My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 4: Chapter Four – Unbuttoning

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I loitered behind after the last bell rang on Friday, packing my things very slowly. I pretended to drop a pen, curse, then reach down to pick it up. By the time I straightened up again, the classroom was empty. Miss V and I were alone. 

“A convincing display,” she smiled, still sitting at her desk, “I’m starting to think I can trust you.”

I returned her smile, “As I said, I can be discreet. Besides, why would I want to tell anyone?”

She shrugged, “Boys like to brag.”

She was right. I had to admit that I’d considered telling Andrew that I’d got Miss V’s snap, and we had a date coming up on Saturday. Or at least I thought we did. It was close enough. “True,” I lowered my voice, “but I know, if word was to get out, it would damage your career.”

“Damage it? It would destroy it.” she said, turning from the computer to face me. Even from this angle, the white screen was reflected in her rounded glasses. I remember thinking those glasses were far too cute and fluffy for a woman so sharp. “Which is why I needed something on you, and I’m glad you gave it to me.”

I took a step towards her, “Sorry, what? Something on me?”

She glanced towards the door, then raised her phone. It took me a moment to decipher the dark shapes moving on screen… and then I realised it was my video. The one I’d sent her while jerking off. She had recorded it with a different phone, and then clicked on my profile to clearly show my Snap username. If she wanted to make a fuss about it, anyone would be able to verify it was my video. If word got out, it would cause problems with universities, hell, even jobs

Cold fear seeped into my chest. It must’ve shown on my face, because her expression softened and she put her phone away. “Don’t worry, no one’s going to see that. Here’s the deal.” her eyes flickered to the door again, then back to me, “I like you, Danny. You amuse me. Your cute face. Your wiry frame. Your boldness, your awkwardness, your…” her lips curled into a smile, “passionate pursuit of me. Maybe we can take this further. Maybe we can have a little fun. Do you want that, Danny?”

Despite the tension in my chest, the dim lighting of the room and her soft, quiet voice were creating tension elsewhere. Her eyes moved down my body, and her smile widened for a second, then she took a breath and her composure returned. 

“Well, I think I can see your answer. It’s pressed against your trousers, after all.” Her expression turned serious, “But if you don’t want this, that’s okay, too. You give me your phone, I give you mine. I delete myself from your Snap, you delete that video. But,” she raised a finger with a painted, maroon nail, “after that, none of this. I will treat you like a regular student, and anything you try that crosses that line, I will report.” She folded her hands one over the other on the desk, “Is that clear?”

I nodded, taking a deep breath. It wasn’t what I’d thought. She wasn’t going to report me, or blackmail me into doing something horrific. She was just covering her own tracks. It was clever actually, and overkill considering I was already sold the moment she said have a little fun.

“So?” she prompted, a lazy smile on her face. 

“I was just here for my ticket to the aquarium,” I said, shrugging, “I think I’ll be going there at 10AM tomorrow.”

Her face broke into a grin, then she contained herself, taking on her usual haughty, amused expression. Her right hand found the second button of her red shirt, undoing it in one swift motion. Then the third. Then the fourth. A red lace bra curved around the lower half of her full breasts, and I could just barely see a folded piece of paper between them. She pulled it out with two fingers.

  “Here you are,” she said, holding it out to me, “enjoy your trip. Never know who you might bump into.”

I reached out to take it from her, my gaze still transfixed on her chest. Had she really thought there was a chance I didn’t want this? I practically had no choice. My body compelled me to be close to her, to touch her, to be inside her…

“Thank you,” I said, putting the ticket in my pocket. She gave me a charming smile, buttoning up her shirt again.

“You should go,” she said, gesturing towards the door. She added softly, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Something in her tone just melted me all the way through. I wanted to kiss her goodbye - her lips, her hand, whatever - but didn’t know how appropriate that was at that moment. So I just smiled, mumbled, “Sure, bye,” and dragged myself out of the room. It was a real effort. I wanted to stay there, even if she was just working the whole time, typing away at her computer. I would watch her working for hours if it meant that she’d smile at me once. And I’d be willing to negotiate on the smile part. 

I had to remind myself that it’d help pass the time until Saturday to convince myself to study that night. When I slept, my dreams were varied, presented in various shades of red.



I arrived at the aquarium - an old, weathered structure - about twenty minutes early, only then realising we had never decided on a meeting place. So I just loitered about the entrance, wondering again if she would show up. There was no doubt in my mind anymore that she was interested in me, perhaps not as desperately as I was in her, but interested, nonetheless. Still, I couldn’t help wondering if this was all some big joke, some hilarious prank, because it was all so unreal. I had half-convinced myself she wouldn’t show, when I heard the clat-clat-clat of boots on my left. I turned and drew in a breath. 

I had expected her to look good (it was difficult for someone like her not to), but I hadn’t been prepared for her to look this good. I was suddenly embarrassed about my plain outfit of shirt and jeans. She was wearing white instead of red, surprisingly. Even the mask covering half of her face was white. Something closer to a bra than a crop-top contained her full chest. A mini-skirt hugged her wide hips, scandalously short, showing off most of her long, toned, legs. Her bare thighs narrowed into curved, shapely calves, which led to her signature boots. 

I shut my drooling mouth and raised my eyes back up to her face again, “Hi,” I said, lost for words.

She looked at me with smiling blue eyes, “Come, now. It’s rude to stare.” she said.

I was about to ask why she was wearing a mask, when I realised what it was exactly we were doing. A teacher and a student, going on a date. Hardly a situation where you wanted to be recognised in public. 

“Good thinking,” I said, digging in my pocket for my own mask. I was about to put it on, when she put her hand on mine. Her skin was soft. 

“Don’t,” she said, “I want to see your face.”

“Yes, Miss.” I said slowly. The formalities were hardly required in a situation like this, but I had a feeling she enjoyed being called Miss. She was someone who liked being in control, leading me along like a dog on a leash. I understood that power - how intoxicating it was. I’d been the one holding the leash once, and it hadn’t ended well. I was glad she was taking control.

“Well, shall we?” she said, gesturing towards the entrance. I nodded and we entered, showing our tickets at the front desk. The man at the counter looked between the two of us - a skinny guy with a magazine model - before scanning our tickets and gesturing towards a doorway on his right. 

Through the door, down a corridor, and then we were surrounded by large tanks of water on either side, taking up the entire wall, casting a blue glow over the dimly lit room. Various species of fish cut their way through the water effortlessly, moving at a leisurely pace. The bottom of the tank had some imitation of a rocky seafloor, complete with things like starfish and (probably artificial) coral. 

“How do fish breathe, Danny? It’s on the spec.”

I grinned, “Water has a higher concentration of oxygen than the blood of the fish. When water passes over the gills, oxygen diffuses into the blood.”

“Good boy.” she smiled, putting a hand on my shoulder. I tingled all over. We moved further into the aquarium, where some of the larger species were on display. Namely, sharks, and lots of them. We observed them in silence for a long time before Miss V spoke.

“Did you know sharks reproduce via internal fertilisation? The male shark has to deposit his genetic material deep inside the female shark to fertilise her eggs. As you may think, this is quite difficult to do underwater, especially when you have fins instead of hands.”

I decided to say something rather bold, “I feel like I could deposit my genetic material inside a female without using my hands.”

Miss V smiled, turning to me, “Naughty boy,” she leaned in, whispering, “we’ll have to test that theory.”

“Um…” I could feel myself growing hard in my pants. Then someone else entered the room, and I quickly changed the topic, “Do you think they enjoy it? Sharks, I mean?”

She shrugged, “Most animals don’t. But they’re compelled to seek it out, nonetheless.”

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“The species must survive. Seems like everything in nature is just a way of getting a potential mate’s attention.”

“I suppose so. But the more intelligent the species, the more it becomes a struggle of finding not just any mate, but the right mate.”

I turned to her, hesitant, “That reminds me. I was wondering why you’re single.” She raised an eyebrow. “I mean, assuming you are. I just… don’t take you for the type to cheat.”

“Who said it’s cheating? I could be in an open relationship.”

“Well… true.”

“But you’re right. I am single. Why? Well, the more intelligent the species…” I nodded, and she broke into her high, musical laugh, “I’m kidding, Danny. I’m not all that clever. But I am a very picky woman, and…” she trailed off, shrugged, then turned to me, “Well, what about you? You’re attractive. Well-spoken. Intelligent. If I haven’t lost my sense for these things, at least a couple of the girls in class have got their eyes on you. Why are you single?”

At once, my mind turned to my ex, Katy. She had fucked up my life bigtime, but I guessed that wasn’t really first-date conversation material.  “Same, I guess. And I haven’t really noticed anyone obviously interested in me.”

We began to walk again, approaching the end of the aquarium. It was a small, community-funded thing, mostly to attract the occasional tourists. 

“You’re too timid,” Miss V said, “I can tell. Despite what I said on the bus, you were hesitant. I made it very clear I was interested, but you didn’t ask for my number.”

“I thought you were just messing around.”

“I was. But still,” she smiled, “that day when you got my Snap, that was bold. That was hot.”

I smiled, shaking my head, “That terrified me.”

“Do you find me intimidating?”

I thought for a moment, “All beautiful women are intimidating. Because you want to impress them so badly.” Miss V didn’t reply, and I was in my thoughts now, so I continued, “A beautiful woman forces you to hold up a mirror to yourself. She’s beautiful, but what do you have to offer? Why would you be worthy of her attention? And that’s what’s intimidating.”

“I know what you mean.” Miss V said, “But never let a beautiful woman make you doubt yourself. Take it from me, beneath all the makeup, the surgeries, the diets and the gruelling workouts, there is really just a woman who most likely wants the same things that you do. Love. Intimacy. Someone who appreciates her beauty, yes, but doesn’t require it. Someone who can see her as a thinking, feeling person, and not just a toy for their amusement.” she smiled, “Although, for some people, being a toy is precisely what they desire.”

I caught her drift, smiling again, “For some people, that might be my desire too.”

She laughed, “You are too cute. I feel bad messing with you like this.”

I shrugged, “I’m not under the impression this will turn into anything more than a fling, right?”

She seemed almost embarrassed by the question, “No… as cute as you are, I think we both know anything serious would be… impractical.”

I nodded. She was maybe a decade older than me, and a teacher at my college. “I hope that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun… on a purely friendly basis, of course.” I teased.

“Friendly?” she grabbed my forearm and pulled me towards herself, her lips close against my ear, “You’re my pet, don’t forget that, Danny.”

I looked up at her with carefree, innocent eyes, trying to contain my smile, “Yes, Miss.”

Having had our fill of looking at the octopus, squids and crabs, we came out into a small cafe that, like most of the aquarium, was fairly isolated. 

“Hungry?” Miss V asked.

“Not really, I’ve had breakfast. What about you, Miss?”

“I could use a cola.”

A bored looking woman at the counter brightened when she saw us approaching. Her excitement quickly faded when she realised our entire order consisted of one can of Coke. We took a seat in a corner of the cafe. Miss V sat with one leg crossed over the other, popping the top of the can before taking a generous gulp. I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed seeing her face until she’d removed her mask just now. She held the can out to me,

“Want a taste, Danny?”

“Thanks, Miss.” I said. After what she’d said earlier, I was happy to act as obedient and submissive as possible. I took a small sip of the cola and handed it back to her. Her sharp blue eyes scanned the cafe before she raised the can for another gulp. Only this time, it missed her lips. A trickle of cola poured from the can, running down her collarbones and under her top. 

“Damn,” she said, looking down at her ample chest. Then she looked at me, smiling, “be a good boy and clean this up, will you, Danny?” 

She handed me some tissues. I knew what she wanted me to do - the cola had only fallen on her, not the table - but in a public place like this? It was risky. I glanced over my shoulder - there was one other person in the cafe, facing away from us. The woman at the counter was no longer there, probably having decided that she’d rather rest her feet than stand around.

So I took the tissues and stood up, stepping around the table to take up position behind her. Wary eyes fixed on the counter should the woman return, I gently pressed the tissues against Miss V’s skin, starting at her collarbones then moving lower, until I was pressing against the softness of her upper breasts, where her top began. 

“I think some of it got under there… thank God I’m not wearing a bra.” she said, quietly. I could hear the smirk in her voice, “Feel free.”

I threw another cautious glance around the cafe, but the situation hadn’t changed. I used one hand to lift her top, giving me a breathtaking view of her chest from above, two large curves, deliciously round, touching in the middle. I slipped beneath her top, running my hand against each of her soft breasts, pressing down hard on her nipples. They were stiff, much like myself. I heard a door open, and noticed movement behind the counter. 

I pulled my hand out of her top and returned to my seat immediately, tissues still in hand, my heart racing. Fondling Miss V’s gorgeous tits and nearly getting caught doing it? That was too much stimulation for the span of a few minutes. She adjusted her top, an amused expression on her face. Her hand fell on my arm as she leaned over the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Danny, that was so naughty.” she whispered, “I want more. I want your tongue on my nipples. Do you want that?”

“Yes,” I said, already salivating at the thought of it, “Yes please, Miss.”

“Hmm,” she adjusted her top again, and I realised it must be a way to make the fabric rub against her nipples, “Is it too risky?” she wondered aloud, then her eyes met mine and she grinned, “You know what, I don’t care. Get your phone out, turn your data on. Keep an eye on Snap.” she said, then she pushed her chair back and stood up, heading down the corridor on our right that led to the toilets. I waited anxiously, having some idea of where this was going, but not as much of an idea as I would’ve liked. The picture she snapped me a minute later alleviated all my doubts. She was pulling on her top, showing off most of her tits. The caption read:

The stall at the end in the women’s toilets. Don’t let me start without you xoxo

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