My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1883: 1848: : fleeing sea monsters (2

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Chapter 1848 The Fleeing Behemoth in the Sea (Two Chapters in One)

The torrential rain that fell on the island continued endlessly, until the evening, and there was no sign of stopping.



There was constant thunder and rain, and the ground became muddy. Fortunately, the four of Ji Xiaoxiao and his party were at a relatively high place, otherwise, the rain might overflow into the cave.

"It's still raining! If it continues like this, it will get dark later, and we can only spend the night in this cave." Cheng Ling looked at the heavy rain that was still falling outside, and said.

Sun Bin added some wood to the bonfire, turned his head and said to Cheng Ling, "Even if the heavy rain stops, there is not enough time left for us to finish the unfinished log cabin, and we still have to spend the night in the cave tonight of."

"Fortunately, when we dug the cave, we dug it big enough. Otherwise, we would have to further develop the cave now." Wang Chao said with a smile as he looked at the spacious cave.

Ji Xiaoxiao stood at the door of the cave, watching the continuous heavy rain.

The river in the distance, because of the heavy rain, the water potential is high, and the originally turbulent water flow has become even more turbulent.

Fortunately, although the current became turbulent, it did not spread. It still flowed out of the valley along the river channel, then ran towards the edge of the island, and finally poured into the sea.

The sound of wind and thunder didn't mean to stop at all. The creatures on the island were all quietly hiding in the rain shelter, waiting for the heavy rain to pass.

The dark cloud-covered sky shone with silver-white electric lights, and the area covered by the dark clouds was brightly illuminated by the electric lights.

From time to time, a bright thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck the ground. Some unlucky trees were instantly hit by the thunderbolt and turned into torches.

It can only be blamed that these big trees struck by lightning grow too tall, and when the heavy rain comes, they are the first to suffer.

On the vast and boundless sea, because of the strong wind, the waves were churning.

Waves of more than ten meters high rushed to the beach, knocking down some trees on the beach.

Suddenly, a huge creature appeared in the turbulent sea in the distance.

This time the creature was more than thirty meters long, covered with blue scales, with four eyes on its huge head, and its mouth was slightly open, densely packed with dagger-like teeth.

The strange beast that emerged from the sea looked around. It found an island in the distance, thought for a while, and then swam towards the location of the island.

This strange beast that lives in the sea rarely goes ashore, unless it encounters some emergencies.

If you look closely, you will find that there is a deep wound on its tail, and there is still a scorched black mark on its waist.

It turned out that this strange beast was forced to float out of the sea due to injury, and now it chooses to go to the shore to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

Thunder and lightning, wind and rain.

I thought that the heavy rain would last all night, but an unexpected change happened.

More than half an hour before the sun was about to set, the dark clouds covering a large area dissipated.

As the gloom dissipated, the sun reappeared in the eyes of all living things.

The bright red sun is about to disappear on the horizon, and the sky washed by a heavy rain is dyed with bright colors.

Many creatures on the island came out of their nests, bathed in the setting sun, and watched the gorgeous setting sun, fascinated for a long time.

Inside the cave, Ji Xiaoxiao and his party of four came out after the heavy rain stopped.

They came to the location where the unfinished cabin was, and conducted a careful inspection of the cabin.

The heavy rain just now did not change the structure of the two unfinished log cabins. We will continue to complete the follow-up work tomorrow and we can move in.

"The sun will go down soon, before it goes down, let's get some more fruits and vegetables!" Cheng Ling suggested.

"I'll go with you." Wang Chao said, and walked out of the valley with Cheng Ling.

Outside the valley, there is a mossy swamp with many mushrooms and edible vegetables growing around it. Two people can go there to get enough vegetables for four.

After Wang Chao and Cheng Ling left, Ji Xiaoxiao and Sun Bin, who stayed behind, began to clean up the messy wooden materials washed by the heavy rain.

They piled these wood materials together, and after finishing the work, Ji Xiaoxiao said, "I'll go around."

Sun Bin thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you!"

Ji Xiaoxiao nodded, and then the two left the unbuilt temporary camp and walked out of the valley.

The place they are going now is a wide sandy beach ahead.

Ji Xiaoxiao decided to go there because when she was walking around the island earlier, she found that there were some unnaturally formed huge traces on the wide beach in front of her.

There are no people on this island, but there are many huge non-human traces on the beach.

Therefore, she suspected that those huge traces were most likely left by alien beasts. For safety reasons, Ji Xiaoxiao decided to take a look at the beach in her spare time to see if she could find some evidence about the presence of alien beasts.

At this moment, a huge figure was lying on the wide sandy beach. It was the strange beast that crawled from the sea to the shore when it rained before.

The blue-scaled red-eyed beast breathed out slightly, and rested with its eyes closed.

Fighting with the enemy and swimming hundreds of kilometers in a row really took a lot of energy.

Now at this temporary foothold, you have to hurry up to recover your physical strength and spiritual energy, and let your wounds recover quickly, so that you can deal with the enemy's pursuit.

There is a small hill in the distance.

On the top of this small hill full of lush trees, there are two figures, using the binoculars in their hands, watching the huge monster lying on the beach.

"There are really strange beasts!" Sun Bin looked at the huge strange beast lying on the beach, and said to Ji Xiaoxiao beside him in surprise.

"Before we saw many huge traces on the beach, we can probably guess that there should be many beasts living on that beach.

However, judging from those traces, the beast that made those traces should not be as big as the current strange beast. This strange beast should have just arrived on this island not long ago. "Ji Xiaoxiao analyzed calmly.

Because of the distance, the perception range of the two people was limited, and they couldn't perceive the strength of the strange beast on the beach.

As the team leader, Ji Xiaoxiao decided, out of safety considerations, "You wait for me here, and I'll go and see what the strength of that strange beast is."

Upon hearing this, Sun Bin said immediately, "Why don't I go with you! If something goes wrong, there's a good way to take care of me..."

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"It's fine for me to go alone. If something goes wrong, that alien beast is stronger than me. If you go with me, it will make me tied up.

If that beast is weaker than me, I can handle it easily by myself. " Ji Xiaoxiao said.

Sun Bin thought for a while, nodded reluctantly, and then watched Ji Xiaoxiao go to the beach.

After Ji Xiaoxiao came down from the top of the mountain, she quickly walked to the beach in front of her, and moved forward in a concealed manner. She tried her best to restrain the spiritual energy fluctuations radiating from her body, so as not to attract the attention of the huge strange beast on the beach.

The blue-scaled red-eyed beast on the beach was exhausted physically and mentally, and was now dozing off, completely oblivious to a figure approaching him in the distance.

The free spiritual energy in the air was attracted by the blue-scaled red-eyed beast, gathered around him, and was slowly absorbed by it.

With the cultivation of the blue-scaled red-eyed beast, the spiritual energy consumed in its body is recovering in an orderly manner.

According to its current cultivation speed, after a night's rest, the psionic energy it had previously consumed can be completely recovered.

As for the injuries on the body, it will take more time to recover.

Ji Xiaoxiao walked forward quietly, and when she was about to reach the beach, her movements became lighter.

The snoring sound of the blue-scaled red-eyed beast lying on the beach was so loud that it could be heard from a long distance away.

Seeing that the strange beast was sleeping, Ji Xiaoxiao moved a little louder. When she got close to a certain range, her senses could reach him, and she stopped immediately.

"In the middle of the third level, and the level that is about to break through, this strange beast is stronger than me!" Ji Xiaoxiao sensed the powerful spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the strange beast, and immediately analyzed it.

At the same time, she observed carefully and found that the strange beast suffered from several injuries.

According to the degree of wound recovery, it can be concluded that the injury time should not be long.

After quickly collecting information about the blue-scaled red-eyed beast, Ji Xiaoxiao immediately turned and left the beach.

On the top of the small hill in the distance, Sun Bin had been paying attention to Ji Xiaoxiao's movements, and he was relieved to see her return the same way.

When Ji Xiaoxiao came to him, Sun Bin immediately asked, "How is it? What is the strength of the alien beast...?"

Ji Xiaoxiao said, "That strange beast is stronger than me, and it's about to break through to the third level..."

Sun Bin was a little surprised when he heard that. They had wandered around the island and didn't meet any strange beasts.

It's really surprising to suddenly meet a strange beast that is about to break through to the third level now.

"Then what should we do? If we insist on fighting against such a strange beast, we will suffer a lot of losses." Sun Bin asked.

Ji Xiaoxiao thought about this issue on the way back, and she said to Sun Bin, "I don't think we need to fight it.

It is now sleeping on the beach, some distance from our camp, as long as we are not found by it, there will be no conflicts. "

Sun Bin thought about it, and felt that this was the case, as long as the strange beast didn't take the initiative to attack them, there was no need for them to provoke them.

Then the two left and returned to where the camp was located.

After they go back, they will tell Wang Chao and Cheng Ling about the discovery of the alien beast.

"Hey, you're back! Where did you go?" When Ji Xiaoxiao and Sun Bin returned to the camp, Wang Chao and Cheng Ling, who had gone out to pick fruits and vegetables, had already returned.

Hearing Cheng Ling's question, Ji Xiaoxiao told the story of the two of them going to the beach and seeing the strange beast.

Cheng Ling was very surprised after hearing this, "On the beach closest to us, there is such a strong beast sleeping. Is our camp in this place, is it dangerous?"

Wang Chao beside him said immediately, "As Ji Xiaoxiao said, the problem is not big.

There are no traces of large-scale biological activities around us. Presumably, the strange beast on the beach will not come to this place. As long as it doesn't come to attack us, we don't need to provoke it. Safety is guaranteed. "

Everyone expressed their opinions, discussed it, and finally decided that the temporary camp would not be moved, but would still be placed in this place.

However, compared to before, everyone must be more vigilant against the strange beast on the beach far away from the embankment.

If it came here unexpectedly, it would be better to deal with it in time.

The blue-scaled red-eyed beast sleeping on the beach slowly opened its eyes after dark.

Most of his physical strength has recovered, and his spiritual energy will continue to recover. There is no way to heal the wounds on his body in a short time.

After such a period of rest, generally it feels pretty good.

After waking up, his stomach growled with hunger, and he looked around.

The island is full of trees, and with its huge size, it is really inconvenient to look for prey in the forest of the island.

So it looked at the endless sea behind it. As a sea creature, it is most convenient to go to the sea to find food when it is hungry.

After getting up from the beach, the blue-scaled red-eyed beast began to head towards the sea.

Crashing waves beat on its body, and soon, the sea water submerged its body.

Diving into the sea from land, the slightly clumsy blue-scaled red-eyed beast on the shore suddenly became very dexterous.

Its limbs swayed, and its swimming speed increased a lot. It took more than an hour for the blue-scaled red-eyed beast to resurface after eating and drinking in the sea. Island tour.

After landing again, the blue-scaled red-eyed beast collapsed on the beach and fell asleep like before.

At this moment, there is a moon in the sky, and the night sky is full of stars. From time to time, some common birds on the island can be seen flying out, taking advantage of the moonlight to prey on the sea. UU reading

In the past, many birds preyed on the sea area in front of the beach where the blue-scaled red-eyed beast lived.

But because of its arrival today, those birds dare not come to this sea area to hunt again out of fear.

In the valley some distance from the beach, in the artificially excavated cave, there are orange fires flickering, wisps of white smoke drifting out from the cave, accompanied by a tempting fragrance.

Two bonfires were set up in the cave, one for grilling fish and the other for cooking soup.

The soup pot is a stone pot dug out of a large stone, and there are many picked mushrooms and vegetables in the stone pot.

Under the heat of the bonfire, the vegetable and mushroom soup in the stone pot is gurgling, exuding a tempting aroma.

Ji Xiaoxiao and his party sat in front of the bonfire. Seeing the dinner was much richer than at noon, everyone's mood became very good.


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