My yuri ‘curse’

Chapter 1: Test chapter: new student

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New student

It was a warm, spring morning. The sounds of the city entering a girls room like a wash of song birds… annoying, loud, obnoxious song birds. 

“Ugh… why are people up at FIVE IN THE MORNING!”

The girl yelled, tossing her pillow, blankets, and other such bed items she had used to cover her ears from the noise off herself. She never got used too it, all the noise, the hustle and bustle of the city. Shaking her head she sighed, resignation clear in her defeated voice,

“I just wanted sleep… hah…”

“Well at least you’re awake.”

A voice said, coming from the girls door. Her sister, already getting ready for the day, had came to wake the girl up, but with the noise it was unnecessary. 

“I’m gonna take a shower first, mom left breakfast on the table.” 

Mumbling a thanks to her sister the girl slowly got up. The sister for her part departed swiftly, the train waited for no one and she didn’t want to miss it. The younger sister was glad she didn’t have the same issue, hers was entirely different, though surprisingly similar, she needed to walk too her school and she must be ready and still have time to get there. 

After sometime, and a bit of light chitchat between the girls, they said there goodbyes, their school’s waiting for them. Hers wasn’t that far, a good half hour walk, which she preferred to jog so as to cut time, and exercise. Getting too the gates a bit early she caught a glimpse of something off, a black car parked right across from the school’s gate, not one too overthink things she shrugged it off and walked in to the school’s boarders. Talking to some of her friends before the teacher came in she was relaxed, nothing surprising today had happened, small gossip here and there which she could catch up on later at lunch,

“I hear Kai and Daisy got together.”

“Really? I thought she hated his guts?”

“Apparently she and him go back, and she was just nervous about asking him.” 

“Eh I can see that.”

“Did you guys see the car? The one across the street?”

The girl interrupted her friends talk, she had been looking out the window, but the car she saw this morning was gone. Strange, she hadn’t heard it drive away. Then again most kids got dropped off by there parents… but for some reason it didn’t add up.

“The black one, that was just idling?”

“Yeah! Some reason it isn’t at the gate anymore…and I didn’t see it drive off.”

“Think it was kidnappers?”

“Nooo, to early, plus right outside a school?”

“Hey it was just a suggestion.”

As the girls started to talk about the strange car the other girls filed into class, the girl and her friends always came a bit earlier since they lived farther out, gave them time to talk about school and chat about trivial stuff as well. 

The teacher was last in, setting the textbook down on their desk they look at the class, nod and begin. 

“Well before we get to role call, I would like too introduce a new student at our school!”

The teach spoke excitedly, her face beaming as she continued. Motioning for whom ever was past the door to enter.

“This, class, is Samantha Nort. She will be in our class for the foreseeable future, treat her well.

The teacher talked as a beautiful girl walked in; she had wheat gold hair, sharp blue eyes, a buxom chest, and a slim figure that accentuates her hour glass look. Her hair came down to just above her knees and flowed smoothly, as if being held just too show it off. Everyone whom may have reservations about her friendliness was pleasantly surprised.

“Hello everyone, it is nice to meet all of you. I am, as the teacher said, Samantha Nort, though please just call me Sam.”

Her voice was like a soothing sunshine, a small hint of coolness that kept you just close enough out that you wanted to enjoy it, but not too close as to spoil it. Her bow was flawless, as she came up she smiled so brightly one would think she used a bulb, and her eyes that drooped ever so subtly showed a cute tiredness only able too be pulled off by masters of beauty. 

“Alright, enough introductions, Samantha you can take the seat beside Nami, now role call.”

As the teacher began girls sounded off as their name was called. The girl however was frozen, the beauty Samantha was too sit.. BESIDE HER?! Confusion was abound, after all she could see the envious gazes from some of her pears while she herself could only think on how lucky she was to talk too someone who would more then likely become the class favorite in due time.

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“Is it alright if I take a seat? I don’t want too be a bother so… if you wish me elsewhere do say.”

The girl was confused and shook her head vigorously, 

“N-no please do! I um, I’m Nami as you heard from teacher.”

Stuttering a little at the start the girl introduced herself, and the beauty, while sitting down nodded saying,

“A lovely name it is, I hope we can become close friends as the year goes on, yes?”

“Uh yeah yeah, let’s get along. Hah… here!”

The teacher called the girls name as the two talked, as if finishing their conversation the girl announced herself too the teacher when her name was called and then… sighed? Her head hung down and her soft, droopy eyes now felt like a weight held them low. “Strange,” The girl thought “she looked so cheerful a moment ago… why does she look sad now?” As she contemplated her new companions attitude the class quickly went by, a blur off school, classes and study, today was more a review since Samantha, and a few other students, where new too town and might need some catching up. During lunch the girl, Nami, was with her two friends discussing the new beauty,

“She looks sooooo pretty! Seriously how can someone look that good! I have to learn how she does her makeup, does she do makeup?”

“I didn’t see any, maybe she uses more subtle stuff?”

These two had been at it for a while, they had only seen the beauty and hadn’t really talked to them much, the girl, sighed, she hadn’t been as interested in beauty products as her friends, just enough too look pretty and so she tuned it out for a bit before asking.

“She looked kinda… sad? I don’t know how to call it, but she just looked like she wasn’t really there ya know?”

The two friends stopped talking and turned to the girl, 

“What do you mean? She was super cheery and stuff! She talked with almost everyone after class and look!” 

Pointing to a crowd, which in the center was the beauty, Samantha, her soft eyes, and smiling face, but for some reason, and the friends could tell as they looked closer, she looked tired from all the people. 

“Huh… I never noticed, she looks so… cold? Like she doesn’t want to be there.”

“I wonder why?” “Maybe she isn’t used to being popular.”

A voice behind the gaggle of girls made them jump,

“Ara ara~ and what made you three so jumpy? Is this big sister just that scary?”

A dark smile, sharp cobalt blue eyes, dark gold hair, amble body that screams fitness, that was the disciplinary committee’s head, Nora Nort, her kind voice belies a sinister hand.

“Now girls, being quiet and cold doesn’t seem nice, come on what was it you where talking about? I’m sure I won’t be mad, it’s only about my sister.” 

The girls shivered at that, hoping that whom ever spoke first would only be told not to talk again rather then anything like the rumors said might happen.

“I was wondering if she is okay.”

Bothe the friends looked, wide eyed, at the girl whom spoke up. The sister stared for a few moments and sighed, a similar sigh that felt like a cold breeze swept through the room. 

“She… it’s complicated, she is fine I can assure you, she just is… not used too the attention. I hope you can understand.” 

The three girls let out a collective sigh of their own, before they nodded and agreed,

“I can get that, I don’t know how I would feel if suddenly everyone was around me most of the day.”

“Mhm mhm, I may want to have that attention but it isn’t for everyone!”

“I see… I hope she is well.”

“Thank you, now I have some to go save my little sister, if you’ll excuse me.”

The big sister walked off, dispersing the crowd and letting things calm down a bit. As things calmed soon classes started again, life moved on, and as quickly as it came, school was done. Sitting outside the school the girl waited for her sister to come by on the bike, their only means of transport for the both of them. As she waited she saw the beauty walk out of the school, across the street and, into the black car! With a bewildered expression the girl watched as the beauty was escorted into the car, where she talked with someone before the door closed and it drove off. She couldn’t believe what she saw and simply waited for her sister. who was that girl, why did she come in that car, why had she never seen it till now? All these questions swirling in her head till she headed home.

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