Naruto: Blake

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Blake's eyes slowly opened, only for a piercing headache to attack his mind. He waited for a few moments, not making any sudden movements before silently glancing over at the vicinity.

The surroundings were shrouded in darkness. After some more inspection, Blake understood he was stuck in a cell. The walls were rocky and appeared to be quite thick.

The only likely form of escape materialized itself in the form of railings, through which he could see a subtle flicker of light. Just from all of this, he could deduce that he was underground.

'Was I perhaps attacked by some kind of new high tech? But why did they not kill me? It's not like I hold anything valuable for them anymore.' Blake thought for a few moments before standing up with a grunt.

His entire body burned like hell as the wounds around his body opened up again. He felt warm blood seep from underneath his ripped clothes, but he cared too little about that right now.

Making his way forward, he stumbled against the railing, sticking his head out. He saw multiple other cells from both and left, each a considerable distance away from another. The interior itself was peculiar, as there were engravings that gave off a historical sensation.

Blake noticed that the other cells were not empty. Perhaps his capturers did not know exactly who he was, so they put him in this weird prison with everyone else. Or maybe it was not a prison at all, but something much more.

Blake was about to shout for his neighbors, hoping to find out more about this place, but the sound of steps interrupted his thoughts. Promptly, he pushed his head back in and fell to the ground, right in the same spot where he was previously.

'Be patient.' Blake murmured to himself, correcting his breathing to not draw any suspicions. The steps were getting closer, and soon enough, he heard voices echoing throughout the tunnel.

"Is this the one?" Ogami stopped before a cell, seeing a man in his thirties inside. He had many injuries and appeared to be barely breathing, yet what attracted him was his face. Or rather, the mask. "Why is he wearing a mask?"

"Yeah, sir. I have found him near our base yesterday. He had no indication on his body from where he has come from, and neither there were any traces of battle around. It is as if he appeared out of nowhere." Cisco answered. "My assumption was that he was forced to flee from pursuit and had used a strange jutsu to appear near our base. As for the mask, I thought it was better to remove it in your presence."

Ogami nodded. He clearly understood that Cisco was simply trying to such up to him with these little things, as did everyone else here, but little did they know that it was just getting on his nerves. Still, this man was quite interesting, but it seemed like his fate would end soon.

"Well, it is not really our concern what happened to him. Wake him up. He is going to the arena. And remove that creepy mask from his face." Ogami said and Cisco acted quickly, taking out a pile of keys from his pocket.

He didn't even think twice before stepping inside and reaching out to grab Blake's mask. However, just as he was about to touch him, Cisco saw Blake's figure shift to the side. Before even reacting properly, Blake's hand, which was somehow wielding a kunai, moved toward Cisco's throat.

Thankfully, with his few years of experience being a shinobi, Cisco managed to move his head to the side. Yet, Blake changed his attack trajectory at the last second, as if knowing clearly where the enemy would go. However, before the attack connected, Blake felt a punch land on his stomach.

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It was so fast and strong that pain only came when he collided with the wall, sending a few cracks through it. Blake could barely breathe, yet he stood up again, feeling blood coursing through his skin.

'What the hell just happened?' Blake cursed in his mind. It was already surprising that Cisco dodged his strike, but the unimaginable strength of Ogami was something he had never encountered in his years of experience.

It was power unachievable by a normal human.

"Interesting. You pretended to be unconscious to prepare a sneak attack. I have to say, you are quite a skilled assassin. The only problem is that you are weak for a shinobi. Perhaps it's because of the injuries." Ogami stroked his chin for a few moments before sighing. "Unfortunately, it is quite cramped here, and you will have to somehow survive the arena if you want to stay here longer."

"What is an arena?" Blake murmured quietly, his voice coming like a grunt. His entire body was burning. It has been a long since he had been injured this much.

"You will see," Ogami answered, a little smile appearing on his face. "Don't bother looking around, you won't be able to escape. I have been blessed by Orochimaru-sama. There is no one here who can defeat me."

'Blessed by Orohchimary sama? Is that the reason behind his strength?' Blake thought, his first time hearing about this ominous figure. Still, what this man said was true. He was too weak and had no way of defeating either of them without an element of surprise right now.


Blake wouldn't be able to defeat Ogami, even when he was at his best. It felt like he was looking at a mountain, with not a single opening and just simple, utter power. It was quite disheartening for Blake, who had never felt this hopeless before an enemy.

'They said that I appeared out of nowhere, but that can't be correct. Furthermore, there were many signs of battle. Just what happened once I jumped off the cliff?' Blake thought for a moment, but another punch right in his stomach interrupted his thoughts.

He couldn't even offer his surprise before his eyelids slid down.

"That's why you should never relax before the prisoners. Some of them are quite dangerous." Ogami said as his companion nodded with a frown. It was quite embarrassing for him.

Ogami lingered over the unconscious Blake before reaching out to remove his mask. Once he did so, however, his eyes sparkled in surprise. Glancing one more time at his face, Ogami put the mask back on.

"Take him."

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