My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1886: 1851: : charge, with momentum like a rainbow (2

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Latest website: When the alien beast sneaked in, most people didn't realize the danger.

Fortunately, Captain Pig, who had a brown birthmark on his forehead at that time, was alert in advance of the approaching danger.

He quickly inspected and found his companion who was attacked by a third-order alien beast and held in his mouth.

Afterwards, he rescued it decisively, and repelled the third-order alien beast that launched a night attack.

Now the injured companion has been treated, and his life is not in danger for the time being, but he is still seriously injured and needs someone to carry him away on a stretcher.

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain who was opening the way ahead suddenly stopped, and the pig-headed warriors following him also stopped after seeing this.

Then, everyone looked at their captain suspiciously, and some very timid pig-headed warriors thought something bad in their hearts, thinking that there would be another strange beast coming to attack them, right?

But then, what everyone heard was good news, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain said to his subordinates.

"We're getting there."

Hearing what the handsome pig-headed logistics captain said, the pig-headed soldiers froze for a moment, and then a happy smile appeared on their faces.

"Finally arrived at the destination."

"These three days of traveling day and night, I am exhausted to death."

"It's okay to be tired, but to sleep in the wild at night, fearful."

"We were attacked by that alien beast at the beginning of the third stage. Fortunately, we discovered it early, otherwise we might have suffered many casualties."

"That's right! I was still sleeping at the time! I didn't know what happened at all. After waking up and understanding the situation, I realized that a strange beast at the beginning of the third stage launched a sneak attack on us."

"I was scared to death that time. At that time, my position was some distance away from the alien beast. If I hadn't discovered it in advance, it would be my turn to be taken away by the alien beast next."

The pig-headed warriors are now in a very relaxed mood, talking a lot, and the handsome pig-headed logistics captain walked forward.

Walking forward tens of meters in the forest, the front suddenly became clear.

Coming out of the forest is a valley, several peaks are next to each other, leaving a long and thin passage.

Looking from the passage, you can find a large open space in the valley.

And not far from the valley, there is a vast lake. The golden sun shines on the lake, and the water sparkles with sunlight, making it impossible to look directly at it.

The pig-headed warriors also came out of the woods. Everyone looked at the place in front of them that was very suitable for camping, and everyone's mood became more and more cheerful.

The pig-head captain who was protecting the rear of the entire team with a brown birthmark on his forehead came to his friend, looked at this very suitable place for camping, and said with a smile.

"You really know how to choose a place! This place with beautiful mountains and clear waters is many times better than the place we had before. If we set up camp here, the concealment will be much higher than that place."

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face looked at the valley in front of him. According to the information he had, the situation in the valley was not as simple as it looked before. There were many places in the large area where everyone could hide.

After a while, the team went to the valley to pick a suitable place, and then built a camp, so they didn't need to worry about being easily found by the Blue Stars.

"I've studied this place carefully. As long as we don't disclose the specific location information of this new camp, we won't be followed by the Blue Stars to find it again." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain said with a smile. Said his friend.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded, he looked at the vast lake in the distance, thought for a while, and said, "There may be strange beasts hiding in the lake ahead.

We set up a camp in peace in the valley, and we must also arrange personnel at the mouth of the valley to monitor in real time to guard against strange beasts in the lake.

If they come out and attack us at that time, we can also know in advance. "

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face said with a smile, "I've thought about this question, whether there are any strange beasts in this lake, our intelligence has not recorded it.

For safety reasons, I will definitely arrange people to be supervisors near Taniguchi in the future. "

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead was not surprised by his friend's meticulous arrangement, so he didn't say anything else.

Afterwards, all the pig-headed men started to walk towards the valley in the distance.

After years of trekking, everyone is physically and mentally exhausted.

Now that they have found this very suitable place to set up a camp in peace, everyone's energy has recovered a bit, but the fatigue has not disappeared in fact.

Everyone must quickly find a place to build a new camp, take a break, and start building the camp immediately, and try to build the camp before dark, so that you don’t have to camp in the wild at night.

The two mountains are close together, but there is an entrance more than ten meters wide at the foot of the mountain.

The pig-headed warriors entered the interior through the entrance of the valley and marched forward.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and they were all very relaxed, thinking that they could take a break right away and build a new residence instead of sleeping in the wild. This is what everyone wants to do most at present.


A gust of wind suddenly blew into the valley from outside the valley, and the lush vegetation on both sides of the road was rattled by the gust of wind.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face who was walking at the forefront of the team suddenly stopped in his tracks. He frowned and looked at a piece of lush grass on the right.

Seeing his team leader's reaction like this, the pig-headed warrior who had been laughing and chatting suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart, and immediately drew out all kinds of weapons on his body, ready to fight.

"Let's line up and prepare to meet the enemy." The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face looked at the grass in the distance, thinking seriously for a few seconds, and said to his subordinates behind him.

"Yes." The pig-headed warriors heard the order from their superiors to line up and knew that the battle was about to start, so they each formed a team and formed a circular formation to guard against possible enemies around the embankment.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead also came to his friend at this time. In his perception, there were many spiritual energy fluctuations in the grass in front of him.

There are so many psychic energy fluctuations in this kind of place, there is a high probability that it is a strange beast. There are a lot of them, and they are weak overall. Don't worry too much about how much damage the opponent will cause your teammates.


The wind blowing in from outside the valley had already stopped, but the grass in front of it started to shake by itself, making continuous noises.

The pig-headed warriors looked at the moving grass with serious expressions, and soon their enemies appeared.

The ones who came were lizards walking upright. These lizards exuded spiritual energy fluctuations. They were about 1.2 meters tall, sticking out their tongues, and looked at the pig-headed warrior ferociously.

"I'll go, there are so many strange beasts!"

"But fortunately, these strange beasts are only first-order strange beasts, and there is not much danger."

"Scared me, I thought it was such a strong enemy!"

"We don't need the captain to take action, we can kill all these strange beasts without falling..."

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The pig-headed warriors with weapons and various supplies on their backs saw that the hundreds of lizards coming out of the grass were all just first-order beasts. Their nervousness immediately calmed down, and then they looked at these enemies with a smile.


Shocking roars came from farther away, and a four-meter-tall lizard ran quickly. Every time it stepped on the ground, its huge feet would slap the ground.

Originally calmed down, they looked at the pig-headed soldiers attacking the enemy with a smile. When they saw the four-meter-tall lizard in the distance, their smiles froze on their faces.

This huge lizard has the strength of the early stage of the third stage, which is not something these pig-headed warriors can fight against.

"You deal with those first-stage lizards, and we will deal with the early-stage third-stage lizard." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain looked at the strange beasts that were quickly running towards him, and gave orders to his subordinates.

"Yes, Captain." The smiles on the faces of the pig-headed soldiers disappeared, and they replied in a uniform tone.

"I'll be the main attacker. Later, you will attack him from the side and try to kill him as soon as possible."

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead sensed the strength of the incoming alien beast.

Although he can handle it by himself at the early stage of the third stage, but as he said, in order to kill the strange beast in the fastest time, two people working together is the best solution.

"Okay." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain nodded, and then the two pig-headed captains rushed over quickly with weapons in hand.

If the lizard at the beginning of the third stage rushed into the team of pig-headed warriors, it would cause huge casualties, so it had to be stopped.

Four meters tall, with colorful scales on his body, his tongue is sticky and greasy, his teeth are exposed, extremely sharp, reflecting cold light under the sunlight.

Such a strange beast with a cultivation base of the first stage of the third stage has lived in this area for more than a hundred years.

Some time ago, it was only at the peak of the second-order strength. It had just broken through, and enemies invaded its territory, which made it very angry.


With a roar, a fierce wave of air spewed out from the mouth of the strange beast.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead narrowed his eyes when he saw this, then kicked his left foot on the ground, and moved his body quickly to the right to avoid the air wave from the strange beast.


The air wave hit the ground like a substance, and it actually cracked the ground. The shattered earth and rocks splashed around, and hit the plants crackling, making a burst of noise.

"The awakened ability of this strange beast is very powerful, be careful, don't be hit by its air wave." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead who avoided the attack reminded his friend.

Then he raised the weapon in his hand, slashed out a golden sword air, and then hit the second wave of air from the strange beast.


The air wave emitted by the strange beast collided with the sword air slashed by the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead, and a big explosion immediately occurred.

The strong wind splashed around, blowing many plants and trees to bend down.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face who walked around to his side cast his power, and invisible ripples came from his hand, and the strange beast, which was originally imposing, was immediately dizzy from the shock.

The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead saw his friend succeed, he rushed up immediately, swung the spirit weapon long sword in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the back of the strange beast.


After being infused with psychic energy, the spiritual weapon long sword became extremely sharp, leaving a deep wound on the strange beast covered with colorful scales.


The injured beast let out a painful roar, then twisted its body, swept its tail out, and slapped the captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead.


The captain of the pig-headed man with a brown birthmark on his forehead, who was experienced in combat, put his sword across his body ahead of time.

The tail of the strange beast, which was like a steel whip, slapped the body of his spiritual weapon, the long sword. His arm was a little numb due to the huge force, and he took a dozen steps back to stand still.

When he came to a complete stop and looked around, he saw that the dozen or so steps he took back just now had made shallow pits on the ground, which showed how powerful the strange beast was.


The handsome pig-headed logistics captain who was playing support beside him continued to use his abilities, causing the strange beast to feel dizzy and suppressed its aura.

The two pig-headed warriors attacked this strange beast with only the initial strength of the third stage.

The original ferocious arrogance of the strange beast disappeared, and it struggled to resist the blows of the two enemies.

In the distance, the pig-headed warriors formed a circular formation, put all the supplies on their backs on the ground, and took the initiative to meet the hundreds of lizards that were attacking them.


The lizard beast with its tongue out rushed towards the pig-headed warrior ferociously.

If it weren't for knowing that these strange beasts were nothing to be afraid of, and with their first-stage cultivation base, they couldn't help themselves. These pig-headed warriors would be weakened by such an impact.

They can't deal with the Blue Stars, but to deal with these first-stage alien beasts, it's not like cutting melons and vegetables.


The pig-headed warriors shouted in unison, UU Reading's aura soared, and after colliding with the alien beast, he slashed dozens of lizard alien beasts to death on the spot.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, the grass was stained red with blood, the fighting continued, and lizards fell to the ground one by one.

The pig-headed warriors had been aggrieved for several days, and they were released at this moment. They fought more and more bravely, and the group of lizards that had killed the charge retreated steadily and broke into an army.


The lizard with the initial cultivation of the third stage was attacked by two pig-headed captains, and the wounds on his body were all over his body.

At this moment, it knew that its side was no match for these enemies, so it roared to make its subordinates retreat.

It's a pity that it's too late, and it's too late to think about escaping now.

(end of this chapter)

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