My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven – Relapse

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Over the past few weeks, I had forgotten how boring biology with Mr Harding was. Sure, it was  just revision. And yes, it was hard to compete with a woman like Miss V, who looked like God had created her one-handed. But everything about Mr Harding exuded boredom - not that I blame him necessarily. He was very vocal about his regrets in life, and becoming a teacher was one of them. I was almost certain his ‘illness’ had just been an excuse to take an early holiday. Luckily, he quickly set us off on independent revision, and I spent the rest of the lesson making mind-maps and doing practice questions. That is, until about quarter-to, when my excitement became too much for me to focus. 

This time, when the bell rang, I was the first out the class. Down the stairs, and turning into the corridor on my left. The last classroom on the right-hand side was Miss V’s now, and… it was empty. I took a seat by the front of the room, something I would never do in any of my other classes. The door opened and Miss V entered, heels clacking against the floor. “Sorry I’m late,” she said, then paused, halfway to her desk, turning to look at me properly. “Ah. Daniel.” her expression remained neutral as she took a seat at her desk, “It seems you’re the only one who showed up.”

“Just eager to learn, Miss.” I smiled my best innocent smile. 

She tilted her head forward to look at me over her glasses, “No doubt you are. When I was in highschool, I was a lot like you, Daniel. Studious. Dedicated to my studies.” she shrugged, “It got me the grades, but it meant no one invited me to prom.”

My jaw dropped, “No one asked you to prom? Were they blind?”

She smiled, “I was a late bloomer.”

“I’d take you to prom. It might raise a few eyebrows, though.”

“That’s sweet, Danny.” She paused, as if she’d just spotted something interesting in the distance, “My apologies. Daniel.”

I groaned, “Look, I’ve been thinking, Miss V. We don’t have to end it right now.”

She replied without a second’s hesitation, “Of course not. But I’m trying to spare you some pain.”

“Well, maybe I don’t mind the pain. The best things and the worst, the things that have meaning, are always painful.”

Miss V smiled, “You really are infatuated with me, aren’t you, Danny? I have no doubt someone like you could have your pick of any of the girls in this college. But you keep drooling over me.” 

“Those girls don’t want anything real,” I muttered, “they just want the label of a relationship. And, when it ends, a story to tell at lunchtime.”

Miss V smiled, “And you expect me to believe you want something real with me? That you’re not just hopelessly excited by the sight of me?” 

I hesitated, “Well… of course, that does play into it. But I find you interesting beyond that. I’d like to get to know you. Even if we don’t… you know, do anything like that.”

“Well, there may not be enough time left for that. I’m leaving in about a week.”

Fuck. She was right, she had just a week left now.

I sighed, “Yeah.”

“And I still think you’re just a horny boy looking for some fun.” Miss V said playfully, shrugging, “But, luckily for you, I don’t mind.”

I shook my head, “It’s not like that. It’s more… It’s more like a friends with benefits situation, okay?” I ended lamely, aware that it didn't sound much better. 

“Oh, so we’re friends now?”

I nodded, “With benefits.”

“But aren’t friends interested in each other’s company even when they’re not aroused?”

I let out a groan, “I am! I could jerk off right now and the post-nut clarity wouldn’t change a thing. If you were a man, you would understand how special that is.”

Miss V laughed, and I smiled in return. I’d missed that sound.

“No, no, I understand. I just don’t believe you.” she met my gaze, and this time, her eyes were sparkling again. Playful. “You make some good points, Danny. But would you be saying the same after you… finish? I’m not sure. You’ll have to prove it to me.”

“Now?” I said, glancing nervously at the door. She stood up, strode over to the door and locked it. 

 Without a word, she returned to her desk, beckoning me forward with a finger. Something about the look on her face told me she was just as desperate for this as I was. I must’ve impressed her during our bathroom break in the aquarium. The thought made me glow with pride. 

“Yes, Miss.” I said, making my way behind the desk. It was only when I was there, standing before her, that I realised I had no idea what she wanted me to do. So I  just stood there, shifting my weight between my feet. Miss V remained seated on her chair, her eyes moving from my face down to the throbbing bulge in my pants. A shiver ran down my spine as her eyes returned to mine, a smirk playing on her lips. 

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“Well, don’t keep me waiting, boytoy.” she said, laying a hand on my crotch. Her fingers found my zipper, snapped it downwards. My trousers fell to my ankles, my hard cock clearly outlined against the thin fabric of my boxers. Miss V ran one finger from the base of my cock to the tip. She looked up at me with those endlessly tempting blue eyes, shining behind her cute, rounded glasses. 

“Shall I take them off, Danny?” she asked, stroking my boxers.

“Yes, Miss.” I said, holding her gaze. 

“What’s the magic word?”

“Yes please, Miss.” 

“Hmm,” her fingers slipped beneath the waistband of my boxers. Then my cock was free and harder than ever, just inches from her face. I wanted to take her by the hair, push myself inside her mouth, see her sweet lips wrapped around my throbbing cock… as if reading my mind, Miss V asked, “are you always such a good boy, Danny?”

I chuckled, “No, Miss. I’m usually quite the opposite.” 

“I thought so,” she spat into her hand before grasping my cock and rubbing her saliva all over it, working from tip to base. I let out an involuntary gasp, which made her smile and look up at me. “Do you think about using me, Danny? About bending me over, spanking me and tearing my tight, wet pussy apart?” 

“Yes, Miss.” I gasped, and she began to move faster, gripping my cock tightly with one hand. I hadn’t noticed before that her other hand had slipped beneath her skirt. 

“Is that what you want to do to me? Use me like your fucktoy?”

“I… yes please, Miss.” I said, struggling to get coherent words out. She had slowed down, spat into her hand and started working in a twisting motion, taking her time, running over every inch of my desperate cock. I could feel myself tensing, that familiar feeling building up inside me. She let out a moan, the hand under her skirt moving furiously now, just like the hand pleasuring me. 

“Danny,” she said, looking up at me with half-lidded eyes, “you should know…” Her hand moved faster, and she let out another moan. I wasn’t sure I could hold it in any longer - I almost backed away, not wanting to stain her clothes and the classroom floor. But I knew even that slight motion would finish me off now. “Danny,” she said again, as her hand polished my swollen, throbbing head. She looked up at me, her expression hungry, desperate, like that time in the bathroom stalls, “I want that too. I want you to use me.” she said, in a voice just above a whisper. But to me those words rang out as clear as a schoolbell, they passed right through me, along with thoughts I’d often touched myself to before - thoughts of pinning her arms behind her back, pulling on her hair, teasing the last bit of cum out of her trembling wet pussy. 

That, along with the fact that Miss V had pressed her lips against the tip of my cock, and was now looking up at me with half-lidded eyes, made me gasp and thrust myself into the warmth of her throat. I felt my entire body tense, spasm, as I filled her mouth with several rounds of thick, warm cum. Miss V swallowed, took a breath, and licked my tip clean in one swift motion. She glanced towards the door, checking her watch, “Clothes on, Danny.”

“What?” I asked, still coming back to my senses. Then I remembered where we were. “Oh, yeah, sure.” I said, pulling my trousers back on. Miss V looked down at her hands - one was absolutely covered in saliva, the other had just a bit of her discharge on it. 

“Did you finish, Miss?”

She shook her head, glancing at the door again. “You’ll have to unlock the door for me,” she said, showing me her hands, “and then leave.” she said curtly.

“Is everything alright?” I asked. Something about her tone bothered me. 

She sighed, nodding, “I’m sorry, Danny. It’s just been a long time since I let anyone…” she gestured towards her mouth. 

“Did you not enjoy it?” I asked, feeling a little deflated. 

“I… did. It just brought back some memories.” she stared off into space for a moment, before flashing me a smile, “Okay? Don’t worry about it.”

 I nodded, returning her smile. On my way to the door, something occurred to me. 

“Hey, Miss V, if you’d like to, uh, come over,” I started, gesturing vaguely towards the door. Out loud, the words seemed ridiculous, “I’ve got the house to myself. We don’t have to have to do anything… like that,” I added hastily, not wanting for it to sound like a booty call, “We could watch something. Get some snacks. Better than spending Friday night alone, right?”

Miss V watched me for a moment, and I wondered if I had pushed my luck too far. But then she smiled, “So you do want to do things that don’t involve sex, how romantic.” she checked her watch again, “It’s risky…but I’d love to. We haven’t got long left, after all. And Friday night can get quite lonely.”

My heart fluttered in my chest, “Yes! I’ll write down my address-” I started, searching my pockets for a pen.

“Keep your voice down!” Miss V hissed, “And don’t worry about it. I could find you anywhere,” she said, giving me a wink. If my heart had been fluttering before, it was like a balloon let loose now. “You head on home, Danny. I’ll catch up with you.”

“Right, good idea. Have a good evening, Miss.” I said smugly, on my way out.

Miss V smiled, “Oh, I’m sure I will.”

If there hadn’t been a janitor still lurking around the college gates, I would’ve skipped my way to the bus stop. Never before had I been so happy to be on my way back to an empty house. It was usually a rather gloomy prospect, but it turned out it had its benefits. I’d almost forgotten, since I hadn’t had a girl over in years. Or anyone, really. And Miss V was much more than just anyone. I could hardly wait.

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