My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine – Prom

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When I woke up, I was alone. For a moment, I wondered if last night had been a dream, but only for a moment. The taste of her lingered on my tongue, the scent of her on my pillow. I sat up, reaching for my phone. Miss V had sent me a text. 

Sorry Danny, had to leave early and didn’t want to wake you

You’re so cute when you’re asleep x 

It was a shame, I’d thought we could spend Saturday together too. But it looked like I would be spending the weekend alone. 

I dropped by Miss V’s office first thing Monday, with the excuse ready that I was just having her go over some work I’d done. Every time I laid my eyes on her, I felt a smile tugging at my lips, and an almost irresistible urge to take her up in my arms. But I couldn’t stay long, not without arousing suspicion. So, after some small talk, I turned to leave. 

“Wait,” Miss V said, “I just booked my train, Danny. Saturday morning.”

“Saturday? I thought you were leaving on Sunday?”

She sighed, “Yes, that was the plan. But there are no trains on Sunday, and most of Saturday. Something about a strike.” she looked up at me with apologetic eyes, “I’m sorry. Friday-”

“-will be our last day together.” I finished for her. She nodded, looking so despondent that I forced a smile for her sake, “Well, we’ll make it a great day, then.”

“No doubt we will.”

Those last couple sentences played on my mind for the rest of the day. Friday would be our last day together, for some time, at least. What would be a fitting end to this friendship? Relationship? Whatever you wanted to call it. I would’ve liked to invite her out to some place fancy, but it was too risky. I couldn’t even believe we’d gone to the aquarium together - it seemed dangerously stupid in hindsight. If anyone had seen us, it would have meant the end of Miss V’s current career, and potentially my future one. Yes, that restriction didn’t leave many options open at all. A secluded spot in a public park might work. A picnic? That seemed like a good idea. But it needed something… more, for the occasion. To make it a proper farewell. 

Monday passed, and I was none the wiser in terms of what that something was. Miss V was busy that week, tying up loose ends and getting everything in order for her departure. I didn’t see much of her that week at all. The few times I did pop into her office, I noticed her desk had become cluttered with goodbye gifts - chocolate, perfumes, a bottle of wine - from teachers and students alike. It gave me a strange sense of pride to see that she had developed such a positive reputation in her short time at our college. It was a shame she wouldn’t be around to see us take our exams and have a spectacular prom. 


Miss V had said once that no one in high school had invited her to prom. Maybe that was the little touch the picnic needed. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that that was the right way to go. And so, on Friday, after our last biology revision session, and Miss V’s last lesson at our college, I lingered behind until the few people who had showed up filed out of the classroom. I stepped towards her, taking a deep breath. Miss V smiled at me, a hint of shyness in her soft expression. I knew how she felt. Even with all the thinking I’d done, anticipating this very moment, now that it was here, I felt… unprepared.



“Will you go to prom with me?” I asked, my voice just above a whisper. 

Miss V raised an eyebrow, letting out a laugh, “You know I’d love to, Danny, but-”

“You’re free today, right?”

“Sure,” she replied, uncertain.

“Here,” I said, handing her an envelope, “it’s your ticket. And instructions.” Saying it out loud, I felt a little foolish, but Miss V’s face lit up as she understood what I was doing, and that made it worth it. 

“Oh, I see. I look forward to it.”

“Me too. Later then.” I said, turning to leave.

“Later.” Miss V smiled, the envelope in her hand as she waved. 

As per the instructions I’d included in the letter, Miss V arrived at my door at 7PM sharp, her white Mercedes coming to a stop at the end of our driveway. Yep, she was going to pick me up. I had never been more upset about the fact that I hadn’t yet learned to drive, but for now, this would have to do. I checked my suit and tie in the mirror one last time, before stepping out the door with what I hoped was a charming smile. 

“Hey, Miss.” I said, as I ducked into the front seat, putting the picnic basket on the passenger seat behind me.

“Hello, Danny.” Miss V smiled, setting her bright blue eyes on me. They seemed even sharper against her dark mascara and the slight blush on her cheeks. Two braids of dark hair encircled her head. She had picked out a glittery red dress that hugged her breasts snugly - low-cut, to show a teasing amount of cleavage. I couldn’t imagine it was very comfortable to drive in.

“You look fantastic. As always.” 

“Thank you,” Miss V said, running a hand down my tie, “you look great in a suit.” she tugged at my tie lightly, pulling me into a kiss. She smiled as she pulled back, turning the key in the ignition. 

“Sorry you had to pick me up, Miss.” I said, as Miss V shifted the car into gear, “I really should’ve got my licence by now.”

“Tsk, you’re busy with studying. I understand that.” she glanced at me, “You have been studying, yes? Exams are imminent.”

“Uh… sure. When I’m not thinking about you.”

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“Danny! This is your future.”

“I love it when you’re stern with me.”

Miss V rolled her eyes, but the corner of her pretty red lips twitched upwards. Under evening daylight tinged with gold, we snaked our way through the various side-roads and tiny one-way lanes that led to Burner Way Park - specifically, to the quiet, unofficial back-entrance where we were less likely to be seen. Soon enough, we were out of the car and wading our way through tall grass, until we reached the spot I’d picked out. A secluded clearing all but surrounded by trees, complete with a discarded log to sit down on. Although I had brought a picnic blanket too, in case Miss V didn’t want to ruin her dress.

I spread out the striped picnic blanket and set the basket on top of it. A cool breeze blew through the trees, sending Miss V’s hair fluttering over her shoulder. We sat there for a moment - me with my legs crossed, leaning back, Miss V leaning on one hand, the other arm resting on one angular hip.

“You’re posing.” I said.


“You’re doing that typical sexy pose, showing off your curves.”

Miss V laughed, “Are you complaining? Besides, this dress doesn’t exactly lend itself to leg-crossing.” My eyes were inevitably drawn to her slender legs - her dress ended not even halfway down her thighs. “Shut your mouth,” she smiled, “you’re drooling.”

“It’s your fault,” I shrugged. Our eyes met, and we were silent for a moment. “Anyway, you wanna eat something?” I asked, flipping the lid of the picnic basket open. “I brought sandwiches. There’s also crisps, chocolate, juice… take a look.” I nudged the basket towards her. 

“I’m not too hungry,” Miss V said, removing a bag of crisps.

“Me neither,” I said, doing the same. Crisp packets crinkled, and soon enough we were reaching for juice cartons. “I’m going to miss you,” I said, between sips from my straw.

“I’ll miss you too, Danny,” Miss V smiled, “but you have to move on. And I don’t just mean from me.”

I sighed, “Yeah.”

“College is over now, but in university, I want you to make an effort with girls again.” 

“Is that an order, Miss?” I asked wryly.

Miss V nodded, “The longer we hide from the things that scare us, the more powerful they become.” she took a long sip of juice, “I realise that now. And living in fear is… it’s half-living. It holds you back.”

She was right. The past few weeks had been the best my life had been ever since… well, in a long time. But as fun as this was, it could never be a real relationship. Not like what the people in my classes had, where they were devoted to each other, committed. On equal footing. Miss V and I could never be like that. To have something like that, something serious, I would have to start talking to women again. Start trusting again. 

“So are you going to start dating again, too?” I asked.

Miss V smiled, “I’m terrible at taking my own advice.”

“You have to. Like you said, living like this is half-living.” I sat up, taking her hand in mine. Her eyes met mine reluctantly, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to overcome this… fear.” I started, “But I’m going to try. And you have to try too. Keep trying, until you stamp it out. You’re a good person, you’re interesting and you’re lucky enough to be beautiful, too. So be discerning. Be careful. Weed out the bad ones, and don’t stop until you find someone good. Someone who deserves you.” I took a deep breath, breaking eye contact for a moment. Out loud, the words seemed redundant, corny. “You get the idea.” I ended, lamely. 

For a moment, Miss V said nothing. Then she smiled and her arms were around me, her chin resting on my shoulder. I hugged her tight, breathing in her floral perfume. It felt good to hold onto her, to have our bodies pressed together. It felt like lying under the covers, in your bed, at the end of a long day.

“Thank you,” Miss V whispered.

“No problem,” I smiled, pressing my cheek against hers, absentmindedly wondering if her blush would rub off on me. We began to sway, and that reminded me - I had made a playlist for this very occasion. “Will you dance with me?”

Miss V smiled and we got to our feet. I fished my phone out of my jacket pocket, starting with a slow song. We stood facing each other, and I was reminded once again that Miss V was taller than me. I took her right hand in mine, and placed my left on her hip. She draped her hand over my shoulder, and we stepped in time to the music. It was clunky, fumbling dancing. I had only ever done this once before, after all. Miss V laughed as I misplaced a step, and nearly lost my balance as she moved on ahead of me. But I caught onto the rhythm soon enough, and with some guidance from Miss V, I even managed to twirl her around once. Her dress glittered in the golden evening sunlight, her hair whipping around in the wind. The smile on her face was radiant, her teeth shining between parted red lips. During a pause in the music, she leaned down to kiss me. I tasted her lips, then tasted them again. I kissed her cheek, and then her neck and then her collarbone. She stroked my hair gently, sometimes allowing her nails to brush the back of my neck, giving me goosebumps. 

“You know, a lot of the girls in my college lost their virginity on prom night.” Miss V said, leaning in to whisper in my ear.

I chuckled nervously, cursing myself for being so horrible at foreplay, “You want me to…?”


“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Miss V put her arms either side of my neck, looking down at me fondly, “You’ve been such a good boy, Danny. But tonight I want to feel like a bad, bad girl.” she leaned in again, her breath against my ear, “When you forced me to swallow your thick, warm cum on the sofa last time… I loved that. I want more of that. I want you to use me, just like you do in your perverted fantasies. I want you to make me your little slut. Can you do that… Sir?”

I smiled - as if I could say no when she was looking at me like that, with her eyes all soft and pleading. “We’ll make a good girl out of you, yet.” I smiled, leaning in to kiss her again, thinking of everything we would do together when we went back to my place. 

Tonight was the last night we would have together, and I wanted to make sure she’d never forget it.

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