My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 3: Chapter Three – Happy to Help

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My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for her reply. It never came, and that only made my anxiety worse. If she had said something, anything, at least I would have some vague idea of how she had responded to the video - whether she thought it was hot, gross, inappropriate, whatever. The silence was just… unnerving. Was it a silence that meant she just didn’t care, or was it a silence that meant she was shocked? Offended? About to report me for inappropriate behaviour?

As I cleaned my mess from my hand, I considered the fact that, if she did report me, she would have to explain why she had added me on Snapchat in the first place. That made me feel better. It would still get me in trouble, but I didn’t think she would potentially risk her entire career because some horny kid had sent her a dick pic. Well, video. Of himself jerking off. The whole thing seemed surreal in hindsight and incredibly stupid. That was just what happened when I missed my morning jerk-off - I entered a distorted state of mind that made me believe I was some lucky protagonist in a harem RPG.

I spent the rest of the evening studying, as usual. It was fairly productive, though I couldn’t help occasionally checking my phone to see if she had replied, or if an email regarding my expulsion from college was sitting in my inbox. And, surprisingly, my mind kept drifting back to her. Miss Vixen. In a different way. Before, I must admit, I had mostly just noticed her enticing figure. But now, as I thought back to our conversation in the classroom, I noticed other things I liked about her. Her grace in movement. Her expression when she’s trying not to laugh. Her wit, her humour. These things bursted out of her, even in the smallest portion of her company. I had to wonder why a woman like that was still single. And why she seemed at least a little interested in me. 




By the time I arrived at college the next day, she had still not replied, and I had also not received any email that would suggest she had reported me, which put me in an irritated mood. She could’ve said something. I was convinced she was leaving me hanging just to tease me. Worse was the fact that I didn’t even have biology on Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, or Thursdays… so I wouldn’t be seeing her for a while. Unless… I went to her office.

I understood that going to her office to speak to her was a bold and perhaps risky move, but I could easily cover my tracks by pretending to have a biology question. Hell, I didn’t even know if she would be there, considering she was a cover teacher and all. Nonetheless, I made my way up the stairs and down the corridor of the first floor, peering in through the glass panes of a double door. Her office was empty, and in my desperate state, I decided to try the staff room.

Bingo. Not only was she inside, but she was alone. And wearing the same outfit from yesterday, which was a plus. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

She smiled as she opened the door, “Ah, Daniel. How can I help you?” she held the door wider, “Come inside.”

I stepped into the staff room - really just a repurposed classroom, with the tables arranged in a U-shape -  waiting until she had closed the door before I started speaking. “I just wanted to apologise for yesterday, Miss Vixen. I’m so sorry, it was an accident.” I spoke slowly, watching carefully for her reaction. 

She furrowed her brow, “What are you…Oh.” she said, smiling again. She leaned against a desk, long legs straight and crossed before her, hands curled around the edge of the table. She tilted her head at me, “That was you?” she lowered her voice to a whisper, “The person who sent me a video of a tiny penis?”

That was it. No more games.

“It’s not tiny!” I said, “It’s average.”

She shrugged, “I suppose it’s all subjective. It looked rather small to me.”

“Yes, well, it looks bigger in person.”

She met my gaze with glittering blue eyes, “Prove it.” she said. 

Her words caught me by surprise. I hesitated and glanced towards the door - it opened at that instant. Mr Benson, a balding, portly teacher entered, cup of coffee in hand. He looked between the two of us for a moment. Luckily, I had not yet pulled down my pants.

“Good morning,” he said, before taking a seat at the table. He smiled at Miss V for a second too long, and felt almost bad for the man - he had no chance with her, not at his age. But then I considered any onlooker would’ve said the same about me. Who was to say she wasn’t fucking every guy she came across? The thought made me uncomfortable. Honestly, I wanted all her attention to myself. It was only fair, she took up enough of mine. 

“An eager student, eh?” Mr Benson said, gesturing towards me. 

“Eager, yes,” Miss V said, “but falling behind recently, if Mr Harding is to be believed.”

Mr Benson eyed me, “Is that so? I’ve heard good things about you from the other teachers, Damian.”

“Daniel,” I corrected him.

“It’s nothing to worry about, he’s an intelligent young man.” Miss V said, meeting my gaze, “When he wants something, he works hard to get it. Isn’t that right?”

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 I had to stop myself from smiling as I said, “Yes, Miss.”

“There will be a revision session later this week. I’ll send out the details.”

“Sure,” I said, “can’t wait.” I headed for the door, flashing her one last smile before leaving, “Thanks, Miss.”

“Don’t mention it,” she said, “a good teacher is always happy to help.”

I’m not sure if it was her playful tone, her smile, or the fact that she had been leaning forwards on the table with her top button undone so I could just see her cleavage, but I left the staff room with tighter pants than when I’d entered it. 

The college day (well, half-day, really) passed by slowly, much like everything had since yesterday. As we had learnt in class not long ago, the primary objective for all organisms is to reproduce, and it looked like my monkey mind had placed the utmost importance on impregnating Miss V. Which was not surprising, but it was annoying. I couldn’t think about anything else without my thoughts gradually returning to her. When it became unbearable, I texted her on Snap to ask about that revision session she’d mentioned. After yesterday’s dick video fiasco, I wasn’t expecting a reply at all. A few hours later, when my phone buzzed with a new notification, I didn’t dare to hope, but it was her, alright. And… 

She had simply sent a picture of the revision session timetable from the college website. Even in my hormone-induced obsession, I found that pretty funny. I was sure she was teasing me now. She was so lively in person, so attentive. Though I’d been single for the past two years, I knew how to tell if a woman was interested, and even disregarding the whole bus ride situation, she had been giving me fuck-me eyes throughout our entire conversation today. Well, they were more like the I’m-gonna-sit-on-you-and-ride-your-face kinda eyes, but I digress. I’d be happy with either. Or both. God, both would be so good. 

Anyway, the point is, now that I knew the game she was playing, I wasn’t going to give in so easily. Yesterday I had been too direct, maybe that’s why she hadn’t replied. So today I was going to play it subtle. I texted her back a few minutes later:

That’s great, Miss, but is it possible we could do a 1:1 session? I’m really struggling with some of these topics.

She replied soon after:

I’d love to help you out, Daniel, but I’ve got a very busy week ahead of me. I’ve got a lot of work to get done early, since I’m visiting the aquarium on Saturday. 

I stared at that text for a long time. I was sure she had mentioned her Saturday plans for a reason, but I didn’t want to presume. The aquarium, though? That was out of the ordinary. Well, she was new to the city… But maybe she had picked the aquarium for other reasons.

The aquarium? 

I asked, simply. 

Yes, I managed to get a hold of two free tickets. 

There it was. She had given me the bait. I immediately knew what to say next.

Come to think of it, a lot of the biology spec covers marine life. Do you mind if I have that second ticket? It would supplement my learning.

Of course. I’ll hand it to you after the lesson on Friday.

I was a little unsure how to reply to that, but was saved the trouble when she added:

By the way, I think the best time to go to the aquarium is about 10AM. It’s not too busy right after opening. 

Oh, I see. Thanks, Miss.

I replied, grinning. It was a date, I was sure it was. She just didn’t want to come out and say it. And so, the wait for Saturday began.

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