Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 2: Chapter Two 「Boyfriend」

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May 27th, Wednesday.

--~~* Shizu *~~--

Shizu-nee, what’s going on with you?” My younger twin sister by three full minutes asks me.

I happened to be in the kitchen early this morning, working hard on a bento for my new boyfriend, Kawamura Kouta.  I’m not really good with traditional cooking, as that’s the skill my sister inherited properly from mama.  I can only make really spicy things, because I really love spicy things!

“Nothing much, just happened to get us a boyfriend yesterday~” I said cheerfully to her, no doubt catching her by surprise.

“A boyfriend?” She asks me, confusion making her eyebrows furrow cutely together.

“Un.  Want to see what he looks like?” 

“Do you even have to ask me that?”

So, I take out my phone and show her the cute picture I had him send me last night, of him in his boxers.  I had tried masturbating to him in the shower, but I'm unable to cum by my own hand for whatever reason.  

“Feast your eyes on our new boyfriend, his name is Kawamura Kouta.”

Hmm~ He’s pretty normal looking if you ask me.”

“I know, right?  But he’s really kind and sweet.  He even asked me out fully aware of the kind of person I am.  I feel terrible about what I’ve already put him through.”

Onee… what exactly did you do?”

“Well, At first I didn’t think he was really serious about me, so... I gave his friend a paizuri... with him looking on.”

My imouto begins to rub her forehead.

Ha~h… of course you'd do something like that.”

 “Yeah but, like… get this; he didn’t run away or cry or anything like I expected to happen.  He just kind of accepted it, and then we both had a little bit of fun with Mahimahi, and after school we spent a little quiet time at the park before I walked him home.  That was it.”

“You left out when exactly you screwed him, should I start guessing?” She asks me bluntly.

“I didn’t.” I replied.

“You didn’t?”

“Nope, he wasn’t interested.  Boyfriend said he wanted to date me for a while first before we did that kind of thing, isn’t that strange?”

“No, Onee, that’s how a normal relationship is usually supposed to go.”

“Yeah, but not with me.”

“Not with us, you mean.” my little sister corrects me.

“What do you think, want to meet him too?”

“Isn’t that what we agreed on when you finally found someone suitable?”

“Yeah.  The funny thing is though, I swear I know him from somewhere.  I think his suitability is still questionable, but it's not like anyone else ever made it this far.”

“I would have expected you to tell me this yesterday…”

“You know, I didn’t even think about it.  I didn’t even feel itchy for the rest of the day after being with him.”

“You didn’t?”

“No.  Weird, right?”

“Very.  It’s Wednesday today, are you going to the circle?”

“I should, but I think I’d rather hang out with him.  You know, See where this whole dating thing is going to take us.”

“Alright Onee.  Just let me know what I need to when you decide to swap with me.”

“I will, Shiori.  I just wonder if he’ll figure it out about us sooner rather than later?”

“I doubt it.  Since you've decided on a lover for us, don't you think that we should give up on trying to find that boy?

“It’s sad to think about it, but you’re probably right.  I really hoped I’d get to meet him again.”

“I still think you imagined the whole thing.”

“I’m telling you I didn’t!  He came to my rescue, Shoiri!”

Shiori wraps her arms around me and kisses me on the cheek.  

“Yes~ yes~ I believe you, no matter what I say.”

Nakada Shiori is my younger sister and also the reason I’m still somehow functional as a person.  When I was a few years younger, I was raped and beaten by the guy who was my mama’s boyfriend at the time.  I was injured heavily, and left alone in the love hotel where it happened.  When I managed to gather enough strength to leave, I had only made it a short distance away when I collapsed.  At that time, a young boy came to my rescue and saved a part of me… the part that wanted to throw myself into the river, knowing I was now damaged goods.

For a while after tat, I was majorly unstable.  It took a considerable amount of time for Shiori to figure out how to help me return to some manner of normalcy.  I ended up missing out on school for a year, then when I did return it was right into highschool, making a debut as a beautiful gyaru, instead of the plain old me.  

Of course, something fucked up had happened to me, and I became a sexual deviant as a result.  I ended up gaining a reputation as an easy and loose girl, which still troubles me to this day.  This is partly why I was hesitant in believing there was another boy who would actually want to date me as the me I am now, and not just fool around with me as the notorious school slut.

I normally go to a crisis support group for victims of sexual violence called The Circle on Wednesdays, mostly to talk about myself with a counselor and see how I’m coping.  Truthfully, it hasn’t been going all too well lately.  If I were to be exact with how many sexual partners I've had since I was assaulted, the number isn’t pretty... or even known to me anymore.  But, I do at least try to do it as safely as possible.  I always keep a number of condoms on me, and I'm taking birth control as well, since I never know when I’ll get an itch.   At least, that’s what I call it.  The Itch.  When I get itchy, the desire to have sex almost entirely overrules my ability to turn down advances from men… and even women.

Yeah, there have been a few women I've fooled around with as well.  The most important of which was actually my younger sister, Shiori.  It’s not so much an incestuous relationship that we have or anything, it’s that she had to find a way to calm me down so that I didn’t just dive off the deep end.  Yes, it often involved sex, but not like, crazy lesbian sex.  Just her holding me carefully, and sort of masturbating me herself, since I am no good at doing it myself, to quiet the itch down.  Obviously over the course of a few years we’ve gone a bit further than that, but it was mostly experimental.

Shiori and I are identical twins.  As it tends to go with twins, it’s usually one way or the other.  Either you are very close, or very apart.  Shiori and I happen to be the close type.  We've always been able to finish the other’s thoughts and sentences, and basically came to the consensus even before what unfortunate circumstances happened to me, that we would probably end up married to the same guy.  

Lucky him, right?

However, since that happened, it's not like we’ve not been apart, but rather out of sync?  I became a wild slut, and she stayed the same sweet sister I always knew, and also used to be.  I know I cause her endless amounts of trouble with what I became, but that’s the hand that was dealt to me… to us.

Shiori has offered to let such a horrible thing happen to her, for the sake of resynchronizing ourselves, but I refuse to let her do that, or let it happen to her.  It was horrible and traumatizing experience, and though she doesn’t completely believe me, if it wasn’t for that boy at that time, I truly would have killed myself.

Thus, we come to the present, where I’m making my first boyfriend a heartfelt bento, and my sister is in shock that I haven’t even fucked him yet.  I’d say there are stranger things, but I wonder if that’s really the case...  So far, I like Kouta.  I was completely fine with him using my body, but he says he doesn’t want to yet, and that’s fine.  

The real problem is my itch though.  I haven’t explained it to him properly yet, but there is a large chance… no, there is no doubt a definite chance that I will end up cheating on him with some random guy, and he’ll be hurt badly because of it.

But this is also my first proper relationship, and I don’t exactly know what to do either.  Usually it’s just some guy approaching me for a suck or a fuck, they cum, and then leave.  I'm left cleaning up and feeling miserable.  No love, just sex.

I do hate it.

I am a real girl inside!  I want to be loved, and held, and doted on, and given head pats and I want a chance to experience all the happy and fluffy moments a relationship should have, but I also have to accept that this unforgivable whore is also a part of who I am.  An onahole for any man who can put enough pressure on me at the right… well, wrong moment.  

I don’t really know to what extent my new boyfriend can handle what’s about to come his way, but I hope he can manage.  Yesterday was the first time in the longest that the itch didn’t bother me so badly.  If he can really turn me once more into a decent girl, I would give anything to him.  Anything to stay with him.

Because I want to know what it's like to be loved like a normal girl.

But it’s probably just wishful thinking on my part.

While putting on the finishing touches for his bento, I wondered what he has planned for us to do today after school?  I wouldn’t mind doing the whole park thing again.  I also wouldn’t mind having sex with him either, but I bet he’ll still want to wait.  Too bad, I did see his equipment, and it looked like it could be fun to fool around with him.

Ah, there goes the slut in me again.  Or is it normal for girls my age to want to do that with the guy they are dating?  It’s confusing being a girl my age with no real relationship experience, or at least the normal kind to speak of.

Having managed to prepare the bento on time, I stored them in my bag, and double checked my attire.  A gyaru is all about fashion, and with all the tips from my favorite blog KanAtelier, I’m standing on the peak of trendy fashion!

Makeup, lipstick, brushing my hair, putting on my hairband... I made sure everything is impeccable, then bid my sister adieu, heading out to go pick up my boyfriend from his house, so we can walk together to school as promised for the first time.

Since he’s not outside, I enter the gate to his house and knock on his door.  A beautiful older woman clearly in the middle of her pregnancy, wearing a revealing nightgown opens the door.

“Yes, may I help you?” She asks.

“Hi!, I’m here to pick up Kouta for school.”

“Oh, are you the girlfriend he mentioned?”

“I am.”

“It was Nakada-san, right?”

“That’s me!” I say holding up a peace sign in front of me, "Nakada Shizu, but you can call me Shi-chan!"

“Would you like to wait inside?  I think he just got out of the shower and is probably changing into his school clothes right now.”

“Is it okay?”

“Of course it is, please come in.”

“Then, pardon the intrusion.”

I enter into his house, and it’s way spacious!  It almost makes my own home look like a dump.  Kouta's house is a two story affair, the ground floor having a wide open floor plan.  The kitchen even has an island, and you can see clear across the house.  So much for any privacy outside of a room!

“Your house is lovely.” I say to his… mother?

“Thank you, dear.  My husband and I finally paid off the mortgage, and now we can better afford the baby that’s on the way.” she mentioned while patting her stomach.

“I did notice that.  How far along are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Not at all, I’m late into my fifth month.”

“Do you know the gender yet?”

“I had an ultrasound done a couple of weeks ago.  The doctor was almost positive it’s a girl.”

“Oh, so Kouta is going to be an Onii-chan soon?”

“Yes, though, in what capacity, I don’t know.  He’ll be in college in a couple of years, and in all likelihood joining the workforce by the time she’s old enough to go into elementary school.”

“Un… that is a bit of an age gap between them, isn’t it.”

“It is.  But that’s okay.  I recently retired from my job, so I’ve got plenty of time and love to give to her.”

“That’s nice.  I like babies, but I’m a long way away from thinking about having one myself.”

“That’s the best thing.  Get a good career first, find a husband who can support you, and then when you are settled in enough, do it then.  Don’t wait too long, though.  As it is now, I’m not going to be one of those cute young mothers who go to events.  I’m going to be an old baba in the stands.”

I hear some footsteps falling and glanced over to see Kouta coming down the staircase.  He’s dressed in our school uniform and looks the same as yesterday.  In terms of style… well, he has none.  But I don’t care.  Kouta is Kouta, and I am me.  What matters is our feelings, not our fashion coordination.

“Ara, Kouta, I was just greeting your girlfriend who came to pick you up.  Kanae left your bento in the refrigerator.”

“There’s no need Kawamura-san.  I made Kouta one.”  I say. 

“Oh, a domestically capable gyaru?  That’s a rarity in your generation.”

“Well, I can do this much at least.  I just hope Kouta likes it.”

“I’m sure he will, won’t he?” She says, looking towards my boyfriend.

Aa.  I’m looking forward to it.” He says unknowingly with a smile.  I really am only good at making spicy things.  Thankfully, I thought to bring some soothing mint tea with me in a thermos, for when he invariably chokes on it.

“Sorry about not being ready sooner, I woke up a bit later than usual.”

I smile.  There is little doubt in my mind he was probably up late thinking about me, and doing that.  That makes me feel happy though, even though I’d rather he do it with me, than to just a picture of me.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, Kawamura-san.  Shall we go, Kouta?”

“Yeah, let’s go.  See you later, mom.”

“Have a good day at school, Kouta.”

We leave his house together, and a little past the gate, I start up a cigarette.  It’ll be hours before I can sneak another at lunch, and it should hold me over until then.  I know I do some delinquent shit for a person under twenty, I just hope Kouta doesn’t mind it too much.

Taking his hand with my free one, we walk to school like that.  We pass the shopping district, then as we approach the final stretch, a cute girl the same height as Kouta, with short silvery-blue hair is suddenly walking near to us.

“Ume, what are you doing?” Kouta calls out to her.  Her name is Ume?  I don’t know this girl myself, though I’m sure I have seen her before as well.  I mean, I saw her at the lockers yesterday, but I mean before that.

“We always walk together, Kouta.  Why should we stop just because you got a girlfriend now?  We’re friends aren’t we?” She says to him.  

Ah.  I see, she likes him.


“Please, join us.” I tell her, all friendly-like, and she accepts my invitation easily enough.

“Thank you.” she replies politely, and walks on the other side of Kouta, together with us.

Kouta looks at me confusedly for a moment which prompts me to tease him a little.

“Nihehe~ it’s almost like Kouta has a flower in each arm, huh?”

The girl suddenly turns bright red in the face, and lowers her head to hide it.  Kouta seems taken aback, and I can’t help but think it’s hilarious.  I somehow manage not to laugh.

I finished my cigarette, then took a sip of some of the mint tea I was carrying to wash the taste out.  I thought it might be kinder to Kouta to not have to taste that if he wants to kiss me before class, since he’s not a delinquent like me.  When we get to the lockers, I hold this cute girl back for a moment.

“Yo, Blue.”

“Sakuraba Umeko.” She quickly corrects me.

“Right.  I haven’t taken his cherry yet, Blue.  So feel free and fight on.  I won’t get mad if you manage steal it before me.” I say to her, and then grab her ass, making her jump.  I part with her there, and then go to my locker.

Afterwards, since it looked like he wasn't going to be the one to do it, I gave my boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, and went to my class. We’re in separate classes by the way.  He’s got Kawazu in his, and I have Rina and Mahiro in mine.  Of course us gyarus all sit together in the back and chat as much as possible.

Normally I get to school a bit earlier, but that also leads to trouble.  Thankfully, going together with Kouta might make less opportunities for said trouble to occur.  I get pestered quite a bit thanks to my no-good reputation, and I’m far more familiar with the men’s bathroom than I care to be.

I really do feel bad for him.

Anyway, talking with the girls leads me to understand the rooftop is where Kouta usually hangs out, making videos of Kawazu fucking Rina mostly.  However it seems today is Mahimahi’s debut.

“I can’t wait for later~” Mahimahi says cheerfully.  “I want it to be recorded perfectly.”

“Finally giving it up?” I ask her.

“Yeah.  After watching Kawazu and Rina do it all the time, I got over wanting to only do it in a hotel, and want them to see me lose it live.”


“Yeah, Rina and little Kouta.”

“Little Kouta?”

“Yeah, he’s like a harmless rabbit.  He’s not exactly attractive, but he is cute.  I think he’ll enjoy it as much as I will.”

“How long has he been up there with you both?”

“Hmm… since the day after the entrance ceremony?  He didn’t have anything better to do, and he’s good friend with Kawazu, so he got a place to hang out, and to watch a beautiful girl get fucked.  There’s no way he’s complaining!”

“I never said he was.  I did wonder where he went for lunch regularly, that’s all.”

“He usually eats a bento between filming sessions.  Plus he’s really good with a camera.  Honestly, with what he’s done, he could put out a good JAV of Kawazu and Rina.”

“Me in a JAV?  Ugh.  I can imagine my old man finding it and beating meat to his daughter without even realizing that’s who it was.  Gross.” Rina finally joins the conversation.

“Then why do you let him record you?” I asked my besty.

“Because Zuzu fucks better when on camera.  Why else?”

Rina used to be Oda Kawazu’s boyfriend in middle school.  They were lovers early on, but then one day Rina just dumped him.  One day last year, Kouta was looking for a spot to hang out alone, away from people, and found Rina's smoking spot near a copse of trees by the gym storehouse.  She threatened him not to tell, and even shook him down for some money.  In exchange though she also showed him her bare tits, and believe it or not, they became normal friends because of it.  Then, when Rina mentioned she was looking for a boyfriend, Kouta said he knew a guy, and ended up dragging Kawazu along to meet her again.  For whatever reason, they ended up dating each other again.

Kawazu is naturally a playboy type, and Rina is rebellious. The two of them are surprisingly free about their public displays of affection.  Mahiro was a friend Rina and I somehow picked up, and we would often sleep over at each other’s houses.  It led to Mahiro hanging out with Rina more often than me, and it led to  Mahiro wanting to join Rina and Kawazu in their relationship.

Now, up until this point, Mahiro hasn’t actually had sex with Kawazu, or anyone else for that matter.  Though, from what she said a moment ago, that was the plan for today.  Kawazu was going to pop her cherry on the rooftop at lunchtime.  It sounded like a lot of fun, so I asked if they minded if I joined them for the show.  We’re all friends, after all.  I was invited up, and would be part of the audience, along with Rina and Kouta.

That gave me an opportunity to send him a text.

>LionPrincess:  Boyfriend, are you ready for Mahiro’s debut?

>ThiccWaifus:  Yeah, I made sure to have an large empty SD Card to record it in the best quality.

>LionPrincess:  Ever seen someone lose their cherry before?

>ThiccWaifus:  No, though I heard it can hurt and there is sometimes some blood…

>LionPrincess:  Yeah, I think we’ll get to see that later.

>ThiccWaifus:  I guess?  Wait, are you coming to the roof too?

>LionPrincess:  I got invited to watch.  Is that a problem?

>ThiccWaifus:  Not at all.  I’m glad I can spend lunch together with you.

>LionPrincess:  Me too.  Maybe seeing it will get you in the mood to lose your cherry too?

>LionPrincess:  Just teasing!  I know you want to save it for the “right time.”

>ThiccWaifus:  Shi-chan, can I ask you something?

>LionPrincess: Sure, ask away.

>ThiccWaifus:  Why did you do that with Kawazu right after agreeing to go out with me?

>LionPrincess:  I didn’t think you were really serious, and figured you’d go running or decide you were wrong once I did.  If it’s any consolation, I feel bad about doing that now that I know you really were serious.

>ThiccWaifus:  Oh, Okay.  I guess that makes sense…

>LionPrincess:  It was a harsh way of doing it, and I am sorry.

>ThiccWaifus:  It’s fine.  Besides, I ended up watching the video last night and I didn’t feel upset or anything, I was just wondering what you were thinking when you chose to do it.

>LionPrincess:  I told you right?  I’m a slut.  I’m not proud of it, but I do things like that on a whim.

>ThiccWaifus:  Gotcha.  I’ll see you up there later, okay?

>LionPrincess:  Okay~♥

After that, Mahiro, Rina, and I enjoyed some fashion talk, as we talked about the latest updates from KanAtelier until the lunch bell sounded.  We traveled together upstairs, and thanks to that, I managed to avoid trouble again.  Usually there are at least one or two people who try and solicit me during lunch.  It’s always a pain moving alone if I feel the itch.  When I move with Rina and Mahiro, I tend to avoid those problems, because Rina will bitch those people the fuck out before they even have a chance to say a word.

We were the first to the roof, followed by Kawazu, then finally Kouta coming up a minute or so after.

“Ko~u~ta!”  I spout cutely as I collide into him with a hug.

Kouta smiles, and we go over to the hidden section of the roof where there is more privacy.  Before anything begins, we eat.  Kawazu provided his group’s food today, things like curry bread, or yakisoba bread.  I’m providing the bento exclusively for Kouta and myself to enjoy.  The sun is hiding behind some clouds, and the usual spring heat isn’t too bad today.

“Kouta, today is a super special day, so you have to make sure to get the best shot of it, especially when he puts it in, okay?” Mahiro gives him directorial advice.

“I’ll get the best shot I can.” Kouta says cheerily enough himself.

Rina and I are enjoying our lunch and a smoke at the same time, while Kouta is eating my bento made with love for him, with obscene amounts of spice.

“Shi-chan… this is a bit... “

“Spicy?” I finished his sentence for him.

He nods.

“I told you the only thing I knew how to cook was spicy stuff, and that includes rice.”

“How do you make rice this spicy?” He asks me hoarsely.  Seeing that reaction, I pour him a cup of mint tea from the thermos.

“Hmm, Let’s see...  I start with a teaspoon of white pepper…”

I tell him how I made it and he seems stunned.  I wonder why?  Anyway, he does manage to eat the whole bento in the end, even though it looked like he struggled a bit when it came to the vegetables.  Were the pickles not pickled enough?  Or was it the three types of freshly ground pepper on them?  Peppered pickles are the best!  I should ask about his desired level of spiciness later.  For now, the main attraction was about to begin.

“Kouta, please give the camera to Kawazu for a moment.” Mahiro says.

So Kouta does, and I Mahiro bring my boyfriend over to her.

“Kouta, won’t you give the mistress away?” She says coquettishly.  “Take off my panties as a souvenir for today!”

“Take them off! Take them off!”  Rina starts chanting, and Kawazu and I also join in the chorus.

Kouta looks so embarrassed, but that’s cute in itself.  I want that part of the video sent to me.  Kouta is looking at me though, and I guess I have to tell him it’s okay.  Kouta might mind it, but I don’t, not really. I guess the part of me that should be jealous or upset is warped.

“Go ahead Kouta, I’m fine with it.” I let him know.

Mahiro is in her school uniform, her hair is being held by clips, and she’s looking beautiful as she can for Kawazu today.  Kouta stands behind her and nervously lifts her skirt.  What Mahiro is wearing underneath is a pair of kitty print panties, and it’s rather funny that she’s got on something kiddie like that.

“Pull ‘em down!  Strip the bitch!” Rina shouts encouragingly at him.

“Yeah, strip this bitch, ...and put the panties on your head!” Mahiro adds in as a joke.

Kouta timidly reaches for the sides of her waist and tucks a finger inside the elastic band, and gently slides her panties down her legs and to her ankles.  She steps out of them, and Kouta immediately puts them on his head after all.

“I was only joking, you know?” Mahiro says to him.  “But for being such a good sport, Kawazu, before we do it, how about you let Kouta prepare my virgin pussy for entry?”

“Hmm… Kouta, Shi-chan?” Kawazu gives us a nod.

“I’m fine with that too, boyfriend.  You already did it once before!” I encourage Kouta.  Maybe it'll get him in the mood?

Kouta seems a bit hesitant.

“C’mon Kouta, this is a special day for me!  Kawazu’s recording this part, and I want to remember it well, as all of us being good friends when it came to my defloration party!” Mahiro says, tempting him with unfair words.

Kouta kneels down and moves his head a bit closer to her, it’s actually kind of exciting.  He’s cheating on me already, though he’s not really, because I gave him permission.  But this much should make up for that paizuri I gave Kawazu in front of him, right?  I nod at him again and watch as she pushes his face into her gyaru gorge.

“Oh, he’s licking me~  Yay~”

It’s not for long.  Maybe a minute and a half passes by before he stops.  It doesn’t matter, I doubt Mahiro was really enjoying it, anyway.  I’ll be sure to teach him for the future though, if he’ll let me.  With cute kitty print panties on his head, my boyfriend accepts the camera from Kawazu and the real action begins.

Kawazu takes his thing out, and getting a better look at it compared to what I saw Kouta with yesterday, Kawazu’s dick is a bit girthier, while Kouta’s is a bit longer but not as thick.  They both have their pros and cons.  A fat dick feels better going in, but a longer one hits a bit deeper, which is my preference.  I haven’t had too many the size of these two boys.  Surprisingly, the aggressive guys who aim for me all tend to be on the smaller size.  I guess no women want to tell them that they are shrimp dicks.

Kouta is actually pretty close to the event, and he’s got the camera moving from Mahiro’s face where she’s making a cute pose down to her booty, where Kawazu is slapping his beef on her tuna.  He slides it along the length of her slit using Kouta’s applied saliva to lubricate himself before he puts his tip at the entrance, and pushes in slowly.

Aaah~ Fuck~  That hurts… Wait a second!”

Wait a second… I wish that was how it was for me.  For my first time, it was jammed right in there, and I wasn’t even remotely wet.  It hurt so fucking badly, and burned the entire time.  It was rough and felt so horrible.  At least for the first part… until I got used to the pain.

Ah, Mahiro pushed through it, and now Kawazu’s going deeper into her.  Is she bleeding now like I did?  I can’t see from this angle.  Either way, Mahiro has now joined the ranks of being a fucked gyaru, like Rina and I have.  Shiori will one day experience this too, but will it be crudely done like this?  I’d like to think she’d have a better time than what dumb sluts like us are doing to ourselves.  Maybe Kouta would be gentle with her, caring for her, making her feel loved as they join together for her first time?

“Fuck that bitch, give her a pounding, Zuzu!” Rina shouts, ruining my train of thought.

“Make her beg for that cock!” I join in with the commentary.

“Slap her ass!”  Kouta says suddenly out of nowhere.  I honestly didn’t expect him to participate.  Kawazu, taking that request swings his hand and a loud clap is heard, eliciting a squeak from Mahiro.

“Do it again!” She says, and Kawazu obliges her happily.

“You getting it all, Kouta?” Mahiro asks while her tits are flailing about inside of her uniform.

“Aren't you the one getting it all?” He quips. “From my angle, it’s pretty fucking good.”

“That's because, It’s a pretty good fucking!” Mahiro says in reply to him.  “Shish feelsh shooo nishe~” 

“Gah~ Mahiro’s so tight she’s squeezing my dick!  I feel like I’m being milked by a middle schooler.” Kawazu weighs in on the situation.  “Sorry Mahi, but until you get a bit more loose, I might not be able to last as long with you as I do with Rina.”

“That’s a good thing though, right?” Mahiro inquires.

“Yeah, having a tight pussy to fuck is the best!  I love you too Rina!” Kawazu doesn't forget to add respectfully to his main girl.

“I love you baby~ Make my little girl a woman!”

“Daddy’s fucking me good, Mama~”

These two gyarus are complete idiots, but they are my best friends.  So I’ll support them in their idiocy until the end.  

“Stick a finger in her butt!” I yell.

“No!!!, don’t you dare do it!!!” Mahiro yells back at Kawazu, quickly shooting down my suggestion.  I don’t blame her, surprise anal can ruin any good mood.  Unless you really are into it...

Nnn… damn… I'm about to cum.  Kouta, get this part!”

“You’re coming inside?” Mahiro asks.

“Yeah, I’m making you my woman.”

“Then push it in deep, knock your new woman up on the first go!”

“Sorry Rina, looks like Mahiro is going to have my baby first.”

“Mahi, you slut!  You better not let any drip out!”

Mahi pants a bit, as Kawazu picks up his pace until he’s about to burst inside of her.  Watching this is starting to make me feel a bit interested.  Shit… I don’t want Kouta to see this part of me.  I... feel the itch.

“Here comes the creampie!” Kawazu says as he suddenly grunts with heavy breath and his thrusts become short and he’s letting it spray out inside of Mahiro.

Aaahhh~♥... I felt it hit my womb, I’m totally pregnant now~♥”

Kawazu holds on for a bit longer, letting it all out, then pulls out of our Mahiro and stepping back so Kouta can film her freshly fucked snatch.

“Oh, I see a little pink and red here.  That’s the hymen tearing, right?” he asks with curiosity.

“Yeah.  Most of her blood is at the base of me.” Kawazu says, and Kouta pans to film a shot of Kawazu’s thing, before moving back to Mahiro again who gives a peace sign, then collapses onto her knees.  No cream came out of her pussy.

Rina ran over to Mahiro and dropped down, hugging her closely. “Mahi~ you did great.”  Then the two of them just held each other for a moment as Rina gently stroked Mahiro's head.

Kouta is looking right at me, and I can guess the reason.  I’m currently fondling myself.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but I’ve been doing so not to the sight of Kawazu fucking Mahiro, but while imagining Kouta being the one to fuck Mahiro instead.  They were exchanging cherries, and I was loving it.

“Shi-chan?” Kouta asks me “You good?”

“Mmm… yeah… I’m just a bit aroused.  Watching it kind of got me going.”

“I see.”

“You don’t have to worry, Kouta.” I lied.  I was probably more worried than he was.

Kouta walked over to me.

“Why did you tell me to do that to Mahiro before we started?”

“I felt bad about the Paizuri yesterday… so I wanted to let you do something like that in return.”

“So you’re open to this kind of thing?”

“When I get going, I’m open to a lot of things… why?”

Kouta points to Kawazu.

“What about it?”

“You said you do this kind of thing… and I should be prepared, right?”

I nod, wondering where he’s going with it.

“Can I film you cleaning him off?”

I felt myself get real wet once Kouta said that.


“I’m… sorry.  I didn’t mean to…”

“Are you asking me to do that?”

He nods shallowly.

“I wanted to see what I could be comfortable with accepting.  But if it’s uncomfortable, please forget I said it.”

“No.  If you really want me to show you… I’ll show you.”

Kouta picks up the camera and points it at me.

“Are you sure?” I confirm again.

“If I get uncomfortable and say stop, will you stop?” he asked.

“I can do that much.” I assure him easily.  The hard part is reassuring myself of that.

He nods, and I get up with his help, and head over towards Kawazu.  Kawazu is looking at me, and wondering what I’m doing.  I don’t bother telling him, I just kneel down, and grab hold of his thing.  It’s sticky with cum and Mahiro's juices.  Kouta is filming me, so I give him a bit of a show.  It’s not like I wouldn’t mind doing this whether or not Kouta asked me to.  But this is a good chance to see for myself also, what he can handle.

I bring my mouth to it, and lick from the base of his shaft all the way to the tip, and then put my lips over it.  The taste is musky and has a thick scent.  Kawazu’s scent is good and his cum doesn’t taste as foul as others.  He must have a good diet and take care of himself.  I lick and slurp and suck, and with my other hand, I reach below and fondle myself.  I know it won’t amount to much, but it does increase my pleasure a bit, so I just do it.

My head is bobbing, my hoop earrings hanging on for life as I work my neck into it and wrap my tongue around his meat as I try and suck anything left inside out into my mouth.  

Ghh… Kouta… fuck man…. why are you letting her do this?  Are you really cool with it?”

Kouta doesn’t say anything.  There is a camera trained on me, and taking a look, I can see he’s pitching a tent watching me.  That too is turning me on a bit more.  So I really get into it, popping it out of my mouth, slapping myself on the cheek with it, then stuffing it back in my mouth, so Kouta can see it pushing my cheek out from the inside.  I’m really being a total bitch about doing this, but I also don’t… want to stop.

I keep fellating his friend, and soon I’m being tapped on the shoulder by Kawazu.

“Yo… I’m about to bust, for real.”

I look at Kouta but he isn’t saying stop.  Are you sure? Are you really really sure?

Don’t blame me… please… Kouta.

“I can’t hold it…. nhhhaaaaaah

squirt squirt squirt squirt

His friends warm cum is rich in my mouth, it’s coated the back of my throat, and I have to swallow it or I’ll choke.  Even though I do, I can’t stop sucking.  I just keep on stroking his cock and sucking until Kouta finally says it.


I fall on my butt, and I just look at Kawazu’s thing which is probably cleaner now than before he put it in Mahiro, and then I look at Kouta, who is asking me to throw up a peace sign.

I do it with both next to my face, and smile, sticking my tongue out, showing it’s been swallowed.  I’m such a piece of shit.  I shouldn’t have even done it, even though he asked.  But I did it, and I didn’t even spit it out.

Then he lowers the camera, and stares at his dick poking his pants out.

He puts the camera down, and then sits down.  His back is against the concrete wall railing.  He’s looking up with his mouth open for a moment, and seems to be trying to say something, but he can’t.

I get up and go over to him.

“Are you okay?  Was that too much?”

He lowers his head and levels his gaze with mine.  Then he grabs me and pulls me down into a hug.  He doesn’t say anything, he just hugs me.  I put my arms around him, and we just stay like that for a few quiet moments.  Even Rina and Mahiro aren’t making any noise anymore.

Ah shit… this is where it ends before it even begins.

“Can I keep the recording?” He asks me.

“Un. If you want.”

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable doing that.”

“I’m the one who made you uncomfortable though.”

“No.  I was bothered by it… but… I was able to see it through, though for some reason… I got hard watching you…”

“Want a hand with it?”

“No.  Do you hate me for asking you to do that?”

He lets go of me, and just leans back against the wall.

“I’m a slut, aren’t I?”

“You’re a woman, and my girlfriend... and I asked you to do that with someone else...”

“I’m still your girlfriend?”

He nods his head.

“I’m still your boyfriend?”

This time I nod my head.

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

“You swallowed it?” he asks me.

“I had to.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“...”  Should I tell him that some part of me did?  All I can do is smile.

“It’s okay… everything is… okay…” He says to himself.

“Do you perhaps... want me to do that to you?”

“Can I just hold you, Shizu?”

“You can do anything you want with me, Kouta.”

I sit down between his legs and he wraps his arms underneath my breasts, and puts his face into the back of my head, and plants a soft kiss on my neck there.  I feel his head resting against the back of mine, and we just relax together.

I reach for the thermos, pouring a cup of tea into the mug and swish it around my mouth, trying to make sure any leftover bit of cum is washed down my throat when I swallow.  Then I reach in my skirt to grab my pack in order to start up a cigarette, and just watch everyone else watching... us.

“Fucking hell, Shi-chan... “ Rina says to me.  “That was crazy!”

I take a deep drag, feel the polluting smoke in my lungs, and then exhale.  Rina is absolutely correct.  That’s exactly what happened.  The itch had me crazy enough to do that.  After that comment, Rina had to work a little harder to get Kawazu erect again so she could have her turn since it would be his third time.  Mahiro passed on her second go, citing that it still hurt a little, and she’d wait until it healed before doing it again.

It was completely understandable.

“Can I touch them, on the outside?” he asks me.

“As much as you want.” I tell him.  He can do whatever he wants with this body for now.

His hands rest on the tops of my breasts, and he slowly closes his hands around them, squeezing them carefully.  My breasts are firmer than most other girls I know, so squeezing them tightly for any length of time is an exercise in arthritis.  He just softly squeezes them, and moves them in a circle motion with them rubbing together at the center.  I am wearing a bra, a nice lacy one that shouldn’t affect their softness or firmness any.  

“Enjoying yourself?”

He stops and puts his hands down lower and onto my thighs.  He just places them there, and I can still feel his son poking into me near the tailbone.  I’m a little less dick crazy right now, and I want to touch him if only to make him feel good, and feel less guilty than he probably does to himself for letting himself do what he did… by asking me.

Ahn~ ahn~ ahhhh~ nnnn~ yeah… fuck it… right there… Zuzu… why are you so fucking hard right now!?... hit it… keep hitting it… ggghhhhrrrrrrrbbbblllll!

Kawazu is currently fucking the shit out of Rina right now.  I want nothing more than for Kouta to do the same to me right now.  Just put me right next to Rina, and fuck me in tandem with her.  Strangely though, my usual feeling of itchiness is gone again.  It was there.  It was there until Kouta let me go wild, and then it went away when he put his arms around me a moment ago.

My mind is all kinds of fucked up right now.  He wasn’t rough with my tits, he was gentle.  Even though he could have squeezed them with anger at what happened, he didn’t.  

“Kouta, let me borrow a hand from you.”

He loosens his right hand from around me.  I take it and move it underneath my skirt and have him simply feel the wetness in my panties.  I gently let his fingers feel the moisture from my hole up to my labia.

“You did that to me.  Not Kawazu.  You.  I just wanted you to know that.”

I let his hand go, and he pulls his hand out and rubs his fingers together.  His hand moves up to my mouth, and I take hold of each one and lick the tips of them, then kiss each digit.  After that he puts his hand back around my waist.

“I like you a lot.” he says to me in the end, and as the final groan from Rina echoes out as Kawazu finishes along with her, the bell for lunch ending rings.

But Kouta isn’t letting me go.

“Want to ditch?” I ask him, but he lets go at that idea.

I get up, and help him to his feet, then he kisses me on the lips.

“Lunch was delicious.  Please though, use a little less pepper next time, okay?”

“Un.  I’ll only use half a teaspoon.”

He smiles at me.  A reassuring smile that somehow leaves me thinking again, everything might be okay if it's with him. 

“I’ll see you after school, Shi-chan.”


We all leave the rooftop, and return to the classroom.

>LionPrincess:  I thought I fucked up so bad… aaaahhhhhhh!!!!

>BadAssBitch:  I thought you did too.

>Mahimahi:  Naah, Kouta was enjoying himself.

>LionPrincess:  For real?

>Mahimahi:  Yeah.  He couldn’t stop watching you.  He didn’t even realize his dick was hard, he was entranced by your cocksucking. I was too!

>BadAssBitch:  Yeah, that was… pretty extreme, even for you.

>LionPrincess:  Sorry Rina, Mahi… I got into it when I saw him watching me do that.  I was only going to just lick and clean it off for him, but then somehow it turned into that.  I kept waiting for him to say stop, but he just… let me keep going.

>Mahimahi:  What’s the problem?  He was okay with it.  Maybe he’s into that.

>BadAssBitch: No, I don’t think so.  He doesn’t strike me as the type.  I really think he was finding out what his acceptable limit was for how slutty you can be before he nopes the fuck out of the relationship.

>LionPrincess: The way he held me afterwards… made me feel good.  It wasn’t any kind of disgusting feeling… almost like he was sorry he had me do it.

>LionPrincess: Then right before we left, he said he really likes me a lot, and he’s looking forward to after school.

>Mahimahi:  After school?  You two going on a date?

>LionPrincess: Possibly? I told him I work from Tomorrow until Saturday after school, so we can’t do it except for Sunday through Wednesdays.

>BadAssBitch:  Ask him what his plans are!


>LionPrincess:  When you said after school, was this a date you were planning on taking me on?

>ThiccWaifus:  Actually, I realized you said you worked for the rest of the week, so if possible I’d like to plan our dates after that.  Instead, I just wanted to take you out somewhere nice you might like, maybe an ice cream shop or for some crepes, or whatever you like.

>LionPrincess:  Ice cream?  Oooh, I’d like a choco-banana parfait!

>ThiccWaifus:  Okay!  Ice cream date today, and then we’ll have a proper one after that when you are off of work.

>LionPrincess: Sounds good!


>LionPrincess:  He’s taking me out for Ice Cream!  He’s going to figure out some good dates probably for when I’m not working and we can spend a lot of time together.

>BadAssBitch:  Heee~ I want Ice Cream now too!

>Mahimahi:  I want to put an ice pop in my pussy to stop it from burning.

>BadAssBitch:  Go to the nurses office and get an ice pack then!!

>Mahimahi:  But then the nurse will know I had sex… or worse!  They’ll think I picked up something from a guy… or…

>BadAssBitch:  The nurse was a gyaru like us back in the day, dumbass.  She’s probably done the same thing, and will be happy to help.  Or she’s probably fucking someone in the room right now.  Could go either way, actually…

>LionPrincess:  Doubt it.  The beds aren’t that comfortable in the nurse’s office.  

>BadAssBitch:  Slut!  You did it in there?

>LionPrincess:  It just happened.

>Mahimahi:  Will someone go with me?

>BadAssBitch:  Yeah, go ask the teacher, I’ll escort you.


Mahiro and Rina left class to go to the infirmary to get an ice pack for Mahiro’s special circumstance.  That left me alone and bored in class.  So I just opened the picture I had of Kouta, and thought that having only one was no good.  I wanted a few more.

>LionPrincess:  Send me a picture of you right now.

>ThiccWaifus:  [Photo Attached:  Selfie03.jpg]

>LionPrincess: Thanks!

The picture was of him at his desk, the wall behind him.  So he sits in the back of the class like I do.  We have that in common too.  I sigh, and tap his face, pretending it’s his forehead.

Stupid, Idiot, Dumbass, Retard.

Why didn’t you get mad?

>LionPrincess:  Why didn’t you get mad?

>ThiccWaifus:  I didn’t have any right to be.

>LionPrincess: Weak!

>LionPrincess: Try again.

>ThiccWaifus:  I was mad… that it wasn’t me.  When I saw you get into it… I wanted it to be me.

>LionPrincess:  Then you should have said stop, and let me go to you.

>ThiccWaifus:  But… I also… wanted to see it.  The look on your face was so erotic.

>ThiccWaifus:  I... won’t ask you to do it again.  I at least learned what I can accept so far.

>LionPrincess:  What, me blowing your friend?

>ThiccWaifus:  …

>LionPrincess:  Sorry.

>ThiccWaifus:  Don’t apologize, okay.  Only apologize when you need to… so I understand… when it's not my fault that it happened.

>LionPrincess:  Is that how you want to know?  You wouldn’t rather I keep it from you?

>ThiccWaifus:  I don’t know.  I don’t know the first thing about any of this… 


Rina and Mahiro came back with less than half an hour left of class.  After the bell rang, I made for the locker and found my boyfriend.  There was no sign of Blue, the girl who walked with us this morning, and who I’d seen hanging around him at the locker the day before.

“Ko~u~ta!  So, which cafe are we going to?” I ask him.  I notice that quite a few people have taken an interest in seeing me with him again today.  Undoubtedly rumors will begin to spread at this point.  I hope he can endure some of it, because there’s no way he’s not going to hear some of the more unsavory things I’ve done, if he doesn’t already know…

“It’s on the way home.  It’s right past the Gemini Arcade.”

“Oh, I know the one.  Cafe Noir, right?”

“You know it?”

“Sure, I’ve gone there with Rina and Mahi a couple of times before.”

“Then, shall we go?”

We both take care of our locker business, then meet at the gate.  He takes my hand far more openly this time, and we walk together to the shopping district.  We passed a few shops, and the arcade, an old hangout of mine and Shiori’s.  Before I became this trendy gyaru, I used to be a bit of a gaming otaku along with her.  I’m really good at shooters, and a couple casual games as well.  I can’t help but stare inside, wondering what games have changed out.  My sister and I had the highest score on Vice Cops 2 at one point in time.  

I wonder if it’s still there?

“Like to play?”

“Un.  I used to play here a lot not too long ago.”

“Then, perhaps on another date?”

“Sure.  That would be nice.”

Reaching the cafe, we enter.  There are a few couples from school already here, seated and together.  There’s a table a bit away from them, and I lead him to it.  It’s not that I don’t want to be seen with him, but rather, I want him to not worry about that until it’s no longer avoidable.  I want our time together to be worry free for him.

A server comes over, a cute girl who is probably a college freshman working part time, and takes our order.  I already know what I want.

“I’ll have a choco-banana parfait.” I say to her.

“And I’ll have a chocolate mint milkshake, please.”

“I have received your order, please wait a while.” She says and turns to leave.

“A milkshake?”

“Yeah, I used to come here with my Onee-chan when I was younger.  It’s the item I enjoy the most from here.” Kouta tells me.  I didn’t miss  him mentioning that he has an older sister.  I wonder what she’s like, and if she hates girls like me?

“You’ll let me try a sip of it, won’t you?”

“If you want to.”


I pull out my phone and text a few things over to Shiori while we wait.  Mainly it was letting her know what we ordered, and that he has an older sister.  If we’re going to do this right, we have to communicate everything, especially the small details.

“Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself, since we’re dating?” I began a new conversation.

“What do you want to know?”

“What kind of things do you do in your free time?”

“Me?  Mostly homebody stuff.  I play pc games, read manga, follow a couple of anime this season, I also do what you saw earlier… make and edit videos for my best friend, Kawazu, and do a little work on the side for a small company that makes eroge.”

“Eroge?  Like the pervy dating simulation games?”  I ask, having played a few, one being an old classic called doki☆doki memorial.  It was an indie title that took the original game and made it very ecchi.

“Yeah.  If you think I’m weird or anything for playing them…”

“I’m not judging you, I’m just trying to get to know you better.”

“I also occasionally help my Onee-chan out with internet stuff at her job once in a while.  Outside of that, I don’t do much else.  I might be a boring person.”

“It’s fine to like the things you like.  I like reading shoujo manga quite a bit, reading about normal people falling in love, and real warm and fluffy things like that.”  I tell him.  “Sometimes girls’ love too, if the characters are sweet.”

“A Yuri advocate?”

Yuri will dominate the world!”

Ah, I may have said that a bit loud.  Sorry!

“What about… BL?”

“Dicks belong in women, don’t they?  I’m not against it, but it’s not my cup of tea.”

“I agree.  I’d rather not date a fujoshi who thinks about pairing me with every guy that comes across her field of vision.”

“What, you don’t like it when you are being made the bottom?”

“I just don’t care for guys like that.  I’m normal.  I like cute girls, and that’s that.”

“So, I’m a cute girl, then?”

“The cutest.”

“Trying to get into my skirt?”


I grin widely at him.  At least he’s able to joke around with me like this.  Even though he knows all he has to do is ask, and he’ll be into far more than just my skirt, way faster than slowly.

“Anything you want to ask me?”

“Umm… besides sex, and working near the weeks end, what else do you do for fun?”

I open up a website, and show him one of my favorite portals and social media accounts.   It’s called KanAtelier, and among the fashionable girls I know, it’s probably the most popular.  Most of my fashion choices come from what I see the models wearing in the photos on it.

“I love trying on the latest fashion.  I go to 109 when I can, to see what new stuff they have in stock that looks like what’s in these photos.”

“Oh, this site is popular among a lot of girls in my class.” he mentions.

“Friendly with the girls in your class?” I ask him, mostly to see his cute reaction.

“Not really… just two.  They are my deskmates directly in front of me and Kawazu.”

“Are they cute?”

“Cute?  I’m sure they are.  But I’m not really looking at them like that.”

“Oh, just eyes for me?”


Huh.  I wasn’t actually expecting him to say that so directly.

“What is it that you like about me so much?”

“I don’t know.  I mean, I know a lot of the bad stuff people say about you, but I just feel like… there's something special about you, and I wanted to get to know you because of that.”

He describes his attraction to me with clumsy words.  It makes me feel warm inside, at least until the order comes.  My ice cream parfait looks delicious, and I grab a spoon and dig in.  It’s got three flavors of ice cream, chocolate syrup and a long chocolate coated banana topped with whipped cream.

Kouta’s milkshake is definitely minty.  I can smell it from here.  My nose is pretty sensitive, and not only can I smell the mint, but I can also smell his scent.  Something I’m finding I enjoy… something relaxing and even... nostalgic about it.

He trades me a sip of his drink, and I spoon feed him a bite of the chocolate ice cream covered in syrup.  I can’t help but enjoy this little date we’re on.  Is this a young maiden’s happiness?  Being together with a guy, and not having a cock forcibly crammed into you all the time?

I wonder what I’ve been doing with my life.

I sigh, and I think Kouta saw it, as he has a look of concern on his face.

“Something wrong, Shizu?”

“No.  Believe it or not, I think that was a sigh of happiness.  I’m just thinking how nice it is to do something like this with my boyfriend, instead of the usual.”

“The usual?” he asks.

I make a circle with my thumb and index finger and use my other finger to explain non-verbally.  Kouta just looks at it and nods.

“I see.”

He takes another sip, and we eat our treats in silence for a bit.  I slip a foot out of my shoe, and stretch my foot forward, my toes rubbing against his crotch, aiming to stimulate his son a little bit.  I’m a hopeless pervert too.  Even though he’s not pursuing me sexually yet, I am pursuing him.

He looks at me, and reaches down, pulling off my sock.  Oh, does he want to feel it directly?  I’m watching him take a sip then he pulls the straw out and lets the cold milkshake remaining in the straw drip onto my toes.

Aah!  it’s Cold!  I pull my foot away, and he gives me a knowing smirk, taking another sip of his minty milkshake.

I reach for a napkin and clean it off, as it’s uncomfortable.  I don’t mind warm fluids on me, but the cold kind just feels weird.  I puff out my cheeks in annoyance, mostly because he got the better of me there, and I put my foot back, demanding he put my sock back on.

Kouta puts his drink down, and slides my sock back on, making sure he gets a good feel of my leg, from the ankle up.  I can feel his hands a little shaky from nervousness, as he brings the sock as high as it can go, almost to my knee.  If the table wasn’t in the way, he could have kept going to those thighs of mine he says he likes.

A pity.  Such an opportunity lost.

“Enjoyed that?” I ask, eating the last bite of ice cream left in the parfait glass.

“Maybe.”  He says, “I am enjoying the company at least.”

“If you want to feel my legs up a bit further, you just have to ask.”

“Something wrong with enjoying things at my own pace?”

“Is that what it is?  You really just want to take it slow?”

“Haven’t I been clear about that?”

“But you are okay with me doing those other kinds of things, with other people?”

“Is it your pace to go slow with that?  Haven’t you been rushing everything?”

“My pace…?”

What he said gave me something to think about.  What is my pace in a relationship?  I am pretty quick when it comes to doing those kind of things… it’s like there’s some kind of switch that goes from 0 to 100 really quickly, and anything like soft foreplay or romance… is pretty non-existent, it turns out.

“Alright.  You win.  You’re absolutely right about that.”

“I’m not trying to win or be right, I’m just hoping you can enjoy going slow with me for a little while, that all.  I finally was able to ask you out, and I want... pardon the silliness of it, but I want to romance you a little.  Even if I’m not good at it.”

“Romance... me?”

“I can’t help but not believe this is real, and the only dating experience I have is from video games, so I’m sort of treating this like that.”

“What, I’m some dating sim girl you’re trying to capture?”

“That’s how I see it.  I hope that doesn’t offend you too much.”

“Hmm.  So, what archetype am I?”


“Wanna get beat up?”

“Just kidding.  I played a few, and the gyaru route… is usually one of the more difficult ones.”

“So I’m a hard mode character?”

“In a way, yes.”

Nee~  So then, want to unlock a special event with me?”

“What kind?”

“Something ecchi perhaps, but safe as well?”

“I’m listening.”

“Don’t listen.  Just watch.”

I took the choco-banana which I saved until the end, and tilted my head back.  Then I slid it down my throat, using my throat muscles to pull it down my esophagus in one go.  Like how a sword swallower would do it.  Only the choco-banana disappears down into my stomach.

Then I look at Kouta and open my mouth, showing it’s all gone.  He seems adequately impressed at my ability.  I learned how to do that from Mama.  She can do it without the chocolate coating, but I can’t.  Not yet at least.  Shiori can’t do it at all.

With our ice cream date at an end, he pays the bill and we leave.

I’m quick to enjoy an after meal cigarette, and I accompany him back towards his house.  This time, he invites me in.

“Oh, if it’s not Shi-chan again, hello!”

I’m greeted by his mother once more.  She’s being friendly and offers me a cup of coffee.  I accept it, and Kouta and I take a seat at the table, as he pulls out his homework.  He’s diligent.  I take my own out and also begin working on it.  When’s the last time I did so that didn’t involve Shiori being there?  I’m a little less studious than my younger sister, but I’m not dumb or anything.

“So cute, you two.”  His mother says, taking a seat at the table with us.  “You are the first girl Kouta’s brought home.”

“That’s not true… Ume came to visit once.”

“And if I remember correctly, didn’t you say she ran away in tears?”

“That’s because Onee-chan did something stupid!” Kouta says to his mother.  She only smiles at it.

“That’s because your sister didn’t approve of her, probably.  You know she’s got a few screws loose when it comes to protecting you.”

“Something I need to worry about?” I ask his mother.

“You look like you could stand up to her.” She says to me.

The conversation dwindles and when I get to math, I feel stressed.  I hate mathematics.  Kouta helps me a bit, since he’s really good at it, then leaves me to finish my own.  I see an ashtray on the table, and I don’t even think about it before I pull out my pack and light up one to calm myself down.

“Oh, then you won’t mind if I join you?” His mother says, and she too has one.

“Kouta, picking up a naughty girl as your first one, huh?” She says to him, but winks at me. “It’s okay if you keep your door closed, I understand you are at that age. Just make sure to use protection.”

“Mom… please don’t embarrass me.” Kouta says with a pained expression on his face.  I take it in stride, after all, I do look the part of an easy girlfriend.

“Oh shush.  I used to be a bad girl back in the day, I know what goes on.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah.  I was a smokin’ hottie back then, too. It’s how I landed my husband.  We fell in love in highschool, and have been together since.”

“When did you give it up... The bad girl lifestyle?” I ask, a bit intrigued that Kouta’s mother wasn’t too dissimilar to myself.  

“Hmm… Around the time Kouta was born I guess?  I took a job that had me travel overseas a lot.  Had to give in and play the part of a proper corporate secretary."

“That’s so cool.  Kouta had a bad girl for a mom!”

“That’s why I don’t mind you dating him at all.  I was a naughty girl too, and I know my husband was never dissatisfied because of it.  Minus a few points, he and Kouta are pretty alike.  So, I’m sure Kouta will enjoy getting to know you better as you get closer...”

“Ughhhhhh.” I hear Kouta groan.

I feel like his mother and I hit it off pretty well, and after we finished our homework, I saw that it was getting late, and while I would have been happy to stay a bit longer and do some extracurricular activities with him in his room with the door closed, I felt I had perhaps overstayed just a bit much, especially with his mom saying some things without reservation, which clearly made Kouta uncomfortable.

A man’s pride is pretty fragile.  I know that much at the very least.

“I’ll head home, and see you in school tomorrow, okay? I really enjoyed our date!”

I said goodbye to his mother, and at the doorway, he hugged me before I could leave. I stole a kiss from him in return to keep me charged for the walk home.  When I get back home, Mama and Shiori are there, and are surprised I’m back home at this early hour.

“Not getting into trouble today?” Mom says with a little bit of disgust and frustration at me.  She knows how I am, and she knows there’s nothing she can do to fix it.  She deals with it, but I know it eats her up inside, too.

“Nope, just a friendly date with my boyfriend.” I say to her.

“A boyfriend?”

“Un.  He’s a nice guy, and hasn’t laid a hand on me.”

“Like I’d believe that.”

“I don’t care what you believe.  If anything the person not believing it is me.”

“Then why not bring him over on Sunday?”

“Sure.  I’ll ask him.  You’d probably like him.  He’s the good kind of guy you’d want for me anyway, even though I’m such a horrible slut of a daughter you have to put up with.”

“Enough of that kind of talk, missy.”

“I believe her, Mama.” Shiori says quietly

Mama backs off when Shiori offers those words in my defense.  Mama and I bicker a lot, but it’s our coping mechanism for what happened to me.  

“So, what’s his name?”


“How old is he?”

“He’s in the same year as me.”

“A classmate?”

“Yeah.  He’s apparently had a crush on me for a long time.  He confessed and I even warned him, but he still pressed it, so I said okay.”

“Is he an idiot?”

“If he is, he’s a kind one, mama.”

“Find out what he likes to eat.  I’ll make a nice lunch.”

“Okay, easy enough to do.”

“Go do your schoolwork after you eat.”

“I already did it.  I was over at his house earlier.”

Mama waves her hand in front of my face.  “Is my long lost daughter starting to re-emerge?” She says with a mixture of suspicion and disbelief that I actually took the initiative to do something positive like schoolwork on my own.

I ignore her, and go make myself a bowl of what mama cooked and hightail it to my room.  I don’t want to really talk with her today.  I was feeling good from my date, and meeting his mother, and to get grilled and treated like usual here… I just didn’t care for it.

>LionPrincess:  Kouta, you there?

>ThiccWaifus:  Yes.

>LionPrincess:  What’s your favorite food?

>ThiccWaifus:  TKG with Karaage. Why?

>LionPrincess:  Would you come over to my house on Sunday, and meet my mama?

>ThiccWaifus:  Are you sure?

>LionPrincess:  It’ll ease her heart to know you are a nice guy who is dating her wayward daughter.

>ThiccWaifus:  Then I’ll be there.

>LionPrincess:  I’ll pick you up around 11am on Sunday, then.

>ThiccWaifus:  Roger.

>LionPrincess:  Nee~ Kouta,  I had a nice time today.

>ThiccWaifus:  I’m glad you did.  I enjoyed it too.

>LionPrincess:  Send me a regular selfie.  Just you, normally.

>ThiccWaifus:  [Photo Attached: selfie04.jpg]

It was a picture of Kouta still in his uniform.  His brown eyes seemed a bit more alive, while his short black hair and regular features seemed muted when captured in a picture.  I put his face to my lips and kissed him through the phone.  I am experiencing some new feelings, and I’m a bit unsure of where things will go.

>LionPrincess: Thank you.  Want a picture of me?

>ThiccWaifus:  Sure.

I lift up my skirt and take a panty shot to send to him.  It’s nothing too obscene, but I bet he’d enjoy it a little.

>LionPrincess: [Photo Attached panchira01.jpg]

>ThiccWaifus:  …  Really?

>LionPrincess: Aww, I thought you’d like it!

>ThiccWaifus:  Too adult for me.  Wear something like this

>ThiccWaifus:  [Photo Attached: souvenir.jpg]

It was a picture of the kitty print panties Kouta took off of Mahiro and put on his head earlier.  So he likes cute things, huh?   I think I still have a pair of those.

>LionPrincess:  Hold on a second.  I got something you’d like.

I dig around my underwear drawer but can’t find them, so I raid Shiori’s room and find that she still has a pair from back then.  I swipe them and go back to my room.  I pull off my pink laced panties, and put on the cute blue cotton underwear that my younger sister and I used to wear up until middle school, and found they still fit, but just barely.  On the front is a cute print of a happy chibi lion face holding a sunflower.

I take the modified panty shot again, and sent it again.

>LionPrincess: [Photo Attached panchira02.jpg]

>ThiccWaifus:  These are on you right now?

>LionPrincess:  Yup.

>ThiccWaifus:  Anything on the back?

There isn’t, but I think he might prefer to see that with his own eyes, than just have me tell him. So I take another shot.

>LionPrincess: [Photo Attached panchira03.jpg]

>ThiccWaifus:  No, huh?  Well they are definitely cute!  Thank you for sending it!

>LionPrincess:  Make sure you enjoy them properly before you go to sleep, okay? ♥

>ThiccWaifus:  I will.  Um…

>ThiccWaifus:  I know it’s.. kind of… umm.

>ThiccWaifus:  I like you.  I really really like you.

I hold the phone to my chest.  He likes me.  How many times has a guy said that to me without it being inside of me… hell, even then?

>LionPrincess:  I like you too.  I hope at least, that’s what this feeling is.  See you tomorrow.

>ThiccWaifus:  Sleep tight.

Shiori came into my room then, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Are you okay today, Onee?”

“Yeah, I’m just great.”

“Do you need me to hold you or do that to you?”

I shake my head.  Once again there is little sign of the itch I’m used to.  It’s really strange.  I wonder if it has something to do with him?

“I’m really okay, Shiori.”

For the first time in a long time, I see a disappointed look on my younger sister’s face.  Is she alright?  Was she worried I’d be worse instead of better?  Maybe it’s that she’s used to always having to take care of me because of my inability to do it myself?

“If you say so…”

She gets up and starts to head out.


She stops with her hand on the doorknob.

“Maybe… you can help me a little.”

Her face brightens just a bit, and she climbs back on the bed and moves behind me.  She kisses me and fondles me, and I let her until I come while thinking only of Kouta.  Afterwards she’s lying next to me on the bed.  

I start up my last cigarette of the night, and she curls up with me while we share it.

Onee… tell me more about Kouta.”

So I spend the rest of the night telling her all about him.  We fall asleep peacefully, and I even had a nice dream about him.  We just held hands and felt at ease.

It was the first time in a long while that I didn’t have a nightmare. 

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