Naruto: Blake

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Soon enough, Blake was once again thrown back inside the same cage as Cisco closed the cell with his keys. Reorganizing his thoughts, Blake tried to remember the route to his best abilities.

The structure of this base comprised three major facilities, with two of them being that arena and this enormous prison. The remaining one was the laboratory, which he presumed would be the path out of this place.

Still, this was just an assumption, so Blake instead focused on another issue. The screen still lingered in the corner of his vision and, while walking back with Cisco, he understood he could willingly make it disappear and reappear.

'It appeared when that man was dead.' Blake noted, deciding to finally explore this matter further. He focused his attention on it and immediately it expanded, covering half of his vision.



Name: Blake Howard

Age: 34

Level: 1

Class: (to be obtained)

Skills: None.

Authorities: Authority of Time(Early)


Strength: 12

Dexterity: 15

Recovery: 16

Endurance: 15

Chaos Energy: -

Luck: 38

Free Points: 0


Pending Quests:


---Status End---

"Fascinating." Blake read carefully through the screen, a bit puzzled by how it was levitating with no support. He then turned toward the content of the provided information.

"Is this the reason everybody here is so powerful?" Blake mumbled, skimming through the panel. He had played some games as a hobby, so he knew that level 1 meant that he could grow to become stronger.

Honestly, after having experienced the last day, he wasn't even too shocked. People around here clearly had something that he didn't have, for they couldn't have grown this strong by normal means.

This screen was probably what empowered everyone else.

However, what triggered it? He spent his entire life on the border of death and survival, so why is it the first time he is hearing about it? Was what Cisco said true then? Did he appear out of nowhere?

Too many questions, yet not enough answers.

Everything would make sense once he got out of this place, and this screen would probably be of enormous help to him, so he focused on further exploring it.

His attributes didn't seem too bad, but they probably count to barely anything once compared to Ogami's. However, he was pleasantly surprised by his luck atrribute. Personally, he didn't feel like it was this high.

'Chaos this the chakra they were talking about? No, this doesn't seem to have a connection.' Blake sighed. There was no point in pondering on the unknown.

He turned towards the "Authorities" instead, already having an assumption of what it could be. The gift that accompanied him throughout his life, saving him multiple times and earning him the title of the Ghost.


[Authority of Time(Early)]

You have gained insight into the essence of time, thus allowing you to take a peek into the future. Through deep concentration and nerves of steel, you will be able to see the future actions of your opponents. However, although this power can turn the tables around during battles, it is incomplete and can cause disharmony in the user's mind. Be aware.


It was indeed what he expected to hear, though it was surprising that it was related to time, as he had always thought it came more from his instincts. He didn't exactly remember how he got it, but it was one of the best weapons in his arsenal.

Finally, Blake focused on class.

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[Class Choices]

[Warrior - Common. Fledging combatant. Proficient with melee weaponry]

[Acolyte - Uncommon. Fledging wielder of the elements. Initial proficiency with elemental magic]

[Hunter - Epic. Having dedicated his life to the eradication of others, the Hunter has attained a high proficiency in locating end obliterating anything living]

[Phantom - Legendary. Swift and silent. You never see him coming]

[Shadow Demon - Unique. A monster hidden in the shadows]


Blake frowned as he read through his choices. He didn't really like the fact that the ones less common also came with less description, but that was probably normal.

He assumed that choosing classes determined a lot, so he immediately discarded the first three choices. They were interesting but obviously inferior to [Phantom] and [Shadow Demon].

Swift and silent probably meant that his dexterity would increase a lot, and the "never see him coming" was likely connected to the abilities provided by this class.

[Shadow Demon] was naturally the more attractive choice, solely due to it being unique, meaning that there would be no one with the same class, which couldn't be said about [Phantom].

Just from its description, Blake felt power.

So, he made his choice promptly.

And, barely a few moments later, Blake felt power surging through his veins. Not just any power, but something supernatural, something that shouldn't exist. Peculiar energy spread through his body, saturating each fiber. The Chaos Energy.

Suddenly, another screen popped up before him. It was red.


[The Ruthless Heaven has taken notice of you! Complete the quests provided by it and gain fantastical rewards! However, the Ruthless Heaven is ruthless for a reason and it doesn't like slackers! Avoiding or failing the mission will ensure a penalty more miserable than death!]


Blake frowned deeply, his eyes sparkling with a bit of confusion and mixed anger. Didn't this basically imply that he would have to complete all the provided quests or else he would die? Didn't this make him a slave?

Calming down, Blake tried to push these thoughts away for now. Perhaps this didn't seem as bad as it was. Or maybe the quests were easy. Instead, Blake focused on the system panel once again.


[Class: Shadow Demon(Unique) - D-Grade]

Level: +3 Dexterity; +3 Chaos Energy; +1 Recovery; +1 Free Point


Shadow Movement: Shadows are indistinct, as should you be. Escape the heed of one thousand souls. (1000/1000)

Shadow Augment(LOCKED)

Mind Castle(LOCKED)


Blake was pleasantly surprised that he already had an ability, but he frowned a bit when noticing the number. Had he been a normal man before, getting this high of a number would be quite tedious.

He also yet didn't know whether the attributes provided for one level were good, but he assumed they shouldn't be too bad. He liked the distribution as well.

Blake closed his eyes, foreign information entering his body. Suddenly, Blake's figure disappeared as the shadow within the cell appeared to grow thicker. It felt bizarre, as if he was lying in the middle of the ocean, yet it was also comfortable.

Soon, however, Blake felt that energy was leaving his body at a rapid speed, understanding that Chaos Energy was tightly knit with the usage of skills. It stood at 10 right now, so he decided to save his energy.

"This is great." Blake smiled, settling against the wall. He has yet to understand many things, but the appearance of this screen at least provided him with something that could be used to defend himself.

"Even though I have this skill now, it doesn't mean I can defeat Ogami or anyone else here." Blake mumbled as suddenly his eyes sparkled with killing intent. He had to increase his level. Besides quests, experience was also usually given when defeating enemies, right?

Blake stood up, disappearing within the shadows once again.

This time, he appeared on the other side of the cell.

It was time to hunt.

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