Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 17: Kouta takes a risk – (1)

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I got up from the table and bowed deeply towards Shiho.

“I apologise for intruding into your home.”

I moved quickly to the door, and began to put on my shoes.

“Kouta wait!”

Shi-chan hurtled towards me, and tried to stop me from leaving.

“Don’t leave!  I’ll talk with Mama.  Kouta, absolutely don’t leave.”

I shake my head.

“I’ll wait outside for five minutes.  Then I’ll go home.”

I don’t want to get mixed up in family drama.  It appears dad has fucked two members of the Nakada household, and I wasn’t really interested in dealing with the fallout from a party I don’t need to be involved with.

My dislike for dad increased again, but it doesn’t amount to anything that would change my relationship, either.  

I exit the house, and walk until I’m no longer on the property, but still visible from the door.

I can only yell internally.


After hearing about that, I stop to think about my parents.

I guess when I think about parents, the two who come to mind are actually Dad and Onee-chan.

Mom was gone for half of the year, that’s true.  But even when she was home, she was always busy.

When it came to things like parent’s day and such, it was always Dad and Onee…

Who was this Reiko, anyway?

According to what I just heard, Dad and Shiho were an item once.  Somehow dad ended up with mom, and Shiho declared it ruined her life.


Cheating can happen in a relationship, especially at the levels of high school and college.  So what caused their breakup, and why do I need to be affected by it?

Sadly I looked at my phone, and the five minutes were almost up.

I turned away, and began to walk home.


I heard a shout from behind me, so I stopped and turned around.

“Kouta, take me with you.”


“I just broke family ties with my mama.  I only have Kouta now.”

No one asked you to do that.

“Oi!  What are you thinking!?” I yell at her.

“I’m thinking I will do whatever I can to hold on to Kouta.  If mama won’t approve, then I will discard mama.”

“Please think things through seriously.”

“It’s already done Kouta.  I’ll… behave.  Just don’t leave me alone now.”

Nakada-san is carrying nothing but the clothes on her back.  And now me, as she interlocked her body onto my arm.

“I know somehow I will regret this.  But I love you, Shi-chan. I won’t let you go.”

We walk back towards my house.

This would be like one of those commuting marriages other countries have, except the destination is one way.

I have to bring her into the house where my father lives.  Now more than ever, I will need to search for an apartment.

We pass houses and businesses, until we reach a certain point, and Nakada-san stops me.

She points at a place, and I want to sigh.

“I’m not asking you to go in now.”

Where she is pointing is a love hotel.  It’s the only one in the area.

“When it’s time.  I want to do it there, okay?  It’s important to me.”

When it’s time?  Not now?  Okay.

“Mm. Fine.  When it’s time.”

We continue walking, and she does not let me go, and she doesn’t stop me again until we reach my home.

She looks at it, and her brow furrows.

Does she remember it?

“Nee~ Kouta… are you perhaps, rich?”

That’s what she seemed concerned about!?

“Not really rich, no.  My mother works overseas half of the year, and dad works at a black company.  I’ve heard he occasionally gets overtime, but he’s never home.  If it’s about money, I get a small allowance, but I have my own from working for senpai and his company as a freelancer.”

“Kouta is already financially independent?”

“For the most part.  I have enough savings to get a place for a while, if it comes down to it.”

We are stopped outside of my home.

“Kouta… whatever you want of me. I’ll give it.  I know I’m trouble.  I know I’m troubling you a lot already, but please… don’t abandon me.  Okay?”

I give her a hug.  No kiss, no ecchi, just my arms wrapped around her and pushing her into my chest.

“Then, for now.  Welcome to my home, Shi-chan.”

“Un.  I am undeserving, but please take care of me, Kouta.”

I open the door, and let her in.

My house is pretty spacious compared to hers.  The living room is open, and so is the kitchen, except for a small island.  Onee-chan actually did the remodeling back in middle school, so she could handle the cooking and host for certain guests relevant to her career.

There were two bedrooms and a bathroom downstairs, and the same upstairs, except the bathroom was closer to a half, but with a small shower that was added later by a few friends of Onee-chan.

As I mentioned before.  When I thought of family, it really only was Onee-chan and Dad.

I want to confront him about what I learned from Shiho, but that’s the me that isn’t scared to find out.

I’m actually scared.

When my father talked with me over sushi, he told me not to worry, yet I am full of worry.

There’s no way I’m getting through this night safely.

So I might as well deal with what needs to be dealt with.

The real question is, if she doesn’t figure it out before then, how will she react when the shit hits the fan.

Rather than that, as a matter of selfishness… how will I react?

I would love to text Kimiko or Senpai and ask them what I should do… Kimiko could probably put her up for a night, but it would be rude to impose on senpai if I insisted on staying.

I’m stressed out.


Shi-chan said the unexpected.

What did I expect?

Ojamashimasu*, of course.  To apologise for intruding.  But it seems she has already acknowledge being here with me, in this house, now with her family ties broken, her home.

So I must follow suit, to show my resolve to her.

“Okaeri, Shi-chan.”

She grabs hold of both of my hands, and locks into my fingers while facing me.  Her golden orbs which have that beautiful shine and luster, with that twinkle of mischief are there to greet me.

It’s wordless love.

“Nee~ can I see Kouta’s bedroom?  I want to see where we are going to sleep tonight!”


“Of course, together!  I won’t let go of Kouta even if he asks.”

Be strong, me.

I escort her upstairs, to the room on the right which has been my bedroom for the last ten years.

Before this we lived in a smaller place, and Onee-chan and I shared a room.  

I open the door to my room, and she walks right in.


She starts moving about looking at all of my things.

“Nee~ Kouta.  You really are an otaku, aren’t you?”

I said I was.

“Wow! Look at all these cute figurines!  Oh, and you have this manga too?  I haven’t read it in years! Oh and what’s this?”

She’s making herself right at home in an instant.

“The only thing I ask, is to not touch the computer without permission. Okay?  I have important files related to my job, and I don’t want any accidents.”

She raises her hand high.


You are reading story Nakada-san To Ren’ai at

Good girl.  Have a head pat.

I reach up and pat her hair.

It’s soft as usual.

“Nihehe~ Kouta loves me.”

I love her.  I don’t think I would have even considered it if not afflicted by the world’s most dangerous debuff.

“If you are hungry, there is some food downstairs, but it’s not much, mostly instant noodles, and some uninteresting snacks.”

“I’ll be fine with whatever, Kouta.”

“I’ll go out in a bit to get something, in the meantime, I want to just relax for a bit.”


She reaches for the manga she spotted earlier, and sits in the computer chair, while I fall flat on the bed.

I roll over and can see her.  She’s reading the manga without a care in the world.

I feel a strange sense of happiness at having a girl in my room that isn’t my Onee…

I fully expect an attack from her, but nothing happens.

Am I disappointed?

Shi-chan~ come to papa~

Uwah.  Disgusting.

What should have been a happy thought is somehow tainted by an unjust reality.

I see her spin back and forth in the chair.  As she rotates, her leg muscles flex.

In my head, the memory of the open thigh lap pillow reemerges.

Fuck am I horny right now?

I hope the timer ran out on that [LUST] debuff.  Otherwise I’m in danger.

I pull out my phone before I realize that she came with nothing at all.

“Shi-chan, did you bring your phone?”

“No.  It’s on the kitchen table.”

“I see.”

“Is there anyone you want to contact about the situation?”

“Yes, but it can wait.”


“Her too.”

There’s someone other than Kimiko she wants to let know?

Well, it’s fine.  This is an opportune time to get to know her better.

“Are you okay?”

I ask a question I probably shouldn’t.

“Absolutely fine!”

I don’t feel convinced.

“I’m with Kouta.  If I need something, I can ask Kouta, right?”

“Un. “

“Like… if I need Kouta to go buy me girly products late at night, he will go and get them, while I wait patiently for him to get back, in nothing but an apron, and a ladle, ready to serve him some really spicy curry.”

Please don’t hadaka in my house, with my father around.


It’s Sunday.

Dad should be home right now.

However, I’m pretty sure he’s not.  I didn’t see his shoes by the door.

We’re safe for now.

“Shi-chan.  My father will be home at some point today.”

“Un.  I will greet him properly.”

“Ah, no that’s not it.”

“Is something wrong?”

To the extreme!  I feel a lump in my stomach just thinking about it.

“Just, know that I love you. Okay?”

“Yay~ Kouta loves me!”

Maybe it’ll be fine.

“You know what?  How about we go shopping in about twenty minutes?  I’m just going to close my eyes for a bit.”

“Okay.  If I need anything, I’ll blow in your ear to wake you up.”

If that’s the tamest way you can do it, that’s fine.

I close my eyes.

It’s two hours later.

The bed is warm.  In my arms is the body of the woman I love.  It’s still clothed.  Praise the sun.

I see her face, but what gets me is the four tear stains that have lightly appeared on her cheeks.

Was she sad?  Was I not there for something? Why did I end up nodding off for this long?  Why didn’t she wake me?

A bunch of questions I don’t have the answer for suddenly appear.

Since Shi-chan is sleeping, I do my best to climb over her without waking her up.

Mission accomplished.

I admit I was hoping to hear her say something cute in her sleep like ‘Nihehe Kouta~<3’  but nothing like that happened.

This is the vulnerable side of the wild Nakada-san.

I want to protect it.  I want to protect her.

I’m the virgin otaku with no real life experience, who wants to protect the lioness…

I’m fucking crazy.

Aaah.  She has something in her hand.  What is it?

I lean over to inspect.

It’s that.

The [Holy Maiden’s Cloth] has entered into her inventory.

I was careless!

...well they were her’s originally anyway.  So it’s fine.

Did she come with panties?  Should I check?  

I clap my hands on my cheeks.

Snap out of it!

I inhale and exhale deeply.

I tried to clear my mind, but a faint smell of cucumbers and something sweet enters my nose.

I need to get out of here fast before I do something bad.

So I open the door and go out closing it quietly behind me.

I should secure some snacks.

At the front door, I still don’t see dad’s shoes, so he hasn’t returned.

Her shoes are there.  Should I leave them?

Fuck it, I’ll be quick.

I walk as fast as I can to the seven, and buy two bags full of things I think she’ll enjoy.  Pocky, some bentos, chips, sodas, some spicy crackers.  I hope that’s everything.

I pay for it all, and walk so fast back home, I might as well just have run.

I put the key in the door, but it turns completely.

It was unlocked.

I open the door, and there are dad’s shoes.

Right next to hers.

Oh no.

I drop the bags and run upstairs.

The door is open.

And I enter the scene of carnage.

(Secret 17:  When Kouta is not there, Nakada-san like to snuggle up with Kuu-tan.  Kouta safely took a picture, and looks at it when he need to feel better.  Kii-chan received a copy as payment for the advice on the aquarium date.)

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