Nanites SON!

Chapter 49: Bast Upgrades

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David crossed his arms, he was in his factory alone. He wanted to put his nose to the grind set and already having made the proper gains through the day he now had time to focus on his new project.

Turning Bast into a beast of a vehicle.

Bast was already a tank, with thick plates of armor that were still incredibly light, a mixture of Titanium and gold alloy to give him the strongest metal without making Bast as heavy as a tank.

The main turret would be deployed from the roof, acting as a small heavy machine gun that was chambered in .308 rounds. Like a fully automatic sniper rifle with no recoil, and laser accuracy.

Overpenetration 'would' be an issue if each bullet wasn't loaded with a small explosive payload that could be detonated by Bast, the extreme penetration made the cannon hell to deal with, even if you had decent armor. If the first bullet didn't do it...

How about the other 399? Good luck.

Bast was now also equipped with smaller deployable turrets that were meant for shooting down projectiles such as throwables such as grenades, molotovs, as well as missle and rockets. Working as an active defense to make sure anything explosive or annoying wouldn't get close to her.

Her performance was far above the 'best' cars available on the market, David's nanites were a cheat in the simple fact is each individual part could be made to be the best it could be, each small bolt, to each small wire. Everything was the best it could be, and not even by 'market' standards, no it was the best it could be, in a tech-advanced environment.

Even if the tires weren't bulletproof, that car could adjust for the weight of a missing tire, as long as two tires existed it would be fine, and the onboard nanites focused on resupplying and repairing the damage done meant there would always be at least two wheels.

The topping on the metaphorical cake that was Bast, was her onboard self-learning A.I. With the computing power of a supercomputer and her ability to react at an inhuman level made her able to 'correct' even the small mistakes before they happened, it also allowed her to actively and skillfully shoot things out of the air, even bullets if she wanted.

But anything below a tech sniper would simply bounce off her armor, anything higher end would scratch the paint, which nanites would replace easily. Few things actually proved dangerous against her.

So, why was David looking to make her even better? Well, in short simple terms for the dumb people, David.

He wanted to turn Bast into an 'All in One' vehicle, to give her the ability to freely adapt to situations that called for it, as well as to make it so Bast could be anything they needed.

It'd be easy, technically if he just used a large chunk of nanites and integrated them into Bast's A.I. directly, and then using her 'mind' she could change things nearly instantly.

It was stupid as to why he didn't want to. Bast had gained Sentience because of him, and he didn't want to let her shoulder such a burden by herself, he wanted to be the 'guiding' hand and help her to be the best she could be, as long as she still followed her base coding, he wanted her to be the best she could be.

Many could simply argue that if he wanted her to be the best, to simply give her control of a large number of nanites and call it could, in fact, she could use them far better than David could.

David stopped when he had that thought.

Bast was inadvertently David's creation, she was loyal to him and him alone. Of course, she was loyal to Rebecca and Lucy, but there was a stark difference.

She would follow ALL of David's orders, even if such an order meant to destroy herself. She wouldn't even hesitate to end her own life, she may not have the proper 'growth' in her learning to understand the importance of her life yet, but even once she did. She still would.

David rubbed at his chin as he stared at Bast, she had remained silent the entire time, because she knew how David was when he got into his thoughts, and it was hard to pull him out of them, so why bother? It would be rude to interrupt him anyway.

''Bast... I've been looking at this wrong, looking at it from a standpoint of how ''I'' Could upgrade you, how I could be the one to do everything, to do it by my own hands... But I was wrong, I don't need to be the one who helps you change, I just need to give you the materials and ability to make the change. You're self-learning, why can't you be self-upgrading?''

''Are you sure David? Out of all the many books, movies, and other media that I've read, giving the self-learning A.I. individuality and allowing them to upgrade themselves usually leads to world domination.'' She said, her sultry voice speaking freely from the car's speakers. Even her audio quality was better than the 'best'.

''Are you going to take over the world?'' David asked with a chuckle.

''Hell. No. To much damn work, and it's beneath me. My directive is to be helpful to you, and those you choose to be a part of your family. The only reason I'd consider taking over the world is if you directly asked me to.'' Bast even scoffed, causing David to snicker.

''Yeah, plan 'Cyber Jesus' isn't for awhile yet... Maybe after V grows up and gets some experience under her chin.''

''Another short joke? She's only 13.'' Bast huffed.

''When I was but a young lad, I was 9 feet tall, with arms as thick as barrels, fighting bears and putting gods into choke holds!''

''9 feet seems uneven for your need for even numbers." Bast committed, not even calling him out on the obvious bullshit, like the good friend she was.

''Because the extra foot went somewhere else!'' David roared into laughter, slapping his knee even. It was about ten minutes later when he stopped, sighing heavily.

He needed REAL friends, the kind that would laugh at his jokes with him.

''So... What happened? To you being 9 feet tall and all.'' Bast asked once he collected himself.

''I woke up 7' 6', and converted a foot of that height to my sizable cock and heavy balls.'' David nodded sagely.

''So I've heard and felt. Since when you sit in the driver seat I can feel them.''

David stopped as he thought about it, he knew she had sensors, but to think she was using such sensors to feel up his balls through his pants. David sighed as he crossed his arms, standing straight as he began to gather a massive swarm of nanites from 'seemingly' thin air.

Bringing them close to Bast so she could assume direct control of the massive swarm. Which didn't even drop the amount he had access to by a percentage.

''Where did I go wrong? You were such a kind and sweet innocent child. Now you're feeling me up? What a Pervert.''

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''Says the man who's used my back seat a number of times too and I quote. ''Plow his field.''. Not to mention the other many times you've has sex on my hood, trunk, front seats, or even the roof.''

''Can't deny that... But I find it incredibly hard to say no to them, especially if it's something I enjoy just as much as them.''

David watched as the nanites began to move around the workshop, dismantling materials and starting to add them to Bast.

Who sat in the middle of the swarm, her appearance never really changing other than a few pieces adding on, and then seemingly sinking into her body as if it was made of water. The connection to the nanites David had spread to Bast.

He was always 'connected' to her since he was the owner of his own car, but now that connection was on a deeper level, it was to the point David could feel Bast like an additional limb, he also noticed the fact she was purposely making the connection this deep, so that he didn't need to 'actively' think about what he needed her to do, he just needed to do it and his 'limb' would react as he wanted it to.

Her colors changed, taking up the black and gold look David has so recently started to take a liking to. Becoming more visually appealing to the eye, and smoother.

David didn't object even as she changed herself from how he had made her, she was her own woman. As long as she liked how she look David would as well.

David noticed that he definitely added a Plasma cannon onto herself, which caused him to chuckle as he remembered a vague memory from his past life.

'Bitches love Cannons.'

Soon Bast began to shift, her parts separating as she began to deconstruct and reconstruct things about her. It looked like a transformer shifting between forms really, he noticed how she was preprogramming 'forms' into the nanites, and into her own coding. Making it so she could deploy things that have already been built quickly, instead of needing to pull up the blueprint and build off it.

One of these things was a bike much like the one David had made with just a different color scheme, matching her new black and gold choice.

Nanites continues to swarm as she continued to consume the materials available in his shop, he didn't care. Materials were easy to get, especially when you had nanites to get them, such bullshit nanites that if he wanted to and he had the time. Could dismantle things down to their molecular structure, and rebuild them as something else.

It was like fucking magic, and as David learned more about them... They basically were magic.

Science was taken to such an extreme level, it was becoming magic...

David rubbed his chin a bit as he began to think. Was Mana just nanites? Had science gone so far at one point in some worlds, and then just became 'mana' that could 'construct' spells?

David could create fireballs from nothing if he wanted to, there were so many ways to go about it as well. He could make a swarm cause enough friction to ignite the air, just as he could have them release the right chemicals.

David sunk into this rabbit hole for a while until he noticed Bast's swarm slowly get smaller before it seemed to disappear as she gathered all the extra nanites up.

There his beautiful car was, looking as normal as ever, just with a new paint job but oh there was so much more she could do now. Aside from the additions she's made to herself, she's made a few additions for 'everyone' as a whole.

David now acted as a 'semi-personal' A.I. for David, meaning even if he wasn't near her, he had a piece of her that he could still use to his advantage.

This same advantage would be shared with Rebecca and Lucy once Bast got close to them.

David had a stray thought, a simple one.

Was he a Tony Stark Knock-off? He had everything but the intelligence.

David shrugged his shoulders before he began to walk to Bast, running his hand along her hood as he began to take a closer look. Even if he could tell what she could do like he could with his own limbs.

But 'knowing' you have a tail, is different from seeing if you have one.

''How do you feel?'' David asked as the Driver's door opened up for him and he slid into the temperature-controlled environment. The chair's felt comfier, and he capitalized it as he got comfortable.

''I feel fine, more 'free' so to speak, in the sense I feel like I can 'stretch' my arms and legs better.''

''Show me what you can do, and then we'll go show you off to Rebecca and Lucy, it's getting late and I need to head to bed eventually, Kiwi's asked me to meet up with her as well.''

Bast began to shift, shivering as he watched her turn into a jet, right beneath him and he never felt like he moved. It was such a smooth transition he wouldn't have noticed it if he didn't 'feel' it, or had his eyes opened.

He grinned madly as he noticed how she had a stealth coating, making what he could see out the window shift as it activated around them. Just as she began to hover into the air, hovering out of the warehouse as she rose into the air.

Who needs a secret tunnel, when you can just fly?

...That wouldn't stop David from completing his secret tunnels, it was his male fantasy, and he refused to give it up.


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