Nanoforge through the Multiverse

Chapter 6: Parry This

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"So, as we've decided Seth would be the leader, what is our plan of action?" Rei asked, all of them currently relaxing in the large living room.

Seth was actually on the couch with his feet kicked up, Shizuka across his lap as she practically purred beneath him while he rubbed her head. He was currently wearing simple shorts and a shirt that said

M. an


L. ove

F. ishing

"The plan? I would like to give the jeep a once over, Kohta said it was good, but to transport some supplies I'd like to remove the back plating. So the goal is to head out tomorrow morning, use today to prepare ourselves, mentally and physically for the time ahead because it will most likely be hell. We may not have time to rest for the next week, at worse maybe more."

The others nodded before he continued. ''Since none of you have any family near, I think we should head to Saya's place. Her estate had a good wall, and knowing her father he's already started to work on making a safe place for survivors, as it would explain why they haven't been able to get in contact with Saya."

Saya nodded. ''We'd need to cross the small river, but with that Jeep, it should be easy work since most likely the bridge will be full of cars."

Seth nodded. ''Worst case, we ditch the jeep and find something else we can use."

"After we set up at her place, we'll prepare to move and search for Takashi and Rei's parents. Kohta's will be fine, and knowing Saeko's Father personally, it'd take a bit more than some zombies to both him. His body guards alone are some of the best in the country. His wits will keep him ahead of the curve.''

"What about yours and Shizuka's?" It was Takashi who spoke up, expressing worry.

Seth chuckled, shaking his head. ''I'm an orphan, Shizuka's parents passed away awhile ago. There is only one person we're worried about, but she can handle herself... Which reminds me, Rei have you finished using the radio phone?"

She jumped up, running to the kitchen before she came back with a large radio. Handing it off to Seth who turned it on and switched frequencies a few times before he stopped.

Listening to it for a bit before he pressed the button and began to speak.

''This is Cake Enthusiast, come in Chocolate Cake."

He released the button right before a happy voice came over the radio for everyone to hear. ''SETH! Oh, I'm so happy to hear your voice, please tell me Shizuka's with you."

''Yeah she's with me, I picked her up first, got some Civi's with me as well, though I got lucky and snagged Saeko Busujima."

"Oh, the Kendo girl? I heard about her from some of my squad. Where are you now?''

''Your place, we raided the safe and sidearms. I left your bigger toys though just in case. I plan to lock everything up before we leave, it'd be a good base for scout parties.''

"You better treat my babies with respect Seth."

"I'll treat them just like I treat you." He chuckled before he spoke. ''Alright, I'll let you go, contact me when you're ready to meet up.''

''Oh, don't tease me right now, I'm so pent up." There was a chuckle before he let go of the radio and set it onto the table.

"Who was that?" It was Takashi who spoke with a brow raised.

"A good friend to me and Shizuka, Rika Minami. She's the Chief of the First squadron of the Prefecture police."

"Wait, you mean THE Rika Minami who currently holds the place of the third-best sniper in the country?" It was Saya who spoke, Saeko raising a brow of interest.

"Second, she got boosted up two weeks ago after I took third."

Rei spoke, seeming a bit unbelieving. "You're the third-best sniper in the country?''

"Yeap, Rika said she wouldn't fuck a man that was a worse shot than her." Seth raised his shoulders in a shrug. Shizuka let out a giggle as she snuggled more into him.

"That has to be the coolest thing I've heard, become the third-best sniper in the country, just for some tail?" It was Kohta who spoke, the more he knew about Seth, the more he looked up to him as a person.

''Yeah, some dark tail." Seth chuckled, a smile across his face. It looked like it took Kohta a moment to understand just what he meant, but when it clicked. He began to nod as if all equations of the universe made sense at that moment before he finally spoke. ''That's admirable, as a man, you're living the life.''

Takashi was lost, Rei somewhat followed along, Saya was just as confused but Saeko understood. Her gaze looked at Seth with a little more heat to her look. Seth was strong, whether it is with his mind or his skill as a sniper. Now she just needed to get a look at his swordsmanship, and she felt that she would get that chance soon.

Soon, the day had passed and the night was falling. Seth said he was going to head out at night and begin to lead the large groups away to make it safer in the morning, a few were against it, but after Seth confirmed he would be extra careful and walk along the large walls like before they allowed him to go.

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It was nighttime when it finally happened, no one ended up drunk since Seth was there, and he heavily instilled constant vigilance. The jeep had already been packed up, it was large enough to hold everything they needed. Some people may just end up sitting on each other's lap.

As the other took notice of everything going on, Saeko turned the lights off, Kohta used a scope, Saeko used binoculars, and Takashi used a spotter scope to look at everything going on.

The conversation still did happen of Saeko talking to Takashi about everything going on, and how helping people so reckless was a different story.

Shizuka was standing there, wrapped in a throw blanket as she watched out. ''I'm worried for Seth... They're making a lot of noise."

Kohta exclaimed a bit. ''Oh! Actually, I see him, he's helping what looks like an old man and little girl. There's a dog with them. Holy shit he's strong, he just lifted both the old man and the little girl. The dog is being held by the little girl."

Saeko and Takashi both turned their respective things to look for him, once they found him. Saeko smiled softly while Takashi felt relief wash over him.

Shizuka stood there with her large chest out as she puffed her chest up. ''See? Even in a time like this, you need to show humanity... Actually, that reminds me of something Seth once said."

"It is easy to be a monster, to kill without remorse. But someone who is truly dangerous will know when to be a human... Though now that I'm thinking about it, he said this while playing some sort of game..."

Takashi smiled as Saeko chuckled to herself, Saya and Rei were downstairs cooking dinner. Thankfully there was no window to the kitchen so even if they had the light on, they'd be fine.

Kohta spoke up. "Looks like he's made it out of the hot zone... I think the little girl is peeing right now? It looks like they stopped on the side of the road... Yeah, she was using the bathroom, Seth just handed her some sort of cloth... Where does he get some of these things?"

"Seth keeps some equipment on him, vials, tweezers, a scalpel, and some sterilized rags."

Takashi raised a brow before turning to Shizuka. ''Why would he though?"

"I... I actually never asked him why... I learned that Seth does some weird things from time to time, but they just... Work?''

There was a snicker from Kohta. ''It just works.''

"It looks like they're heading back now... Damn, how sharp are Seth's eyes? He's waving to us." On instinct, Kohta started to wave back.

Soon Seth was helping them inside, as everyone went downstairs into the kitchen he was talking to the old man and the girl.

"Thank you so much, Seth, for a while there I was so worried I couldn't find a place for at least Alice." It was the old man who spoke

"It's fine Yuuto, I understand having people you need to protect, speaking of my brood." He began introductions, Yuuto and Alice both had the same last name which was Maresato.

Kohta quickly named the dog Zeke, which everyone agreed upon. Once the introduction was done Seth kneeled down to Alice and smiled. ''Alright, you were brave today, so let Saya and Rei take you to go take a nice long bath so we can get your clothing clean. We should have some clothing in your size if we search the basement. Then after your bath and shopping spree, we'll get you filled up with some food and some ice cream as a reward for being so brave."

Alice lit up like a Christmas tree as she nodded, being taken away by Rei and Saya as Seth stood, turning to Yuuto. ''There's a shower upstairs in the main bedroom along with a combo washer and dryer. Wash your clothes and take a shower, I'll give you some of my clothes, they should fit you fine, they may be a bit longer but we can fix that. You and Alice can sleep in the master bedroom together."

Yuuto nodded before he spoke. ''Thank you... Thank you again, despite everything going on it's good to see there are still kind people."

Seth nodded. ''I'd rather be a kind person who needs to do bad things."

When he said that, Yuuto's face hardened, a serious nod was all Seth got as he began to make his way upstairs.

'Hm... It was never told how Alice's mother passed away... There might be something dark behind it, I'll give him time to open up about it.'


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