My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1884: 1849: : Exhibition (2

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Chapter 1849 Exhibition (two chapters in one)

After the sun rose, the golden sunlight poured into the room.

The sun shines on the bed through the gap between the curtains, Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes.

"Ha!" He raised his hand and yawned, then got up and got out of bed, and after drawing the curtains, let the sunlight outside the window brighten the room.

After folding the quilt, Lin Fei left the bedroom and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Yesterday, I made an appointment with Zhou Yue to go to the local temple fair in Qingxi Town. In the morning, there were not many people at the temple fair. After noon, there were many people, and the busiest time was at night.

You can stay at home and play games in the morning, thinking about which one to play later.

After washing, Lin Fei came out of the bathroom. He came to the balcony and found that Qi Sehua had gone out early again today.

Today's temperature is a few degrees higher than yesterday's, and the breath that I exhale will turn into white mist in an instant.

But overall, things are much better than yesterday.

Although Zhouyue had watered the plants on the balcony when she came to the house a few days ago, it was a bit dry in winter, and the watered flowerpots began to lose moisture again.

Lin Fei picked up the kettle on the ground, went to the pool to get a pot of water, and began to water the very prosperous spiritual potted plants on the balcony.

The bright sunlight shines on the balcony, and the water droplets hanging on the leaves reflect brilliant brilliance.

After Lin Fei watered all the spiritual potted plants, he went back indoors.

Turning on the TV, tuned to the news channel dedicated to cultivators, Lin Fei found that it was not Ning Yu who broadcast the news this morning.

He took out some food from the dimensional space, and watched the news while eating breakfast.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in the bedroom rang. Lin Fei glanced at the bedroom. The telekinetic power was activated, and the mobile phone on the bedside table was grabbed by an invisible hand.

After a while, the mobile phone flew out of the bedroom and stopped in front of Lin Fei.

Putting the shelled tea egg into his mouth, he ate it in two or three bites. After taking a sip of soy milk, Lin Fei took the mobile phone floating in front of him.

He found out that it was Ning Yu who called him. He tapped the screen with his fingers and answered the call.

After connecting, a pleasant voice came from the phone.

"Lin Fei, good morning!" Asked Ning Yu, who was sitting on a swing in the courtyard of her villa just after breakfast.

"Good morning." Lin Fei said with a smile, "Ning Yu, what's the matter for you to call me?"

"I want to ask you, are you free?" Ning Yu asked.

Lin Fei thought for a while and said, "I have something to go out in the afternoon, and I have time in the morning. What's the matter?"

Ning Yu was sitting on a rickety swing, a leaf fell from a tree and fell on top of her head, she raised her hand to remove the leaf, then said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"It's like this. I have two tickets for the Food Appreciation Exhibition in my hand. I want to invite you to go with me."

If it was an art exhibition or something, Lin Fei would definitely shake his head and refuse after hearing it. For foodies, it would be a pity not to go to such an event as the Food Appreciation Exhibition.

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll pick you up at your community later." Ning Yu said with a smile when she heard Lin Fei agree to go to the event together.

After hearing this, Lin Fei said quickly, "You don't need to pick me up, I'll just go by myself."

It would be embarrassing for someone to invite you to go to the Food Appreciation Fair, and then let them pick you up in person.

"You're welcome, I just happened to pass by your neighborhood when I went to the Food Appreciation Fair," Ning Yu said.

Hearing what Ning Yu said, Lin Fei no longer refused. After hanging up the phone, he continued to eat his breakfast.

With a "crash", the figure swimming in the swimming pool climbed onto the shore.

In winter, normal humans would not swim in an outdoor swimming pool, and only non-human money turtles would swim in the water.

The money turtle that climbed ashore saw Ning Yu who was sitting on the swing happily, it crawled towards the other side, and asked Ning Yu who was smiling non-stop.

"Xiaoyu, why are you so happy? Have you encountered anything interesting?"

Ning Yu, who was full of smiles on her face, heard the money turtle's question, she restrained her smile, looked at the money turtle, and responded. "I made an appointment with my friend to hang out at noon."

The money turtle thought to himself, it was just an appointment to hang out with friends, is it necessary to be so happy? It's really incomprehensible.

It let out an "oh", then turned around and crawled to the place where it was always in the distance.

Because in winter in the south, the big trees do not lose all their leaves, so when the sun is shining, there is still shade under the big trees.

Seeing the wet turtle crawling under the big tree, Ning Yu hurriedly shouted, "It's so cold now, you'd better put your body in the sun, and then go under the big tree after drying!"

The money turtle that was climbing under the big tree heard Ning Yu's reminder and felt that it made sense, then it stopped climbing under the big tree, and lay down on the grass to bask in the sun.

It was past nine in the morning. There are still two hours before the start of the Food Appreciation Exhibition, and it is almost time to go out.

Ning Yu, who was sitting on a swing in the courtyard basking in the sun, stood up, stepped on her slippers and walked indoors.

Before going out, she also said hello to the money turtle lying under the big tree.

After a while, a gorgeous sports car drove out of the garage of the villa and headed towards the community where Lin Fei lived.

In a villa some distance away from Ning Yu's house, a silver sports car drove out of the garage.

The man driving the car was named Wu Gao, a tall, rich second-generation man, and he was on the phone with his best friend at the moment.

"I've already gone out, it's half an hour, you guys go out!"

"Okay, see you later."

After Wu Gao finished talking on the phone with his buddies, he took off the bluetooth headset he was wearing and put it aside.


Lin Fei, who was playing with his mobile phone in the living room, received a call from Ning Yu.

"Ah? You have arrived at the gate of my community...Okay, mine will come down." After Lin Fei hung up the phone, he immediately got up and went back to the bedroom, changed his clothes, and went out.

The sound of closing the door sounded, and the house became quiet. The ordinary little stone ball lying on the coffee table flew up and moved its body.

It flew above the remote control and landed just on the power button of the TV remote control. The TV that was turned off turned on again, and the little stone ball was watching TV alone at home.

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At the gate of the community, the red sports car is parked so that people who enter and leave the community can see it at a glance. Everyone is curious, why is there such an expensive luxury sports car parked at the gate of the community?

Some young people took this luxury sports car as the background, took a photo and posted it on Moments.

Ning Yu, who was wearing sunglasses, sat in the driver's seat, quietly waiting for Lin Fei's arrival.

Soon, through the rearview mirror of the car, she saw a familiar figure coming out of the gate of the community.

Lin Fei, who was wearing a light blue winter coat, came out of the community and walked quickly towards the luxury sports car parked by the side of the road.

He also noticed that some people were looking at him, and he muttered in his heart, "Oh, I forgot to tell Ning Yu, the car parked farther away, it's okay now, those aunts in the community won't say something wrong behind their backs. No?"

With a little worry in his heart, Lin Fei came to the sports car.

At this time, Ning Yu, who was wearing sunglasses, rolled down the car window and said to Lin Fei, "Hurry up and get in the car! We have to hurry to the exhibition site.

It's late, when the time comes, you can only eat what others left. "

That's what I said, but it's obviously a joke. How could there be not enough food for a food appreciation exhibition, and let the guests eat the leftover food?

Lin Fei smiled, then opened the car door and got in the car.

After Lin Fei sat down, Ning Yu immediately started the car, and with a bang, the car rushed to the food tasting exhibition.

Today Ning Yu wore a cashmere sweater and a knee-length skirt. Her slim figure was well-defined against the close-fitting cashmere sweater. Coupled with her unique temperament, she was very attractive.

"The New Year's holiday will be over in a few days, and your TV station will be busy again by then!" Lin Fei said.

Ning Yu, who was driving, replied with a smile, "Yeah, when the holiday is over, there will be more things to be busy with.

But in general, although there is a holiday during the New Year, for our TV station, there are quite a lot of things to do, and the workload is reduced by a part compared to when there is no holiday. "

"Your occupation is like this." Lin Fei said with a smile, expressing that he knew about some TV stations.

"Didn't you say before that you will be busy with something in the first few days of the new year? How are you doing? What's the result?" Ning Yu asked.

Lin Fei heard Ning Yu's question, thought for a while, and realized that what she asked was something he hadn't specifically said before, about his going to help the Purple Orchid Organization.

He said with a smile, "The result is very good, and the matter is successfully settled."

Ning Yu nodded and didn't continue to ask questions. She mistook Lin Fei for a task from the Ability Management Bureau, so she didn't go deep into the conversation. After all, it's not good to ask too much.

"I read the news that the fruit of the huge peach tree in the suburbs will ripen during the Lantern Festival. Will your TV station follow up and report it?" Lin Fei asked.

Ning Yu saw the red light at the intersection ahead, she slowed down and stopped.

Then, she answered Lin Fei's question, "Of course I will follow up and report, after all, that peach tree is now a major symbol of our city.

The fact that its fruit is ripe is not only a matter of great concern to the residents of our city, but also to people in other cities in China. "

After finishing speaking, she changed her mind and asked Lin Fei a question, "Up to now, our TV station has not learned from the Ability Administration that when the peach trees ripen, what should be done with those fruits? Do you have any news?"

Lin Fei shook his head, "I don't know, I'll ask later."

Ning Yu said with a smile, "When you find out, remember to send me a message."

Lin Fei said, "Of course, it's not something that can't be said."

The green light at the intersection turned on, and Ning Yu saw that it was possible to pass, so she started the car immediately.

The two people in the car chatted and the time passed quickly. When the car stopped again, the two people had already arrived at the exhibition site.

After getting off the car, Lin Fei saw that the people queuing up at the entrance of the exhibition were unusual, and they were all people of a certain social status.

At this time, Ning Yu also got out of the car, and she said to Lin Fei, "The first day of the exhibition is open to invited people, and then it is open to ordinary people."

Lin Fei nodded, and then followed Ning Yu to the queue to enter the arena.

Following Ning Yu's arrival, many people's eyes fell on her.

Everyone was very curious about the identity of the man next to her.

You must know that Ning Yu usually participates in activities with his family or with his girlfriends, and rarely alone with the opposite sex.

"There are a lot of people who come to this food tasting exhibition!" Lin Fei said casually during the queue.

Ning Yu explained, "The number of people today is not bad. After the opening tomorrow, there will be more than one person. Our TV station will report it at that time. You can see what the scene is like by reading the news."

"Then I will see how many people can come here." Lin Fei said with a smile, but he can probably imagine in his heart the crowds after the opening tomorrow.

At the same time, he thought of the temple fair in Qingxi Town, and he was going to that temple fair with Zhou Yue in the afternoon.

The temple fair was also very lively, and the number of people present should not be much less than when the food tasting exhibition was open.

After queuing for a while, it was Lin Fei and Ning Yu's turn to enter the exhibition hall.

Ning Yu showed her invitation letter and handed over two tickets to the ticket inspectors, and then they walked into the exhibition hall in front of them.

There are quite a lot of people in the exhibition hall, and you can see guests with food in their hands in front of every display stand.

Moreover, Lin Fei found that the girls at the scene accounted for the majority, and all of them were pretty.

The food at the exhibition is full of beautiful things in eyes, and it gathers the flavors of many places in China. They all look delicious, and it is not impossible to know where to start.

At this time, Ning Yu took out a brochure from her bag, which contained an introduction to the exhibition.

"There are too many things to eat, UU Reading is hard to choose, we can choose where to start based on the recommendations in this manual." Ning Yu said with a smile.

Lin Fei nodded, and then read the manual with Ning Yu.

At this time, not far behind them, a group of people just met.

"Wu Gao, you've arrived, let us wait!" The gentle young man in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses said with a smile.

Wu Gao, who had just arrived at the scene for a while, said, "Oh, I was a little unlucky on the road, and I accidentally got scratched by a motorbike rider.

That guy scratched my car and wanted to slip away. When I got out of the car, I rushed up to stop him, and then called the traffic security officer to deal with it, so I was delayed for some time. "

"Is the car badly injured?" someone asked.

"Fortunately, there is no layer of paint." Wu Gao said.


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