Nanoforge through the Multiverse

Chapter 5: Screaming Optional (R-18)

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As he set down the cases in one of the guest bedrooms, which the boys had decided to move shop Khota looked ready to cry as he held the cases, looking up to Seth as if moved by a God. ''Is this Heaven?"

Seth chuckled, shaking his head. ''You ain't seen nothing yet, I'll show you the world Kohta because you ain't never had a friend like me." He reached down, patting at the boy's shoulder before he left to head to the master bedroom where he began to take off his clothing and other items, putting his clothes through the wash as he took a shower in the small shower apart of the master bedroom.

The large bathroom was a separate room entirely due to it being quite a large bathroom.

When he finished the shower he sat with his back turned to the door, he had just finished using nail clippers to trim his nails and toenails before he felt something large, warm, and oh so soft press up against his back.

He knew that sensation all too well as he sat up, turning a bit to look back to Shizuka who had pressed her naked breast to his broad back.

Her arms tightening around him as she pulled herself closer to him, Seth chuckled as he spoke up. ''It's more comfortable for you if I can hold you back you know?"

He heard a giggle before she shifted to bring herself into his lap, sitting into it with her legs to the side so she could pull herself into his chest, curling into him the best she could.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, resting his cheek atop her still-damp hair. He didn't say anything as she held him tighter and tighter, whispering out after a while.

''Thank you, Seth... If you hadn't been here..."

"It's fine Shizuka because I am here. You don't need to worry about all that."

She looked up to him, a lot of emotions in her eyes before her hand raised to cup at his cheek, smiling up to him. "I locked the door."

Seth leaned down, needing no further invitation as he pulled her once more into a kiss. Her lips were soft and full, the kiss rapidly went from a normal kiss to a deep and passionate one.

Their tongue's mingled as he massaged and stroked across her tongue, teasing her when she would get more aggressive.

After a few moments, she shoved him away, her cheeks many times darker as she glared at him, no real anger behind her eyes. ''I hate how you can do that so easily.''

He leaned forward, since she put no strength in pushing him away again he began to place kisses along her jawline, down to her neck. As he did her hands searched for his hair, gripping into it as she pulled him in closer. His tone was a touch huskier as he whispered against her pale skin. ''Tell me why you hate me."

Shizuka released a heavy rolling sigh as he spoke. ''B-Because you can get me turned on so easily, like a schoolgirl."

Her breath hitched into a moan as his teeth only softly grazed across her neck. "Because with just a kiss you can make me feel so hot, how you kiss me makes me feel so naughty. Like I shouldn't be kissing you."

He released a low hum of approval as his kisses began to wander down along her collarbone. Shizuka's body relaxed further into the kisses, her stimulation building as her nipples had already begun to harden.

Seth's hands weren't idle either, they were moving along her back. Down to her lower back, and around her waist. His rough fingers make Shizuka feel wonderful things even with just these soft touches, these loving rubs.

It wasn't until his tongue slid from between his lips and danced around the edge of her areola that Shizuka released a louder moan, her core squeezing in need already.

"God I hate you." She sighed out just as he pulled back to look at her with a raised brow.

"Do you really?" His question was met with an eye roll before Shizuka cupped his cheeks and pulled him towards her.

''Shut up and kiss me.''

Their lips once more locked into a passionate kiss as it was slowly moved onto the bed, with Shizuka's back laying over the silk sheets her body shivered beneath his touches, her large breast despite how gravity should work, refused to do so.

His kisses began to move down once more, kissing all the way down her cleavage, over her stomach to along the V leading to her crotch. Her legs shaking hard as her breath was already hitching, the way her legs squirmed more and more as she knew what was coming.

Just as he lowered down, his sharp blue eyes watched up towards her which was a beautiful sight as her brown eyes met his own. The look in his eyes sent another shiver right before her hitched into a loud long moan as his lips pressed around her clit.

It was already hard to his lips and as he kissed at it he sucked on it softly which caused her body to arch hard as she pulled at the sheets around her. A soft squirt of juices gushed from her cunt in response.

Seth chuckled from his position as he shifted her thighs onto his shoulders, lifting her hips up towards him. "Still as sensitive as ever."

"Only becauSSS!" She hissed out as his teeth sunk into her thigh in a teasing manner before his tongue buried into her cunt.

She bucked hard against him, locking up partially as unlike the teasing and gentle caresses he had been doing before. His tongue now thrashed inside her as if let loose from its cage.

He knew all her spots perfectly, he knew how to play her like a fiddle. What she needed wasn't love, what she needed was to be fucked. To release the built-up stress of the day all at once, and that is what he did.

With how her walls clenched around his tongue in an attempt to squeeze it in deeper his tongue buried into her, his face already pressed into her as her legs locked around his head. Feet pressing down as his lower back as she tried to pull him in deeper when he was already practically melding into her flesh.

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At first, they were small orgasms, but they built up more and more until they were full-on squirts against his face, her body shaking violently as she had no real way to center herself except only further against him.

Suddenly her legs swung open and she pushed at his head, pulling back she was panting heavily, gasping for air as she tried to gather herself. ''S-Seth, hold on... I need a momENT.''

Her voice hitched as she was suddenly pulled around, lifting her left leg to his chest and turning her to her side he used his left arm to come around her thigh and grip at her ample ass as he lifted it and spread her.

His cock had already gotten hard a while ago. An ass like hers in his lap while she was naked? It was self-control that had kept him from getting a boner then.

He thrust forward, giving her no moment to catch her breath or settle herself before he buried his large cock into her all at once. Straight down to the base as she had long since been shaped to his cock, though he did meet some resistance as her womb had come further down, preparing for him.

It was further down than usual so he had to push forward a bit more, forcing it back up so he could get as deep as he could.

She screamed out in pleasure as she began to flail, looking for something to grab at.

His free arm came forward and grappled at one of her large breasts. Which her hands quickly found and gripped around his wrist and forearm, practically making it so he wouldn't release her as he began to pound into her.

The noises of their flesh slapping together and the wet noises of their juices filled the room just as fast as the scent of their sex did as well.

He wasn't ten pumps in when he heard an additional scream, turning his head to the door he caught Saya's red face. Due to the position, they were in she could see everything, and the fact Seth didn't stop even as she was looking at them didn't help, her eyes locked on where they were connected so deeply. Seth spoke, an authority in his voice loud enough to snap her out of her state.

''Saya! Close the damn door!"

She looked up to him like a deer caught in headlights before slamming the door closed.

Seth turned to look to Shizuka, who despite how far she had been gone just a moment before, had come back just enough to grin towards the door, her eyes foggy.

"Locked the door, huh? I should've known it was a lie, you minx." He reached forward as he suddenly caught his hand around her pretty little throat, he didn't just choke her, no he did it in the proper way.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as her body gave into him and began to squirt against him violently as he continued to fuck her.


Sitting at the table was a calm-looking Seth who was currently eating rice, everyone else was sitting at the table except Shizuka.

It was early morning and the sun had just started to rise, the looks across the table were amusing, to say the least.

Saya was a deep red, as if ready to burst in anger, Takashi looked embarrassed.

Rei was blushing but it was much tamer compared to everyone else. Kohta looked as if he was looking at the second coming of Jesus.

Saeko looked... Hungry almost at Seth as they all ate, Seth sighed before he turned to look at Saya, he did not however stop eating unless he had to speak. Unlike the others who were just stealing glances at him, she was straight up glaring at him.

"Alright Saya, let's hear it.''

"HOW COULD YOU?! AT LEAST YOU COULD'VE LOCKED THE DOOR!" She instantly exploded at him, the rest of them turning to look at her like she was crazy.

"In my defense, Shizuka had told me she did in fact lock it."

"You didn't think to check?!" She hissed out at him, her anger fuming out, she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, even after the screams had died down the image was on repeat inside her head.

"Well, I had other things on my mind at the time, but I thought I could at least trust my best friend."

Saya fumed more, huffing and puffing like a certain wolf before she screamed out again. ''WELL, CAN YOU AT LEAST BE QUIETER NEXT TIME?!"

"Hey, it's not my fault screaming is optional, for your information it was all Shizuka.''


Saeko chuckled from across the table. ''It means he gave her a good reason to be screaming so long into the night."

(Any thoughts to make my writing better? Let me know.)

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