My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 5: Chapter Five – Titillation

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I stared at the snap for a minute. The women’s toilets? Getting caught in there would be embarrassing as hell and would probably get me banned from the aquarium, if not pummelled by outraged middle-aged women. But a chance to play with Miss V’s tits was too good to give up, so I promptly stood up and made my way down the corridor. 

I walked quickly, throwing a glance over my shoulder before I ducked into the women’s toilets at the end of the corridor. They were empty, thank God. The stall at the end had the door with peeling paint closed, but unlocked. Miss V ushered me inside as I pushed it open, then locked it behind me. We were close together in the small cubicle, reminding me of that day on the bus that had started all of this. She put an arm around me, holding me close to her soft chest. She smelled flowery but not artificial, like a spring field grown wild. 

“You want to play with my tits, Danny?” she whispered, looking down at me.

“Yes please, Miss.” I replied, moving my hips a little to press my bulge against her thighs. She smiled at that, her hand moving from my shoulder across my chest and down my torso, until she grabbed my crotch, squeezing it. I let out a gasp, leaning into her.

“Let’s see how much you want your owner.” she smirked. Both her hands found the top of my jeans. Then they were unbuttoned, and the zip yanked downwards. I stood in my grey boxers, pitching a mighty tent, my cock so hard it ached. Miss V lowered my boxers slowly. My cock sprung out, thick and throbbing, pointing towards the ceiling. 

“Oh my,” she said, smiling as she looked down at it. “It does look bigger in person, Danny.” She gave it a flick with one finger, causing a brief shock of pleasure to run through my body, “Mmm, so thick and so hard. I want you to stroke it while you suck on my tits. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss.” I said. She didn’t need to tell me twice. 

“Now,” she met my gaze, reaching for her top. Her tits, full and heavy, fell out of her top as she pulled it over her head. “Show Miss what you can do.”

I took a moment just to admire her naked torso. Her tits were large but perky, aroused pink nipples pointed either side of me. Her stomach was toned, her waist tight. I ran my hands over her breasts, stroking her soft skin. Then I squeezed them, hard. She may have let out a small gasp, or it may have been my own. I squeezed them again, harder this time. I loved the feel of them in my hands - their weight, their soft texture, their underlying firmness. 

“You like my tits, Danny?” she whispered.

“Oh, I love them, Miss.” 

“Good boy,” she said, her hand stroking my hair. Then, with surprising strength, she forced my head down onto her nipple, “Suck my nipples like the little toy you are. Stroke your little cock while you do.”

“Yes, Miss,” I said. This new side to her excited me, and I was happy to oblige. I leaned in and ran my tongue over the stiff bead that was her nipple, one hand on her waist to steady myself, the other starting to run up and down the length of my cock. She hadn’t reacted to my licking, so I took her whole nipple in my mouth, sucking on it hard, drawing it into my mouth. That earned a gasp, and she tugged on my hair, her other hand slipping beneath her skirt. 

I did the same to her other nipple, taking the entire thing into my mouth. She had begun to moan now - not the loud, obnoxious moans you hear in porn, but soft, almost whimpering moans. By the rapid movement of her arm, I could only guess she was rubbing her clit beneath her skirt, and fast. Hearing her moan for me only turned me on more. I loved her quiet, almost embarrassed moans. I savoured each one, just like I savoured her nipples, sucking on them hungrily. My other hand moved over my cock, but I was barely aware of it - Miss V stole my whole attention. 

Her chest began to rise and fall rapidly. Her moans became louder and more frequent… and I knew I wanted nothing more than to make her cum. 

“Please cum for me, Miss.” I said, looking up at her with wide, pleading eyes. 

Her face flushed, her arched eyebrows flattened, drawn together, her mouth open slightly, her breathing rapid.

“You… want that, Danny?” she whispered, stroking my face with one hand. I took it in mine, nodded, then began to suck on her warm fingers, taking both her index and middle fingers into my mouth. A smile flashed across her face before it was interrupted by a gasp and a moan. 

“Please, cum for me. Cum for your little toy.” I prompted again, this time craning my neck to whisper the words in her ear. I stopped stroking myself - I didn’t care anymore if I came or not, I just wanted her to reach that bliss. My hands ran over her body, settled on her breasts. I squeezed them hard and pinched her nipples, eliciting a gasp, while I began to work my way down to them again, kissing at her neck, then her collarbones. Her moans grew louder with every kiss. The arm that disappeared beneath her skirt was moving even faster now, and she was moving her hips along with it - she was close, I could tell that much. 

I sucked on her nipples with newfound vigour, always making sure my fingers twisted and teased the nipple I wasn’t sucking on. I ran my tongue over them, lapped at them like a dog. My mind was strangely empty, nothing existed anymore except Miss V, and there was nothing more important than making sure she came.  She was moaning rapidly now, one after the other, and they were louder than ever before. “Look up at me, Danny.” she said, and I did so, a small smile on my face. 

The slow creak of the toilet door opening reached the cubicle. 

“Oh shit-” I started, but I didn’t get to finish, because Miss V had pulled me into a kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth, muffled moans escaping her mouth in the places where our lips didn’t meet. It wasn’t my first kiss, and I returned her passion confidently, hands still groping her breasts. With our bodies pressed together, I could feel the force of her hips as she moved against her fingers. She moaned into my mouth one last time, and then her body relaxed, and she pulled back. 

We gazed into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity after that. Even though it was her who had orgasmed, I felt like it had been me instead - a familiar sense of calm washed over me. There was the sound of scraping metal from the cubicle next to us, followed by running water, as someone hummed, washing their hands. Then they left, and we were alone again. 

“I’m so sorry,” Miss V said quietly, looking down at the ground. “I shouldn’t have kissed you. It was inappropriate.”

For a moment, I was confused. Inappropriate? How could kissing be more inappropriate than what we’d been doing anyway? But then I understood. Sucking on tits, groping, stroking each other. That was all sexual. Kissing, and especially in the hungry manner we’d done it in, was inherently romantic for some people.

I shrugged and smiled, “Don’t be sorry, Miss. I enjoyed it.” I took her left hand, the one she’d been using to rub her clit, and raised it to my lips. I could smell her on it - a strong smell, a mixture of sweet and sour. A pale coating covered a few of her fingers. I made sure to look her in the eyes as I ran my tongue over each one slowly, licking them clean. The taste was rather sharp, and not especially pleasant, but the fact that it had come from inside her made me crave it.

“You’re such a good boy, Danny.” she said, smiling again. Her hand found my cock, and her fingers wrapped around it. I shivered at her touch, my cock growing stiff again. “Thank you for that.” she continued, “I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in a long time. You deserve a reward.”

The toilet door opened again, and the cubicle next to us was taken. Honestly, I was kind of exhausted at this point and if Miss V was going to jerk me off, I wanted it done properly - not in some neglected stall in the aquarium toilets. 

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“Thank you,” I smiled, “but some other time.”

Miss V raised her eyebrows, “Did I just hear you refuse a handjob, Danny? I wouldn’t have thought it possible.”

“And I wouldn’t have thought it possible for a woman like you to moan like that-” She swatted at my shoulder, and I held in my laughter as the cubicle next to us was unlocked, and someone began to wash their hands. “For the record, I loved your moans. I swear. They turned me on so much.”

“Shut your mouth.” Miss V said, but she couldn’t completely extinguish the smile lighting up her face. 

Once the person outside had left, I nodded towards the door, “We should go, I think this place is getting busier. Wait-” I leaned in, planting a kiss on each of her nipples, “Until next time,” I said solemnly, to her chest. 

“Aw, they appreciate that.” Miss V said, pulling on her top. 

“And what about you, do you appreciate that?”

She tilted her head, smiled at me, “More than you know.”

Oh God. I was going to faint.

She reached for the cubicle lock, “I’ll go first and text you when the coast is clear. Got it?”

“Yes, Miss.” I said, like a soldier taking an order from his general. She smiled again, then left the cubicle. 

We left the aquarium soon after, and I walked Miss V to her car. 

“Was that the first time you’ve touched a woman, Danny?” she wondered aloud, as we made our way around the building to the car park. 

“No…” I thought of days of staying out late, and having Katy sneak me into her bedroom. I hadn’t known then what a mistake I was making. “I’ve, uh, dated someone before.”

“Of course. When? What happened?”

“A couple years ago. It ended badly.”

Miss V only nodded, taking out her keys from her bag as we approached her sleek white car, “I’m sorry about that. My last relationship ended the same way.” I was still thinking of a reply to that when she pulled me into a hug, her breasts pressed against me. I put my arms around her too, her slender torso, the bare back beneath where her top ended. “I had fun today.” she whispered into my ear.

“Not as much as I did, I bet.”

“You should take care of yourself.”

“Don’t worry, I do.”

“I know. But I meant…” her hand slithered down my body, grabbing me by the balls. She squeezed them gently, “How much longer can you hold it in?”

I gasped at her touch, my hard cock straining against the fabric of my trousers, “Not much longer,” I admitted.

“Good,” she said, pulling back and opening the car door, “go home and take care of it. I want to watch when you finish. Consider that your… homework.” the corner of her lips twitched upwards at the word. “Understood?” 

“Yes, Miss.” I said. She flashed one last charming smile, ducking into her car. I headed down the road, adjusting my trousers to better hide my boner. Although it was very likely that pretty much everyone working in the aquarium today had seen my desperate bulge as I followed Miss V around. By the time I’d caught the bus home, I was already thinking of where we should go next. There were a couple good movies out, and a new Indian restaurant opening in town. Maybe somewhere further away, like the countryside or a hiking trail. If she taught biology, she would probably enjoy a date in nature-

I paused in thought, locking the door behind me as I entered my empty home. A date in nature. Somehow between yesterday and today, the word date had taken on a new meaning. Before I had used it flippantly, just to describe us meeting up. Now, it held some weight. It had romantic connotations. I had to remind myself we’re not dating, just having a little fun. But I also had to admit that I felt more attraction towards her in  both body and mind, than I’d ever felt for Katy… and God knows I was once head over heels for her. 

Over the course of the next week, we spent a lot of time together. Well, not in person, since that would be kinda difficult with her packed schedule and all. But we texted a lot and even called once, late at night, talking about little things until we fell asleep. She seemed rather embarrassed by it in the morning, but I was ecstatic. Miss V dominated my mind now, I could hardly focus on anything else unless she gave me a direct order to study or workout or something. In a way, I knew we were getting uncomfortably close for two people supposedly just having a little fun. But I ignored it. 

And so, when the blow struck, it hurt all the more.

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