Nanoforge through the Multiverse

Chapter 8: Cleaning up.

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With Souichiro recovering, Seth decided to gather up the group of people that he had brought with him. After they were gathered in a room with just themselves, Seth spoke up.

''So, it is time we split the group."

Rei spoke up first, worried. ''Split the group up, do you intend to leave us? But you're the best person to lead us.''

Seth shook his head, it was Saeko who spoke up. ''You're not wrong, but you aren't right. With Souichiro now recovering, he is the best leader as he is used to leading a mass of people at once, and with Yuriko helping him, he'll be fine. But, what you need to realize. Seth has other objectives than to simply survive."

"It's about the cure, isn't it?" It was Saya who spoke, her hand holding her chin in thought as she seemed to think it all over.

''It is, yes. I am the best to research it, and with luck, I am not the only one. I plan to visit a few facilities I will need equipment from, and it's going to be incredibly dangerous, I want to get moving before total lockdown becomes in effect."

"With that said, I will be taking Shizuka with me, her formal training, and skill in defending herself will prove invaluable. There are other nurses stationed here so it will not be bad if I take one. She wouldn't let me leave alone anyway."

He looked down to Shizuka who lay across his lap, currently reading what looked to be a fashion magazine before he looked back up.

"And what about us?" Khota asked, his brow creasing at the middle as he seemed to be in deep thought as well.

"Kohta, your military training will prove invaluable here, so I recommend you stay here, with you here not only can you get everyone in shape, but you can also teach them how to defend themselves. The rest of you should stay as well. Takashi, Rei, your skill in your respective fields would prove to be useful in this situation. Saya's brain would be better used here where she can strengthen the defenses, help her parents.''

"You didn't mention Saeko?"

"She would refuse to stay here if I am traveling/I refuse to stay here if Seth is leaving.'' Both Seth and Saeko spoke at once, Seth chuckling as he shook his head gently.

Kohta said nothing more, nodding like a sage.

Takashi seemed a bit upset, but he also understood.

Saya was reluctant to see one of her idols leave, but she understood his cause was just.

Rei, on the other hand, was reluctant only because of how much skill he's shown, if he would stay it would prove to be near impossible to fall with him around.

"Well, if that's the case, when do you plan to leave?"

"After I help with a few things around here, and talk with Souichiro once he is feeling better and awake. I have a few worries I'll need to make him aware of.''

"Worries?" It was Takashi who spoke, leading Seth to chuckle.

"About preemptive nuclear strikes.''

The entire room gasped except for Saya and Shizuka.

''You don't thin-.''

''I do think, I know they would. We aren't aware of the situation outside of Japan, it could be bad, real bad. the best way to stop it from spreading anymore is to eliminate the problem. Thing is, Japan will defend itself, but even then. From the resulting explosion, it will knock out a large number of electronics due to the blast.''

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They all sat in silence for a bit before Seth stood, lifting Shizuka off his lap and over his shoulder. ''Well, with all that said, I'm going to go plow Shizuka for a bit until Souichiro wakes up. If you need me, follow the screams.''

With a definitive nod, he left them there. All of them stared at him with wide eyes, however, Kohta and Saeko looked at him with much different eyes.


A few hours later he was instructed by Yuriko that her husband had woken up, so leaving a passed out Shizuka and using his nanites to make sure his semen remained inactive so she doesn't get pregnant, as well clean himself and reconstruct his clothes around him as he left.

Once he entered the room he had been in earlier while treating Souichiro he came to meet Saya, her cheeks died red while the other adults gathered seemed indifferent, though Yuriko was smiling like a knowing woman.

"Seth, come in. With you here, everyone I care to hear about this is gathered."

Seth began to talk about his plans to leave, none surprised about the discovery. Telling them about the possibility of nukes and how high it was, tell him them how to go from electrical to manual or gas, making sure all electronics were off before the blast by having it all hooked up to a kill switch.

As well as helping them get a training regimen built so they could get more fighters, to assign parties of people who had skill to both guard, and seek out resources, helping them plan out how to best use their large amount of land for crops and other resources.

The biggest thing he helped them with was improve on their defenses, telling them the possibilities of what could happen, how to avoid it. To regularly go out  with groups and eliminate the zombies they could find in turns as even if they were quiet.

Such a large group would still attract attention, and it would be best to make sure they were taken care of earlier, then later when a horde would come through.

With a few more tips and tricks from a pro nerfer, Seth prepared to leave. Saeko did get the katana from Saya's Father, and one they were all set up in the jeep. Seth made a few more stops, just one really.

He stopped by Yuuto and Alice's tent, letting them know that he had gotten into contact with his friend and that his son was safe. That he was made aware of the situation and how to get to the mansion.

He said it'd be about a week or more before he arrived, this brought tears to Yuuto's eyes, Alice's joy couldn't be held as she bounced around cheering.

With that out of the way, they headed out.

Seth's first destination would be to pick up Rika, 1 because her help would be appreciated, and 2. Well, because he wanted to sink his teeth into her, now that he was truly 'Woke'.

The few things on Seth's mind were A: How to explain to the girls that he was in fact a dimension-hopping guy with a lust for booty, multiverse shenanigans, and bitches.

B: How would he even explain the system, and that's only if he wished to do so.

C: What world would he hope to first expand his universe?

(Author note)

So I'll be honest, I'm still sick as shit, have to go in tomorrow to see if I've got the covid or something, I doubt it but wife wants me to check.

I've been just kind of resting, or gaming. But the biggest thing about why I haven't uploaded anything recently is because I am unsure how I want this story to take off, just deciding it I wanted to stick to Canon or adventure on my own took a bit to confirm.

For Slayin' With a Strap, that's even worse as I'm still confused about how I want it to proceed, but it was never meant to be a constant update type of novel, so I'll take my time with it. For now take this chapter, those on my Patreon will find a poll put up later about me just asking to see how they feel over the story.

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