My sins are great but I’m not stopping

Chapter 1: A New Body

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I, Yaph Naomi, currently a event I knew now upon me more than I could count is happening.

My body a impossible uncertain mass drifted in a place my current body.. a temporary body if you will. I'm current unsure if it's fit to be called a "body" by any standards but for now the term will do for a general idea. I am in a place I visited multiple times through dreams but I'm assaulted by a irrisistable urge to sleep which successfully pulls me away everytime, this time I want to escape this situation where I sleep in a dream and apparently I know the means to do so.

I access the knowledge of my current "body" and create a Avatar which is the only knowledge I currently have access to. The Avatar is a Mass of flesh of any and all creatures I am before Eyes, Oppai, Tentacles, Worms, Nails, etc.

I was attacked by sleep with renewed vigor I quickly granted the body abilities and slowly fell asleep.


Waking up I, assailed by an unusual feeling checked my circumstances while putting a "hand" on my forehead. Several tentacles rose along with other parts to complete the motion. I immediately wanted to rush away but felt like this was something I wanted to do.

I completed the motion and realized this was the "putting my hand on my forehead" I aimed to complete. I was a bit surprised and quickly went back to recalling what happened last.

I woke up in my dream world yes..


Right!! The knowledge about an Avatar.

That's this right?

I noticed how eyes was everywhere on my body. 

When I wanted to see what I looked like eyes appeared giving me new vision of my body from a third perspective. The eyes appeared all over the place on places that weren't my body but still felt like my body.

I can see a mass of flesh, I felt scared but tried to calm my self down by realizing something important. "This is my body you idiot!" I kept telling my self this and managed to keep my eyes from running away from my body that was growing increasingly horrifying by the second, it would constantly shift into something horrying no limits.

Through this I realized unlike any other times I woke up this time after leaving that "body" I woke up in the body I created.

Not attacked by sleepiness.

My thoughts clear I wondered how to get back to earth as I was currently adrift in space.

I saw stars, planets, gas Giants, galaxies, etc.

I wondered how I'm here briefly and reminded my self my current conditions certainly wouldn't need oxygen.

F-Fuck! School what time is it?

The time can to me it's currently 6:09.

Also the knowledge came while also telling me that that time was currently for another dimension.

Again I was wondering how to get back when my body felt a change. I felt a question.. my body presented me with an area and asked "is it ok to appear here?" I reflexively said yes.

No! No no no no no no no!! Not there the place my body appeared is space however the space it was in was just outside Earth's atmosphere.

I began to panic when my body assailed me with a billion questions "is it ok to appear here?" If asked again, "why not?" "Panic?" "Why not?" "...?" Soon we worked something out before damage could be done my body turned invisible, my body would throw our delicate solar system into chaos stopped it self instantly.

School.. I can't go to school like this! What about my other body? 

My body granted me a view of my apartment with an eye that appeared in on the ceiling. I could see my bed room and I realized my bed is empty.


I laughed a little.

Some how I ignored that and my body didn't help instead it presented me with the option of shifting into the appearance which I said yes.

The change was quick an easy.

My body shape shifted fastly into a human appearance with golden hair which I previously dyed gold from it's original brown before. My eyes red in color, I'm not sure where my clothes came from but my body told me it was made of it self flesh appeared and shape shifted into clothing. I felt the fabrics were no diffent from the real thing and looked no different. I wore casual pajamas.

I checked my phone on the bed for the time.

It's early so I went to put on my uniform but my body objected, it simply shapeshifted my flesh pajamas into the school uniform. Still I wanted to at least brush my teeth but it objected my full morning routine telling me I'm completely clean. 

Shrugging I walked out after grabbing my school bag.

I won't reject convenience.

I told my body gratefully.

My body seemed elated at this and offered all forms of convenience like teleporting to school, I accepted this but wondered if it would be alright. If I teleport into someone or someone is nearby it would cause a panic.

Although a panic is In no way harmful for me I'd rather continue a rather carefree normal school life after graduating.. maybe I'll travel other dimension? Interesting.

Leaving my apartment I proceeded to a bus. 

Took a seat randomly.

Finally I arrived in school and took my seat in class.

Today the class would receive a new student, I heard rumors. The rumors go: she's a girl names Ayaka Misaki, shes from one of the horrific places in Japan some where people wouldn't normally go.

The teacher arrived before I could start my usual routine of putting my head on the desk and sleeping I grimaced an at this my body asked if it should attack the teacher, I chuckled and said no.

"Class please quiet down, we have a new student."

The teacher walked into the stage and set a book down on the desk.

She motioned to the door.

The new student came in, she was a sickly pale color. Her hair black and darker than usual, blue eyes and a well proportioned body.

"I Am Ayaka Misaki."

I wondered briefly if that was it for introduction but she looked distracted her face said "this is an annoyance." As she looked at her phone.

At least wondering where she would be seated as there were three empty desk through out the room I kept my head up to see where she would seat.

Not sure how to react maybe the teacher anxiously said.

"Ms. Misaki please find a seat. Class will b-begin."

Ayaka looked around the class room for the first time and smiled, it seemed a bit suggestive but after taking in the position of the empty seats she looked at me seemingly surprised. She quickly got over her surprised and walked to the empty seat on my right.

I sat in the back near the window of course Im a natural fan of the protagonist seat so I took it.

Finally I realized I was staring too much an quickly took my eyes away as I didn't want it to become awkward.

I lay my head on my desk closing my eyes as I wanted to go to sleep but couldn't sleep due to the increasing gazes on me, the teacher already started class.

I shifted my head an opened my eyes to the new student and noticed her eyes on me, she rested her hand on her cheek and crossed her legs as she smiled amusingly.


She kept quiet for a while as I realized the class gave me stares because she seemed so interested in me. And of course they would I would also wonder why the new girl is interested in a student she doesn't know.

The students who was looking at us turned back to the teacher suddenly even the teacher was a bit surprised.

We anyway had a staring contest in the back of the room.

I had no idea why yet she gave that amused smile without changing expression.

By the time class was almost over I realized I had a staring contest with a girl I don't know and missed my morning routine.


I rubbed my head helplessly as I stood up.

I left the class and turned left I'd go to the roof and sleep albeit missing more classes but it was worth to make up my sleep.

I heard steps and stopped.

Without turning around I addressed the person following me.


"Call me Ayaka!"

I wasnt the formal type so I easily called her Ayaka.

"Ayaka class has started."

"I'm aware of this already."

"You'll be late if you stick around."

"You too."

"Sigh,I'm not going to class."


At this I felt a bit irritated an it seemed into my voice.

"Ayaka I missed my important routine because of you!" I managed to make it sound less annoyed than I was but I quickly realized I wasn't really annoyed.

"Ah-i didn't make you have a staring contest with me so that wasn't my fault! You-"

"Yaph. I Am Yaph Naomi. Call me-"

"Yaph! I like it its really cool. What does it mean?"

I didn't really know it's meaning or if it had one.

On second thought why does it sound cool though I wholly agree.

"This - I'm not sure."

"That's fine- now that we're aquatinted what are you doing up here during class?"


Feeling better about it I went over to a bench and sat down, adjusting my self I layed down and closed my eyes.

A shadow fell over me and I opened my eyes just as I closed them.

You are reading story My sins are great but I’m not stopping at

Ayaka stood in front of me and pulled her hair behind her ear gracefully and gave me a look.

Standing straight she stood still.

I sat up an gave space on the bench and she took it.

Trying to fall asleep again I folded my arms and shut my eyes.

It's rare to meet a person so adamant on intruding on another person's sleep but as I'm currently missing class with someone which is rare these days maybe we could get along. I began to remember the days I missed class on the roof with friends and smiled.

Quickly and gently a hand moved my head in they're direction the hand lowered my head onto their lap. I was on the Lap of Ayaka. I thought this and opened my eyes.

She smiled warmly leaving me unsure how to react. 

So I shut my eyes again.

I fell asleep her legs were incomparably soft.


"Um.. what's the situation?" 

I noticed I was currently tied up and being abducted. 

I was being dragged off the roof by Ayaka, she was humming a soft tune which made me want to fall asleep.

My body didn't resist the offer at all and I instantly felt sleepy?

What the hell!?

Before I could do anything I fell asleep again.

I dreamed, it was of Ayaka.

"This boy.. he's really careless."

She continues walking in a direction I don't know. I have a third person perspective and I see my body and the end of a rope being treated carelessly. She quietly jumped from roof to roof as my head would hit the hard structure of any nearby building. Seeing as I the body in front of me didn't wake up I could only guess this was some sort of masochistic dream.

Concluding as such I laughed and watched the show.

She continued to recklessly trash my body and I allowed it without waking up I laughed when it happened eventually she arrived at an abandoned place in the middle of a forest I have never seen before. 

She entered and stepped on debris and glass the etc of what was in her way was trivial as I was dragged along.

I noticed I stayed ultimately clean through the ordeal as I was literally dragged through dirt.

Seriously what kind of dream is this?

Then something funny happened again she dropped me at some stairs and pulled out her phone, she changed the music to something else before putting her phone back in her skirt pocket. I was temporarily destracted by her knee socks which I approved before she kicked my body down the steps with amazing force.

"Could never be me!!! HAHAHAHAAA!!!"

I Laughed like crazy as she walked downstairs eventually arriving at a door. She opened the door reveal a room filled with mountains of corpses, the blood formed a sea.

She kicked the body across the sea of blood and I was rolling through the air laughing.

Soon she arrived at some point where there was some sort of stage and placed the body on a bed that was in the middle she pulled off the school uniform on the body and straddled it.  From multiple places chains formed and thoroughly binned the body.

Interested I stopped laughing and zoomed in.

She grinded against the body for a while I didn't track the time maybe hours. Then stood up and pulled off her underwear before continuing. She inserted the cock in her slot and kept it up for a while.

I noticed soon began a rise of aura to an amazing degree it filled the room, she seemed amazed an thrilled while she kept this up.

"I'm not sure what you are but this monstrous life force of yours is mine now." She said quickly.

Life force?

A succubus?

It went on for who knows how long. I actually fell asleep.

I awoke to a loud laugh sometimes something about endless life fore yare yare.

I woke up again and realized the scene changed heavily, instead of on a bed the body was now on some kind of torture device. It still lay there sleep.

Ayaka who was previously a mess tidied up and looked good in uniform somehow more than before.

She walked to the bodies side and snapped her fingers.

She waited.

Seemingly confused she snapped again.


Still the body refused to wake up.

"HAHA even that body refuses to listen no matter which body it is it will never be bullied by a mere succubus."

Then my body finally posed a question. 

"Wake up?"

I stopped laughing.


"I'm awake?"

"No, this is your dream body.. view your body in another perspective."


"No! Noo that is not me how could that be no succubus could kick me like that I am not that simple!"

"It was approved."

"Who approved such a thing?"


Although I'm asleep in Ayaka's lap I would never approve being kicked and stomped like that what does my body take me for? I am like an eldritch will I be the first eldritch bullied by a mere succubus?



"Wake up that body. It is not me."


My body- the body woke up and I remained in dream perspective while viewing the body.

The succubus had  commented quickly.

"While you have a resilient body you are apparently weak to sleep inducment.."

Of course, I crave sleep.

That body- 

"Let's begin."

The body seems to look around blankly at first the it's face quicky shifts into horror it screams and tries to get up but can't.

"Very excited that's good, I was worried when you didn't wake up. I've got some toys we can play with you see and can hardly wait to get started." She said as she looked around then at the bodies horrified face. Her suggestive smile grew increasingly erotic. "I'm glad you're awake~" she licked her lips. The calming voice at the end caught it's attention and it looked directly into her eyes quietly.

She snapped her fingers again and as if in pain the body screamed and fought against the restraints thrashing to no avail.

At this moment I was laughing grandly.

Suddenly the body released a black aura and the succubus opened her mouth more than the normal standard revealing a void black maw.

The black aura entered her mouth as more left the body.

Seeing what was happening I laughed at the bodies predicament before going to sleep.

I woke up again to the body being utterly humiliated, which could never be me because I would wake up.

"Would you like to wake up?" My body offered.

I seen the dream would continue in this way so I accepted waking up.

The perspective changed. My body felt in a different position from before so any restraints were crushed finely by my natural movement. I sat and took in my.. surroundings?

How could this be!?

In my despression I realized the succubus stopped was she was doing to look. She laughed and seemed to piece every thing together.

"No no no no no no! I am NOT the first ELDRITCH to be tortured by a mere succubus!" I broke the bed or what ever I was on with a thought then stood in place while uppercutting the succubus. She flew up somewhere an I realized this was a different dimension.

I stood in place and my flesh clothes returned anew.

I looked in the direction of the succubus. 

She landed with grace while unharmed.

"1000 deaths are not enough!"

This humiliation to an eldritch must be payed back. 

In her face I threw ridiculous amounts of killing intent with a glare. She smiled while returning an equal killing intent. 

You can find story with these keywords: My sins are great but I’m not stopping, Read My sins are great but I’m not stopping, My sins are great but I’m not stopping novel, My sins are great but I’m not stopping book, My sins are great but I’m not stopping story, My sins are great but I’m not stopping full, My sins are great but I’m not stopping Latest Chapter

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