My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1885: 1850: : forced to migrate (2

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Latest URL: When everyone was chatting, suddenly someone pointed to the distance and said, "Look quickly! That person seems to be Ning Yu."

Everyone heard the words and looked around, and found that the person not far away was really Ning Yu, because they were all in the same circle and knew each other, so they immediately recognized the woman wearing sunglasses as Ning Yu.

Soon, everyone's eyes fell on the strange man who was reading the manual with Ning Yu.

"Who is that guy? It seems that he is quite familiar with Ning Yu." Just when everyone was wondering about the identity of the strange man.

Wu Gao's complexion was a bit ugly, because he has been secretly in love with Ning Yu.

Seeing him chatting and laughing with a strange man and Ning Yu now, I feel very uncomfortable, a burst of anger gushes out from his chest and goes straight to the top of his head.

"Shall we go over and say hello to Ning Yu?" Someone asked.

"Of course I'm going to say hello, let's go, let's go." said the polite young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Afterwards, a group of people walked towards Ning Yu.

Lin Fei and Ning Yu were looking at the manual in their hands together. Just as they decided to take action, a voice came from behind.

"Ning Yu." He heard someone calling himself.

Ning Yu turned around and looked, "It's you guys!"

"Is this your friend?" The gentle man wearing myopia glasses greeted Ning Yu, then looked at Lin Fei beside Ning Yu and asked.

"Yes, he is my friend." Ning Yu nodded.

The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries, and Ning Yu smiled and said, "Then you guys play! My friend and I will leave first."

At this time, Wu Gao said, "Since everyone has met, let's go together!"

Ning Yu heard the words, turned to look at Lin Fei, and then said to Wu Gao, "There are too many people, it's not convenient to go together..."

Hearing the reasons for Ning Yu's refusal, Wu Gao felt a little annoyed. He knew that the reason why Ning Yu didn't agree to be together was because of Lin Fei.

Afterwards, he watched Ning Yu and Lin Fei walk away. At this moment, the gentle young man wearing golden glasses said to Wu Gao.

"Do you need me to find out who that person is later?"

"En." Wu Gao nodded.

Spirit world, in the pig man camp in the forest.

The pig-headed men didn't go out to collect food today, because the news brought by the two pig-headed men who had escaped made them afraid to leave the camp for the time being and go around to collect food.

Everyone has nothing to do now. They are basking in the sun against the corner of the house in the camp, chatting without saying a word.

A somewhat bald pig-headed warrior scratched his leg and said to his companions, "The situation is not very good now!"

A pig-headed warrior wearing an earring nodded and said, "Yes! The Blue Stars are now moving more and more in the forest, and they tend to search for us."

A pig-headed warrior with a mustache thought for a while and said, "According to the information from the two people who came to join us before, the Blue Stars obviously want to clear the supply point we built in the forest."

"Then what should we do? If those Blue Stars find out where we are, we may suffer a devastating blow."

"What is possibility? Now this situation can be determined."

"It's not like you haven't heard about how terrifying those Blue Stars are. All the supply points found by them are basically destroyed."

"Since it's so dangerous, why don't we change places! Rebuild a safe camp."

"You said it lightly. We came here to build the supply point with great difficulty, and now we have to abandon it. Isn't that all a waste of work?"

"Although it's a pity to give up, it's better than being approached by the Blue Stars and killing everyone!"

The pig-headed warriors basking in the sun in the corner, you express your opinions with each other.

They debated vigorously about the idea of ​​abandoning their current camp.

"Actually, we just listen to the captain. If the captain says to give up, he will give up. If the captain says to stay, then he will stay. Why bother arguing about this issue." A pig-headed warrior saw that his companions were getting more and more noisy, and interjected.

Hearing what he said, the quarreling pig-headed warriors looked at each other and thought about it.

"That's true! We're just soldiers, what do we want to do so much, we just listen to our superiors. To waste those brain cells, we might as well bask in the sun leisurely."

Not far from these pig-headed warriors, there is the log cabin of the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.

At this moment in the house, the pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face was further discussing with his friends whether to move out of the camp and find a safe place to live again.

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead frowned, thinking about whether to abandon the camp.

"How is it? What do you think?" The handsome pig-headed logistics captain asked his friends after thinking for a few minutes.

"Alas..." the pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead sighed, and then said to his friend.

"Now that the situation has become like this, for the sake of safety, I think it is better to abandon this camp! Then find another place to build a camp.

Although it will take a lot of time to build a new camp, it is better than being attacked by the Blue Stars and killing everyone. "

Hearing what his friend said, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain pondered for a while, then spoke.

"I've been thinking about this question these days, and finally came up with the same answer as you.

So it was decided, everyone packed up their things and left this place, and found a safe place to build a camp again. "

The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead nodded, and then he thought of something, and said to his friend.

"After a while, the temperature in the forest will drop, and we have to find a place and set up the camp before the temperature drops.

Otherwise, everyone will spend the night in a cold environment, which may cause many people to catch a cold, which is not acceptable. "

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face nodded and said, "I have also considered this issue. I have studied the topographic map in the forest and have already selected the site for the new camp.

Based on our current marching speed, it will take about three to four and a half days to reach that new place.

Before the cooling of the forest comes, we have enough time to build the camp and store enough food to survive the cooling period. "

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The pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead heard that his friend had already conceived the next plan, so he didn't say anything else.

Afterwards, the two pig-headed warriors left the room immediately.

"Boom boom boom..."

A loud sound sounded in the camp. This was the sound of assembly. The pig-headed soldiers who were basking in the sun heard the sound, and all got up from the ground, and then ran to the assembly place.

Seeing the assembly of dozens of subordinates in front of him, the handsome pig-headed logistics captain glanced at everyone's expressions, and found that everyone had a little worry on their faces, because they were worried about whether their future situation would be good or bad.

Obviously, the news brought by the two pig-headed men who came to seek refuge earlier caused great trouble to the people who were not worried.

"Cough, cough, cough." The handsome pig-headed logistics captain coughed a few times, and then said to his subordinates.

"The Blue Stars are now very purposefully looking for our supply points in the forest, and they want to clear us all.

For safety reasons, I decided to abandon this supply point and find another place to set up camp. If you have any other ideas, you can tell me. "

The handsome pig-headed logistics captain's voice fell, and the pig-headed soldiers present looked at each other, and then no one spoke.

Seeing this scene, the pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face said, "Okay, since everyone has no other ideas, then do as I say.

From now on, everyone pack up their things, and in an hour, we will leave here and set off to a safe place to settle down. "

"Yes, Captain." The pig-headed warriors responded in unison, and then began to pack their belongings.

One hour is a bit of a rush to pack up the items in the entire camp, but everyone completed the task on time.

The pig-head logistics captain with a handsome face and the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead stood on the grass in front of the camp, looking at the pig-head warriors who were ready to go, they all nodded in satisfaction.

Then, the pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face said to his subordinates, "Let's go..."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked in front of everyone. Seeing this, the pig-headed warriors followed immediately.

And the pig-head captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead walked at the end of the team to protect the safety of the team as usual.

When they walked a certain distance, the pig-headed warriors looked back at the camp that had been built with great difficulty.

After all, it is a home that everyone has spent a lot of energy building. I thought that the leisurely life was about to start, but now I am forced to give up. Thinking about it, I feel very uncomfortable.

It can be said that it is a very wise decision to give up this supply point decisively and choose to go to a safe place and resettle again.

Because shortly after the pig-headed man left the camp, the pig-headed man who was captured by the blue star told the blue star about their camp.

The Blue Stars who obtained the information immediately sent a search team to this place.

"Look, there is a building ahead." The investigator pointed to the vague outline ahead and said to his companions.

"According to the information provided by the pig-headed man who surrendered, there are dozens of pig-headed people here." Someone responded.

"Dozens of pig-headed people, quite a lot!"

"There's also a pig-headed man with a third-level cultivation, everyone, be careful when we clear up later, don't be slapped by him jumping over the wall in a hurry."

"Don't worry! It's not like I haven't encountered a more powerful one, Xiaoyi."

"It's always right to be careful."

The members of the search team discussed in a low voice, and then divided into two groups, attacking the Zhutou Neng supply point in front of them.

When they launched an attack, they found that the camp had already been deserted and there was not a single pig-headed warrior.

With a "bang", the originally closed wooden door was kicked open.

Investigators walked into the room and found some food in the room.

"It seems that this room was originally used as a warehouse for storing food! Those pig-headed men left in a hurry, and some of the food was not taken away."

Searched around the camp but found nothing. According to the judgment, the pig-headed man in the camp had been away for two days.

Now even thinking about chasing those pig-headed men who left, after so long, there is no way to find their whereabouts.

"It seems that those pig-headed people have received some rumors in advance, otherwise, they would not have left so decisively."

"Through the investigation, it was found that this camp was built not long ago. The decisive abandonment of this newly built camp shows that those pig-headed people who have already left should have known the information that some of their companions' camps were destroyed."

"It's a pity. If the pig-headed man who surrendered had told us what he knew earlier, we would have been able to get rid of this group of fleeing pig-headed men."

The leading investigator thought for a while, and then gave the order, "We destroy this camp and return."

Because the pig-headed man had been away for at least two days, and he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to. Instead of wasting time here and destroying this camp, returning to the base camp was a more correct choice.

Afterwards, the investigators used various methods to razed the camp that the pig-headed logistics team spent a lot of time building to the ground.

The sky was bright, and in the lush forest, there was a team of dozens of people walking forward.

Three days had passed since these pig-headed warriors carrying all kinds of supplies abandoned the camp and headed for their new home.

Everyone traveled through mountains and rivers and was very tired, but thinking that they would soon reach a safe place, everyone felt a lot more relaxed, not as depressed and anxious as they were when they abandoned the camp at the beginning.

The pig-headed logistics captain with a handsome face opens the way for everyone, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com He waved the spiritual weapon long sword in his hand, destroying some bushes and sharp thorns blocking the way forward.

The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead at the end of the team watched all directions with his eyes and listened to all directions, unfolding his mental power perception, always paying attention to the surrounding movements, and beware of possible dangerous situations.

Although all the alien beasts above the third rank in the forest were wiped out, after a year of development, some of the peak second rank alien beasts had broken through to the third rank.

Therefore, sometimes if you are unlucky, you will be attacked by a third-tier alien beast.

In the three days after leaving the camp, they encountered several attacks by strange beasts on the way.

One of the most dangerous times was when a strange beast at the beginning of the third stage launched a surprise attack at night when most of the people were asleep.

(end of this chapter)

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