My Sexy Teacher

Chapter 8: Chapter Eight – Dessert

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I tossed some pasta in the microwave and set the table pretty much as soon as I stepped in through the door, expecting Miss V to show up any second. The pasta I had thrown together yesterday wasn’t exactly fine dining, but on such short notice, it would have to do. I paused at the cupboard, hesitating, then decided to dig out some candles too. Just a couple, for the centre of the table. I dimmed the lights and observed the result of my efforts, pleased. The candles definitely set the mood, casting a warm orange glow over the room. And then… I waited. For quite a while. It occurred to me Miss V had never actually specified when she would be arriving, which meant, among other things, that I might have to microwave the pasta again. 

The stout little candles had run half their length by the time Miss V knocked sharply on the front door. I jumped out of my seat at the sound, hastening to open the door. 

“Hello, Danny,” Miss V said, stepping inside and looking around. She gestured at her outfit, a plain white shirt with shorts, “I hope you don’t mind. I chose comfort over something fancy.”

I smiled, closing the door behind her, “Doesn’t make a difference to me. You’re still just as beautiful.” She held my gaze for a moment. I felt her hand brush the back of my head before I realised what was happening - then she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips met. I kissed her deeply, craning my neck upwards, holding her body close to mine. Separating for just a moment, before coming together again - this time her tongue in my mouth, one of her hands stroking the back of my neck. 

“Did you miss me, boytoy?” she asked, smiling down at me as we pulled away.

“You have no idea.” I said, planting another kiss on the corner of her mouth. 

She nodded, taking my hand in hers, “I missed you too, Danny.”

I was lost in her eyes again when I remembered the little dinner I’d set up. No doubt the pasta was ice-cold and rock-solid by now. “Um, this way,” I said, leading her towards the dining room. I quickly put the pasta in the microwave again, flashing her an awkward smile. “I’m sorry, it’s all I had leftover. And, you know, I thought there’d be no time to cook. Although, if I’d known you’d be arriving now, I could’ve put something together but-”

“Danny, don’t worry,” Miss V said, placing a shushing finger on my lips. “I’m sure the pasta is fine.”

I chuckled nervously, sitting down at the opposite end of the table to eat. Miss V jabbed a bit of pasta with her fork and popped it into her mouth. She smiled as she chewed, “Not bad,” she said, “Not bad at all.” 

We ate in silence for a moment, before Miss V chuckled, “Dinner with one of my students, at their house. I feel somewhat ashamed.”

“Hey, I’m old enough.” I protested.

Miss V shrugged, “True. And I was only your cover teacher. But don’t go thinking I do this all the time, Danny. I am a good teacher. This has only got so far because I know that I’m leaving soon, and the first time we met on that bus, I didn’t know you as a student. I saw you, and the desperate, anxious way you looked at me. I spoke to you, and heard the sweet pitch of your voice. And I thought, this is a boy I would like to…” she smiled, “dominate. To tease. You’re good at being my boytoy, Danny. And you enjoy it just fine. But that’s not who you are, I can tell. And, deep down, I’m no Mistress, either. Not completely, anyway. ” 

“You’re not?” was all I could manage to say. I had never met a woman who looked more like she enjoyed stepping on men and whipping them to orgasm. She had said something similar in the classroom too, while her mouth dripped with my cum, but I’d later dismissed it as meaningless dirty talk. The idea of Miss V being a sub was strange… and incredibly exciting. 

“Well, I’m all done,” Miss V smiled, pushing her plate away and stretching, the motion allowing her nipples to press against her shirt. “What now, Danny?”

I hadn’t thought this far ahead, so I just said the first thing that came to mind, “We could watch a movie. Got anything in mind?”

“Not especially.”

“How about Back to the Future?” I prompted. It was one of my favourite movies of all time, and, luckily, one I’d never watched with Katy. I’d made that mistake with The Dark Knight, and I couldn’t stand that movie anymore.

“A classic.” Miss V said, nodding, “Are you calling me old, Danny?”

“Well, Miss, you are my teacher.”

“Tsk,  tsk , don’t remind me.” 

I blew out the candles and led the way down the hall to the living room, crouching at the TV to insert the DVD. I took a neutral position on the main sofa, by the armrest, not sure if we were going to cuddle or if that was too much on the romantic side for Miss V. My doubts were alleviated when she sat down right next to me, pressing her body against mine, taking my right hand in her left. 

“Too close?” she asked, turning her blue eyes towards me. 

“Not close enough,” I whispered back with a small smile, as the movie began. Miss V gave my hand a squeeze. At some point during the movie, our hands separated and began to explore. Miss V ran her hand down my chest, coming to rest on my crotch, where a bulge was starting to form. I slipped under her shirt, feeling the smooth skin of her torso, before wrapping my hand around the soft curve of her breast. 

“You really don’t like bras, do you?” I asked, chuckling. 

“No woman does,” I gave her tit a squeeze, starting to rub my thumb over her nipple. She turned to me, a sigh escaping her lips, “Oh, Danny… you should really be paying attention. There’s a movie on.”

“I’ve seen it a million times. You’re the one who should be paying attention.”

“Hah, I grew up with this movie. And besides-” she let out a gasp as I pinched her nipple, pulling on it, “Oh… that was naughty, Danny.” 

I leaned in to kiss her, my hand under her shirt alternating between groping her and pinching and twisting her nipples. My other hand slipped beneath her shorts, and I found that she wasn’t wearing any underwear at all. Her pussy was warm and deliciously wet. I ran my fingers between her lips, gently stroking her clit at the top, before raising my hand to my lips to taste her. She watched me, a mischievous smile forming on her face. 

“You like it, Danny?”

I’d tasted her before, but somehow it was even better this time. “I love it, Miss.” 

“That’s a good boy.” She deftly removed her shorts and stood up, allowing me a precious moment to admire her bare legs and firm, round ass - the curve of her hips as they led into toned quads and calves. “Lie down.” she said, making a motion with her finger as if I was a trained dog. I did so, lying down so I was looking up at the ceiling. The movie played in the background, forgotten. Miss V stepped onto the sofa and began to lower herself towards me. I felt her weight on my chest, her legs coming either side of me, her amazing ass inches from my face. “Here’s dessert, Danny,” she said, as she arched her back, pushing her ass back towards my face, leaning forward, hands pushing down on my bulge. 

I barely had a chance to let out a gasp before I felt her warmth on my face, my lips suddenly wet, pressed against her desperate pussy. My tongue ran all the way from her clit to her tight hole in one motion. I repeated that, lapping at her pussy like a dog, lathering my tongue in her wetness, before slipping inside her for a moment, my tongue tensed as I tasted as deep inside her as I could go. Then I pulled out. I groped her ass, trying to take it all in my hands, before gently pushing two fingers deep inside her. My tongue worked her clit, flicking back and forth to the rhythm of her gasps. At some point, Miss V began to moan and move her hips, pushing her clit right up against my tongue. I could feel her getting closer, and I was getting excited too. I forgot myself for a moment and spanked her ass with my free hand. 

“Shit, sorry,” I muttered, when my lips were free from her for a moment. Miss V let out a moan of a different kind… one more subdued, gentle, even. 

“Fuck… harder,” she gasped, as she pushed my pants down to my knees, wrapping her cool hands around my hot, throbbing cock, before taking it all deep into her throat. I was so surprised for a moment that I stopped licking at her clit, and she responded by pressing her ass up against my face. I spanked her again, harder this time, then again, and again. She reached back, grabbing my hair with her free hand, forcing my tongue against her clit. Her other hand stroked up and down my shaft while she worked her tongue over the head. Her movements became faster, and as I spanked her again, she trembled, shivered…. then relaxed.

Miss V turned to face me, sitting on my chest, leaning over to plant a kiss on my cheek. “That was fantastic, Danny.”

“Yeah… for me too.”

“Want me to finish you off?” she said, moving backwards on the sofa until my cock was right in front of her face. She took it in one hand and slapped it against her lips. 

“You don’t have to, Miss.” I said, even as my desperate cock throbbed in her hand, “We’re even now.”

Miss V smiled and placed her lips on the tip of my cock. She lowered herself slowly, electric blue eyes fixed on me the whole time, and I watched my shaft disappear inside the warm confines of her throat, until her lips were all but kissing my swollen balls. She moved to pull back, but something in her gaze prompted me to reach up with one hand and take hold of her hair, keeping her head in place, and my cock balls-deep in her throat. 

She struggled against me, but only lightly, and then I knew exactly what she wanted. My grip on her hair tightened and I began to thrust into her wet throat, making sure I pushed myself as deep as possible each time, already desperately close. She was struggling harder now, trying to lift her head up, but I only pushed it down harder and thrusted into her faster. Miss V’s eyes were usually sharp, demanding… but now they became soft, pleading. I pulled out for a moment, allowing her to take one quick breath, before I slammed her head down onto my cock again, thrusting into her as hard, deep and fast as I could manage. 

I couldn’t hold it in any longer… my eyes never left hers as I pushed myself deep into her once again, letting out a gasp and a sigh as I felt my balls empty into her throat, my cock tensing and jerking inside her. Miss V didn’t pull back immediately, even when I let go of her hair. She swallowed slowly, her tongue against my shaft and then my tip, and when she pulled back, not a single drop of cum remained on my quivering cock. She said nothing, refusing to meet my eye. Suddenly, I was nervous - had I misinterpreted her gaze? Had I been too rough, too forceful? Then she smiled, running a hand through her hair. 

“I’ve missed that.”

“Did you like it?”

Miss V placed her head on my chest, looking up at me. “It’ll take some time to get used to again… but yes, Danny. I liked it.”

I smiled, kissing her forehead. Up close, she was even more stunning. On screen, Marty McFly began his performance of ‘Johnny B Goode’. I chuckled, “I love this part.”

Miss V placed a kiss on my chest, “Mm, the quiet after lovemaking? The soft embrace of spent lovers?” I tilted my head towards the screen, and Miss V laughed. “I guess I’ve always been a romantic.”

“Hey, I also love the quiet after lovemaking.” I said, kissing her ear. “And I love you.” I regretted the words immediately after they left my mouth, “I mean spending time with you. I love spending time with you.”

Miss V only smiled, turning towards the screen. 




“Going to sleep?” Miss V said, as she stepped out of the shower in nothing but a towel.

“Nah, not yet,” I said, watching as she changed into her nightgown - a silky red shift that just barely came down to her thighs, “I’m sorry there’s not much to do, we could put on another movie if you like?” 

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“It’s okay,” Miss V said, lying down next to me, “I’ve been up since five this morning. I don’t mind going to bed soon.”

“Oh, right. Well, my dad’s room has a bigger bed if you like.” 

“No, no, I like it here.” she said, placing a hand on my chest, “if you don’t mind.”

I smiled, “Of course not.”

Miss V leaned in to kiss me. I was certain that I’d never get used to it - of seeing her pretty face so close to mine, her lips parted ever so slightly while her eyelids drooped. Our lips met for just a moment, and then her head was resting on my shoulder again. 

“Still got fuel in the tank?” Miss V smiled, tilting her head towards the bulge forming in my boxers. I had been staring into her eyes so intently that I hadn’t even noticed. 

“Can you blame me?” I said, stroking her breasts through the cool fabric of her nightgown. My thumbs brushed over her nipples, which were at least as hard as I was. Miss V slipped a hand under my boxers, wrapping her fingers around my cock. 

“I just had a shower, Danny.”

“You could have another,” I said, pulling my boxers off and straddling her, “I’ll even join you.” Miss V laughed, meeting my eyes. Then her smile faded. 

“I’m not wearing any panties, Danny.” she said, in a voice just above a whisper. Her eyes dropped down to my cock for a moment, then back up to my eyes, her expression blank. What was that supposed to mean? Did she want me to…? 

I lifted up the hem of her nightgown, until it rested just above the curve of her wide hips. Her skin was smooth, her pussy hairless, save some stubble. I absently wondered if she had shaved it just for me.I didn’t have to stroke between the lips with my fingers to know that she was wet - she was practically dripping with the stuff. I met her eyes again and this time, she nodded. It was the slightest tilt of the head, but I was sure of what she meant. 

“I-I don’t have a condom,” I said, chuckling nervously, “that’s so stupid of me, sorry. I didn’t think we’d… you know, actually-”

“I’m on birth control.” she said, in that quiet, high-pitched voice again. “It’s okay.” 

“Okay, uh…” I had dreamt about this moment for so long, but now that I was here, I found myself paralysed. I wanted nothing more than to push myself inside her, to feel her walls clench my thick cock… but this was wrong, all wrong. Something was off about her. “Are you sure?” I asked meekly. Miss V just nodded again. 

I took a deep breath, taking my cock in my hand, and started to rub the tip against her pussy. She winced - actually winced and turned her head away, as my cock touched her. I could’ve sworn I had seen tears in her eyes before she shut them, her brows knitted together, her jaw clenched. She looked… afraid, painfully afraid…. of me. I had never seen her as anything but calm and collected; that look on her face made me tense up, and suddenly I found myself more frightened than horny. “It’s okay,” I muttered, as I lowered her nightgown and put my boxers on again, “We don’t have to do this. It’s okay.” 

“You don’t want to?” she asked, quietly.

“No, I want to, it’s just… I don’t think you do.” I sat up next to her, draping an arm around her shoulders, “Everything okay?”

Miss V looked up at me with wide eyes, as if I’d just startled her. A small smile flickered across her face as she rested her head on my chest, sighing, “I’m sorry. I’ve spoiled the mood.”

“It’s no problem.” I stroked her hair with one hand, wondering whether I should ask her what happened, or if that would be prying. 

“It’s been a long time since I’ve…well, you know.”

“Are you nervous?” I asked, trying to keep the hint of surprise out of my voice. I had always assumed that Miss V, with her angelic looks and propensity for mischief, had more sexual partners than I had hairs on my head. 

“Not exactly.” she turned to look at me, her chin on my chest, “I want to do it with you, Danny. I’m sure of it. But, just now… it just reminded me of some things I’d rather forget.”

“I can understand that,” I said, thinking of the last time I’d done it, with Katy. It had been a long time before I’d even been able to watch porn without thinking about her. “My ex wasn’t exactly a saint.” 

“No? What happened?”

“Uh…” I hesitated. I’d never told anyone before. Andy knew, but that was because he’d been by my side throughout the whole ordeal. 

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me, Danny.” Miss V said, giving my shoulder a light squeeze. I nodded, but really I was tired of keeping it all to myself. It was almost as if had been growing inside me this whole time, disturbing my thoughts, my feelings, my personality. I had to let it go, and with the way Miss V was looking at me, I felt that I could tell her anything.

“No, I… her name was Katy.” I started. It felt good to say her name out loud, it solidified my memories, made them seem more real, and convinced me I wasn’t just wrestling with some ghost of my own invention. “Her name was Katy, and I was deeply in love with her. Well, as much as a sixteen year-old can be. And so were all the other guys in our year. I think that played into it, later, when I found out she wasn’t the angel I thought she was. Everyone wanted her, so I felt bad that I didn’t anymore. To cut a long story short, she said some horrible things to my friends, almost ruined my friendships. Obviously, I broke up with her soon after. She didn’t take it well.” I took a deep breath, finding the right words, “The other thing you need to know about her is that she was kinky. I promise this is relevant,” I said, with a quick smile, “She liked it rough, and I was happy to oblige. Even when she told me she wanted to be slapped, choked and all that stuff.”

Miss V raised her eyebrows, and I saw realisation pass over her face, “Oh, don’t tell me…” 

I nodded, “After we broke up, she told everyone I had abused her. Not the teachers, though, because then her parents would get involved and she didn’t want that. Just the students. My friends. And she had taken photos. Marks on her face. Around her neck.”

“Danny, that’s horrible.” Miss V said, as she slipped her fingers between mine, giving my hand a squeeze. I returned it, smiling. 

“I lost nearly all my friends. I got beat up a few times. All the guys wanted to impress her now, you see. I was convinced someone was going to stab me before the year was through, but luckily, I made it. I lost nothing except my friends, countless hours of sleep and my ability to trust people.” I let out a dry laugh, stroking her hair again. Telling the story had put me in a good mood, lifted a weight off my shoulders. All the thoughts that had been littered around my head were now neatly ordered, and that made them much easier to file away. 

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Miss V said, and she leaned forward to place a kiss on my lips. I gladly returned it. “I had a crazy ex, too. Sounds like he would’ve gotten along with this Katy girl.” 

“Oh yeah? What was he like?”

“He was… disturbed.” Miss V said, as she wrapped her arms around me. I held her close, my cheek against hers. When she spoke, her breath tickled my ear. “We had good times, too, but that’s what I remember of him. He was disturbed. Sad, angry.. And I was… this was a few years ago, now - I was young. Naive. He liked to control me, and I was happy to be obedient for him, until he wanted more control. He wanted to stop me from seeing my friends. To work overtime, so he could buy better rims for his car, or get a fresh paint job.” she shook her head, “At some point, I realised I was miserable. I alluded to breaking up, and he… well, his condition worsened to the point where he was a danger to himself.” her voice became quieter, “I was afraid to leave, in case he hurt himself. I pretended to be happy. I pretended that I wanted to have sex with him. I thought if I didn’t give him anything that he wanted, he would… you know. I started crying once, while we were… while he was… inside me. And he just kept going. Like I was nothing to him.” her voice quivered, and she sniffed. I held onto her tightly, hoping that would be enough to show her that I was there for her. I wanted to say something, to comfort her, but I was lost for words. 

“Well, that settled it.” she said, taking a deep breath, “I packed my things and left that night, while he slept. He begged me to come back, of course. Threatened me with threats to himself. Sent pictures of his bleeding arm. I blocked him and moved away. Hopefully he found the help that he needed.” Miss V placed a kiss on my neck.

I kissed her forehead, “Your ex sounds like a total dick. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

Miss V chuckled, lifting her head to look me in the eyes, “Thank you, Danny.” her lips met mine briefly. “I’ve missed this,” she said, “I haven’t dated since then, just the odd hookup here and there. You can guess what that’s like.”

“Hardly very intimate.”


I stroked her hair gently, tucking a stray strand behind her ear, “What’s stopping you?

“I suppose I’m… afraid. That they’ll turn out like him.”

I nodded, “I can understand that. I keep my distance from girls now. In case they try something like Katy did.”

“Are teachers the only exception?” Miss V smiled, brushing her thumb against my cheek. 

I flushed, “Well, this is gonna sound stupid, but I kinda thought about that, and… you can’t report me anyway because then you would have to expose yourself and ruin your career so,” I shrugged, “I had it all figured out.”

Miss V stared at me for a moment, before bursting out laughing, “You are scary sometimes, Danny. I’ve got to keep an eye on you.”

“Scary? I’m just covering my back!”

“Yes, well, I suppose we’ve both got trust issues.”

“We do... But I trust you, for what it’s worth.”

“I trust you too.” Miss V said, leaning her forehead against mine, so our noses almost touched, “You don’t have to worry about any of that when you slap and choke me.” she smiled, lying down next to me, “But I think the moment’s passed for tonight. And I have to be up early tomorrow. If you don’t mind?”

“Of course,” I said, reaching to get the lights, “Goodnight, Miss.”

“Goodnight, Danny.”

Miss V wrapped her arms around me as I lay on my side, and I smiled, holding them close. I could feel her breath on my scalp, and occasionally her lips brushing against my ear. I lay awake a long time that night, not because I was having trouble sleeping, but because this was a moment I wanted to savour, and when sleep did come, it was dreamless and sweet.

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