Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 1: Chapter One 「Destined Encounter」

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May 26th, Tuesday.

--~~* Kouta *~~--

The best way to start the day is jerking off to your no-good Onee-chan.  Trust me, I’ve been doing it since I was old enough to know the white stuff that comes out of my partner after watching erotic stuff isn't pee.  Kawamura Kanae, my manipulative Onee-chan, still lives at home for some reason after graduating from college at the age of twenty-three, and the only reason I can imagine her having for doing so is that she secretly enjoys giving me my daily masturbation show.  

One day, I really will just burst into her room and fuck the ever-living shit out of her.  I can even imagine her surprise as I suddenly go balls deep into her while she’s screaming my name lustfully, begging me to creampie her deep inside and impregnate her incestuous womb the whole time.

Or at least that’s the fantasy going through my mind as I shoot my morning load onto the floor somewhere into her room.  There is no way she doesn't know that I watch her, though she’ll never admit it openly.  The funny thing about it, is that there is never any trace of cum on the floor when I've looked for it afterwards.  I wonder how she cleans it up?  

For my morning show today she’s wearing her old high school uniform, which incidentally is the same high school I am currently attending Seijou High.  Sure, I could have gone to Yamamori High, which I was also eligible to attend, but there’s a very good reason I chose to go to this school.  It’s the better of the two when it comes to finding a girl to lose your cherry to.

While I don’t have a girlfriend yet, and the number of years I've been without one is equal to my age, there is a girl I’m interested in.  I don’t know how I can explain in any rational sense why I’m interested in her, because the fact of the matter is... she’s a complete slut.  Yet, I want to be with her, and not to be just one of the faceless many that she’s squeezed dry, but as her honest to goodness boyfriend.  

I know what you are probably thinking, but I can’t help it!  You like who you like, even if it’s fucked up...

That girl I mentioned a moment ago happens to be Nakada Shizu, and no part of her reputation is any good.  That is, with the exception of the few line chats I’m somehow a part of which all say exactly what part of her was nice and good.  By the way, she’s stacked when it comes to the chest, and she’s also fucking beautiful.  Like..., model beautiful!  Sure, she has a few bad habits being a delinquent and all, but that comes with the territory.  I'm fine with that, I mean I made it through my Onee-chan's delinquency no worse for wear.

Now, as for the people who’ve fucked her?  I know of a few.  Hell, I’m pretty sure if I just straight up asked her, I could get laid with no problem, but as I said, I don’t want that.  I just want to date her and be in a lovey-dovey relationship as her boyfriend.  But, would she date a shitty background character otaku like me?  

There’s no reason to expect she ever would.

By the way, my name is Kawamura Kouta, and I’m into eroge, anime, web novels, manga, and all that kind of 2-D shit that no self-respecting riajuu would get caught admitting to enjoying.  I’m also really good with a hand camera, and I know my way around programming amateur video games.  

Recently, in my spare time, a classmate and long time best friend of mine, Oda Kawazu, has had me on the rooftop of our school at lunchtime having me make videos of him fucking his own gyaru girlfriend, Yamabuki Rina, and pretty soon, her cute little follower, Suzuki Mahiro, who likes to be called Mahimahi.

For my continued help in filming, Mahimahi offered to give me a handjob once, which I had declined for some reason I can’t remember....  But I know it wasn’t a very good one, and I should have taken her up on it, if only for the experience.

Now, those two gyarus are also good friends with Shi-chan, to the point of being called the gyaru trio, and even they think I’m crazy for wanting to date her.  Then again, they also thought it was cute of me to think like that and told me to go for it,  that they’d support me when the time came.  Though, I imagine it was probably said by them mainly to get in better graces with Kawazu, who for some reason has always been looking out for me since middle school.

I mean, he’s even gone so far as to dump a girl he was dating when he found out she was treating me badly.

Kawazu is my friend for life as far as I'm concerned.  He's always trying to help me better myself in some way, even though I often fail more than I succeed.  He still sticks by me day after day, and gives me the opportunity to be part of a strange but amazing school life I might otherwise never get to have.


When I go downstairs after getting dressed for school after Onee-chan's show, it’s to the rare sight of my mother who is making breakfast for us.  She'd recently put in for retirement from her job once she found out she had become pregnant again in her forties.  Dad had apparently knocked her up before she went on her last international tour, which usually lasts half a year, and when she found out, she immediately put in her notice and came home to just raise her daughter.  

Yeah, I’m going to be an Onii-chan soon to a cute little girl, that is, if she takes after Mom and Kanae.

As I’m learning from her being home more often now, my mother, Kawamura Reiko, has an endless sexual appetite when she’s pregnant.  My father, Kawamura Ryohei, also confirmed that’s how it was when mom was pregnant with Kanae and also myself.  

Kanae hates mom for having always being gone from home while I was growing up, and for her having had to spend almost her whole life raising me in her place.  Dad also works overtime too often at some black company, and is almost never around anymore until he finally is, and then he’s usually just fucking mom silly until he drops from exhaustion.

As for me?  I just jerk off to 2-D most of the time, except on weekends, when my best friend Kawazu makes me work out with him in some fashion while he brags about his gyaru lover, Rina, most of the time.  

So, it's not like I’m some fat piece of shit or anything, I’m just average all around.  I'm pretty much a forgettable background mob-like type of character, and I much prefer to keep it that way.

This morning my mom is wearing one of her almost too-translucent maternity nightgowns, and it’s impossible not to see her massive tits through it.  I know I’ve made the mistake once or twice of just coming downstairs at night because I was thirsty and seeing dad right in the middle of fucking her while she’s bent over on the kitchen counter while waiting for coffee to brew in the percolator.

And yes, shamefully, I’ve jerked off to that too.  My dad fucking my mom, and mom breaking him ever single time.

I'll admit freely that I’m a deviant.  A voyeur.  I love to watch other people play.  I have only Kanae to blame for this bad habit of mine developing fully, but I don’t.  I enjoy what I enjoy, and eight terabytes of hard drive space on my computer and countless wadded tissues in the wastebasket next to my desk it can attest to that.

As I sit down at the kitchen table, mom brings over my favorite breakfast.  Tamago Kake Gohan topped with Furikake, along with a small bowl of miso soup, and a single cut pan-fried sausage.  

After saying itadakimasu, I dig in.

The mom I barely knew at home while growing up always had her hair up in a business-style bun, and her face seemed like that of a stern secretary.  Today however, it’s down.  Despite just passing into her forties recently, she possesses clear skin with no real visible wrinkles, and a friendly disposition on her face.  

Her black hair swishes around her shoulders as she sits down while her brown eyes are scanning the tablet she holds.  Now that she's done cooking breakfast, she enjoys a cigarette, furrowing her thin eyebrows since she's likely viewing some business article related to her former company.

“Huh, what the fuck are they doing at Daitokuji now?” she grumbles to herself.  It's probably something related to her former job as an English translator there, for sure.  From behind, I am grabbed suddenly and feel two deluxe marshmallows suddenly become a cushion for my neck.  A wet kiss paints my cheek, and half of the sausage I was going to eat eventually is picked up and swallowed in one bite by her.

“Good Morning Kouta.  Feeling refreshed today?” My Onee-chan asks me cheerfully.

“I always am.” I respond neutrally to the teasing from this exhibitionist sister of mine.

Onee-chan moves over to where mom is and mooches one of the cigarettes from her pack.  Sometime back when she was in highschool, the stress of taking care of me had finally overwhelmed her, and the result was that she started doing delinquent things, the least of which was dressing really whorish.  

Mom and Dad tried to scold her once, but she laid into them brutally about their neglect to both of us, that they didn’t dare to bother continuing a losing battle, and so let her be.

Kanae had graduated college last term, and is now her own employer.  She works with a few friends she made at some social media club she was a member of in college, and now she’s a popular social media influencer.  She’s got about 50,000 dedicated followers, mostly in the local area spread out in three categories; Food, Fashion, and V-tubing.

Onee-chan runs a foodie blog called KanaCafe, which usually reviews all the best places to eat in and around Shibuya, as well as featuring amazing dishes of international and domestic flair that she also knows how to prepare herself.  KanAtelier, which is a fashion blog that’s also super popular with people my age, especially gyarus.  And finally, a V-tuber account called Kana=Tora, which is basically an animated avatar of her that berates otaku scum who enjoy paying money just to be abused by her sharp tongue. To those simps, she’s an exalted existence known as Queen Kanae.

From any angle you look at her, it's clear that she’s doing quite well for herself financially.  She’s really fashionable and has a hybrid gyaru style all her own.  She has long lustrous black hair with some dyed red streaks interlaced and she almost always wears tight blue jean shorts and a spaghetti-strap top as her go-to casual wear.  Her tits are almost as big as our mothers, and they feel like a pair of heavenly pillows when pressed against my neck.

I finished my breakfast quickly, and got ready to go to school.  Kanae hands me my bento, which she always lovingly prepares for me the night before, and sees me off at the door with another sisterly kiss before she leaves a little while later, heading to her job which is just down the street next to the Seven konbini.

It’s a ten minute walk from my house to Seijou High, and as I get to being just a few minutes from reaching the gate, I am met by a cute girl about my height with long silvery-blue hair and sapphire eyes.  She walks at the same pace as me and we quietly enter the gate to school.  Her locker is next to mine, and we change into our indoor shoes, then walk together the rest of the way to class.

In homeroom, our teacher Inoue Karin-sensei takes attendance while Kawazu, who sits in the back and occupies the chair between me and the window, lets me know there’s going to be another performance on the rooftop at lunch.  That’s fine with me, I’ll be there of course.  

In front of me is Sakuraba Umeko, the girl with the silvery-blue hair I mentioned before, who carries a one-sided crush for me which I haven’t properly returned or refused.  The seat to her left is occupied by Kobayashi Natsume, or Nacchan as she prefers to be called.  Both of them give off the childhood friend type of vibe; approachable, but uninteresting.

“Kawamura-kun, have you joined a club yet?” Nacchan asks me, persistently trying to get me to join this sketchy club that she’s a part of which she tells me I have to see in person to get.  

“Not really, I’m still comfortable being a member of the go-home club.” I answer blithely, trying to dodge out of any commitment to join, or even visit her club for that matter.

“You really should come and visit, I think you’d like it a lot!” She replies with hopeful enthusiasm.  Nacchan is pretty cute after all, and if I didn’t have my heart firmly fixed in another place, I might even have pursued her instead.

So, I end up nodding anyway to her suggestion, if only to quiet her down since I had no intention of ever visiting, and end up passing the first half of my classes normally.  On the way to the rooftop during lunch, I heard from an acquaintance in passing from a different class than mine, that Shi-chan was at it again this morning.  She was supposedly upstairs in one of the third floor bathrooms taking care of a couple of senpai.  Whether it’s true or not is irrelevant, sometimes it’s just a rumour.  Quite often in fact when asked, people who’ve been said to have fucked her deny it outright.

"Fuck that skank?  Shit, my dick would rot and fall off.  No way!"

It mostly goes like that.  However, what is waiting on the roof for me today, is none other than a trio of gyarus and my best friend Kawazu, who has a smug look on his face.

The one gyaru who’s new to the usual rooftop scene that I've been a part of recently has dyed-blonde hair tied up in a ponytail with a cute pink hair band sporting an emblazoned crescent moon on it.  She’s wearing our school uniform; a tan vest with a dark blue skirt.  In her ears are large golden hoop earrings, clearly a violation of dress code,  and sharing a long cigarette together with Rina while Mahiro just swings her legs on the fenced ledge next to them as they sit on the concrete railing.  There's no risk of anyone accidentally falling off.

“Yo, Kouta, come here!” Rina calls out to me while giving me a knowing wink. “Let me introduce you to one of my bestest friends, Shi-chan.  I think you know who she is, right?”

Rina introduced me to Nakada Shizu, the woman of my dreams.  

“Shi-chan, this guy here is Kawamura Kouta. He’s had a big crush on you for the longest time.”

She looks at me, takes a drag, and blows a stream of smoke in my direction. “That true?”

“Y-yes.  I've liked Nakada-san for a while.” I say, not having prepared myself to do this right now.

“Came out and said it just like that, huh?” She says to me, staring at me with golden orbs that just radiate a mischievousness I can’t properly fathom. “So, what, you want me to take your cherry or something?”

“Uh, no.” I reply, not trying to head down that avenue of dialogue.

But, she seems surprised at that answer, her eyebrows lifting. “Then what?”

I gather up my courage and fall into a beautiful dogeza. “Will you go out with me?” I say, my head down on the ground and my hands extended palms down. “Please!”

She giggles for a bit, before speaking. “Go out with you?  Un, I could do that, but…”

I dared to lift my head.  

“...I’m a slut, you know?  I’m the worst kind of person, and...” she pauses, taking another drag from her cigarette. “...I’ll just end up hurting you a ton in the end.  You sure you wanna date me?”

“None of that matters to me.  I think Nakada-san is a beautiful woman, and I would like her to be my girlfriend!!” I say again, lowering my head to the rooftop floor once more.

“Are you serious?  Lift your head up.” She asks me with a strange expression on her face.  Is it disgust?  I can't tell.

“Absolutely!” I say resolutely to her, to the woman I’ve had a hard crush on for over a year.

“So, even if I tell you that a little bit earlier today, I had one senpai burying himself between my legs, another in my mouth, and they both fucked me until I couldn’t remember my name anymore, you are okay with it?” She asks me profanely.

“No... I’m not okay with it, but I said it was something that didn't matter to me.  I would just... prefer it if you did your best to not do it as much.”

“...”  She doesn't reply.

I stare at her as she contemplates it for a bit.

“No.” She says flatly.


“It’s not like I want to be a huge slut, it’s just… there’s something inside of me, and it makes me behave like this.  I’ve tried to deal with it too, but I haven’t had much luck.  I hate it, and hate myself for doing it, you know?  That’s why I’m trying to tell you it won’t be good for you if you want to date me like I’m a normal girl.  I can't commit properly.”

“I don’t care about your past.  I know that you do those kinds of things without giving it much concern… but I think you deserve to be treated better than only ever being a meat toilet for unworthy guys.  I think I can treat you better, and you can maybe find out that you are worth being treated like a good girl.”

She looked at me coldly, her forehead scrunching up.  “Trying to change me already?”

“No. I just... “

“Alright, Kouta… was it?”  

She’s calling me by my first name already?

“If you think you can better this bitch, even though I've properly warned you...  Then I'll be your girlfriend.” She drops her finished cigarette and crushes it with her shoe. “So, do you wanna fuck me now, or…?”

I shake my head.

“If it’s alright with you, I’d like us to go on a date before that.”

“A date?  Oh, you’d rather do it at a love hotel?” she asks me, as she fishes around in her bag for something. “You’d be paying, though.”

“Uh, no hotel.  Just like… a regular date?”

She pauses for another moment.

“So, you wanna date me, but you don’t want to have sex?”

“It’s not like I don’t want to, obviously I want to.  But, I mean, I want to get to know you first, and then when the time is right… we could perhaps…”

She bursts out laughing.  I can only lower my head again, feeling humiliated.  I can feel my eyes getting watery, and I almost want to cry.

“Wait… you’re being SERIOUS?” she suddenly exclaims loudly.

I nod at her.

“Look, I didn’t mean to make you upset.  It’s just, well…”

“Is it no good?” I ask.

She shakes her head this time, her blonde pony tail trailing along with each shake, restoring some hope to my request.

“I just have trouble believing that anyone could be interested in me like that.” She says finally.

Mahiro hops off the concrete and kneels down by me, patting my head. “It’s true you know, Shi-chan.  This guy is a virgin otaku, they believe in things like pure love and stuff.  The complete opposite of you and Rina.”  she says to her friend.

“It's true.  Kouta could have totally fucked me any number of times and Zuzu would have let him.” Rina also adds on my behalf, surprising me with that unknown fact.  “He just never thought to ask, because I think he was saving himself for you.” 

"Saving himself... for me?"  Shi-chan said with absolute disbelief.

“Go easy on him, ladies.” Kawazu finally interjects. “Kouta’s my bro.  I respect him for what he just did, confessing like that.  Don’t bully him about it.”


Shi-chan looks at me, and tells me to get up, so I do.  Standing up, she gets close to me, giving me a good appraising once-over.  I can smell a mixture of tobacco and the scent of cucumbers drifting off of her.

She puts her arms around me, and immediately steals my first kiss away before I could even prepare my heart.  Her tongue tastes like something burnt mixed with coffee, a disgusting combination of flavors to me, and her kiss is deep too. She’s giving me tongue directly, and I don't have a clue what to do about it.  I try and move my own to push back against hers, but it’s clear that she’s the one in control here.  The thought of what was said earlier, that she had a senpai in her mouth isn’t appealing at all.  Yet, we continue with the kiss for a while, until she breaks it off.

“Alright boyfriend, please take care of this no-good slut you want as a girlfriend.  You might think you want to take it slow right now, but this body belongs to you now as well, so if you get tired of playing games, you can just have it anytime, okay~♡”

As well?

She suddenly starts removing her top, and her upper body is exposed.  She’s got on a cute pink-laced bra that is holding tightly to some fabulous caramel colored tits.  With a single motion from her hand, her bra undoes itself, and two juicy melons bounce out of their restraint.

“But boyfriend, before we go even a step further, I really need to drill this home with you...” She starts reaching for Kawazu’s pants, and undoes his fly, pulling it out of his boxers. “I already promised I’d let Kawazu play with me today.  But out of respect to your confession of love to me, I’ll keep it to a paizuri only.  So, go ahead and film it, that way you have something to spank it to when I'm not around, okay?  It's fine to think of it as a special present from me to you.  Most guys who try and snap a picture or a take video of me like this, tend to end up with broken phones… or bones.”

With those frightening words, she puts Kawazu’s thing between her breasts, and pushes her breasts together.  She’s rubbing them up and down the length of him, and when it reaches a certain place, her lips wrap around him.

My son doesn’t stir anymore than it already has from the kiss.  She licks and slurps on the tip of his cock lewdly while her big tits handle stroking the rest of him.  I stand there now and watch the reality unfold, putting aside this trauma while taking the camera I have in hand and start shooting my girlfriend sucking off my best friend, Kawazu.

It hasn’t even been a few minutes since she’s agreed to date me, and she’s already doing this with someone else.  Moreover, if it was anyone other than Kawazu, I might be even be crushed by it.  But the familiarity of filming here on the rooftop, with my best friend and his girl makes it somehow normal?  Acceptable? Tolerable?  I don't know, but I'm not as bothered by it as I should be.

Rina walks behind me and undoes my pants, pulling out my junk, stroking it for me.  “Holy shit!  Kouta’s packing some meat!  Man, I wish I knew!  Zuzu, why’d you keep this a secret from me?  Now you’ve gotta let me fuck Kouta sometime!”

“Hmm, I suppose, do you want to do him now?” Kawazu answers plainly, as if it’s not a concern of his in the slightest now that my new girlfriend has his cock trapped between her amazing tits and mouth.

“That would be a bit rude today, wouldn’t it?  He just got a girlfriend, and it would be rude to steal his cherry in front of her.”  Rina says as she’s stroking me and pushing me closer to Shi-chan.  “So how about we commemorate your going out together with a double bukakke instead?” Rina suggests perversely.

“Oh, that’s a nice idea!  That way Kouta can still kiss her without feeling grossed out.” Mahiro says cheerily as she’s copping a squat and watching Kawazu get serviced by Shi-chan.

No, I'm already grossed out seeing this.

“Is that okay with you Shi-chan,” Rina asks her, “If these boys bukkake you?”

“Un.  I do want to kiss Kouta again, so no cumming in my mouth, Kawazu.  Or on my clothes, so aim it right, Rina!” Shi-chan tells him and her as she rubs her breasts a bit faster on his sticky meat rod.

Though she says that, she’s able to take in more and more of Kawazu into her mouth, and I’m awfully close to cumming myself, due to the combination of the strange eroticness of the situation, and Rina’s deft hand jerking me off.

“Shit!  Kouta… she’s got a mean mouth on her, bro.  You’re in for a treat when it’s your turn.” Kawazu tells me, in the least acceptable way to tell someone’s new dating partner.

Both of us finish at the same time, shooting it all over her face.  Her nose, cheeks, and lips are covered in our twin streams of white fluid.  Cum is also dripping down the fingers on the hand Rina used to jerk me off, and a bit of cum also landed on Shi-chan’s exposed tits, though if it’s just his or mine too, is debatable.

Shi-chan pulls a small cloth rag out of her bag, cleans her face off first, then wipes off her tits and is left staring at both of our cocks.

She reaches for mine, and tugs it gently, her acrylic nails are colorful, and her fingers slender.  She’s wearing a number of rings and bracelets on her hands and arms.  She puts her lips on the head of my son after all of this, and gives it a kiss.

“Nice to meet you.  I hope you and my naughty pussy can become acquainted soon~♡”

Rina takes a moment to clean her hand off with my new girlfriend's used cum towel, while Shi-chan carefully puts my partner back through my boxer sleeve and then zips my pants back up for me.  She then re-fastens her bra and redresses herself properly.

“Well, boyfriend.  Still okay with dating this whore of a girl?” Shi-chan asks as Rina gets undressed this time, and Kawazu sits her on the concrete railing, kneeling down, ready to eat her pussy out.

Mahiro sits back on the railing too, and also removes her panties. “Hey Shi-chan, why don’t you and Kouta come get a taste? Kawazu won’t mind if Kouta tastes me first, will he?  We’re all friends here, right?”

Shi-chan looks at me.

“By the way, I’m fine with women too.  Want to try a little Mahiro with me?” she suggests.  “It’ll be fun~”

She takes me by the hand and pulls me down, pushing my face close enough to get an front row viewing of this other cute gyaru’s pink paradise.

“It’s fine, Kouta. I’ll show you how to do it, just follow after me.”

Shi-chan moves in, spreads Mahiro’s pussy with her fingers and sticks out her tongue, salivating and probing with the tip near the top of Mahiro’s sweet spot.

Then she pulls away and puts her hand behind my head and pushes me forward.  I smell the scent of a woman for the first real time in my life, and though it's not my crush's, I slowly stick my tongue out and have my first taste of a pussy.  Shi-chan calls out instructions for me to do while my face is buried in Mahiro’s manko.

Then she pulls me away from it after a bit and goes at it again herself.  Mahiro pushes my girlfriend's head closer into it, then lifts up her shirt, taking my hand and placing it on one of her breasts, putting her own hand over it and helping me squeeze it.

“A~h.  Our little Kouta is growing up~” She says teasingly. “Oh… oh… I’m about to come already… damn, I forgot that Shi-chan is so good at this~♡”

Shi-chan keep going until Mahiro makes lewdly cute sounds and cums hard.  Then once more Shi-chan pushes me in to lick some more after her, the pussy in question now sloppily wet.  Shizu kisses me afterwards.

“You're really a first-timer, huh?  Looks like when it’s the right time, I’ll have lots and lots to teach you, boyfriend.”

Rina and Kawazu meanwhile, are going at it hard.  But, as usual, Rina's eyes never stop looking towards me.  I can hear all kinds of squelching and slapping noises coming from her abused pussy.  Kawazu makes it look so rough, but Rina is only making a lewd face as she put on the act that she’s breaking and can’t live without his cock.

This is the usual, it's supposed to be something like a JAV.

“Ah shit, I forgot to record it!” I say suddenly, seeing the camera on the concrete railing next to Mahiro.  When did it get taken from me?

“Don’t worry about it Kouta, but don’t you dare forget it when it’s my turn.” Her hand pats the camera.

“I’ll be sure to remember, Mahiro.”

pon~ pin~ pan~ pon~

It’s the bell for classes to resume in a few minutes.


Rina lets out a sweet voice, as Kawazu thrusts for the last time, letting out his seed into his lover.

“Ma~hi~”  Rina calls out, and she hops down from the railing, pulling up her panties first, then going over to Rina only to begin slurping the cum out of her friend's twat.  

“Why do I never get tired of seeing that?” Kawazu says stoically as he packs his meat away.

“Boyfriend, give me your phone real quick.”  Shi-chan says to me who is transfixed on the scene, subconsciously handing her it.  She types something in really fast then hands it back.

“I added in my contact details, and friended myself to you on Lime, so don’t hesitate to text me whenever you want.  I don’t do all that much in class, so I’ll respond quickly, okay?”

I nod and she gives me a wet kiss on the cheek.

“See ya, Ko~u~ta~♡”

As I stand there, my view moving from Mahiro and Rina to watching Shizu leave, Kawazu comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder.

“Hope you are prepared, Kouta. She's the Lion, and you're the Gazelle.”

“I hope I’m prepared too…” I say with a tiny bit of anxiousness.


Returning to the next class a bit late, Kawazu and I were scolded and made to stand outside for a short while.  We didn’t talk about what happened, we just let it be.  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and when I pulled it out, there was a Lime text for me.

>LionPrincess: Boyfriend-kun, shall I tell you something good?

>ThiccWaifus: Okay?

>LionPrincess: That rumor going around from earlier wasn’t true.  The only naughty thing I’ve done today was up there.  I’m glad you didn’t run away~♡

I show the phone conversation to Kawazu and he only pats me on the shoulder again.

“I’m sorry that happened, bro.  It wasn’t supposed to go like that at all, actually.  I told her I wanted to play with her as a means to get her up there so we all could get you together with her, because I know you got a thing for her, man.  It's my bad.”

I shake my head.

“She’s a slut, right?  If I can’t even accept that much, how can I hope to even try dating her?”

“You are a good dude… seriously.  if it gets fucked up and you have to bail, I’ll let you have Rina for a whole day.  At the very least, she’ll get you over the worst of it.”

“Kawazu,  Rina’s your lover though.  It’s bad enough I let her touch me earlier.”

“You're my Bro.  If it was anyone else she touched, I would have decked them so hard they would be in the hospital right now.”

“That’s our Boxing club vice-captain for you…”

“Hey, you can always join the club.  I’d look after you until you got strong enough.”

“Nah, that club isn’t for me.  After school, you know how it is, gotta go home and catch up on my anime.”

“Otaku ‘til the end, huh?”

“The world of 2-D is safe.  I felt nauseous going as far as I did… getting myself a 3-D girl.”

“You did good.  But remember, there are things a 3-D girl can do that 2-D never can.  Besides, 2-D isn’t all that safe.  Remember when you were sick for three days watching that one NTR hentai?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.  My guts still churn when I think about that.”

“Actually, I’d consider watching it until you become somewhat adjusted to that feeling.  It’s Nakada Shizu you are dating.  I’m not saying you have to learn to enjoy it, I’m just saying it’s a fact you’ll have to accept.  Something like that is bound to happen while you two are dating.”

“I know.  I don’t want it to, but… I know.  She said that something was inside her that was causing her to be like that.  Do you know anything about it?”

“Only bits and pieces.  If you really want to know, I suggest you talk with Rina about it, she knows more than anyone else about her, even Mahiro.”

Kawazu reaches in his pocket and pulls out a condom, offering it to me.  “You never know when it might happen with her, dude.  So, just be safe when it comes to that unexpected moment.”

I took it and put it in my wallet.  Then we got called back inside by sensei to rejoin the class.  Afterwards, when classes ended, I found myself at the shoe locker, with Sakuraba Umeko next to me, looking at me expectantly.  

“Want to walk home together, Kouta?”

I scanned around, wondering where Shi-chan might be.

“Looking for her again?” Ume asks me, irritated.

I nod.

“I don’t understand what you find so interesting about her, Kouta. If you are that interested in dating or having sex we can always go out, and you can do it with me instead.”

“Ume, it’s not like that.  Also, the reason I’m looking for her, is because I wanted to see her a bit before I go home.  I already confessed to her during lunch.”

“So, you finally did it?  Well, at least it’s over with now…” She said consolingly.

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

“She said yes, Ume.  We’re a couple now.”

“What!?” she exploded, “So, wait, did you two do it already!?” a great look of panic and concern framed her cute face.

I shake my head.  “No, nothing like that.  I just confessed to her, she accepted, and then I said I’d like to take her out on a date.  She gave me her Line info, and now I’m just hoping I’ll see her before I go home.”

Ume pushes me up against the locker in a kabedon fashion.

“Do it with me first!” She aggressively said. “Don’t give her your first time!”

Before I can push her away, a lovely gyaru comes into sight and stands behind Umeko.  Two hands reach around and immediately grope Ume’s tits, causing her to flail around in a panic.

“Cheating on me already, Boyfriend?” Nakada-san says teasingly.

“Not at all!  Uh, Ume here was just surprised that we’re going out now.”

“Un.  Sorry there... Blue.  I’ll be stealing him away from you for now, at least until he gets tired of me.”

Ume swats Nakada-san's hands away from her body, then looks at her, then again at me, then she grabs her bag and runs away.  Her silvery-blue hair dancing in the breeze she as puts distance between us and the door leading outside.

“So, I suppose you wanna do that lovey-dovey couple shit like walking home together, right?” Nakasa-san says bluntly.

Maa… it would be nice.”

“Alright, then.  Give me your hand.”


“Give. Me. Your. Hand.” She demands.

I put my hand out and she clasps it with her own.  She gives me a big toothy smile, and we leave school holding hands.  Receiving quite a number of looks and whispers from the remaining students who see us together.

“Better get used to it, Boyfriend,” she whispers to me, giving me a peck on the cheek, “It’s going to be hell for you from tomorrow onward.”

“I’ll deal with it.” I say, feigning confidence.

“Sure, sure.  So, do you want me to make you a bento too?  I say that, but the only thing I can make is hella spicy, so you might not even like it.”

“If Shi-chan makes it… I’ll be sure to enjoy it!” I say pleasantly.  Getting a bento made by your girlfriend?  It’s the best, isn’t it?

We end up walking in the same direction, passing all the familiar sights.  We walk through neighborhoods that were recently renovated, and by shops which have been around for decades.  To people unfamiliar with us, we look like a regular couple.  A regular boy, and a stylish gyaru.  Obviously, being next to her, I stick out like a sore thumb, and that got me thinking.

“Do you have any kind of style you’d like to see me in?” I asked with the intent of finding out what her type of guy is.

“Nope, you’re fine exactly how you are.  You don’t have to change into a different person you aren’t just because we’re going out.  I want to see what this boyfriend of mine is like, who dares to tame a wild girl like me.  I want to see where you have this confidence coming from.”

Confidence?  I was as scared as could be that you’d reject me!

“The only thing I was confident in, was how much I like you.”

“Hold up a second, can we go to the park close by?”

“Uh, sure?” I responded to her request.

She takes me to the local park.  It’s between the Seven konbini, and Onee-chan’s studio where she works.  The park is mostly empty right now, save for a few children on the playground.  We end up at the restroom building, and she’s staring for a moment.

“I need to change out of my uniform for a bit.  Do you want to watch?”

I let go of her hand and shake my head.

“I’m... uh... I saw a lot already today.”

“Oh, are you happy enough only seeing my tits?  I’ll show them to you any time you want, 'kay?  If you aren’t interested in seeing more, then just wait here.  I’ll be back out in a few minutes.”

Aa.” I say and stand closer to the men’s side, outside.

She goes in, and takes a little while to change.  When she comes out, she’s dressed super casual.  She’s got a white t-shirt, a black jacket over it, and black jeans.

“Alright, transformation successful!  How do I look?” she says, posing for me.

“You look beautiful!” I say truthfully.  Her style is nice, and is almost reminiscent of my sister's.

Nihehe~ that’s good.  I got this idea from this fashion blog I follow.  KanAtelier, ever heard of it?”

“Who hasn’t?” I responded, not revealing that I happen to know the operator of that site rather personally.

“Alright then, we’ve got a stop to make at the Seven, then we can carry on.” 

She links hands again with me.

“Also, you don’t need to be so nervous, Kouta.  I won’t gobble you up unless you ask.”

“Well, thank you for that.  I really do want to get to know you better before anything like that happens.”

“You really are a strange guy.”

“I think I’m pretty normal, though?”

“Naah.  I can tell for sure, you’re not normal at all.”

I don’t know how to take that assessment.  Was it a compliment or a disappointment?  It doesn’t matter though, I’m holding hands with her, and I feel high.  High on happiness.  I’m holding hands with the girl I’ve been crushing on, and now she’s my girlfriend, even if it’s a bit complicated.

There is a nice breeze flowing through the park atmosphere, and there’s an empty bench.  I imagine her sitting down on it, and my head resting on her lap there while she browses her phone and runs her hands through my hair.  A strange delusion, right?


“Boyfriend-kun?  You there?” She asks as she waves a hand before my eyes.

“Huh?  Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought for a moment.”

“Daydreaming about me?” she says with a grin.

Maa... something close to that.”

“Tell me.”

“Uh, well it might sound a bit corny.”

“I don’t care, tell me anyway.”

“I was imagining us sitting on a bench in the park.  You were lazily looking at your phone while giving me a lap pillow and thoughtlessly playing with my hair.”



“You were right.  That is a bit corny.  But also somehow cute.  Do you want a lap pillow from me?”

“Mm… I can’t see them now, but I like them, you know… your legs.”

“My legs?”


“You sure you don’t mean what’s between them?”

“I mean, they are firm and tan, and I bet they’d be great to rest my head on.  That’s all I meant by it.  I wasn’t trying to be a pervert or anything like that.  It’s healthy for a guy like me to like those kinds of things.”

“Hmm… if you say so.”

We approach a colorful concrete building with a large number Seven in neon lights above the doors.  Shi-chan enters inside of it, and makes eye contact with the girl behind the counter.  She nods her head and Shi-chan moves off to browse the store.  I take the time to go make myself a cherry slush and grab a bag of potato chips before reaching the counter.  Shi-chan had grabbed two drinks from the cooler and it took me a moment to notice what they were.  

Delinquent stuff.

I paid for my snacks, then Shi-chan follows behind me, buying those two drinks, a pack of condoms, and asking for a pack of cigarettes from the clerk, who without even asking for identification, rings them up and takes Shi-chan’s money.  Bagging everything with discretion, they both make a kissy face at each other, and then Shi-chan leaves with me.  I started to wonder what the point of laws were if no one followed them?

“So a lap pillow, huh?”


“Shall we?”


She takes me by the hand, and we go right back to the park nearby that we just left.  There are a number of free benches, and we find one in a good shady spot.  She sits down, and pats her legs, which sadly are now hidden by her jeans.  I sit down and then rest my head on her legs.

She cracks open one of the illegally obtained cans of alcohol she bought and starts chugging it a bit, then opens her also illegally obtained pack of smokes and relaxes.  I watched the delinquency unfold, but I'm complete unfazed.  I take a sip of my slushy drink through a straw at an awkward angle, and open the bag of chips, while I compare in my mind my delinquent girlfriend to my formerly completely delinquent Onee-chan.

Between sips, she looks down at me and opens her mouth.


Does she want a potato chip?

I reach in and put one up to her mouth, and she accepts it, making sure to touch my fingers with her soft kissable lips, before crunching down on it.

“You know, this isn’t half bad.”  She says after swallowing.

“I’m enjoying it too.”  I agreed peacefully.

“Because you can see my nice rack?”

“No.  Well, that's definitely a bonus, sure.  But this lets me see your beautiful face, and also enjoy the comfortable feeling of your legs.”

She does a dekopin to my forehead, and then giggles a bit.  We both enjoy sitting there, me in my happiness, and she in her delinquency.  We watch as a few kids run past us and to the nearby playground.  There are a few birds in the cloudless sky, and the breeze feels nice.

“So, Shi-chan.  Do you do anything outside of school?  Like, a job or anything?”

“Un.  I help my Mama.  Our family business is transportation and distribution.  I drive a truck in the later half of the night three days a week.”

“Oh, am I keeping you from it?”

“Nope.  Today is Tuesday.  I work Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.”

“You… drive?”

“Yes.  The company paid for it, and the school is aware, since I won't be going to college.  I have a full class one license, and after graduation I will be working full-time where I work already.  I can drive almost anything!  If it has wheels, I can drive it.”

“That’s pretty amazing.  Do you know how to drift, like in Initial D?”

“...isn’t that the car racing anime from way back?”

“You know it?”

“I hear boys talking about it sometimes.  Boys and cars, though that’s not often the case here in Tokyo because of the costs to own a vehicle.  I hear it's cheaper to own one elsewhere, like in the mountains.”

“I know what you mean.   My family owns two sedans, and they pay a lot in taxes and insurance.”

“I don’t own a car yet.  I just drive a truck for work.  My mama owns a cool rig though, and I want one of my own too, someday.”

“I’d love to go on a drive with you.”

“Oh yeah, where to?”

“Hmm… how about to the beach when summer arrives?”

“Want to see me in a bikini?  Or perhaps you want to rub some lotion on my sexy body?”

I blush a little at the thought of her in something revealing like a bikini, and with the top part untied, her laying on a blanket, and me rubbing lotion all over her body, from the nape of her neck down to her delicious thighs and buns...

“Oh, Boyfriend kun has a vivid imagination!” She says playfully to me, poking my suddenly erect son.

Fuck.  I got a hard on right now thinking about it.

“It’s good to know you do see me as a woman though.”

“How could I not?  There’s very little of you that doesn’t scream I’m a gorgeous woman you know?”

She goes Ah~ again, demanding another potato chip.  So I oblige her and take a drink of my slushy which is slowly melting.  She leans down and steals a sip of it too.

“Cherry cola?”

“It’s my favorite drink.”

She leans to the side and picks up her bag, putting it on my chest and rummaging around.  She then pulls out the item she was searching for, and it’s lipstick?  No, it’s a flavored lip gloss.  She applies it on her lips, puckers them a few times, then puts the gloss back in her bag.

Nee~ sit up.  I’ll let you taste it directly.”

I sit up, and she puts her lips onto mine and pulls my tongue out with her own to touch her lips.  It tastes like waxy cola.  It’s a sweet and bitter kiss, as she’s been drinking a beer this entire time.  We kiss and kiss and even have a nearby parent drag their kid away when they asked their parent what we were doing.

Ah, it was a little embarrassing... but exciting too!

Afterwards, I laid back down on her lap, and she went back to her delinquency.

“This is kind of nice.” She off-handedly mentioned.

“I’m enjoying it too.” I repeat.

“Kouta, for the record, you are my first actual boyfriend.”

“Eh?  Really?”

“Un.  It’s true.  What about you?”

“There was almost someone like that once… but it didn’t go anywhere.  We never even kissed or anything.”

“Then, that would make me your first actual girlfriend then?”

“That sounds about right.”

“Poor Kouta, having me as his first.” her hands touch my head, and her acrylic fingernails gently scratch my scalp as they part my hair travelling from my forehead to the back of my head, and sending a calm sort of goosebump-like feeling down my body.  I didn’t want it to stop.

“As my first...?”

“Un.  Even though you can't be my first.”

“That’s okay.  If I was that concerned about it, there was another girl who would have given me her first time.  But I’m not interested in her and that would be the real loss.  I mean, if Shi-chan is experienced, then that only means I’ll have a better time, when it happens, right?  I just hope you don’t get fed up with me, not really knowing… how to do it… properly.”

“There’s nothing to it.  You just lie back, I climb on top, and you reach heaven.”

“I wonder… I’m already in heaven here, with you.”

She pokes my forehead with her finger.

“You dumbass!  Saying such corny things again!”  

I can’t help it.  I read so much shoujo manga trying to understand women, that I figured repeating lines I memorized while thinking they were smooth wouldn't backfire immediately.

My phone buzzed.

“Oh, it’s 17:30 already?  I should head home for today.” I said, enjoying the after school time I was able to spend with her.

“Then let’s walk together.  Where do you live by?”

“I’m right down the street from here, only a few minutes away.”

“Oh, I go that way too.  I live closer to Yamamori High, but I chose to go to Seijou because Rina and Mahimahi were going there.”

“Then, I’ll enjoy your company.” I say to her, and we get up.  She finished off her beer, and crushed out her cigarette, disposing of both before we left the park.

The Seven konbini is in the small shopping district between home and school.  There are a few places to visit there as well, such as the Gemini Arcade, a karaoke place, a few cafés, a late night coffeehouse called Giuseppie's, and a chocolate shop of note.  There’s also a supermarket, and a few other places that don’t quite interest me.  There was also an old dagashiya I used to visit that I haven’t been to in a long time.  The Baa-chan there was always kind to me when I used to go with my Onee-chan as a kid.  

When I saw the shop, I felt like I was forgetting something important about that place, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

We walked through the residential district past that, and eventually came to my home.  She looked over the nameplate which read Kawamura, then she took a good look at my house.

“Whoa, are you a rich kid or something!?”

“Eh?  Rich?  I don’t think so.  Mom and dad work a ton though to afford this place.  I only get about 20,000 yen in allowance a week. Anything else, I have to earn myself.”

“Earn?  Do you work too?”

“I do some freelance programming for a small company in Akihabara from time to time when they need to outsource.  I make enough to keep up on the latest games and manga and stuff, but I’m not rich by any means.”

“Right...  So, until tomorrow then?”

“Yeah... Until tomorrow.”

Shi-chan puts her arms around me and kisses me one last time for the day.  Already I’ve grown to like kissing her.  I even dared to put my arms around her as well, and enjoy this sudden closeness.  I hadn't thought for a second that today would go anything like this, or that she would be so... unreserved.

“I get bored easy, so I might text you a lot.  Don’t mind it if you are busy doing your homework, but don’t ignore me too much either!”

“I’ll reply, I promise.”

“Alright.  See you later, Boyfriend~”

With that parting, Shi-chan heads presumably home, and I go inside my house.  I wonder if she thought I would invite her inside?  It’s not that I wouldn’t, but I wondered if I did… if it would be too soon, or give off the wrong signals?  Plus, with her alone in my room with me… I am a healthy boy after all, things like that could happen… and I don’t want to go too fast with her, even though she seems okay with it.  I want to enjoy dating her for a while first, so by the time I really am in love with her, it’ll be the best when it finally happens.

When I entered the house, I found Mom sitting on our couch in the living room watching dramas on the tv.  I nabbed a cold cola from the refrigerator and went upstairs to do my homework.  Sure enough, after about an hour or so, when I’m close to finishing, my phone buzzes.

>LionPrincess:  Hi Kouta~ are you busy?

>ThiccWaifus:  Just about done with homework, you?

>LionPrincess:  About to take a shower.  You said you like my legs, right?

>ThiccWaifus:  I did… why?

>LionPrincess:  Photo Attached:  naisho1.jpg

What she just sent me was erotic as fuck.  She had on her knee-length loose black socks from earlier pulled down low by her ankles, and a hand covering up her privates.  It was both of her legs in all thier thicc and bare caramel beauty.

>LionPrincess:  Why not enjoy yourself a bit with that?  You already have the video from earlier, but can you really enjoy someone else’s thing between my tits?  Also, send me a photo of you in only your underwear.  I want to have something fun to look at as well~♡

What do I do?

I lock my bedroom door, and quickly undress.  Trying to find the right angle to take a selfie with.  I own a selfie stick, courtesy of my Onee-chan, so I tried to make a decently sexy pose for her, and took a snapshot from my phone camera, sending it to her in our private chat.

>ThiccWaifus:  I sent it.

A few moments pass, and then I receive a reply again.

>LionPrincess:  I received it.  I’ll be using it now, talk to you later~

Using it?

It was about an hour before I got the next text.

>LionPrincess:  What’s your favorite scent?

>ThiccWaifus:  I don’t have one, I don’t think.  I did like the cucumber smell you had today.

>LionPrincess:  You did?  Okay, thanks.

It was weird incidental texts like that until dinnertime.

At dinner, it was just mom and I.  Kanae and Dad were late coming home, and I told mom that I had gotten a girlfriend.

“That’s nice.  When you are ready, feel free and bring her by, okay? I'd like to meet her.  If you are worried we’ll intrude on you, we won’t.  You are a boy at that age after all.  Just make sure to use protection, Kouta.  I’m saying it for your benefit.  Your father and I had Kanae early on, when we probably should have waited a bit longer.  It would be good to at least be close to finishing college before you do something like that.”

I nodded a her sage advice.

Having a kid?  It’s way too early to even think about.

“So, what’s she like?” Mom asks me in regards to Shi-chan.

“Well, she’s really fashionable and friendly.  She’s friends with Kawazu’s girlfriend, so there’s good compatibility in our circle.”

“Oh, that sounds nice.”

“She even offered to make me a bento tomorrow.”

“That’s cute.  I was no good at cooking for your dad.  We would always go out to a fast food place and eat there after school instead.”

Dinner alone with mom was done and I went back upstairs for the night.  I had no problem doing it to the picture of her legs.  What bothered me was how I also had no problem doing it to the video, too.

Am I… really going to be okay?

>LionPrincess:  Good night, Kouta!  I’ll come pick you up in the morning!  I remember where you live, since I'm good with directions.

>ThiccWaifus:  Alright, I’ll be ready to go.

>LionPrincess:  Please treat me well tomorrow too~♡

As I docked my phone in it’s charging cradle, sleep overtook me.

And my dream that night was pleasant.

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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