Nanoforge through the Multiverse

Chapter 7: Traveling across the river

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All of them were preparing to go, the jeep had been loaded with enough supplies to last a week, it shouldn't take that long as even if they took their time they should arrive within the next few hours, but it was always good to prepare for the worst.

Seth was geared up, wearing a T-shirt beneath his lab coat and jeans he was strapped with his sword and guns, all but one gun had been silenced, as the shotgun didn't have a silencer. However, they planned to leave that until it was absolutely necessary. They had also gotten more rounds for Takashi, who throughout the day was taught how to load it properly along with everyone getting the basics of how to reload the guns that would be available.

when everything was ready, a happy Alice came skipping down the stairs with Zeke, the dog was more than smart, he knew all the commands, and was easy to teach more as Seth found out...

Well, he also let a few nanites into the dog's body to begin a slow process of making him into a killing machine, but that's for another time.

Everyone had a bit of nanites in their blood now, monitoring their parameters so that if it came down to it, Seth would know who to fix up first.

Coming down the stairs was Yuuto, who had a look of steel to him, it seemed last night and this morning, he had come to a choice and it changed him fundamentally.

Seth watched him, only stopping him as everyone left out the front door, the entire house had already been locked up.

"I don't know what happened to you two... But Yuuto, don't bring the world onto your shoulders, you have the rest of us now. The kids maybe still innocent, and inexperienced, but they've got potential.''

Yuuto took a slow deep breath, his eyes softening as he nodded. ''Thank you, Seth... You remind me of my Son, I hope he's doing alright..."

"You've got a son?" It was Seth who spoke, a brow-raising.

Yuuto nodded with a smile. ''Yes! He joined the Prefecture Police shortly after.''

Seth raised a brow before he nodded. ''I'll speak to our friend in it, maybe she's got some information on him, for now, stay positive. If he's got you, a Father with a good head on his shoulders, and an adorable little sister, he's got every reason to fight hard."

Yuuto seemed to relax only a bit hearing that, after their little talk they joined the rest.

Shizuka was standing next to the driver's seat with a grin, bouncing softly which caused her breast to jiggle as she waited.

Seth walked over, shaking his head. ''Whatever is going through your head includes me, but I will say right now it will not be like that one time on Valentine's day, there are kids this time."

Shizuka blushed, slapping at his arm. ''No! Not that... Not that I wou-.''

''Blondy, don't. It might be hot to fight with an erection, but it is not practical to do so."

She snickered before he got into the driver's seat, with her firmly placing her rear onto his lap, despite the two of them there was still plenty of room. However, he did have to grab her breast and turn her to the side a bit so he could actually see past them.

As they drove he easily blew through a few who attempted to get in their way but they continued. Shizuka began to grind against him during the ride, slowly but surely. He could feel himself getting hard, cursing his luck for once in his life.

He continued to drive until they came upon the barricade, after seeing it Seth let out a low whistle. ''Pretty good barricade...Sturdy, razor wire, but... Mm"

Saya leaned forward from the back seat, she had been sitting on Rei's lap. ''What is it?"

"There is barbed wire low, most likely to trip them up. Honestly a good idea, but if too many of them fall, it might eventually accidentally make stairs for them to climb over with enough time."

Saya frowned a bit, the math working in her head before she nodded. ''You're right, how do we get around?"

Seth raised his shoulders before they saw the fire engine start approaching them, stepping out of the jeep he left Shizuka in the driver's seat. One of the firefighters stepped forward, removing the helmet. Seth grinned as he got to see one of the more acclaimed milfs in the series.

"Oh my, Seth? How good to see you!"

Saya wiggled out of the top of the turret hatch, flipping it open she called out. ''Mom!"

"Oh, Saya sweety! It's good to see you are safe, we were just going to start heading to your school... Follow the wall to the right, there's a way to get through further down. We'll talk more once you are all safer.''

Seth nodded before he mounted the side of the jeep, glad the door of the jeep hid the erection he had built up.

"Troublesome...'' It was Saya who spoke, Takashi raised a brow. ''What is?''

''Mom said it was 'Safer' not safe, that means something is going on."

Seth nodded. ''Your mom is too literal, she knows we know that... There must be something going on, all of you be prepared..."

Soon they are passed the gate, after a heartfelt reunion between the few who know Yuriko, she moves to Seth to speak with him in private while they travel, the two of them riding the top of the firetruck in the lift with the hose.

"Seth, how glad I am to see you... Souichiro has been poisoned."

Seth's face darkened a bit, his voice low. ''Infected?"

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"No, thankfully... He was poisoned at the last meeting right before the outbreak happened... Can you?"

"No need to ask me Yuriko. Take me to him right away when we get there, also. Make sure none of the weapons in that jeep or the jeep itself get taken. They're for my group alone."

She watched him, her eyes softening a bit. ''You don't plan to stay, do you?"

He shook his head. ''I can't, I've got people to look after. I'll stay long enough to confirm your plans and to help as I can build a plan, and I'll leave a radio with you so you can contact me in the worst situation."

"And the kids?"

Seth clicked his tongue. ''Saya should stay with you, as well as Takashi and Rei, their not ready for this world at all. Saya is strong, and so is Rei, but Takashi has a Hero complex that will get him killed.''

"Kohta, he's extremely useful to you right now. He's got professional military training, despite his looks he's incredibly strong as well. Get people to learn from him to increase your fighting changes."

"And Saeko?"

Seth sighed, shaking his head. ''No way will she let me go without her, and that's fine. I plan to head in the direction of her father anyway. I will however be taking the sword you have in your office.''

Yuriko faked a pout, leaning forward. ''Can't you reconsider? It's such a fine blade..."

"That's why it would be better in Saeko's hands."

Yuriko released a breathy chuckle, Seth inwardly cursing Souchiro for landing such a woman.

"I know Seth... Alright, we're almost there.''

Soon, they arrived at the estate. Seth was directly led to Souichiro, as he entered the man despite his rather pale complexion grinned. ''Seth, one of my favorite money makers! Just the person I wanted to see.''

"Yes, also maybe the only person who can help you right now, symptoms?"

"Numbness in my fingertips, shakes, muscle weakness, vision blurs occasionally. I can't walk right or stand for too long."

Seth released a low whistle, as he took off Souichiro's top, examining his appearance and his pulse. Checking his eyes, and his tongue. ''Metalic taste at all?"

''Occasionally, why do you know what it is?"

"Perhaps, all the signs point to Mercury Poisoning, it checks all the right marks for your age. To have a proper examination I need to dig a bit further. Souichiro, remember that favor you owe me?"

The man's face became serious before he nodded solemnly. ''Of course, I will never forget it.''

''I'm cashing it in, what happens between us, you tell no one. Understood? The world isn't ready for this level of technology.''

The man nodded once more. ''If that is what you want to use the favor for, then I have no right to question it.''

''Good, Sam? Run a Diagnosis please."

{"Already done when you walked in Mason, it is Mercury Poisoning."}

Souichiro began to look around, eyes widening before he focused on the band that had lit up on Seth's wrist.

''Can you localize the poisoning and remove it from his system? Overtime not to shock the system.''

{"Yes I can, it will take 4 hours at your request."}

"Start it now, our range gives me free rein around the entirety of the estate. Souichiro, I'm going to have Sam put you to sleep so nothing happens, Sam will be monitoring your progress, when you're better I'll return with some proper food for you and we can talk some more."

"Just... Just that easy? I thought Mercury poisoning was harder to fix.'' Souichiro raised his brows, staring at Seth.

"It was before Sam was created... Now you know why the world isn't ready for this technology, it is also the technology I will be using to help me build a cure as quickly as possible, but for now, rest. We'll finish talking later with Yuriko and my team.''

The man nodded before his eyes began to become heavy immediately, as he leaned back. Quickly falling asleep he pulled his sleeve back over the band as he walked out of the room. Yuriko was there, gripping at the shirt she had changed into. ''How is he, Seth?"

"He'll be fine, he'll be asleep for a few hours, when he wakes up I'll head over, by then he'll want to talk. If you need me I'll be in my room, I need to start some minor research.''

She nodded before she turned back to the room her husband was in, closing the door behind her as Seth made his way to the room they had left to him.

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