Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」

Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve 「Umeko’s Chains」

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Thursday, June 3rd

--~~* Kouta *~~--

My bed is empty.

I mean, I’m in it, but it’s empty.

No Shizu, No Onee-chan, just Kouta.

No boobies to wake up sucking.

No warm body to snuggle up against.

Nothing but a lonely penguin.

I’m tired and thirsty.  I have no idea what time it is, and I left my phone somewhere back in my room.  I descend the staircase in my drowsiness to just get a drink of water.

When I get to the kitchen I reach in the cupboard for an empty glass and fill it with cool water.  Chugging it down, I fill it up again and down it once more.


“Thirsty, sweetie?”

Turning my head I see my mother, was she in the kitchen before and I didn’t see her, or did she just come out of her bedroom without me noticing?

“Yeah.  Woke up parched.  Any idea what time it is?”

“It’s a little after 02:00 in the morning.  Going back to bed?”

“Probably… it’s just… my bed was empty.”

“Isn’t that normal?  Or have you been sneaking your girlfriend in here when your father and I were asleep?”

I quietly laughed.

“Only once, and nothing happened.”

“If you say so.  If you’re really lonely, I can come up and lay down with you for a while?”

“I thought dad was pretty clear that you were his woman.  Should you be visiting another man’s bedroom this late at night?”

“And here I thought I might be able to pass as your mother instead of a woman you might lay your hands on.  Then again, you were pitching quite a tent watching your father and I go at it.”

Mom giggled.

“So, have you had a chance to put that lesson to use yet?”

I shook my head.

“No, but it’ll happen by the weekend probably.”

“Then, maybe since you aren’t a man yet, I can still spoil you as a mother to a son one last time?”

I try and think back to any time my mother has come to my room to lay down with me or keep me company until I fall asleep, but the only person I continually see in such a position, is Kanae.

“Can I hug you until I crash?  I’m still tired so it probably won’t take too long.”

“Sure, sweetie.”

Unlike Kanae, I don’t hate our parents, I just don’t exactly see them as exemplary ones.  Mom for most of my life was gone half a year at a time, and dad… was busy more than he wasn’t, especially by the time I reached middle school.

To me, my parents–my one real parent anyway, was Onee-chan.

Softly padding up the stairs to my room, I invited my mother who was just behind me inside.  She took a look around and giggled again.

“Ara, it really is the case, isn’t it?  Not a cute girl to be seen, only a boy and his mama.”

Near the entrance to my room was a shelf and on it was the opened box of condoms.  My mother reached in and crinkled the wrapper in her hand, drawing my attention.

“Should I hold on to this just in case?”

“Not funny.”

“Fufufu~  What happened to my cute Kouta who would have been so easily flustered by that not too long ago?”

“My girlfriend’s too erotic.  I’m already becoming desensitized.”

“I’m glad you have a girlfriend like that, Kouta.  Maybe it’s too much for me to say, but I hope she really gives it to you and makes your toes curl.”

“Toes curl?”

“Mmhmm.  When your dad says the right things to me, I make sure it’s so good that his toes curl.  After that, he can’t say no to anything I ask of him… after a short rest of course.”

“Again, if it wasn’t becoming so desensitized, I would probably say eww, gross! right here.”

“I guess some of that was the fault of your father and me, wasn’t it?”

“Eh?  I wouldn’t lay all the blame on you two.  Though it made for a very interesting childhood at times.”

“Rub a couple out to us?”

“Ok, that warrants an eww just because.”

“So, that’s a yes.”

“I’m not touching that question even with a condom on.”

Mom giggled.

I climbed back into my bed, and pulled the covers down a little so she could enter it too.

“Oh, what a gentleman you are.”

I sighed.

Mom entered through the space on the other side.  She tucked in under the covers and laid on her back.  Mom was in one of her sexy nightgowns, but it was dark in my room, so even if I felt the desire to try looking at what would appear through the somewhat translucent fabric, I wouldn’t see be able to see anything clearly enough to give me any cause for concern.

Also, she’s my mom.  Eww.

Besides, I saw all that she was born with the night before.  Like I said.  I’m desensitized.

So, I scooted closer to her, and rested my head above her breasts and rested on the meaty part between them and her shoulder.  My arm draped across her stomach, and felt the bump that was poorly concealed underneath her nightgown.

“Won’t be too long, will it?”

“Probably right at the end of summer or just after.  Are you looking forward to being an onii-chan?”

“I think so, but I don’t know if I’ll be any good at it.”

“I’m sure you will.  Just be sure to wear protection otherwise even on birth control it’s possible even if it’s a 1% chance.”

I rubbed her stomach gently, feeling the firmness of her stomach, like I used to have when I was younger and had constipation.

“Heh heh heh, mama’s got a poopy tummy!”

I remember being teased by mom and even Onee-chan with that line.  Mom however revenged herself quickly with some tickling.  In return I tickled back.

“Ack!  Wait!  Don’t!”

I didn’t listen.

“Kouta… you made me pee a little.”




“It’s alright, I think my panties caught most of it.”


“I thought you were going to go right to sleep?”

“I am… I just thought… I can’t remember the last time you were in my room helping me get to sleep.”

Mom brought her arm which I was resting on up and brushed her fingers through my hair soothingly.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t the best mother to you, Kouta.”

“It’s okay.  I think I turned out alright.  If anyone needs an apology, it’s probably Onee-chan.

“Yeah, but she’ll never accept one from me or Ryohei.”

“Yeah… I know.”

“Was she at least a good surrogate parent to you in place of us?”

“She still is.  I can’t say was, because I know she probably isn’t done thinking that’s her job to do still.”

“She loves you the most in this world, Kouta.  It hurts me to say that, because I’m the one who gave birth to you, so it should have been me.”

“It’s alright mom.  If you are feeling guilty, then do what you set out to do when you retired.  Love my little sister so much that you can make certain that you won’t ever have to say those words to her.”

Mom kissed me on top of my head.

“You’re a wonderful boy, and I’m sure you’ll make many women very happy to have met you.”

“Many women, huh?  What if I just want one?”

“That’s not in the stars for you.  There are things your mother knows, honey, and the first and foremost is that if you think a monogamous life is in store for you, put that thought out of your mind as soon as possible.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kouta, how many girls panties do you have right now?”


“Is that counting Kanae’s?”


“You’re a special boy, Kouta.  I won’t say more than that, but you only need to know two things to be happy.”

“Which are?”

“The first is to always be confident with yourself and any girl you wish to make yours.  Absolutely under no circumstances should you make them feel like being with you is a mistake.  Even if you have to act the part of an asshole, do it.”

“And the second?”

“It’s fine to have your sister’s panties… and more if you want.”


“It’s okay, Kouta.  Your father and I know what you two have been doing.  While he’s not exactly okay with it, I am.  There’s clearly something special between you and Kanae, something that exceeds the taboo of her being your sister.”

Mom said it so casually, but, isn’t it wrong?

I mean, it is wrong, and I have crossed most of the line already with her, but I do get what she means, if only a little.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed about.  Just like letting your father teach you what you wanted to know so you could be confident with your girlfriend for the first time.  For us it was a happy moment we could still be your parents.  Just be yourself and pursue whatever, whoever makes you happy… okay?”

“Right.  I will.”

After a moment, I asked my mother if she could turn onto her side facing me.  She did as I asked and I buried my head into her maternal mammaries and let her cradle me in her arms, in an effort to have at least one memory of her doing this… for the both of us, most likely.

My eyes sufficiently heavy, I fell asleep in my mother’s embrace, perhaps, for the first time in my life that I could recall.

--~~* Shizu *~~--

“Shiori, are you awake?”

I entered into my sister’s room and climbed into her bed.


After a few shakes, she turned over and opened her droopy eyes.

Onee?  What’s wrong?”

“Shiori… I need you to help… tonight.”

“Is it bad?”

“Halfway.  I was fooling around with Kouta and I could feel it.”

“I understand.  Are you naked?”

“I’m just wearing a top.”

“Then leave it to me.  Just relax, Onee.”

I did as she asked and Shiori’s touch fell upon my body.  My reliable sister who shouldn’t have ever had to do such a thing for me, began to lewdly touch my body.

When it gets like this, and I don’t have a way to take care of it with a man I’m comfortable with, Shiori is the only one who can lessen it.

Lifting up my t-shirt and exposing the rest of my naked body to her, she began to kiss and fondle me in the way I like the most.  While that doesn’t tame the itch, what it does instead is bring it out down below.  Shiori’s fingers entering inside of me, caressing me from the inside with strokes only she knows how to do.  Each glide of her finger scratching just a little bit of it, sending a soothing pulse of relief from my pussy to my brain.

Since masturbating and fingering myself just amounts to a whole lot of nothing and no relief at all, I have to trust in my sister and leave it to her.

Nee~ Shiori…”

“What is it?”

“Would… you like to kiss me?”

It’s her favorite thing to do.  Since she’s helping me out, and since I was so turned on from everything that happened earlier in the day, I felt I owed it to her for springing this need to have it scratched this late at night.

I let my sister have her way with me, until I felt the itch was finally at a manageable state.  I had come three times from her hand, and I was finally exhausted enough that whatever remained of it wasn’t enough to bother me anymore.

“Thanks Shiori.”

“Un.  So, when is our next swap with Kouta, this weekend?”

“About that… Shiori, I may have done something incredibly dumb, but at the same time, I’m glad I’ve done it.  Maybe… we don’t have to have the same boyfriend after all?”

“What are you saying?  Didn’t we agree…?”

“I like him, Shiori.  No, it might be more than that.  At first I couldn’t understand why, but only today did I for the first time begin to figure it out.  I mean he had a nostalgic smell, and that was something that kept me interested, but even though he’s a virgin, he…”

“He what?”

“He… reminds me… of Mister.”


“That’s why… maybe it’s best to free ourselves of that promise.  I’m sure there’s a better man out there for you.  Whoever it is, I’ll also be a part of your life with him too.”


Shiori was on top of me, pinning down my shoulders and staring down into me with her matching pair of golden orbs.

“No.  No more pushing me away!  I hate it!  I hate it when you do this!”


“I won’t!  You said Kouta was the right one!  You’re not event talking about dumping him, but falling even more for him!  Do you hate me now?  Why are you saying something so cruel to me?”

“I’m not trying to be cruel.  I just told you I may have done something incredibly dumb!  I don’t want you to get hurt because of my mistake.”

“Then… I’m glad you think he’s like Mister!  Maybe I can finally get a taste of what it’s like to be you.  Don’t you dare say I can’t be with him now, especially after saying that!”

Shiori was furious with me.  She had every right to be.

“I… listened to you all this time.  You always went on about how bad it was being raped by mama's ex, and how I should never have to go through that.  How much Mister was able to find and control your itch in the beginning as good as I do now.  How you never forgot about the boy who said if there was no one else to love you, he would find you eventually and be with you in the end… and now there’s Kouta!”

I sighed.

“You aren’t listening to me.  I’m… doing bad things, Shiori!  I’m letting other women who have a clear interest in Kouta actively fool around with him.  I’m fully intending to let one shackle herself to him because he’s been her love for a lifetime, and I’m helping another older woman to share her first time with him.”


“Shiori, Mister was good to me, but it was just a relationship centered around sex.  Even if I had feelings for him once, they were impossible to realize because he had a family he loved.  I say Kouta resembles him, but I want a man who can be good to you, and only you, not a man to my own taste, similar to Mister.  If the man you settle on has that moment of weakness, then that’s what my role is for.  To keep it in check, and him loving only you.”

“I… didn’t think you were that far gone from me, Shizu-nee…”

“What’s wrong with an older sister looking out for her younger sister?”

Shiori laughed darkly.

“Get out of my room you fake.”


“Older sister?  Who is?  The only part of you that’s older than me is the shitty air in your lungs that got inhaled three minutes earlier than me.  Maybe you’ve been fucked so stupid for so long it made you forget that we’re supposed to be twins, each other’s other half.   You want so much to be an overprotective Onee-chan to me that you’d break what we have that’s so important?  Fine, then let’s break it!  I’ll go my way, and you go yours.  The next time you have an itch, you can let your boyfriend take care of it instead of me.  Now, get the hell out of my room.  If you aren’t interested in being my twin sister anymore, then I have no need of you as anything else!”

I realize that since I the day after I was sexually assaulted and beaten, then rescued after collapsing while filled with only suicidal thoughts, what we had as twins had fundamentally changed.  We were always the types of twins who were closer rather than apart.

The problem was, I guess my traumatic experience caused me to become the type who drifted apart, while Shiori who hadn't changed couldn’t quite understand it, since she couldn't find me halfway anymore, her pursuit of re-establishing our close connection pushed her to her own edge.

I left her room on her order, feeling like shit.

She just doesn’t understand.

Or maybe it’s me who can’t understand?

Why does she want to put herself through the same hell I went through?  Shiori was willing to go get raped herself.  I’m fucked up in the head, sure, but even I don’t go looking for that!  And when it comes to Mister… I didn’t understand it then, but I sure as hell do now.  I was sexually groomed by an older man.  I was a surrogate lover for him while his wife was away.  Mister was a bad man.

I may be fucked up, but I’m still a human being.  I’m still her sister!  Why can’t she understand that no one should ever have to undergo something like that in their life!?

For me, it’s a necessity.  Sex is a drug I need to have regularly to even hope cope with living day by day.  I fuck out of need more than want.  But, some part of my damaged self finds a way to let me believe it’s all well and fun.  Because what’s the reality if it isn’t?

I might be another Kobayashi Natsume.

If not for a lucky miscarriage… and I know in my heart that’s what it was when I saw that large clump of dead cells in the toilet that day years ago, I might very well be no different from her.

--~~* Kouta *~~--

????I love milk~????

????I love milk~????

????Really really love it so~????

????(Milk is the best!)????

????Milk I really love you like the sky above~????

I felt in the mood to sing for some reason.

What?  Can’t a guy sing a song about liking a refreshingly cold glass milk?  That song used to be from a commercial about promoting the health benefits to youngsters of drinking a single glass of milk a day!  I might enjoy cola a lot more, but I do my best to drink at least a glass of milk each day!

What?  No, there’s no breast in my mouth this morning.

Yes, mom is still lying next to me in my bed. 

It’s 100% safe.  She’s my mom, you know?  I’d never do something weird to her.  Kanae’s a different story entirely, though.  I might be a degenerate but I’m not that messed up!


Checking my phone, I find I only got about three and a half more hours of sleep.  Mom’s also asleep, and so I slipped out of bed, covering her back up, and checked my phone, sending a text to Kawazu asking if he was going jogging today.

>BoxerLyfe:  I’ll pass by your house in a few, meet me outside if you want.

I put on my tracksuit and did just that.  Kawazu met me outside about ten minutes later and after a few stretches, we took off jogging.

“So… Rina tells me she’s doing some kind of modelling gig with Mahiro and Shizu on the side, and you’re a part of it?”

It seems like Kawazu was let in on it.

“Yeah.  Have you heard the girls talk about a fashion blog called KanAtelier before?"

“Possibly?  Rina and Mahiro are always talking about clothes and shit.  Is that the name of the place where the modeling is happening?”

“Yeah.  It’s a blog dedicated to gyaru fashion.  I happen to know the people running it and do some computer stuff for them, so they asked me to invite some girls I know, and it sort of ended up with them getting hired.”

“But you’re there with them right, Rina and Mahiro?”


“Then, I can trust you to keep an eye on Rina at least, right?”

“For sure.”

Kawazu, I was lucky to have as a friend.  I don't want to keep secrets from him, or cause a divide between us.

“Hey, Kawazu…”

“Yeah, bro?”

“I’m sorry, man.  I know Shizu and I have been fooling around with Mahiro a bit.  I just… want to make sure you aren’t upset at us for that.”

“Nah, dude.  Mahiro’s chill, but you know she had a thing for you, right?”

“Seems like that was the case.  I was pretty hung up on Shi-chan so I guess I wasn’t really trying to think or notice anything about it.”

“Bro.  I’m cool with Mahiro doing whatever with you.  My priority is Rina.  Besides, are you really okay with what happened the other day with Shizu?”

“Yeah.  I trust Rina on that matter more than anyone since I know they’re best friends.  In the end, she had it right…  Better someone I know like you than some other random guy.  I’m already making plans to just give it up to her to keep that itch thing she has in check for now.  It’ll be like a medical thing between us for now, and as we continue to get to know each other better, the real deal will happen eventually, I’m sure.”

“If you say so, dude.  But let me tell you right now, she’s fuckin' top notch.  I don’t think you’ll be able to stop once you have a taste of her.  I get why Rina was so pissed… but I love Rina, man.  She doesn't need to worry, because no strange is ever gonna change that.”

I want to believe that for you two, Kawazu.  I really do.

“Alright, then can I ask you to trust me a little with Rina?”

“What do you mean?”

“The modeling job.  Each of the girls are going to do a gravure shoot.  Don’t ask me how, but I’m the male model who is being paired with each of them.”

“Gravure?  Like porno stuff?”

“It’s just a few risky shots, I swear I won’t do anything with Rina that would give you any reason to worry.... Can we stop for a second?”

We both slowed down and came to a stop.  I showed him the site on my phone and the picture of Shizu and I, so he had a reference.

“You’re gonna do something like that with Rina?”

“Well, this is Shizu, you know?”

“True.  So something a bit less… that?”

“Pretty much.”

“I trust you, bro.  She seemed pretty hyped about it, and if my girl becomes a model then that’s better for me, right?  Because that makes me even more impressive, being able to flex that I’m her man and all.”

Kawazu had a simple confident grin on his face while he actually flexed like an idiot.

He slapped me on the back and we resumed our jog back towards my house.  After dropping me off, I went upstairs to gather my clothes and take a shower.

Mom must have woken up and went back to her room, because I didn’t see her downstairs when I came in and she wasn’t here in my room anymore.

There was just one thing that was slightly off about my bed…

On my pillow was a pair of sexy red panties.

…she didn’t…

I picked them up and the fabric in the crotch area was still wet.

I, with a suddenly large sense of paranoia checked around me in my empty room to make sure no one was in here with me to see what I was about to do.  Feeling secure that there wasn’t, I brought the lacy fabric to my nose and sniffed them.

The scent was that of a mature woman… with a little hint of pee.

…she absolutely did…

However, I exhaled a sigh of relief when there was no reaction.

Under my bed, I pulled out the plastic bin which held my entire collection thus far.  Placing the red pair I was holding onto in there, neatly folded now and next to Onee-chan’s, I pulled out a particular pair of white ones with a kitty print on them.

I picked those up and breathed in the scent heavily.

An immediate violent reaction.

‘Mahiro’s chill, but you know she had a thing for you, right?’

I haphazardly took another deep inhale of it.  The panties of a former maiden who had a thing for me.

Just my luck… It seems that part of me also had a thing for her as well.

Storing all my good fortune together in the bin, I closed it and returned it to the safe space under my bed.

Time to take a shower and start my day.

--~~* Mahiro *~~--

Kouta’s the grandson of the Shimejima Corporation?

Holy shit.

Not even a branch family, but the main?  Furthermore, his sister is the new incumbent CEO?

I felt like my entire world just flipped upside down.

She asked me to keep it a secret, but isn’t this a little too much?

I mean, yeah, I totally like Kouta, and if I had known I wouldn’t have done something so monumentally stupid as have him prepare me for my first time with Kawazu!

I would have just tried a bit harder and taken him for myself!

You are reading story Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 at

Oh god...

Why am I such a failure in life?

I didn’t think much of it when she escorted me from the studio yesterday saying she wanted to talk with me.  She had done a background check on me, since I was apparently the only one of his friends she didn’t already know about.

She was now well aware of who I was and what family I was a part of.

She also asked me how exactly I felt about him, which I answered.

What I didn’t expect was her offer which followed that answer.

She says Kouta will need someone to help him navigate high society a bit later on, and since I’ve gone to my fair share of functions, I would be the best equipped to be his partner for those.

I mean, I’m completely fine with that, but I also let her know about a certain problem… namely the arrangements my family made with the Yamaha branch family’s son.

What would you like to do?

She asked me a question that on the surface seemed simple, yet was anything but.

Everyone at the studio witnessed what happened between Kouta and I yesterday.  We have some good chemistry I think, and she thought so as well.  It turns out there was something like my arrangement in Kouta’s life as well.

His parents had set something up between him and the second daughter of the Saotome family.  It was Ibuki though, and not their first daughter, Haruka?  How strange!  Haruka had all the boxes checked for an ideal fiancé, so why the shy second daughter they make no show of caring about?  The only thing I could think of was the fact Haruka was four years older than him.

In the high society world that’s not usually a deterring factor when pairing families.  Even my own arranged partner, Yamaha Hiroto was a few years older than I was.

What she offered me wasn’t an engagement to Kouta, exactly.  But it was something similar.  She wanted me to be his public lover for such events, and she was willing to get involved enough to pull me away from the future I dreaded.

I asked about what this meant for Ibuki, and Kanae said that she wasn’t suitable.  She had already intervened to prevent it from happening on her end, but it seems their family was still trying to press it.

Obviously so, I mean, having a connection to the Shimejima corporation is a big deal!

I could have a free life… and one with Kouta in it as well.

But there was a problem.

And I told her what it was, feeling extremely guilty for having done so.  I told her in detail about what happened the day after Kouta confessed to Shizu.

‘It doesn’t matter.’  Was her response. 

She didn’t care that I was that kind of woman?

‘Can you be a source of happiness for him?’

That was her only concern.

That was why I never saw him at any of those events.

She hid him from that world.  All the people who would have thrown their daughters at him for the sake of a personal, loveless connection.  I would have that role, could love him freely, and I wouldn’t even have to be tied to him legally.

I would be the deterrent to the others.

She left me to consider such things last night and right now I’m in one hell of a state this morning.  For as long as I can be a source of happiness to Kouta, she’d guarantee my future.

I wouldn’t have to even bother with my own family’s business or bullshit anymore.

That was what she made that studio for.

It was a protected company under the umbrella of Shimejima she established.  A place to keep Kouta free and happy.

This offer was insane.

It was a dream!

And it was incredibly messed up!

Because, what was left on the plate, was that even though I’d be his public lover when it came time to attend such events with him in the future.  On the rooftop… I wasn’t his lover.

My body belonged to his best friend, and a guy I also liked.

Thought I liked since I couldn't have him.

Who I let take my first time in front of him.

Who he helped do that very thing because of my own hatred of my family treating me like an object.

Kouta had Shizu.  He even picked up Umeko, that clingy girl with the pretty silvery-blue hair recently, too.

I was with Kawazu also because Rina was my best friend… I didn’t want that playboy Hiroto to have the privilege of my first time.

But now, I can’t even give it to Kouta, who it should have gone to in the first place!

I should have known that Shizu would be open to Kouta fooling around.

I should have saved it!

I spent the longest time beating myself up, until Francine came in to wake me, even though I was wide awake already.

I was to dress and come downstairs.  It seems my parents will be eating breakfast this morning and requested my presence.  I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach and it began to squeeze me tightly from within.  Today was not starting well at all.

--~~* Umeko *~~--

At lunch, on the rooftop, only Kawazu and Rina appeared to be in a good mood.  There were no lunch boxes in front of Shizu and Kouta, and Suzuki Mahiro had a glazed look in her eyes that reminded me of a dead fish.

“You guys look like shit.  Did something happen after I left yesterday?”

Ruru and I were the first ones to leave the studio, so if something did happen afterwards I wouldn’t have known about it.   I had waited around for both of them to show up where we usually met this morning, but when they didn’t pass by and it starting becoming later and later, I just went ahead to school by myself.

Kouta only arrived in class right as the bell rang.

Shizu pat Kouta’s leg in front of me.

“This seat is reserved just for you today, Blue.”

I accepted it happily enough and had a seat in Kouta’s lap.

Kouta wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my chest, it was a long hug that made me feel good.

“Sorry about yesterday, Ume.” He apologized immediately after the hug.  “What happened there with Mafuyu…”

So it was only Mafuyu he was apologizing for?  Mm, I get it though.  Mahiro was one of us models, and what happened did get caught on film, so it is… what it is, I guess.

“Kouta, when you look at me what do you see?”

It was a relevant question to me, since it wouldn’t matter if I was the Umeko I was or even this slut Umeko who he asked me to be.  If he didn’t give a shit about me, then it would all be for nothing.

“I don’t know, Umeko.  I don’t really know what my feelings for you are.”

“Do you not like me at all?  I mean, I’m a cute girl who’s been throwing herself at you for all these years.  It’s not like you don’t know how I feel.  No one can be that dense.”

“Then, what is it about me you like so much?  I know you don’t like my sister, not that it’s important that you do or anything, I just… don’t get what it is about me that makes you want me this much.”

“You’re supposed to be my Knight, Kouta.  From back when we were kids, you were supposed to be the one to rescue and protect me.  You were going to marry me and give me that happily ever after.  Of course we were kids back then… back when making a promise like that didn’t have the same weight that it would right now...”

“Are you saying you need to be rescued, Ume?”

“Are you just now only figuring it out?  Why else would I be so desperate to hold on to you all this time?  I want you to rescue me, Kouta.  I want to be someone you can’t even think about letting go of.  My love, my body, my future, whatever you want from me in exchange I’ll give it.  I’m fine even if it means I’m not your only lover.  Just take me away, Kouta.  Make me yours, and I’ll always be whatever you need me to be.”

Did I mess it up with my last few words?  To me, having seen almost every face Kouta has ever worn, I knew this one only too well.

It was pity.

I really have sunk to the lowest point now, haven't I?

I sighed.

I pushed myself out of Kouta’s hug, and stood up.  

“Nothing.  You really feel nothing for me at all after all these years?  Then don’t worry about it anymore.  There’s no way any picture would come out good enough if you can’t look at me like her or Mahiro, or even that photographer with the huge tits.  Just… go have fun with these girls who only see you as a plaything.  It’s not like I don’t have other options.”

I looked at Nakada Shizu.

“Forget what we talked about.  I hope you leave him feeling like I do now.”

Then I turned and walked away.

Forget it.  It’s over with Kouta.

Maybe I can find Saya before lunch ends.  She said that if I really needed to earn some money and I gave up on Kouta, that was the place I should go to after class ended.  The Anatomy Exploration Club.

It might be slower, but I’m sure I can still get Chikako away from mom before it’s too late…

I pulled out my phone and began typing to Saya, asking her if it was still possible to join it when a hand landed on my shoulder, and a blonde haired gyaru spun in front of me.

“Blue, wait.”

“It’s okay Shizu.  I’ve… known for a while Kouta doesn’t care about me.  I’m just an annoyance to him.  I probably always was.  Even when we were kids…”  I felt something warm on my cheeks, “…I wasn’t anything special to him.  Not when he had her.”

I wasn’t ever jealous of Saya.  It wasn’t like that.  It was just knowing that I wouldn’t ever be first in his heart that hurt me.  I was still fine with being second, as long as it meant he would look at me.  Still find time to love me.

Because after my father died… the only person who cared for me at all, was my little sister, Chikako.  That’s why I’ll endure anything for her.  I’ll even sell my body, but not on my mother’s terms.  Not when that money won’t go to protect her and give my sister the safety she deserves.  Kouta is the just best way to achieve that.

“Blue, you said you wanted him to be chained to you.  You’re just going to give up on it now?”

I laughed for a moment.

“Chained to a man who won’t even look at me like a woman...  Tell me Shizu, is that something you would like for yourself?  A man who won’t even touch you when you’re throwing yourself at him?”

“You don’t think that’s what’s been happening with him since the beginning?  I…”

She grabbed me and pulled me into a nearby empty room.

“I… got fucked right in front of Kouta by Kawazu when I even begged him to be the one to do it.  Kouta’s just that kind of guy, and it’s frustrating to me, too!  Do you think I’m a slut by choice?  I have to do those kinds of things to stay sane.  If I don’t…  I even told him not to bother trying to date me because I’ll hurt him, but even now I’m the one suffering every day being with him.”

What is she even telling me right now?  She was fucked by Kawazu in front of Kouta because he wouldn’t man up and lay his hand on her?  Her?  The easiest lay in the whole school?  The woman he was unreasonable in love with?  And furthermore she wasn’t trying to be a slut this whole time?  Ludicrous!

“I won’t bullshit you here, Blue.  I like you.  I like you because you aren’t a threat to me at all.  You wear all your emotions out in the open and while I don’t know your past with Kouta, I do see how much you want him.  You wanted my help, and I have no problem helping you.  Kouta might just be unsure of what to do with your sudden existence no longer as a only a childhood friend, but also as a lover.  I mean, he still doesn’t know what to do with me, and you saw it.  Not once did he put it inside of Me, Mahiro, or Mafuyu.  So, just give it some time.”

“I’ve given it since elementary school, Shizu!  How much longer do I need to waste on something that’s just not going to happen?”

“How important is his first time to you?  Will it change your feelings if you get him secondhand?”

“No.  I’ve long been prepared for a secondhand Kouta.”

“Then, will you trust me?  I will help chain him to you.  But, it will come at a price.  Those same chains will always be attached to you as well.  So you have to move with him, or you’ll hold him back.  That’s what I can’t have.  I… want Kouta to be my ideal partner.  For that, I want him to fool around a little to gain some experience.  And I need you to be okay with that, Blue.”

“So, you want to drag him down to your level?”

“Aren’t I a wonderful girlfriend?”

“…can you do it, Shizu?”

“You mean can I chain him to you?”

I nodded.

“It won’t happen overnight, but yes.  However, you and me… for this to work, we have to get cool about a lot of shit, really quickly.”

“What kind of shit, exactly?”

Nihehe~, about that…”

--~~* Kouta *~~--

“So, there’s no shoot today?”  I asked Mafuyu when we all arrived, who was busily working on editing the perfect stills she painstakingly selected and extracted from the video she recorded of Mahiro and I yesterday on the couch.

“Afraid not.  I still haven’t finished up yesterday’s content for tomorrow’s post and Kanae only left me a message saying she wasn’t coming in because she had something important to take care of.”

“Where is Onee-chan anyway?”

“J-Management, probably.  Do you remember saying online that you wanted to do a shoot with Min-min?” Mafuyu explained.

“Holy shit, for real?  She’s trying to make it happen?”

I was majorly enthusiastic!  Min-min, who has been Akiba’s #1 Cosplaying Idol for the last six years is actually going to do a photoshoot… with me!?

“I don’t know the details yet, Kou-chan.  Kanae will probably text me when it’s been confirmed or not to happen.”

“So, if there’s no shoot here at the studio today, then what should we all do?” Umeko asked.

“It’s up to you to decide.  If you want to hang out and play games or whatever, feel free.  There are also plenty of clothes to try on if you want to try your hand at coordinating.  Other than that…” Mafuyu shrugged.

Mafuyu’s workstation was a multi-monitor setup, and from the hum coming from the tower down below, she was taxing the processor harshly with all kinds of graphically intensive programs opened all at once.

She… was busy and focused on making Mahiro look different.  She wasn’t trying to make her look like a goddess, it was something else.  From what I could see, she was going for that girl-next-door you wish would be playful with you kind of look.

I also felt that was what Mahiro kind of was.

“So, uh… that seems to be what’s going on.  What does everyone want to do?”  I asked the girls, unsure of what to do myself since today was a bust.

Pretty much everyone was fine with the idea of hanging out, at least until Shizu and Rina had to leave.  It was basically an hour of free time for the girls to mess around with, though Mahiro was a bit out of it still.

Shizu had taken Umeko and those two were browsing the racks of clothes.  Rina basically helped herself to some of the snacks and drinks provided for the girls, along with Ruru.

Mahiro… was sitting down next to me on the couch again.  The only difference from last time was that she was still wearing clothes.  Somehow it felt much safer that she was.

“Mahiro, you’ve been spacing out all during lunch and now too, is everything okay with you?”

Her eyes came back into focus and she gazed at me.

“Huh?  Y-yeah.  I’m just thinking long and hard about something.  Nothing you need to worry about.”

“Ah, okay then.  I was a little bit worried though.”

“Want to touch my boobies?”

“I get the feeling that it would be really unlucky for me if I did that right now.  But thanks for the offer.”

“Kouta, I… really enjoyed yesterday.  Here, with you, that is.”

Her hand touched my leg.

“If you can’t touch my boobies, can you put your arm around me at least?”

I could probably get away with that much.  I extended my arm so it reached around her back and to her shoulder.  Mahiro rested her head against me, and it felt a little nice.

“Kouta, do you still have my panties?”

“I do.”

“Do you ever sniff them and think of me?”

“Mahi… can you keep what I’m about to say to yourself?”


“Your panties are my favorite ones to sniff.”



“Kouta… let me know if the smell fades.  I’ll freshen them up for you anytime.”

“I don’t know… those have a unique value to them.  After all, they are the last pair which have the traces of Mahiro’s virginity on them.”

“Ah… That’s… true… isn’t it…”

Mahiro’s voice definitely sounded weaker when she replied.  Did I say something stupid again?

“It’s not like I wouldn’t be interested in a different pair though.  It’s just… to me, that pair is a priceless artifact.”

“Kouta… you say some really weird shit sometimes.”

“I can’t help but speak from the heart about some things.”

“So my panties are in your heart?”

“No.  They are in a plastic bin under my bed along with everyone else's.”

She pinched my leg.

“You know what I meant!”

I laughed.

Ne~, Kouta.  You know you messed up today, right?”


“With Umeko.  I know I was out of it earlier at lunch, but you shouldn’t have let her run off.”

“I know.  But there was a reason for it.”

“What was it?”

“I know exactly what my feelings for her are.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, I know no matter what she does to get my attention, I will only ever love her second best to someone else.  No girl deserves to ever hear that from the guy they like, so I just keep quiet and hope maybe she would find someone who would love her like she was their entire world.”

“That’s sad.”


“She was willing to be your slut and you won’t even give her that."

"Eh?  What do you mean?”

“There’s not a single person who knows you that isn’t aware of your feelings for Shi-chan, but they’re still trying to catch your attention, anyway.  Don’t underestimate the regret and grudge a woman can bear being rejected so harshly by a first love.”  

“Then, you’re saying that I should lead her on?”

“Kouta, you are a cool glass of water on a hot day to a thirsty girl.  Even a sip can be enough to satiate that thirst, all while knowing full well the whole glass can never be drunk entirely.”

A strange metaphor, but understandable to me.

“Or maybe it’s easier to say something is better than nothing?  I mean, you have nothing to lose by reaching out to her.  I mean, Shi-chan is fine with it, right?  Otherwise things like yesterday couldn’t have happened.  Unless…”

She had my curiosity.  “Unless?”

“You are afraid to lose a girl you proclaim at the most you’d only have second-place feelings for?”

Was that the case?  Was I afraid of losing Umeko?  

“No.  I just imagine some guy could get all the best parts of her, and not just what’s left over from being damaged by me.”

“Then you’re a hypocrite, Kouta.  Because you love Shi-chan, and that’s exactly what she is.  A leftover, damaged girl. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid to reach out for what you want.  If you’re worried about how Shi-chan will feel, just talk to her.  I mean, have you considered another point to how her behavior is in your favor?”

“Which is?”

“Shi-chan might eventually have a girl she wants you to be with, rather than someone who already liked you from before you two began dating.  Someone special to her.  Maybe that’s why she isn’t chasing any of us away from you.  She wants you to be okay with it before she even considers it.”

A special girl of Shizu’s choosing she wants me to be with?

“What makes you think there’s someone like that?”

But Mahiro never answered my question, nor any others that followed.  She and I just sat there watching Shizu helping Umeko try on a few different outfits, trying to pull off the kogyaru look while Mahiro threw out an occasional positive comment about how she looked.

Rather than stay any later, when it came time to Shizu and Rina to leave for their jobs, everyone called it a day.  Only one of the girls stayed behind a little longer.

Of course it was Umeko.  She was cutely dressed, and I had never really appreciated how a wardrobe change could enhance that.  She only ever wore normal clothes or her school uniform.  It seems with Shizu’s help along with Mahiro’s agreement on some things, she was like an unpolished gem.

“Umeko, come here.”

She came over to me in maximum appeal, skip-hopping right to the spot in front of me.

thigh high white socks mixed with a low cut pink-toned plaid pleated skirt coupled with a loose, white long-sleeved tee shirt with a whole bunch of pink hearts on it along with the final touch of a sunflower hairclip accessory. 

“Yes, Kouta?”

Zettai Ryouki.

A specific fetish for a leg man.  A three-inch gap of thigh skin between loose-fitting socks pulled up as high as they can go, and the bottom hem of a short skirt.


“Go ahead Kouta.”

I was still seated on the couch, I reached behind her, ass and skirt filling each hand as I brought my face to rest in that sacred healing space.

“I’m sorry I overreacted today.”

She unnecessarily apologized.

“No.  You were right.  I… can’t love you like her, Ume.  I never wanted you to settle for less than you deserved.”

“Who are you to decide what I deserve?  You aren’t my father, Kouta.  But, I wouldn’t mind you being my papa if it means you will at least look at me as a woman.  I don’t care if I’m not your only love, just that you understand no one except for your psycho sister is as crazy for you as I am.”

Those were scary words.

She pushed me back and climbed on my lap.

“Feel me up all you want.  I’m not different from Shizu or even Mahiro in wanting to be touched by you.  I’m a woman, Kouta.  I’m your woman, and I always have been… since we were kids.”

She reached down and undid my pants, summoning forth my undisciplined disciple with some gently coaxing with her fingers.

“I’m just not that bratty kid anymore.  Now I’m your bratty, slutty, Umeko.”

Umeko kissed me and my hands couldn’t decide what they wanted.  To feel her thighs, or to grope at her chest.  I had even forgotten that Mafuyu was in the next room!

She stroked me until I was good and erect.

Then her body scooted forward.

She kept one hand on my shaft and I felt it.  She had no panties on!  Like with Mahiro and Mafuyu, she grinded against it while kissing me.  But unlike those two, her pussy was so hot I thought it would melt my cock.

I was enjoying it.

But there was one thing I had forgotten.

This was Sakuraba Umeko.  And when it came to me, she didn’t utter a single lie.  No one other than Kanae was as crazy as she was for me.

That’s why, there was nothing I could do to stop it.

The grinding against me stopped.

I was enveloped in a warm feeling as her teeth bit my lips a bit too hard.


A laugh.

The weight of her bare ass pressed down on my thighs.

I was buried inside of her.


Then she stopped kissing me long enough to lean forward and say something directly into my ear while her arms were wrapped around my neck.

“Don’t move, Kouta.  It… hurt a bit to do that.”


She began to kiss me all over my face, but she didn’t once grind up or down on me.

“Now you’ll never be able to take your eyes off of me, whether in love or hate.  I’m yours Kouta.  I was the first to give my virginity to you, but you… can still chose to give it to Shizu.  After all, that’s what she told me.  As long as you don’t flood my womb with your seed, you’re still a virgin.  So, go be a man now and fuck that filthy blonde slut of yours so.”

Her legs trembled as she tried to lift herself.

I grabbed hold of her waist.


Half of my cock, wet with Umeko, had been removed from inside of her slippery, inviting, steaming hot pussy.

“Did Shizu put you up to this!?” I wanted to know.

“Will you let go of me, or is this your permission to do what I want with you the rest of the way?  Was this enough for you finally put me first in your heart”

I pushed her hips down so I could be buried once more inside of her, then I hugged her as tightly as I could, almost hoping it would physically pain her.

“That’s right.  Hurt me all you want, Kouta.  I want to hurt you back just as much for making me wait and suffer, you coward.  I’m yours now.  Unforgettably yours, so unless you want to continue to the next step, you can let go of me, otherwise in nine months there’ll be someone else ready to call you papa.  You aren’t wearing protection after all, and I can promise you that today is my most unsafe day of the month.”

What was this crazy honey trap!?

Her legs had more strength than before.  She was able to pull herself off of it completely, and stood up, brushing off her skirt.  On my lap, a pair of blue and white striped cotton panties–shimapan; to be precise, rested atop my maiden-baptized monster boner.

“I heard from Mahiro she gave you a pair before her first time was taken.  I thought you might appreciate an untainted pair of my virginals.”

After that, she walked, a bit slowly away.

Perhaps she didn’t notice, but I did.

A thin red line which trailed secretly down those three visible inches of thigh and ended at the loose-fitting thigh-high socks.  Looking down at my own son, it looked like I was the criminal here.

Perhaps I was.

In never properly rejecting her, I was a criminal of her heart.

And we both were punished.

We both would continue to be punished… until the end.

You can find story with these keywords: Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Read Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 novel, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 book, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 story, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 full, Nakada-san to Ren’ai「Black Label」 Latest Chapter

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