picking up speed as I found my rhythm, “Say it!” I said again, punctuating the point with another stinging spank. 

“I’m a-” the rest was unintelligible, muffled, as I forced her face into the mattress. There was no thinking now, it was pure movement, pure instinct. My hips came crashing down  into hers, as I tried to get deeper with each thrust. My hand groped and spanked her ass mercilessly, leaving it crimson. Her moans and yelps were muted by the mattress, but I wanted to hear them, so I lifted her head up by the hair, hugging her sweaty, exquisite body from behind as my cock repeatedly worked its way into her clenching, drenched pussy. I put an arm around her neck, choking her, pulling her head back until she was looking up at me with dazed, drunken eyes. 

My cock was taut and throbbing inside her, like a muscle that’s been tensed too long. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted this moment to last forever. But I could feel it coming now, and there was nothing I could do except gasp and hold her body tight and kiss her ear, her pussy welcoming, gripping my whole length as my entire body convulsed, a pinch of pain at the tip of my cock as it burst - once, twice, more - emptying every drop of thick, warm cum into her thirsty pussy, and I felt as if something deep inside me had been wrenched out of me, leaving me feeling light and euphoric. 

I kept hugging her. It was all I wanted at that moment. I kissed her smooth back, her neck, her collarbone. We swayed lightly, back and forth, as if we were dancing again, but the room was silent. I felt as if I should say something, but there was nothing to say, and Miss V kept quiet too, holding my arms to her body. She turned her head towards me - we kissed, and kissed again. She brushed her hand against my cheek, 

“I loved every second of that.”

“Me too.”

“Thank you for filling my little hole with your cum, Sir.” 

I smiled, kissing her again, “My pleasure.”

“I love having you near me. Inside me…” she said, “if you were a little older or just not my student…maybe I would’ve liked to take this further, Danny.”

I nodded, “That would be a dream. But you know we’re not right for each other, Miss V. Not in that way.”

She sighed, stretching out on the pillow, “I suppose not. And still, I wonder, under different circumstances… I can see myself falling for you. In another world.” she smiled, sitting up again, “But in this one, our time’s running short, isn’t it? I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll see you off.”

“Are you sure? You’ll have to be up early.”

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“I’ll get up.” I smiled.

Exhausted, we spent the rest of the night huddled together on the sofa, watching movies. Well, most of it. Once our appetites were refreshed, we went another couple rounds - Miss V on top, her arms around me, her tits in my face, her hips moving in teasing circles. Then I bent her over the living room table. Then she sat on the table and pushed my face into her pussy. Then we did it in the shower, and that was the last time. I emptied my balls into her once again, and used my fingers to feed her what dripped out. Her eyes never left mine as she lapped up every last drop. 

Soon enough, it was time for bed. This time I was the big spoon. I must have kissed her a thousand times then, as we whispered sweet nothings to each other until she fell asleep. It was the perfect romance, besides the fact that it wasn’t a romance at all. Long after Miss V fell asleep, I thought of what she had said, earlier that night. I imagined our life together. Travelling the world, hand in hand. Maybe even getting married. It was beautiful, but I knew it couldn’t happen. Not in this world, as she had put it. 

I turned my head, looking at her body, her curves highlighted by silver moonlight. Her body rose and fell gently with each breath. I hugged her to my chest, smiling as I closed my eyes. We couldn’t stay together for long, but I was glad we had shared some time  together. That was something to be eternally grateful for. 




Miss V woke a short time after 7AM. I know this, because I woke up by chance a little earlier, and rolled over to check the time on my phone before closing my eyes to try my chances at sleeping again. She must have thought I’d been successful, because she rushed around the room, getting her things in order, only sparing me the occasional glance. I was watching her through half-lidded eyes, trying not to smile as she got dressed and began whispering my name to wake me. As she reached out to nudge my shoulder, I took her hand in mine and kissed it. 

“Were you watching me get dressed? Danny, you pervert.” she smiled.

“I’d much prefer it if you didn’t get dressed at all.” 

“Me too, Danny. But that train isn't going to wait for me at the station.”

We made small talk while Miss V checked and double-checked she had tucked away her phone and charger in her little handbag. She would be heading home first, of course, and then onwards to the station from there. 

And then we were standing by the open front door, Miss V wearing the same dress she’d been wearing to our little prom last night. Funnily enough, now that it was time for her to leave, I was lost for words. 

“I’ll miss you,” she said, putting her arms out for a hug. 

“I’ll miss you too,” I said. I held her close, smiling as I remembered the first time we’d met - specifically, falling headfirst into her cleavage. I never would’ve guessed back then that we would end up not just fucking, but becoming friends.

“Oh, I nearly forgot. Look at this,” she said, pulling back and digging her phone out of her handbag. She turned it around, showing me the screen. It displayed a familiar flame logo. 

“You got Tinder,” I said, laughing, “you’re going to start dating again?”

Miss V chuckled, blushing lightly, “Well, I’m going to attempt it.”

“A woman like you will have no trouble. And if you do, well, I’m always willing to lend an ear. Or, you know-” I smirked, “whatever you need.”

“Whatever I need,” Miss V repeated, before she pulled me close, and I melted into one sweet, final kiss. “I need you to get a girlfriend,” she said, looking down at me, “you’re too tempting.”

“I do my best,” I grinned. 

Miss V smiled, placing a soft hand against my cheek, “Goodbye, Danny.” she said, kissing my forehead, “Take care.”

“You too,” I said, giving her hand a squeeze, “Goodbye. And good luck!”

Miss V flashed me a smile as she walked to her car. I watched her pull out of the driveway and onto the street, before the car disappeared, taking a left turn. She was really gone now. We would have to meet up sometime, discreetly, of course. That would be nice.

I tried going back to bed, but our final conversation rang out repeatedly in my mind. It made me happy that she was going to start dating again, and I was glad I’d had some small part in helping her reach that decision. It looked like she was moving on from that horrible ex of hers. And I had promised her I would try to do the same. By noon, I’d decided on the first small step I would take in that direction. I picked up my phone and called Andy. 

“Hello? Daniel?” he said, obviously surprised. I never called.

“Hey, what’s up. Are you guys still planning on going Tenerife?” 

“Uh, yeah. Why?”

“Save me a spot.”

I could see him in my mind’s eye, leaping to his feet as he said, “Holy shit, you serious?”

“Yeah. There’ll be girls, right?” I asked, smiling.

“Dude… yeah there’s gonna be girls. Natasha. Carmen. ” 

“No way…Carmen?” I asked, impressed. We made some small talk after that - Andy hyping me up about the trip, and I had to admit, it sounded exciting. After the call ended, I sat in silence for a long time, a smile on my face. I was going to Tenerife with my best friend and some of the most beautiful girls in college. 

Things were looking up after all.






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