Nakada-san To Ren’ai

Chapter 8: Kouta takes the wheel

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Status Check:


Name: Kawamura Kouta

Class: Otaku (2nd year)

Age: 17

HP: 10/10    MP: 4/4

STR: 10        AGI: 9

END: 9        WIS: 11

INT: 15        LUK: ??


Computer Programming: 6

Household Chores: 7

Studying: 8

Dating: 1 (New)








I felt a little warmth hit my upper lip.


I grabbed a napkin from the table, and tilted my head back to stop the sudden flow caused by an outrageous situation.

Currently, the woman I’ve had a long crush on, I’ve managed to acquire.

We’re on our first date, and started it off by having a small snack at a cute local penguin-themed cafe.

I was able to learn that Nakada-san has some unique skills.

Most of which appear to have foundations in the erotic.

Currently, one minute has passed, and she has left me with an interesting task to perform.

In my blazer pocket, which my hand is gently feeling with my fingers, is a pair of Nakada-san’s panties.

The current quest objective is to enter an occupied restroom to restore those panties to the owner within the next four minutes, or to proceed with the date knowing that she will be without panties.

What is this!?

I’m conflicted.

I understand she’s a bit wild. But what shall I do?  My heart is beating fast.  Do I want to go along with her play?  Do I want to feel nervous and excited that she’ll be walking around naked underneath her dangerously short skirt, where any poor movement might reveal her treasure?

Or is this a test on how reliable I am?  Does she want me to return them to her?

On the one hand, I kind of want to keep them. But I can’t decide if that puts me in control of the situation, or if that just means I’ll be caught up in her pace, and be subject to whatever plans she may have already thought out in advance.

What should I do?

The time remaining now is two and a half minutes.

I went and paid for the food.

I’m a bit nervous to be honest.  Nervous and excited!

I grip the panties in my pocket tightly.

Don’t think bad about me, Nakada-san.  This is your own fault.

Five minutes pass.

Nakada-san exits the restroom and meets me at the counter where I’m paying for the meal.

She hooks around my arm, and whispers something into my ear.

“Kouta is ec~chi<3”


Why was that so sexy?

She’s humming a bit as we walk out of the cafe.

“I’m kind of disappointed in Kouta though.  I wanted to kiss him a lot.  But it seems Kouta wants my panties more than a kiss.”


“Maa.  I’m sure we can find a place to do that…”

“I wonder~”

I notice at least that she’s unhooked one arm, and is carefully keeping it near her skirt, so that it doesn’t lift without her being able to react to it.

What is this fake modesty?

Anyway, one thing I notice is that she smells like a tropical fruit.  Something like a cross between a coconut and a cucumber.

“Is that a perfume you are wearing? You smell nice.”

I try and complement her.

“Un. It’s not a perfume.  It’s body lotion.”

I see it’s body lotion.

“It’s my favorite one, it’s also been getting popular in some magazines, so I can find it easier now. Before I could only get it from Nanazon.”

Nakada-san talks about some girly things that I hardly know, but I was happy that using some more of the complement advice from the thread I read on dating went well.  I’ll look for another one to read later on.

We arrived at the Arcade [Gemini]

“Nee~ Kouta, do you know what [Gemini] means?”

“Un.  It’s a western horoscope sign. Like the zodiac... It means [Twins] I think.”

Mom always liked to compare western culture with japanese culture.  It turns out there are a lot of similarities if you look close enough.

“Un. It’s also my birth sign.  I’m a [Gemini] too.”

“Eto.. so that means you just had your birthday, then?”

“Yes, I turned 18 not too long ago.”

“Nakada-san is the older one, then.”

"Is Kouta alright with dating a toshiue no hito*"  (* an older woman, usually with a significant age gap.)

"Mm.  If it's Nakada-San, I don't mind if she is the older experienced one."

Well, I do, but its not like I can say that now.

“Kouta isn’t 18, then?"

“I’ll be 18 in less than two weeks.”

“Then, I’ll make sure Kouta’s birthday is extra special~”

“If I get to spend it with Nakada-san it’ll already be extra special.”

“Nihehe~ I wonder.  Maybe I’ll take Kouta’s cherry then <3”


If I was reading I*po, would that be the liver blow?

“Of course that means I’d have to wait that long too… “

Nakada-san looked at me with mischief obvious in her golden eyes.

“It’s fine isn’t it?  I think it’s better to fall for me a bit more, before that, right?”

“Do you think it’s possible?  Maybe it’ll be like Drag*n Ball, where I love you so much, I reach a higher form.”

“Well you already have blonde hair.”

“Then maybe my oppai will grow bigger instead.”


“Nakada-san… can you tone it down with that just a little?”

“Nope.  I love teasing Kouta too much.”

This girl…!

“Let’s go in.  What kind of game do you want to play?”

The arcade wasn’t a large one, but they had a good selection from what I could see.

“How about this one?”

She pointed to Reality Fighter 2.

“I’m pretty good with Jackie.  Has Kouta played this before?”

Have I played it before? I’ll have you know I’m really good at it too.

“I’ve played it a little.”

“Okay, then let’s play it.  But I won’t go easy on Kouta!”

I put in some coins, and we play.

The first round she perfected me.

“What the heck!”

“I told you I wasn’t going to go easy!”

My fighting spirit rose.

Round 2.

I lost again, but I managed to take her bar down to two-thirds.

“Hmm. Maybe I should give Kouta a handicap.”

This time she does a random.

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The second match.

Again I can only bring her down to two-thirds.

The following round, I manage to almost win, but she pushed me out of the ring.

“Nakada-san is actually good at this old game, huh?”

“Mm.  I spent a lot of time playing it in middle school.”

I never really came to this arcade, so maybe if I had, I would have had the chance to play her, and realize my arrogance at this game was misplaced.

“Do you want to go again?  Want to try something different?”

“How about a shooting game?”

“Okay.  Let’s see there’s two to choose from.  Zombie massacre 3, or Vice Cops 2.”

We play Zombie Massacre 3 first.

She holds the light gun at a strange angle, but she has a good sense for the game. She almost never misses, and she reloads at exactly the right moment so she’s always able to keep blasting away without a problem.

I’m able to keep up, but it’s clear she’s better.

Ah! It’s the stage boss.

It’s all head shots with her.  I’m on projectile cleanup.

I missed a few.

Ah somehow she covered for me, and still had time to keep working on the boss.

In a few moments it was over.

“Stage Clear!”

We won.

I am smiling, and I go to give Nakada-san a high five.

She’s pointing the gun at me.


I died.

“Kouta’s not bad.  But maybe I should handle the cleanup next time.”

“Un. Nakada-san is really good at shooters too, huh?”

“Just the one here, since I’m used to them already.”

“I see.  Want to try the other one?”


We go to the other one, Vice Cops 2.  I’ve played it before, and I’m probably better at it than Zombie Massacre 3.

It’s a special type of machine where you sit in what looks like a police car.

I sit down first and put in the coins.

Nakada-san enters after me, and then sits on my lap.

I can feel a certain warmth suddenly.

“Ready Kouta? Pay attention.  I’ll get mad if you lose!”

Pay attention? To what? Not to the game I hope?

On the screen the police car is chasing a large truck with bad guys shooting at us and throwing objects.

I’m in charge of driving.  She’s in charge of the guns.

She’s a bit taller than me, so it’s hard to see properly, but she’s leaning forward to compensate.

I’m somehow playing at my best.  I dodged all the crates and dynamite being thrown that she doesn’t blast out of the air.

She isn’t moving too much, so I’m O.K.

She’s really good at shooting, though.

We make it to the end of the stage.

“Excellent Clear!   Promotion!”

Ah, it was a really good clear!  The next round will have better upgrades.

Second round.

Third round.

Final round.

This one is taxing.  She’s moving around quite a bit to make sure she can shoot everything.

I am almost ready to shoot* myself.

Blood I need to operate my brain is being diverted.

I took a couple of hits, because of that, but somehow we managed it.

“You Win!”

Ah it’s the winning screen to put in initials.


Eh? Our initials?

We were second place in score.

“Kouta wasn’t bad at all!  It was really fun this time!”

“Can we play it again next time we come?”

Next time?

“Sure. I had fun playing with Nakada-san.”

“Nee~ Kouta.  Can you stop calling me Nakada-san?  At least call me Shi-chan.”

“Ah, sorry.”

“U~n.  I already don’t have reservations about calling Kouta, Kouta.”

“Yes but…”

“Say it.”




She pats me on the head.

“Good Kouta.”

Am I a dog now?


We leave the machine and wander around to look at other machines.  Nakada-san points to vending machine.

I get her an Iced Coffee, and I get a soda.

“Can we take a break for a moment?”

She drags me outside.

She reaches in her bag and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.

“Sorry if this bothers you Kouta.  When I get nervous or excited it calms me down.”

I shrug.

So we chat and enjoy our drinks.

I don’t bother to judge or reprimand her. It’s not like it’s uncommon for girls like her to have some bad habits.

“After this, want to do Print Club*? I want a sticker for my phone.”

I nod.  I want a sticker too.

After she’s done, we go back inside the arcade, and find the photo booth.

For the first two shots, is us with our faces next to each other, like a couple.

For the last two, it’s Nakada-san giving me another deep kiss.

It tasted like sweet burnt coffee, but for some reason, I didn’t feel like throwing up.

“Ko~u~ta.  Do you want to put my panties on for me in here? Or do you want to keep going like this?”

Hmm.  I want to say I want to keep going.  But I think my heart was racing enough when she sat on my lap a little bit ago.

“I have to put your panties on, you say?”

“Un. Right.  I belong to Kouta.  So if Kouta wants me to be properly dressed, then it’s only natural he should dress me, right?”

“It’s dark in here though?”

“Then that just means Kouta will have to use his hands to make sure they go up All. The. Way.<3”

I really just wanted a normal date.  Somehow I don’t think there can be such a thing though with how this Nakada-san is.

Still, from the beginning, she hasn’t failed to keep me excited.

What ever shall I do?

(Secret 08: Kouta over time would come to enjoy Nakada-san's special coffee flavored kisses, despite never developing a taste for coffee itself.)

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