My sins are great but I’m not stopping

Chapter 2: Fate

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"Mere succubus you dare look at me like this?"

I asked. Although she smiled nonchalantly I specifically meant her killing intent am I really the first Eldritch pushed over by a succubus? So easily.. I shift the the recent memories of the succubus with my body.

"No way!"

Instantly my by became partially undone. From my left shoulder down to my leg shifted into a Maw along with tentacles and warms there were a number of eyes in some places as everything moved around as if alive.

Wait.. there's no reason to do it like this..

Slowly I shift back.

The succubus seemed surprised when I shifted back, she wasn't even surprised when the tentacles appeared. She's definitely not the average succubus.

Once my shift was complete I let my presence run all over the dimension.

The succubus went from stunned to horrified.

"Yup. Dumbass just what I was looking for."

I gave a thumbs down as I increased my presence and saw changes in the dimension, it darkened instantly, the dimension made noises and if I hadn't known better I'd say it was crying.

Just a little more and it'd break.

I grinned.

"W-wait! Stop! You don't know what it took to create this dimension!"

"Sigh, isn't the least of your worries?"

It really is. My mere thoughts can kill her, and there's only corpses here what other use is there? Oh..

"SORRY! I didn't know who you were! I'm sorry! Please no! I won't do it again!"

She said, she clontinuously repeated these lines.

I sighed again.

After only a few hours I'm in such a situation. I've only been an eldritch- if you can call it that.. for a few hours. I'm already killing someone?

The dimension continued to screech, I walked over to the succubus not knowing what to do. Even when I stopped in front of her I still wasn't sure maybe since I couldnt decide Id just destroy half of her dimension and leave the other half?

Sounds good.

"Hey, I won't kill you."

She abruptly stops crying.


"I'll just destroy half of your dimension because I can't decide."



Honestly I'm a little surprised how bold she is in front of death.

"You can't destroy half! If you destroy half how is it different from destroying the whole thing!? Instead I'll leave this dimension I won't come to earth again!"

Hm? It doesn't matter to me either way if I destroy half and the rest explodes I'm sure I could keep the other half running anyway somehow I chose to. Also why does it sounds like she's choosing? 

"I'm sure that's not how punishing works right? Why are you choosing?"

"Ieeehp! I-I-I-I-I-I didn't mean It like that!"


There's this trope where when the protagonist meets a girl he often makes an excuse to spare her.. usually advantages such as being influential? I don't need it. Intel? While I currently possess the same amount of knowledge I had prior my body it self is nigh omniscient or close to it so I'm not lacking Intel.. friends? Romance?

"You will be staying."

"Don't worry ill- huh?"

"You will continue to attend school."


"Ugh shut up and let's go back!"

"What? Why!?"


Friends huh? I wonder if they're alright...

We leave her dimension while she looks annoyed, she is, probably because I still haven't answered her question.

"By the way if you're a succubus then what else is out there?"

"Sigh, I'm not a succubus. I'm a Youkai."

"Youkai exist huh..?"

I wonder why I haven't seen the rest. 

"Hm? You seem like you don't know. That can't be right."

"I don't."

"You said you're an eldritch right?"

" A new one."

She face palmed and I chuckled.

"How? Eldritchs can't simply be born like that."

"Hm why not?"

"Be cause the earth would be destroyed no the earth aside multiple dimensions, universe and even multiverses would be destroyed."

"I see your point haha."

I laughed. I really was just an eldritch self created though.

"Back to school hm?"

We arrived at the gates while bantering about anything. 

I'm not all that sure why or what I've come back for but I for now head to the roof again.

We approach the stairs leading up and I notice instead of parting she follows me.

"You have classes right?"

"I'm a new student dummy, I don't know my way around yet."

"I must say you really are bold."

"Because I know you want me alive, while I'm not sure if you're and eldritch you are strong that's undeniable."

I can't help but smirk at being called strong I'm not sure why or what happened with my dream but I'm glad it did.

My life as a "human" was mundane except for the time I was with my friends... But by my senior year they disappeared. Half the year is already gone...

"What's wrong?"

I hadn't even noticed she rounded me and faced me. 

My friends are still a depressing topic for me. 

"I guess you saw me looking depressed?"

I walk around her and sit on the bench, throw my head back and enjoy the breeze. The sun is high in the sky right now and it's cloudless.


"I don't wanna talk about it."


I suppose she's the absolutely curious type. She's fun to tease and to her reaction I of course laugh to which she tells me not to I quiet down.

"I'll tell you another time. You're missing class."

"I still-"

"I'll take you."

I stand up, my hands in my pockets as we exit the roof.

"What class is it?"

"Ms. Yamamura."


"I have Ms. Yamamura."

"We don't have a teacher with that name-"

"Why are you pale? Wait why did you stop?"

I stopped because of fear. In front of us stood a deathly pale lady with long black hair and a the color of her eyes are black she looks exactly like a Sadako Yamamura. Ayaka stops behind me and realizes why I stop.

Although being what I am I have no reason to fear Sadako her abrupt appearance scared me and I'm not sure how but the fear only increased as she stood in front of me.

Im a fucking eldritch damnit!

I grit my teeth and try to power ignore it but finally Sadako whose been standing quietly for so long locks eyes with me.

Fear begans to overwhelm me I shake with fear.

Suddenly I feel a shove at my back.


I look back and Ayaka is stunned but her face says "what the hell are you doing?" 

I get it.

I release my presence again!

Or just when I release a little bit of it Ayaka shoves me again before it reaches Sadako although I can release my presence from any direction I released from me outward this time.

Reigning my presence in I look behind me and allow my expression to be "what?" Towards Ayaka.

She shoves me forward so I resume our previous pace.

"Ms. Misaki stay behind after class."

We continue quietly.



"you're scared of Ms.Yamamura?"

"Ridiculous, of course not."

"Right. How could you be scared? You're  an eldritch."

Sudden I remember when Sadako looked at me, I began shaking from fear.

"Whoa, you're kidding right?"

"Sigh, you're going to her class right?"

I knew that she is how ever to help calm my nerves I simply asked a question.

"We just walk pass my teacher, I think I'll skip."

"What about meeting her after class?"

"Class is ongoing, let's go somewhere else."

We soon arrived at the courtyard.

I leaned on a wall.

Ayaka took a seat.

I watched her sit down, easily distracted by the movement of her skirt, her knee socks, and beyond that.

"Scared Eldritch Pervert."

"You! Why did I spare you!?"

"Don't worry, you didn't spare me I'll die of laughter before long."

She of course laughs.


I laugh too.



Eldritch Pervert...quite so.

I smiled.

She smiled gently.

"You recover quickly."

"I just.. have someone there for me that's all."

It's true. 

We continue to sit and talk about anything until the class is over.

We head towards her class, as we never had a Ms.Yamamura I ask my body to find her class.

We arrive just as the last student is leaving.

She goes in and I enter last, sliding the door shut behind me.

We take our seats in the front row.

"Mr. Naomi you may leave."

"Don't mind me."

I replied to Sadako quite nonchalantly, I was kinda surprised from the lack of fear I held but realized I hadn't really looked at her directly since we entered.

I can't really be afraid right?

"Ms. Yamamura you wanted to see me?"

Thanking Ayaka for the intrusion I honestly give Ms. Yamamura my full curiousity in a number of aspects. Causing even me to feel fear? Now calling Ayaka after class..

"I wanted to see who was late.. no rather who skipped one of my classes now that I've seen you I admit I'm curious what is some one like you doing here in school?"

Someone like Ayaka? Do they know each other. No, that can't be right as other wise..

"This is a good feeding ground for "someone like me" though isn't it?"

"Ms. Misaki there will be a problem if we have the same prey."

I felt Sadako's gaze on me and I who had already began looking at her casually she managed to lock eyes with.

I immediately wanted to get away.

"Stop that!"

"Ms. Misaki, I have a question. Who do you think is faster? Could I kill him or could you save him first?"

You are reading story My sins are great but I’m not stopping at

"Kill him?"

Suddenly Ayaka relaxed visibly.

"If he's what he say he is then.. no one on this plane can kill him."

Well that's true even if there are youkai I'm not sure there any capable of killing eldritchs. Not that I'm really invested in Youkai Lore..

I began to feel rather safe then I came to my senses.

This is the second time.. the second time she did this.

"A mere Youkai! Dares to!-"

Seeing me stand abruptly Ayaka quickly elbowed me and the presence I was going to spread all over this dimension stopped before it even started.

"Stop riling him up!"

Ayaka looked seriously mad an glared at Sadako. 

Ayaka.. she's really mad for my sake. I haven't had someone mad for my sake since the time my friends disappeared. Stunned recovered my composure and just watched completely dumb over the matter, maybe a bit nostalgic.

"Ms. Misaki if you handle things in this manner one can't help but be more curious. You speak and suddenly this boy is courageous, or a fool.."

Sadako looks from Ayaka to me but this time it doesn't feel like she's throwing fear at me. It's a analyzing gaze.


If not for Ayaka saving you this time you would surely die.

I turned away looking out the window, the sun was setting.

Sadako looked to Ayaka.

"So, what does your friend claim to be?"

Ayaka grinned.

"An eldritch."

"Oh dear," putting a hand on her cheek in disbelief she continued. "You know why one might not believe you right?"

"I know but I have enough proof of my own."

Seeming as if she recalled something Ayaka smiled with certainty and boldly claimed as such.

If I'm to guess then it's probably my shape shifting and dimension deleting powers right?

"Ok let's say he is.. something supernatural. Surely not an eldritch right? I know I'm powerful but I'm not pompous enough to even dare claim being able to bully an eldritch."


I can't deny I felt offended.

So I'll destroy this planet and resume my travel plans.

Before I could release my presence again over this planet I received a elbow from Ayaka.

Serious I'm the first eldritch with situations like these..


I'm more curious why my body hasn't offered to kill them since earlier.

I listened to it for a moment...

No explanation.

Worried I look into the memories of all the knowledge I have in that "body", relieved I throw my curiousity at my body for not offering.

It stated it's because this is something that I actually want so it doesn't interfere.


Annoyed i began to "fix" This misunderstanding.

"So what proof did you gather?"

"Why should I explain anything to you? You're a fool if you think a mere lower youkai can threaten me in any way. Maybe you should die right now it would be best for this school anyway what you said earlier is actually a fact this hunting ground isn't fit for more than my self."

"Ara Ara, someone is utterly delusional.. simply because you're a demon."

"Demons exist too?"

I asked this subconsciously and it reached they're ears. Maybe it's how I said it but they both stopped fighting and looked at me with that "seriously" look.

I really a newly created eldritch so I can't help it. Not really interested in boring my self with nigh-omnisience. I only plan on asking my body of things related to my capabilities.

Ayaka started first.

"Yes they exist. I'm born a Youkai. I'm without demon origin."

"Lies.. I sense it."

"Of course you would, Ive absorbed the energy of countless beings making the useful ones my own."

"That explains it.."

Well that's something.

"It would also be safe to assume any creature you heard of exist."

Ayaka added.

I'm really not sure what to say at this point, it's insane creature like that exist..

"What about scp?"

"As if.. most of the monsters they've "contained" have no reason to be contain as powerful as they are stated to be."

"I imagine this world would cease to exist before anyone realizes it."

They both denied it.

I can't deny it would be crazy.

"Is that all?"

The annoyance has been clear on Ayaka's face for a while now, maybe she just doesn't like dealing with other youkai? Regardless if so why did she come?

"Not quite, you don't really believe it's fine to let an eldritch walk around like this right? I don't believe he's one but you must have your reasons for saying such a think and if it's like that we should be rid of an anamoly before it becomes a pain." 

She's saying that in front of the person him self can't help but wonder what her parents taught her. Oh.. well she should at least hold back right or she really might die here and now.

"I refuse to save you if you're so rude, he's really an eldritch."

"You think im a Fool!? There's no way an eldritch is calmly walking our plane not destroying anything. More over being scared of a single glance from me."

"I see no reason to prove anything. Further more this talk doesn't concern the curriculum of this class so I'm much less obliged to listen."

"Yaph, let's go."

Ayaka walked pass fully composed while pulling the door opened and leaving out. I stood to follow and we left.

With the shutting of the door we turned right and already began talking.

"I'm going to the roof for sleep. Ayaka what will you do?"

"Hmm, I'll follow."

"No hunting?"

"No. For you I've already consumed enough to survive with out hunting for a while. But I'll still hunt for the sake of it I suppose."

"By the way there's only one class left today isn't there? Shouldn't you head home instead rather than sleeping here."

She asked.

I rather prefer sleeping at school, accidentally I did it once and after that be it the afternoon breeze or the nightly breeze I enjoy both. Me an my friends would occasionally have a party here a sleep when we partied to late here.

"I think the school's a nice sleeping grounds though."

"This- I agree."

We reached the roof and took a seat on the bench like close friends. The sun was already setting and students would leave soon. I watched the sky for a while as Ayaka took out her phone an changed the music then put it away. She pulled me towards her and I was again given her lap pillow.

She smiled warmly as I got comfortable, shutting my eyes I am almost sleep when I feel her hand runs through my hair. It's a warm gentle feeling, sleeping feels easier.

But before that I must ask.

"Do you plan on kidnapping me again?"

She laughs.

"If I kidnap you should I take you to my lair again?"

"Lair? More like hell, I never saw a lair even in fantasy where the corpses are sky high and the blood leaves one swimming in a bottomless sea."

"True, maybe I'm the only one of my kind whose done that."

Even her laugh is warm and kind, only aiding my sleep further.

During that afternoon we fall asleep.


We wake up at the same time and stare in each other eyes.

Only interrupted by the darkness and the roofs entrance, in said darkness stands Sadako with out her shoes.

"Ms. Yamamura, I know you're excited but please keep your shoes on and no running in the hallways don't you know it's bad for a teacher to set such bad examples for her students?" I joke.

"You really should get some sleep Ms. Yamamura how will you teach your students if you're like this? You seriously excited enough to come here without shoes oh an that dress you're cold right? Please return don't worry what ever youre in a rush for will still be there."

Ayaka added with a Laugh.

We're honestly having a good time.

"Ms. Yamamura, the sky is really beautiful tonight isn't it?"

I allowed my real body to again appear outside Earth's atmosphere. I still remain on my lap pillow no way in hell I'm leaving that but I can easily create my body however much I want so I created one in my Eldritch form to give her a little scare.

There was a large eye looking at Sadako from my Eldritch body, plenty of eyes, tentacles, etc all over my body moved at random however visibly slow and avoided hitting near by planets.

"Whoa~ your real body." Ayaka voiced in awe.

Warmth spread through my body from her statement.

"Ieeehk! Y-y- you don't think you're the only one good with illusions!?"

Sadako scream I saw her scream and quickly compose her self.

She glared and her eyes focused me.

My body quickly offered to eliminate the fear factor sensing my annoyance and I quickly accepted.

I ignored the breeze and offered.

"You like your eyes alot I suppose... Maybe I should take them. Things of value naturally belong to me right?"

I felt the hand on me head began to move again.

When I spoke my voice changed a bit while I grinned at Sadako who fell to the floor as crying mess.

Sensing Ayaka wanted to take over I naturally gave her what she wanted.

"This is enough proof for you?"

"B-but! What is something like that doing on this planet!"

"He can do what ever he wants."

"The entire universe is in danger and you encourage him?"


I couldn't help but laugh, almost.

"What's the difference you kill or he kills? Don't want you hunting ground stolen?"

"I kill yes! But he could destroy everything at once!"

"Aww you have a heart."

One has to admire Sadako's strong will even in deaths face she still argues with it telling it to go away. It's quite funny actually and the way Ayaka riles her is even better.

"Honestly I should take my self out of the sky I was trying to prevent a panic." I mumble.

Ayaka easily heard it an burst out in laughter.

"Then why is it you chose this method at all?"

Smiling helplessly at that point I make my body outside the atmosphere disappear.

"Why are you here?"


"To graduate I guess?"

"You miss all your classes though."


"What do your grades look like?"


"Do you skip often?"

"Fine! Ill attend moree!"

I couldn't refute any thing under Ayaka's gaze, shes got me and she's only been here a day. We hardly known each other more than some hours and I'm on her thigh as well? It feels right though.

"I intend to graduate and travel to other places."

"Me too"

I smiled Ayaka coming along it won't be so boring.

"Let's get along Ms. Yamamura!"

Sadako whom was on the floor got up and closed the distance with slow steps. This I posed a question.

"What's your real name?"


"You have a single name?" 


She tilted her head to the side as if to give "isn't that natural" look.


So shes not Sadako Yamamura!?

"Sigh, I told him all youkai and such are real so he mistook you for Sadako Yamamura and the fact you use your power like so probably only increased that misunderstanding."

"Oh.. I see. Although it's similar my powers are more like a fear, corruption, and consume type. I'm a fan of her story though so I used her name when become a teacher.

seriously? Varmire.. that sounds more vampire. Are there vampires? She said most creatures exist so I can safely assume as such. Still with all these creatures I have only run into youkai so far where are the rest?

Suddenly I hear the sound of something closing in. It increases to multiple sounds from almost all directions.

Soon we are surround by in the sky what looks like goddesses, the roof is full of what seems to be youkai, high tech humanoids? Androids. I see other creatures as well but I won't name them all.

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