My yuri ‘curse’

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: I prefer to sleep

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Chapter 1: I prefer to sleep

Slowly the rustle of the trees gave way to small birds chirping, a lovely sound, the thump of a car door and a mumbling sigh. Another day was about to begin and the lady of the house wanted nothing more… then to sleep under a nice tree.

“Lady Samantha wake up! Breakfast is ready, and your bath shall be drawn, please hurry, we wouldn’t want to miss the day, now do we?”

The birds where especially noisy today… nothing would come of sleeping in, so though groggy, the lady got up, opened her door and walked past her maid. Brushing her hand through her hair before sighing, a mirror, one she always looked at as she left her room, it always stared back with a unforgettable figure… herself, a body she never earned.

To know why the lady sighed so when looking at herself we shall go back, before they where the lady, before they were dotted upon, before all that, and look at their first life.

*SLAM* “Finally, works over. Ah! And my new ritual stuff came in today!”

 A man with black-ish brown hair spoke giddily as he walked into his apartment, it wasn’t anything big, just enough for him to live and spend a dump of cash on his hobby. Which many may consider in the tame side of hobbyists, being fake magic, he knew it was a waste of money and never did he consider it too ever work.

“Let’s see, mandrake roots, devil’s teeth, ooo new candles! Gonna use those tonight, ah and a grimoire! Finally can tell the guys I got a real deal grimoire! Hm… has a few spells, a yuri goddess summoning circle? That’s a mouthful… eh gotta break in the new candles somehow.”

The man slowly read through the list of items needed, and for some of the stuff online he thought this would be a childish endeavor, if he succeeded, well he didn’t quite know, but he did know that if it worked he wouldn’t really be needing to worry about that any longer.

Setting out the items needed, a book with love filled intentions (he used a book his mother read him a lot), a letter written by a innocent soul(his mother’s letter asking how he was doing at his new job, he had wrote back he was doing good.), and finally a tear from a heartbroken girl(his mother knew about his weird hobby so he actually had a entire bottle’s worth. He was glad his mom understood but he even thought it was creepy she let him have a bottle of her tears.)

He set the magical circle, it said to do two symbole féminin using wax, and since he felt like being fancy he used his new rosemary scented ones, he never did like the smell normal candles give when being put out (happens in more rituals then one would think) and rosemary is often a ingredient in spells so he uses these as a substitute. After a bit of time he slowly began the chant, 

“par amour, pour moi, pour elle et toi, pour moi tout entier, et tout le mien, je t'appelle oh mon dieu, yuri viens et yuri va tout est à elle et tout est à toi!” 

As he spoke the words it felt strange, like a spark was on his tongue every time the words sounded. Then slowly the symbols started to merge, the letter opened and glowed, the book started flipping pages over and over, the bowl of tears slowly turned to steam and from this a flash! And standing before him, dressed in a pink robe that left little to the mind, was a woman, beautiful in every way, except for her hideous grin and blood dripped nose which was desperately hidden as she began to speak.

“oh amant qui m'appelle, je t'écoute, maintenant quel est ton enfant de souhait! quel amour veux-tu pour moi, Yuri !”

The words that she spoke had the same spark, except it felt more electric, while his had only been small fragments of this spark, hers held weight and power behind it,

“Oh great one, goddess of uh hm… give me a moment…. Of Yuri! I beseech thee with no request yet held on my worldly mind, I summoned thee from curiosity and humbly seek that I am but not punished!”

Quickly he bowed, after checking the script for the goddesses realm of influence so he didn’t flub this. The goddess raised a eye brow before shrugging and saying,

“*ahem* then mortal! I shall heed thy request with but a simple gift that many would consider a blessing!”

“This mortal one is honored for thy generosity, I shall humbly hear mine blessing and consider it. Also… could we talk less, ye old English? It is but a small request from this one.”

“*ahem* first, I shall make you a lover, me and you can go on dates and play dress up and basically live eternity together! Also yes, sorry about speaking like that, last time I was summoned was like soooooooo long ago. By the way where would you like our first date?”

“Hm… um… though I no doubt would believe that as a blessing, I simply wouldn’t wish to date someone. I would rather sleep than date, I hope you understand.”

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The goddess, stood still, stunned that anyone would reject her her eyes looked at the man with a slowly growing rage. She hadn’t been rejected before, especially not from a mortal, ‘like what is wrong with one date!’ She thought, ‘who does this mortal think they are, i’ll show you!”

“Oh I understand, I really understand.” 

She spoke up, and then the world started to darken around the man, a crack in reality was opened and he was swept into the underworld for his transgressions of…


A grey being, amorphous and all consuming, stared at this mortal soul, and the goddess next to it. Making a semi mortal form they started writing a report before looking at the goddess,

“I’m not taking them. Remake them, curse their soul to be tortured for eternity, but I won’t take a soul that wasn’t meant to die at that time.” 

“Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase? Just one favor, just a itty bitty favor?”

“No. Well… I can fulfill one favor, but do it my way.”

Huffing, her cheeks puffing into a squirrel like fashion as she said, “FIIIIIINE. I want to see him punished though.”

“Mmm yes yes, hm… I know what to do, give me a subordinate of yours some divine power and a realm. I will ‘torture’ this one for a while before handing them over to you.” 

The god chuckled, it never liked dealing in favors, and even less in soul dealing when it came to fellow gods, but this acceptation would be entertaining, especially to see the goddesses reaction.

“Hey Death?”


“Your face is falling off, again.”

“Blast, well anyway, you run off now young goddess, I have a soul to ‘torture’.”

Nodding the goddess left the realm of souls, leaving behind a shaky saint to help with the main work that required her divine energy.

 After some weeks the god, and saint, made the chamber, with input from the soul of course. everything was set and the soul was scrubbed a little, only the time it was a mortal man was remembered and a few choices they made for their prison, Death had become rather fond of the soul, for when they had talked it brought forth its history and Death could only laugh. Death saw the potential that it hid, the longing it held deep in itself, and with a helping hand Death knew it would only be a matter of time.

Now for the souls part, it held together very well. Being put into a form and awakening at eight they prepared to live their life fully, a thing they simply hadn’t been able to do, the hands of their past held them back but that would be for another time. 

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