Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen 「Going All The Way」

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--~~* Mafuyu *~~--

“You can keep it if you want, Umeko.  Most of the clothes we get are just used once or twice if even that.  Just let me snap a couple of pictures so I can show they were used.”

Umeko was doing her best to rock the kogyaru look, and though I couldn’t devote any time to a proper shoot today even if Kanae would have been here, I was able to at least capture a couple of stills of her before she left for the day

I was in a massive rush working to finish Mahiro’s inaugural post because of Kou-chan.  Today was the day he wanted to take me out on a date, and I wasn’t about to miss the opportunity that might not come again.

Speaking of Kou-chan, he was sort of looking like that Mahiro girl from earlier right now.  He just sat on the couch and stared off into space.

Personally, I think Umeko is quite photogenic dressed as she is.  She is definitely kogyaru material.  Which is good, because Shi-chan is too sexy to pull it off.  Mahiro could, but she’s more suitable to being a shirogyaru, and the tall one, Rina, is already guaranteed the kurogyaru position.  But I still have no idea what Kanae’s plans are for the lolita, Ruru.

With the ten or so impromptu shots in various poses, it satisfied letting her have the outfit, and so she left the studio for the day, leaving only Kouta and myself behind.

It was currently 17:20, and if I rushed the last still, I could finish the third one by 18:00.  I was already wearing what I would be for our date, so when that time came around, Kou-chan had finally come out of the studio and went to the fridge to get a cold cola before dropping by my workstation.

“Wow, that’s what you’ve been working on all day?”

“Yeah, what do you think?”

“It’s pretty amazing.  But should you really be touching things up to that extent?  Won’t you have to keep doing it all the time?"

"No.  For the girls, the normal shots won’t be edited like this.  These are the debut shots for their gravure profile.  I mean, if you saw a picture like this, you’d definitely click it to see more, right?”

“For sure I would.”

“It’s just for effect.  Besides, there might even be times where they are going to present themselves live, so it’s not good to enhance their photos all the time.  Unrealistic expectations and all.  They are all plenty beautiful just how they are.”

“Yeah, I agree with you on that point.  But I still don’t get why I’m being used as the male model for all of them?”

“You’re the lynchpin to the whole project.  Don’t take it the wrong way, but you’re not quite an ikemen.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

“But what you are is just cuter than average.  You are the kind of guy most of the male fan base can sort of self-insert as.”

“You mean it’s one of those I’m as good looking as he is, so getting a girl like that should also be possible for me! kind of things?”


“Huh…  Alright, that does make a bit more sense now.”

“I just have one more still to finish for tomorrow’s post, but I can put it off until later.  Are you ready to head out on our date now?”

“Yeah.   There’s just a little problem…  I don’t know exactly where we should go.  I mean, you’re a college grad, and I’m still in high school.  I don’t know what you’d consider to be a good place to go for a date.”

“The point of a date is to hang out with you, isn’t it?  I don’t care where we go.”

“Then, would Shibuya be alright since it’s close by?”

 Mafuyu gave me a look that unmistakably said ‘really?’

Well, I guess when her job is constantly related to business in Shibuya and Harajuku, that might be the last place she’d want to go on a date…

“Sorry, Mafuyu.  Is… there anything you would like to do?  I’m pretty easygoing.  I’ve been on exactly one date so far in my life, and it was to Ueno Zoo last Saturday.”

Mafuyu shrugged.

“That’s the same as me, Kou-chan.  I’ve also been on exactly one date in my whole life up until now.”

“Oh, where did you end up going?”

“Ramen.  Fancy ramen, then to a love hotel.” I held my chest in front of me, not wanting to dredge that memory from my first year in high school back up any more than I already had.  “Of course, the date ended after the ramen.”

“And here I would have at least taken you out for premium sushi.”

“Pfft.  Trying to score a peek at my breasts, Kouta?”

“I could give you the gentleman’s answer, but considering yesterday, can I be daring and say I’d like to see those two large and beautiful lumps of fat you keep behind you under your skirt?”

“What fat!  I exercise!  You even acknowledged it!”

I knew he was teasing me, but I’m a little sensitive about my body image.

“Then do you want to climb the six hundred stairs up Tokyo Tower?  I’ll gladly walk right behind you the whole way up.”

I sighed, feeling really old just now.  

“No, I’ll pass on that.”

“Want to go for a scenic walk then?  Yoyogi Park, perhaps?”

“It’s already late, it’ll be closed by the time we get there, and the only reason to go is if it’s on the weekend.”


Kou-chan let himself get deep in thought for a moment.  I don’t know exactly what I was expecting.  I’m mostly an introvert.  Spending a night alone with my PC is as close to a romantic night in as I’ve ever known.

“I guess I’m a bit of a bad date after all.  My idea of fun would be to get a whole bunch of food that’s bad for me and binge some anime.”

“Reminds me of my high school days.  What’s popular these days, Kou-chan?”

“Let’s see… there’s Cosplay Doll, Healing Songstresses, Reincarnated Idol Manager Tactician, Espionage x Relations…”

“I’ve heard a few people talk about Cosplay Doll.  We can watch that, if you haven’t already?”

He shook his head.

“Nope, I’m still backlogged on last season’s stuff.  Alright, since we know what to watch now, what should we eat?”

“I was liking that premium sushi idea you had… but it does get a bit expensive.  How about we order a pizza now, go hit the seven for junk food real fast, then come back?”

With such an otaku suggestion made, we did just that.  He ordered us three medium pizzas, wings, fries, apple pie, chocolate pie, and two small servings of ice cream; chocolate and vanilla on a promotional sale while we walked to the Seven konbini nearby.

We raided the lanes for chips, gummy candies, whatever caught our eyes.  We had colas at the studio already, but Kou-chan got a cherry slush anyway.  I was fine, because there was beer for me to drink as well.

Arriving at the counter to pay, Kou-chan asked me if it was alright if he paid for it all.  I thought it was considerate of him, even though I was more than capable of paying for the snacks here since he bought the pizzas.

The girl behind the counter was staring at us, before she eventually pointed at him.

“You’re gigolo-kun!  Echizen-san, you know him?”

“Hello, Sato-san.  Yes, he’s helping us at the studio.”

“Ugh.  So lucky.  I saw your last article, with the caramel goddess… what I would have given to be in his position!”

I laughed.

“I had similar thoughts myself.” I replied, even though my thoughts were to have been in her position.

“It’s crazy, she reminds me of this girl who is a regular in here from time to time, but like way sexier!”

“It’s probably her.”  Kou-chan spoke up.

“Wait, you’re saying that was Shi-chan?”

Both he and I affirmed it.

“No way!  I thought I might have been lucky and she had a sexier lesbian older sister… so if the comment section was telling the truth, you’re her boyfriend?”

The clerk, hiding traces of being a gyaru herself for employment purposes though it was obvious she was one anyway, looked depressed at that realization.


“Why are all the pretty ones either straight or bi!?”

Sato-san is unlucky in love.  Every girl she ever fell in love with, was eventually stolen by a guy, or it just never panned out.  Kanae and I have been on the receiving end of her endless flirting attempts for a while now, since we’re both single.  Actually, if things weren’t currently working out with Kou-chan right now, I might have considered giving up and let her take her shot with me.

“If you’re with him getting snacks, does that mean she’s at the studio right now?”

“Sorry, she had obligations today.  It’s just him and I right now.”

“Say that you aren’t one of this playboy’s toys.”

“No,”  I answered quickly, waiting for her expression to change to one of relief, “not yet, anyway.”


“You’re so cruel…”  she said, then collected herself.  “It’ll be 2,430 yen.”

Kou-chan paid for it all.

“There’ll be a new post tomorrow, the next girl is quite cute as well.”

Sato-san just shook her head.

“Cute?  Nah, I like ‘em sexy like senpai.  The only cute one in my relationship should be me.”

Bidding her a farewell, we returned to the studio.  Along the way, Kou-chan asked who the senpai was that Sato-san referred to….  Who else would it be but Kanae?

As there was a Smart TV in the studio, Kou-chan was quick to find the premium app on it, inputting an account he already had and getting to the anime in question he talked about.

We set up a sort of pit in the center of the shooting room, and prepared for our watch party date… thing.

“Um, Mafuyu…”

“Yes, Kou-chan?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come prepared with a date plan so you could enjoy going out while you looked that nice.”

“You look good too.  But it does feel a bit criminal that I’m dressed up and you’re wearing your school uniform.”

“I’d offer to change if there are any guys’ clothes here.”

“Afraid not.  But I bet gyaru Kouta could be fun to hang out with.”

“I don’t think I’m prepared to be a trap, Mafuyu.”

“Hehe~  KanAtelier’s secret sixth model, Kou-chama.  The only question is would you be sexy or cute all dressed up?”

“Let it remain a mystery.  It’s bad enough I’m being recognized as gigolo-kun.  If it turns out I’m sexy as a trap and Sato-san coerces me out on a date with her because of it, the ending won’t be a happy one.”

I laughed.

“But what if I want to go out on a date with a sexy trap Kou-chama?”

“Let’s wait until I’m twenty then and can blame it all on alcohol.”

The pizza delivery came.  Gathering plates, napkins, and some cold beer for me, we set everything up in front of us, and settled in to watch a cute story about a popular gyaru who only wanted to cosplay as her favorite characters, and a hard working introverted guy who became her costume making love interest.

It was only twelve episodes long, and through the roughly four-and-a-half hours we watched it together, we relaxed in each other’s company, lying on a beanbag together, our shoulders touching and progressively as we talked, getting to know each other during the quiet moments…

Even though I had already sat on his lap naked and let him mark me…

Even though I had been played with and also marked by his girlfriend right in front of him….

Kou-chan was a vexing gentleman!

The first few episodes were mostly us pigging out on the hot foods, and him explaining the differences in the adaptation from manga to anime.  Each episode that passed I kept slowly trying to get closer to him.

It wasn’t until around the eighth episode that…

I sort of got upset.

“Are you really not going to do anything?”


Shit.  I got ahead of myself.


Maybe I should just tell him.

“I… I know I’m not as beautiful as your girlfriend, but…”

“Why do have to be?  Mafuyu is Mafuyu, and beautiful in her own way.”

I scoffed.

“You don’t have to beat around the bush.  I know without my tits I’d probably be unremarkable.”

“Then what about me?  I feel the same way.  I feel like I’m way out of my league with the other girls, the only exception is Umeko, but that’s because I see her as more of a stalker than anything.  Mafuyu… is comfortable to be with.  I was enjoying this so much because it felt like what a date between otaku would be like.  Was I wrong?  Are you not enjoying it after all?”

“I’m enjoying it.  Like I said before, it’s a chance to spend time with the guy I l-like.”

How shameful that I have to say this much.  But there’s no tension coming from him at all, so it’s got me all frustrated.  In all my twenty-five years I never even had so much as a taste as what happened yesterday!  I wanted more!

“Is the reason you’re not doing anything because… your girlfriend isn’t here?”

It’s probably the case, isn’t it?  Kou-chan’s always seemed like a good guy, so if Nakada Shizu isn’t around, he won’t betray her.  In a way that does make him that much more ideal as a guy.

“No, that’s not why.”

His hand reached over and touched my face.

“I just didn’t want you to think the only thing I saw when I looked at you was only a desire for your body.  I thought a relaxing date with no pressure was… preferable?”

How low have you sunk, Mafuyu?  It’s not the teenage guy you like with a bunch of promiscuous girl friends who is being horny, it’s your own unexperienced self.

“Was I wrong?”

“No, you weren’t wrong.  But… it’s just after yesterday…”

Please kill me right now, God.


“Then, is there anything you don’t want me to do?”

I shook my head, because, it was time for me, Echizen Mafuyu, college graduate and owner of a pair of lifelong trauma inducing H-cup breasts to have her first romance with a cute boy just her type!

“Just… don’t be too rough… at first?”

He smiled, then his hand trailed down from my face to my chest, and he moved his body over mine.  One hand played with my abundance and my eyes drowned in his as our lips met.


Although… come to think about it, I must taste like beer, pizza, and junk food right now to him.  But his kisses are pleasant.  I also put up a hand and rub his chest over his uniform.  

With Kou-chan, I wasn’t self-conscious about my breasts being played with, as I might have been with any other guy.  He was a little greedy, but he wasn’t after just those.  He paid attention to touching me in the right way, even complementing me on looking beautiful for our date more than once.

At the end of an episode, we found ourselves removing a couple of articles of clothing, basically our upper layers.  I remained in my bra, skirt, panties, and socks.  He was still in his pants and socks.

There was no biting, but Kou-chan was attentive.  I liked the way his fingers drew themselves along my exposed skin.  He also didn’t seem to mind that I liked feeling him up as well.

We changed position with me on top now, and my not-yet mommy milkers pressed into his chest and dominantly asserted themselves while he slowly reached around and undid my bra, freeing them from their restriction.  My waist grinded a little against his lower half, as we continued to kiss and touch each other.

I’m not sure if the next episode of that anime played or not, if it did, neither of us were paying attention to it.  Only to each other, and it felt great.  Even when he pushed me up a little and began to suck on my breast, using his tongue to squeeze my nipple and send an enjoyable sensation right to my tingling bits down below.

I grabbed the beanbag we were still half-using to support us upright at something like a 165-degree angle, and pushed it away.

“Kou-chan.  I’m going to give you what you want now.”  I said with a giggle.

I scooted up on to his face, and put my thighs on either side of his head.

“Tap on my leg if it’s too much, okay?  This is my first time doing anything like this.”

While I sat on his face, feeling his nose right above where my folds joined together and his warm breath matching the temperature of my inner labia as it passed through my panties, I squeezed my thighs together.

Kou-chan’s hands reached for my thighs and caressed them, travelling on a journey underneath my skirt and to my rear where he grabbed as many handfuls of my ass as he could ever want.

I felt something warm, solid, and inviting pressing into my panties, searching for the place that would bring me the most pleasure if discovered.  Pushing down from my center, I tried to assist him further but that just lead to my thigh being tapped by him quickly.

I lifted my weight up only to hear a gasp from between my legs.

Then all of a sudden the whole world spun before my eyes and I found myself on the ground looking up at the ceiling of the studio.  It didn’t stop the sensation of a hungry mouth being barred searching for it’s meal by a tenuous piece of fabric though.  Kou-chan was still hungrily fooling around down there, and I was happy to let him.

“Looks like the party started without me!”

Kou-chan stopped.

He looked up, and saw what I did.

Standing above us both, was a girl in a jumpsuit, as beautiful dressed for work as she was for play.

“Got room for one more on your date, boyfriend?”

--~~** Shizu **~~--

“Shi-chan! It’s uh…”

“Hopefully it’s exactly what it looks like I’m seeing.”

It’s not like I’m even remotely mad Kouta had his face buried between her legs.  Rather, that’s a good thing.  It means that he’s taking this date seriously, and that means that the likelihood I will finally be able to have sex with him has arrived.

“I take it you haven’t gone all the way yet?”

“…no,” they both answered, “we haven’t.”

I squatted down, looking straight into the eyes of the older girl with long strawberry hair.

“Would you like to?”



“Shush, Kouta.  I’m asking her a delicate question here.”

She had her mouth opened a bit.

“…yeah, I… want to… but…”

“Mafuyu?” Kouta was probably concerned about that last but.

“Great!  Kouta, if you’re going to do that, then at least take off her panties.”

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

Kouta squirmed a bit.

“You’re really okay… with this, Shi?”

“Un.  It’s her first time, so it should be special, right?  I don’t mind if she goes first.  Truthfully, it would be wasted if you gave it only to me.  Why not let this cutie have the first dibs, and once she’s accustomed to it, we’ll both drain you dry!”

“Drain me dry?”

Nihehe~  Just take off her panties, Kouta.  You are in charge of that mouth, and I’m in charge of this mouth.” I said, changing from sitting in a squat near her head to sitting on my knees and scooting back a bit so I could lean forward and kiss her on the lips upside down. “It’s much more fun with a third person, you know?”

“Mafuyu… is… this okay with you?”

“Kouta.” I interrupted, “It’s okay with her, now don’t get all passive on me here, let me tell you right now, girls hate that shit.  If she didn’t want it, she’d already be trying to cover up and getting the hell out of this situation instead of laying there willingly still.”

It’s cute that he’s timid at times, but this is not one of those times he should be.  So, I’ll definitely have to work on building up his confidence in dealing with women.  Thankfully, this ditzy photographer was perfect in that regard.

So, Kouta did as he was told, and her panties slid off easily.  

Kouta with a nod of approval from me returned to what he was doing… something pretty perverted, since it looked like he was enjoying having his head compressed between her thighs.  Was it perhaps a fetish he had?  It might be good to know what my boyfriend’s proclivities are for the future.  Meanwhile, I had a whole lot of post-collegiate woman to kiss and fondle on my own end.

I could tell from her innocent kisses that she was clearly inexperienced, just like Kouta, but that just meant I could show them what a good time really was.  I can’t speak much about the clumsiness of a first time, since that was taken from me, but when it comes to having fun in the sack, I’m very capable in that regard.

Mafuyu’s body was responding well to the both of us enjoying what she had to offer, and Kouta had managed to get her to a good spot.  I gave her a good push and watched as her hips rose up along with Kouta’s head as she baptized his face with her juices.

Then she collapsed with her legs spread wide open, and Kouta’s face nearly purple from asphyxiation.  From the look on his face, he definitely had a good time down there!

I beckoned him to come up and kiss her, and while he did, I stripped out of my work clothes, since it was about that time anyway to ready him for her.  To make things easier, I just took everything off.  If I was in my school clothes, I might have left my skirt on like she had, but there’s always the rooftop another day for that!

Now that I was undressed, I had Kouta stand up, and Mafuyu sit upright.  Today’s lesson was being taught by this sensei, and it was all about how to suck cock.  Our two students were Kouta and Mafuyu, and getting Kouta to whip it out was the first order of business.

“Alright, Mafuyu, shall we learn about how to please Kouta’s penis?”

She nodded.

So the next few minutes were spent educationally, as I taught her the best ways to handle a cock.  This was all that I had learned in my time with Mister, and it was put to good use here, since Kouta’s was nearly a replica of my favorite cock.

I wonder how much he was enjoying having an innocent older woman and a filthy slut like me sucking him off?  Well, the one thing I could do that she couldn’t yet was deep throat him, but I was going to play fair.  The goal wasn’t to have him burst inside of her mouth, the goal was to just prime him for the main event.

After that, his dreams of only doing it once or twice a week with me would be thoroughly defeated once I got my turn.  I’m confident in how good I am, after all.

With Kouta ready, Mafuyu laid down, and I climbed on top of her.  Kouta had two pussies ready to go to choose from.

“What’s going on here, Shizu?”

“You’re losing your virginity to the both of us.”

“Eh?  How’s that work?  Isn’t it the first person I put it in that gets it?”

“Losing your virginity is about putting your seed in someone, Kouta, not just your cock.  So, make sure the person who gets your first load is the cutie underneath me, okay?”

“Shizu-san, does that mean that Kou-chan is going to be taking turns in both of us?”

“Yup.” I said, caressing her cheek with the back of my hand, “Kouta’s going to help me go deep inside of you.  Wouldn’t you like the both of us deep inside of you for your first time?”

She nodded with baited breath.

“Kou-chan… can you please… put it in her first… before me?”

What a minx!

They say it’s the shy ones that should be looked out for, and she’s only proving that point!  I guess when a girl’s chastity is held back for so long, when it’s time to break, it’s like a dam flooding.

“Well, Kouta.  The choice is yours on what to do.”  I said, then proceeded to make out with the onee-san cutie underneath me.  I did want to know what Kouta would do, if he would waste his first push on me, or give it to her, where it would have had meaning.

He didn’t hesitate.

Did I expect him to?

Yeah.  I did.  I mean, an innocent girl for his first time, or a used goods like me?  The choice should have been obvious to him, but… he’s my boyfriend.  I completely underestimated that he actually desired me for something other than my body.  Once I felt his cock immediately slide inside of me, I did my best not to react, but I was also unbelievably happy.

Well, virginity is an intangible and outdated concept anyway, with flimsy methods of proof that it even exists.   Kouta pushed in and out of me a few times, then pulled out.

“Mafuyu, I’m… going to enter.”

“Yes, please take care of me, Kou-chan~”

She’s so cute!

She gasped a tiny bit, revealing that she was now receiving his care.  

“Are you okay, cutie?”


I could feel Kouta’s stomach push against my ass while he slowly pumped away inside of this titty monster.  His hands were holding on to my hips while he enjoyed her pussy and that turned me on quite a bit.  

I took the time to go from kissing her to sucking on her tits while enjoying the occasions he would swap out and bury himself in me again.  Kouta was being diligent and trying to please both of us, but as I know from experience, no one lasts too long with their first time.

That was when I felt him tap on my ass.

“I’m… close.”

“Are you ready to graduate, Mafuyu?”

“I’m ready.  Kou-chan, please make me a woman!”

Kouta slid out of me and into her.  It wasn’t but a few more strokes until I felt his body shudder in the way a man only does once he’s released his seed.  The cute noises he made as he dumped his load inside of her made me think how happy I was to have a boy I could train to my heart’s content.

Kouta’s hands were shaking.  His member, sticky and coated with the cum he shot inside of her found its way inside of me, and I used my inner muscles like a succubus to drain the last drops hiding inside his urethra. 

Afterwards, we all laid on the floor with Kouta in the middle of us.

“So, was it enjoyable having your first time with two women?”  I asked him.

“How could it not be?  I just… hope the both of you are really okay with it.”

“Mafuyu, any complaints?”

“None at all.  I feel warm… inside.”

 “That’s how it should feel,” I told her, “Now we just get to enjoy Kouta as much as we want tonight.”

“There’s more?” Mafuyu asked.

“Plenty.  Kouta just needs a short rest, then he can pick who he wants to go next with, though I hope you don’t mind if I request that to be me.”

Mafuyu seemed amenable to my request.  It didn’t take long for Kouta to be resurrected and it became my turn.  I was going to be on top, but Kouta said he had something he wanted to try, and that was perfectly fine with me… at first.  I had no idea what he was planning, but it wasn’t until he began to touch me in a certain way from behind while we both were on our knees, that I began to feel strangely.

It was the way we were.

Kouta embracing me from behind.  One hand groping me, one hand playing with my pussy.  His kisses on my neck and across the top of my shoulder, and his son pressing against my wet hole, threatening to please me.

It was the favorite position of Mister to get me ready.

I might live a full life, and my body would always remember it.  To have Kouta who was only minutes ago a virgin to know a technique like this…

I escaped from his hold, quickly.

“Eh?  Did… I do something wrong?”

He couldn’t know.  I didn’t have the heart to bring it up to him either.

I sighed.

“No, you didn’t.  I just… wasn’t prepared for you to do that.”

Kouta looked hurt.

“Where did you learn that?”  I inquired.

“Ah, well… I um… asked for some advice from someone with experience?”

Yeah, of course he would have.  It’s not like Mister was the only one who started sex in that way, but it was really… unsettling.  What’s worse is that I would have eventually taught him something like that, so am I really wrong for pushing him away right now?

“How about you and I find our own style, instead of borrowing from someone else?”


“Good.  Now lay down, and I’m going to take you to heaven.”

I pushed Kouta down, and straddled him.

“I know I said nothing is forbidden, but let’s say for now at least, that thing you just did is off the table.  I’ll explain the reason why later, just for now… the person whose touch I want to feel is yours, and not anyone else’s.”

After pacifying Kouta, I guided him inside of me, and properly fucked him.  All the experience I had ever learned riding on top of men over the last few years, I gave him the first taste of.  I edged him on like a cruel bitch, and while he groped me miserably, I let his balls drain inside of me.

Kouta lay wasted on the floor while I sopped up the spillage with a tissue or two.  Mafuyu and I shared a beer and a cigarette for myself waiting for Kouta to recover.  When he finally did, she took her turn, riding on top of him as I suggested.  Though it was supposed to be just those two taking a turn, she invited me to play with the both of them, so I happily joined them.

We went crazy all night long.

Along the way, I of course had my fun eating her pussy and fingering her to climax a few times, while Kouta fucked me from behind as I did.  She and I cleaned him off a few times, sharing residual cummy kisses, and by the end of it all, Kouta was the only one still sober.

We slept together, with Kouta and I constantly feeling up Mafuyu’s body, and it resulting in more sex after that.  While they did manage to have an actual one-on-one without me, miss strawberry hair seemed to get really motivated when I joined in.

Actual sleep eventually came somewhere around three or four in the morning.  My itch was satisfied, and the sleeping face of my boyfriend as he suckled on those Holstein-grade tits of hers was all I needed to feel at ease.

Kouta was sandwiched between us two healthy women, and his last day as a virgin came to an end in a sweet way.

--~~* ??? *~~--

「A certain entity is interested in you.」



「A certain entity greets you.」

“Uh… w-where am I?”

「A certain entity begins to materialize before you.」

Before my eyes a heavenly beauty appeared, fully naked and with the most perfect proportionate body I have ever seen.  I even wondered for a moment if I overexerted myself and died at some point in the arms of Shizu and Mafuyu, and if I had, I was almost willing to accept that loss if it meant this person would be my partner for the next life.

「A certain entity says that’s entirely possible if it’s something you wish for.」

I shook my head.

I love Shi-chan, so I’m not ready to die yet.

「A certain entity is also fine with that resolve.」

I don’t know how to explain it, but I can sort of sense something that is conveying its… her… actions? Feelings?  Thoughts?

“Who are you?”

「A certain entity feels that’s not something you need to worry about at this time.」

“Are… you some kind of god…?”

「A certain entity will not refute being labeled as such.」

“O…kay?  Then, what is it you want from me?”

「A certain entity just wanted to meet with you now that you are finally experienced sexually with a woman.  And no less than three women for your first time at that.」

“Three?  But it was just Shi-chan and Mafuyu…?”

「A certain entity reminds you that a beautiful girl with silvery-blue hair also counted.」

“Ume too, huh?  That… was unfair.”

「A certain entity feels you should be proud as a man.」

“It’s not like I’m not… I just sort of haven’t wrapped my head around everything right now.”

The woman’s naked hand reached out and her index finger lifted my chin up a bit to stare into her captivating silvery eyes.  In fact she had long hair too, and it was platinum but also gave off some kind of halo of light from it as well.  Perhaps she was upset that I had sort of been staring at her breasts.

「A certain entity is entertained that you enjoy the manifested form it is employing.」

“Are uh… you a woman?”

「A certain entity isn’t concerned about such things.」

“Right…, so uh… is there something I can do for you?”

「A certain entity indeed thinks there is something you can do.」

“What is it, then?”

「A certain entity wishes for you to collect your lovers.」

“Lovers?  My only lover is my girlfriend, Shi-chan.”

「A certain entity thinks you are being stubborn.」

The body in front of me radiates light and transforms into what appeared to be Umeko at first, then into Shizu, followed by Mafuyu, then Mahiro, and finally Ruru for a moment before changing back into her original form.

“Okay, I get the first three, but why are you including Suzuki-san and Yorugata-san?”

「A certain entity explains that there are many women who have need of you, and it is your job to gather them as The Heir.」

“Heir?  What are you talking about?”

「A certain entity refrains from answering directly, and that there are people close to you who can answer that question.」

I sighed.

“You say gather women, but women aren’t exactly pokémon, you know?”

「A certain entity wonders about that…」


「A certain entity found it humorous anyway.」

“You were joking!?”

「A certain entity explains that there are a number of lovers who live lives of ill fortune without you, and that it is your duty to bring them prosperity.」

“So… what, I’m like some kind of manga’s harem protagonist or something?”

「A certain entity find that comparison to be suitable, though not the one that would have been given.」

“Then what exactly am I?”

「A certain entity repeats that you are The Heir, and would not like to have to repeat it in the future to you.」

“I really don’t get what this is about.”

「A certain entity tells you to collect the women who need you, and then the pact will be sealed.」


「A certain entity has said enough about that.」

The naked heavenly beauty reached out and embraced me in a hug, my head pulled down into her feathery soft breasts that smelled of a sweet candy I often enjoyed in my youth.  

「A certain entity uses a fraction of their authority to awaken what is dormant within you.」


She gently stroked my head and I felt extremely tired, but at the same time all my fatigue began to evaporate from my body.  I hadn’t even considered the TPO, but I dared to reach out and touch her body… my hands cupping her perfect ass.

「A certain entity thinks the world of you, and hopes you will complete this task.」

“But uh… what you’re asking is kind of difficult.  I… I love Shi-chan.  If I’m supposed to collect other girls… it would be wrong if I can’t love them.”

「A certain entity wonders why you insist on putting limitations on love which should be boundless?」

“Boundless… love?”

「A certain entity says you should open your mind and your heart on that matter and find enlightenment.」

I was confused by what this heavenly beauty was trying to explain exactly, but suddenly I felt like I had to pee really badly.

「A certain entity giggles knowingly now that you will be returning shortly.」


The heavenly beauty took hold of my face and planted a soft and sweet kiss on my lips, all the while I was fighting back the urge to pee on her.  I was damn close to my limit though, when suddenly I felt the empty space I was in alone with her begin to melt away.

「A certain entity is rooting for you, and will be observing you from now on.」


--~~* Kouta *~~--

I peed.

Actually, that’s not the case at all.  I ejaculated inside of Mafuyu who was riding me while I had been asleep.  She had been kissing me deeply when it happened, and to be perfectly honest, my cock was sore.

Mafuyu collapsed on top of me and was panting and giggling softly into my ear.  I could smell the scent of beer on her breath and even though she had such massive tits as was roughly around the same height as me, she wasn’t heavy at all even when resting her full weight on top of me.

I love you, Kouta.  Even if I can’t be your only woman, I’m okay with it as long as I can be with you and not have to be afraid of being alone anymore…

She had whispered those sad words before kissing my neck tenderly while she kept me inside of her for as long as possible before I shrunk and came out.  I had no idea Mafuyu felt lonely, and now I had gone and done it with her, and with Shizu at the same time no less, giving us both a taste of what it was to be a riajuu with a bombshell gyaru.

I wonder, if not for having a lover like Shi-chan, would I have been a twenty-five year old virgin like her at some point on my way to being a wizard, too?  I’m sure at some point, Umeko would have eventually given up chasing after me from my constant rejections, and me being stubbornly in love with Shizu alone… I also might never have known the fun of what I’ve been able to experience thus far with Mahiro, Umeko, and even… Kanae if I had never taken these kinds of chances with her being so open about things.

I don’t know how long it was that she was on top of me, but I eventually ended up drifting back to sleep.  No further dreams of any heavenly beauties appeared, but for some strange reason, my eyes felt a bit itchy and out of focus before I passed out.

… … …

「A certain entity passes the popcorn.」

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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