Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 9: Kouta gets propositioned

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“Iya, I think I’ll pass on doing that just yet.”


I decide that I'll choose the pace for a while, instead of letting her run me ragged with it.




Did she just click her tongue?


“I’ll be happy to give them back to you so we can continue on our date, but I don’t have the confidence to not do something to Shi-chan if I'm the one sliding them up your legs.”


“Well, it’s not like I haven’t been giving Kouta so many chances to do something to Shi-chan… after all.”


Is it a compulsion with her to do these kinds of things?  It does make me wonder about her past and how it led her to be a woman like this.


“Shi-chan.  Is it really that you want to do that so badly?” I inquire.


“Hmm, well it’s a fun activity.  That, and I always wanted to try it with Kouta.  Its actually important to me that I do.  But as for the reason why, I don't think I understand it too well myself.”


“You know, it’s not like I'm not interested in doing that, but I want to date Shi-chan for a while to know her better, before we do that kind of thing.  I think it will make all the difference between a good time or not.”


“Kouta is really a good guy, huh? He's really thinking about this properly?”


“I don’t know if the thought I am giving it is proper, or maybe my own nervousness.   I just know I want to go a bit slowly.  Is it no good for Shi-chan if I do?”


“U~n.  It’s fine.  I’m just causing Kouta trouble by acting this way, aren’t I?”


She frowns.  Have I upset her?  I have my reasons for not wanting to start at the finish line.  I think that if I did, she might throw me away soon after.  There are also insecurities of my own.  Mainly that there are other threads I want to read up on the different kinds of lovemaking, so I don't go in blind, and find I can't please her at all.


“Mind if I am honest for a moment?”


She’s silent, but listening.


“I’m worried if we just do that, then Shi-chan will think poorly of me, even if she doesn't think so herself.  I want to build a place in Shi-chan’s heart first, so when it does happen, afterwards I might not be discarded so easily…”


Another silence.




Ah, was I right?


“Kouta, you dummy!  Even though I’ve said it already, I’ve loved Kouta for a while now!  How do you plan to build a place in my heart, when you’re already occupying all of it?”


It's my turn to be silent.


That’s not something easily said. Even if someone as flippant as this girl seems to be,  says it so directly.


“What you are saying is something lovers would say after a long time, right? How can you easily say it like that?”


She shakes her head.


“It’s not easy at all to say that.  It's actually super embarrassing,  but it’s my true feelings. I mean, it’s been over a year since I became no good, and when I get really bad feelings, it’s Kouta’s voice I hear from back then that keep me safe.”


“What did happen back then anyway?”


“Mm.  I don’t wanna say.  I want Kouta to remember on his own.”


“Even if you tell me that, I don’t remember meeting you before.  I only recall seeing you in school from last year, though.”


Nakada-san punches me in the shoulder softly “I should be mad about that too!  Kouta could have appeared before me then, and we could have been together sooner!”


I shake my head,  denying that possibility. “No, I don’t think that is possible.  Rather, if not for Senpai’s phone call, I would probably have never dared to approach Naka… err, Shi-chan.”


“That’s kind of sad in it’s own way. Isn't it though?”


“Sorry I disappoint you.”


“Nee~ Kouta.  Don't mind!  I’m just glad we got to meet each other after all.”


“Aa.  I’m just happy that Shi-chan is being nice to me.  It still feels unreal a bit.”


“Mm. I can understand that part at least.”


She takes my hand in hers, and our fingers intertwine. Her hands are soft, and I feel very warm being next to her. She leans into me, as we sit in the photo booth, and her head rests on my shoulder for a bit.


“Is it okay if I touch you?”


“It’s fine. I want to be touched by Kouta anyway so…”


I move my arm that she’s resting on a bit, and reach up to touch her hair.  It’s soft and fluffy~


“Mmm… Kouta~<3” she lets out a sweet voice.


We relax for a while longer, as I plan out what to do next.


“Is there anything Shi-chan wants to do?”


“Fool around with Kouta.”


“Is there anything else that Shi-chan wants to do?”


“Who knows?  This is pretty much my first date too.”


“Eh? Really?”


“Un. Usually it’s just…”


“…that, right?”




It’s understood.  While we could mean different things by saying ‘that,’ it’s pretty obvious what it is.


“But that’s all the more reason I want to take it slow with you.  Don’t you think you deserve this?”


“I deserve this?”


“Right.  Shi-chan is still young, and very beautiful, and I want to take her places, and see her happy.”


“Is that so…?”


She pulls away from me, leaving my hand empty of her hair and she punches me square in the shoulder again.




The punch wasn’t too hard, but her voice was even softer.


“So, want to play some more games, or go somewhere else?  The time's already long over to be in here.”  I move the curtain, and help her out of the photo booth. 


“Does Kouta have somewhere he wants to go?” She asks, grabbing the sticker photos that dispensed.


“Not really.”


“Then, want to go look at some manga together?” She suggests.


“Sounds fun!” I agree.


She gives a wide smile, then sticks out her hand.


I grab it.


She looks at me, and sticks out her other hand.


“Panties, please.”


Oh yeah.  I forgot I had those still.  I hand them over discreetly.


“I’ll be right back.”


Hopefully the date will proceed at a less dangerous pace from now on.



She comes back out, and links herself around my arm, pushing her body close to mine. There is a manga cafe just down the street a bit, so we take our time walking there. On the way we talk about what we like to read.


“Eh, Isekai, really?”


“Un.  I really like it, especially the reincarnated aristocrat daughter type ones.”


“I’ve read some of those.  I’m partial to the OP Harem types though.”


“Kouta wants to be a harem protagonist?”


“I wouldn’t mind two or three women in a harem.”


“I see… two or three huh?  I’d rather not share Kouta with more than one other though.”


“I don’t think you are supposed to say that…”


“Well, there is lots to love about Kouta. I can understand if other girls want to try and get him.”


“No.  I don’t think that’s going to happen.”




Sigh.  Nope, even with panties on, she’s still not playing with a full deck.  I'm about as average as it gets.  Only in manga, novels, and anime are there such shit male protagonists that somehow have over-capable women throwing themselves at him. I already owe several favors to the god of luck or fortune for the other day, I'm pretty sure I used up damn near a lifetime's worth as it is right now to semi-secure a chance with Nakada-san.


“So what about Shi-chan then?  Are you the reincarnated heroine after the crown prince or something?”


“Aren’t I better as a villainess though?  Besides, I like this mob character right here.”  She slaps me in the chest lightly.


  A mob character?  Well, that’s an accurate assessment, there is no way I can retort that.  It reminds me of one novel I read where a villainess decided to fall in love with a commoner and tried to avoid the prince so she didn’t set any flags that would force her into a marriage she didn’t want to be in, and she could be with the commoner, but somehow the whole world arranged itself to get in the way. It went on for like twelve volumes, and I gave up reading at eight.  I hope it ended properly.


We reach the manga shop and go inside.  There are tons of books spanning many aisles.  Nakada-san has already moved to the appropriate row and is low to the ground hunting for something.


“Oh, it’s this one.” she says as she holds out a certain manga.


[Isekai Slave Lover]


“That one is R-18.”  I point to the label.


“Yes, but the art is good.  I follow the artist on Pixi*.  He originally did the illustrations for the light novel, but got asked to be the main artist for the manga afterwards.” (*Pixiv)


“He~ Shi-chan is knowledgeable about this sort of thing, huh?”


“I used to read a lot of stories like this on Syo* back in middle school.” (*Shosetsuka ni narou!)


We went to sit at a table and read a bit of it together.


“Is Kouta really fine with it?... with me?”


“With what, exactly?”


“Well, the protagonist in this one, only added virgins to his party. That’s supposed to appeal to the otaku audience that reads it, right?  So that means it matters to them, right?

What about Kouta?

Kouta is an otaku, and wants to be a harem protagonist, so is he really alright with his heroine not being…”


I chop her on her head.  Please keep quiet.  I swear she needs to read the relationship thread, because she keeps saying the wrong things!


“It’s true, there are many otaku types that put a lot of emphasis on that kind of thing.  But it’s probably because they are insecure about something.”


“You mean having a small penis.”


“That can be a reason, sure…”

You are reading story Nakada-san To Ren’ai at


“Does Kouta have a small penis?”


I’m average.


I look around the store to see if any other patrons are listening to us.  This isn't one of those stores that have a private room, it's just a communal area to the side with six or seven tables to sit at. Then I make sure to keep the volume of the conversation as low as possible.


“I don’t know.  I don’t go comparing with other guys.  I’m probably normal, I guess.  I’m a very normal person overall.”


“Nee~ what’s normal?  Can you eat it?”



“Just kidding.  I think I used to be normal once too… I always wanted to write a story and post it on Syo* or Kaki*.” (*Kaki = Kakuyomi)


“Then why not do it?” I ask.  I wonder what kind of story she would write.  I bet somehow it would be obscene.


“I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it.” She said downtrodden.


“I’m sure you will fine.  You have to start somewhere right?  Would you write one about being a reincarnated aristocrat’s daughter? You said you like those kinds, right?  It’s best to start with something you know.” I try to be supportive and suggest a place to start.


“I guess I could try.  Kouta will read it?”


“I’ll be your first follower!”


“Un.  I’ll think of something to write about then.” she says as she bites her lip and smiles at me.


“What about Kouta?”


“I write code for eroge so that other people with good stories can see it come to life on a screen.  As for writing, I don't think I have the talent for it, and as for drawing, I can do minor stuff, like pixelwork or some layering.”


“Kouta is good at programming?”


“I learned by chance from a certain bulletin board I frequented.  Senpai is actually my mentor.”


“Senpai? You mean Kii-chan’s husband?”


“Un. Right. Miyajima-senpai.”


Our conversation brings us to those two.


“Those two are lucky.”


“What do you mean.”


“Kii-chan… and I have a lot in common in many ways.  But Kii-chan didn’t have someone like Kouta in her past.  So she had to struggle a lot before she met him.”


“Eh?  I thought they were living together for a while though?”


“She freeloaded off of him for a while, and he never complained about it.  She would take off for days and be with other people… then she would somehow end up back at his place, and he would always welcome her back.  He never laid a hand on her, or got angry.  He took care of her, and was always kind, and one day, she went out and couldn’t bring herself to do it with anyone else.


After a few nights of being crazy out of her mind... she eventually crawled into his bed.


And a few months later, they got married.”


“So that’s how it happened?  Senpai didn’t talk much about it.  He just mentioned having a female houseguest over from time to time, and that he missed her often when she was gone.”


“You know, it’s rare to get lucky in love like that.”


“Do you think so?  I share a lot in common with Senpai as well.  In fact, if we were older, and it was Shi-chan and me, I’d probably do something similar.”




“Well, let’s assume we didn’t meet now.  If, say in five or so years, I somehow met Shi-chan after so long, even if she didn’t know me at all, and she wanted to freeload off of me, I’d be happy.  Even if there was no sex or anything.  I’m not a pushover or anything, I’d just be happy that a woman I liked very much would be in the same house as me.  Even if it’s at a distance, how much closer is that distance?  I’d want to keep Shi-chan close to me, and make her comfortable. My only reasoning would be, seeing Shi-chan happy, would make me happy, and if she was sad, being able to cheer her up, would make me feel good.”


“It sounds kinda lame when you say it.”


“Maybe it’s the difference between how men and women love each other?”


“Oh, Kouta knows about such things?”


I recall being taught a special kind of female education from my older sister.


“Mm. Most of what I know about love comes from my Onee-chan.  She was very strict on telling me what a woman wants and doesn’t want in a man.  That’s probably why I can handle you being so direct with me from the start.”


“So, what do women want then, Kouta?”


“That depends.  But probably the most important thing, is they want to be used for love.  Of course I don’t mean sexually, or at least only sexually.  I mean, a woman wants a man who will hold her tight and protect her, but also wants understanding from her man that she’s her own person, and can complement him in many things, and to not be shut out or ignored when she can show her worth.”




“A woman is a vessel, a man fills and draws from that vessel…   At least that’s how Onee-chan explained it to me.”


“That … sort of makes sense!”


“Mm.  But even if I know that, it’s still hard to use that knowledge.  In the case of Shi-chan and I, I hardly know yet what Shi-chan’s vessel contains.  I have no idea what I need to fill it with, nor do I know what I can draw from it.”


“I can tell you my vessel is filled with feelings for Kouta, though.”


“It makes me happy to think that’s so.  But if you are already filled with feelings for me, then how do I fill you with my feelings for you?”


“What do you mean?”


“You have feelings for me?” I ask her.


“I keep telling you that.” She responds.


“What about my feelings for you?  Can you keep them safe inside of you then?  Can I put my feeling of excitement from earlier in your vessel to hold for me.  That you know how my own heart beat so fast when you teased me earlier?  That it was a feeling caused by you, and only you? Something when you look inside yourself, you say, Kouta was excited because of something I did, and it was a precious experience to him, so I will keep it safe, and give it back to him when he needs it?”


“I want to meet your sister.”

I don't want you to meet my sister.

“I’m sure you will eventually.  One way or another she’ll intrude like she usually does…”

Please god, do not let my sister visit anytime soon.   I won't ask for health or anything come next hatsumode*. (New year celebration)


We passed a good amount of time in the manga cafe reading a few different manga, and I bought her a tankoubon* of one series she seemed excited about reading. (*a bound volume of a book)


Our date was going pretty well I thought.


We left the store with no particular place in mind to go.


“Want to just walk around?” I suggest.




We held hands, and just walked around the shopping district we were in.



“Shishi~ Hiya!”


A girl calls out to Nakada-san.


She’s wearing a yellow sundress and wearing a decorative straw hat.  She looks like a tourist from the countryside.




Nakada-san lets go of my hand, and runs to give her a hug.


“You left the group early, and we didn’t get a chance to talk.”


“That’s because Kii-chan wanted to set me up with a guy.”


“Who? That guy?”


“Un.  I’m glad I went. Let me introduce you real fast.”


She drags the girl over in front of me.


“Nacchan, this is Kawamura Kouta.”


“Kouta, this is Kobayashi Natsume.”


“ “ Hajimemashite. “ ”


We greet each other.


“Kawamura …Kouta?”




“Wait.  That’s not THE Kouta?”


“Yep, it’s this guy.  I finally found him!”


“Sugoi!  I’m happy for you.”


“Nihehe~ I’m happy too.  It turns out Kii-chan’s husband is friends with him.  It’s almost like fate intervened to bring us together.”


“Oh, are you on the way to a hotel? Am I interrupting you?”


“Nope.  Kouta won’t let me take him to a hotel.  He wants to take me out on dates and get to know me first.”


Natsume looks me over a bit.


“Well, you aren’t bad looking. Though the way Shishi talks about you, I thought you’d be more of an ikemen*” (*handsome dude)


Sorry for not being born beautiful.


“Maa, Nacchan, I like Kouta how he looks though.  Imagine if I had to fight off so many irritating bugs if he was too good looking to others.”


“Mm.  That’s true...." She points from me to Nakada-san "So,  Kouta-san, what part of my Shishi do you like the most?”


“All of her.” I reply confidently.


“That’s not very specific.  Is it her looks, or her breasts?” She says as she pokes Nakada-san in her breasts with one finger of each hand.


“I don’t want to limit my choices to something superficial.  I like all of Shi-chan.” I again reply confidently.


“Sounds shady.”


Shady what? Anon #240 said this was clearly the best answer.  She's a female, right?  Read your own playbook!


“See, he’s the best isn't he.  He isn’t just after my body like everyone else.  I know this because I tried already a bunch to get him to sleep with me, and he shot me down every time.”


“Definitely shady.”

Who's shady? I'm a gentleman.  GENTLEMAN.


“Hahaha, Nacchan is just jealous now, isn’t she.”


“Maybe a little.”


“Nee~ Kouta.  Do you think Nacchan is cute?”


She is cute.  She reminds me of a character from a certain Ghibli movie.


“She’s cute, sure.”


“Nacchan is currently single and available, so want to go to a hotel right now and do it with two cute girls?”




(Secret 09:  Kouta imagined sliding cute lion print panties up Nakada’s tan legs.  He had a nosebleed while imaging it.)


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