Naruto: Fujitora Kouta

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 ~ Memories ~ Rose

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Maybe this is my best chance to use my strength.

    [ Zushi Zushi No Mi ~ Gravity~ Go Down! ]


This is the first time, the first time I use gravity downwards, and I managed to make him fall to the ground!

   «At first he was making that rock float, and now he makes me fall to the ground, but my weight is very light, I'll see if you can handle 20kg» Onoki's thoughts.

The old man started trying to stand up, and I tried to keep him on the ground as much as possible, I started to sweat but I couldn't! He started standing up and walking towards me, No benefit, I have to stop using gravity, and I will rely on Taijutsu.

I was preparing myself for hand-to-hand combat, but then the old man laughed out loud and said;

"Haha! What an interesting fight, Now I can understand why she impressed to you... Tell me how you can fight without hand seals"

"Excuse me, old man. You didn't tell me who are you"

The old man raised his eyebrows and said;

"Huh? Is there someone who doesn't know who is the Kage of his village"

"Well, I am not open to the people of the village, I live in a small neighborhood in the western part of the village."

"That part of the village I know well. But the people in it don't acknowledge me as a Kage. They see that I don't deserve this position. That's why they don't like to talk about me so much."

"They talk about you, but I didn't get a chance to see your face, so I didn't recognize you the moment I saw you. But Why did you fight me"

"I looked for you in the whole village but I couldn't find you, and Some of the guards told me that they saw a child leaving the village alone, I thought you were so depressed that you left the village, so I followed you, but surprisingly you were just training, the important thing is... 

Kouta, as a Kage, I give you permission to join the academy tomorrow." Onoki said.

The old man spoke to me with a smile on his face, but this was not the time to celebrate my acceptance.

"Oye Old man, it's true that my admission to the academy can make me smile. But even if you were the Kage, you would have talked about my mother before the fight started. What do you know about my mom?"

The old man put his hands on his lower back, and his body began to float in the air and said;

"Rose, that's her name, right? I still remember her as if I saw her yesterday, your mother is not from this village, her blue eyes, and her blond hair... her yellow hair was very beautiful, all the men in the village were in love with her beauty."

"I also remember her, I always see her in my dreams, but I have black hair and black eyes"

"You are right, you don't look like her, the only similarity between you and her is your white skin, maybe you look like your father" Onoki said.

"Do you know who my father is..."

"As I remember your mother came pregnant to the village, I think she came alone, this happened 11 years ago, I can't remember well."

" I understand..."

"Don't make such a frowning face, I think it's finally time, starting today I will give you an apartment to live in, and I will try to give you an Expenses every month." Onoki said.

"Why would you do all of this?"

"I'm trying to fix the mistakes of the past, maybe that's what happens to a person when his death approaches. Kouta, I'm sorry for all the past years."

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"I don't understand, you are the Kage! Why would someone like you apologize to a kid like me."

"You will probably know in the right time. Kouta, This village is big, there are bad people, and there are good people, if you want revenge for your mother I won't stop you, But I will ask you not to rush, you can make your decision after long thought. That's it, do your best in the academy!" Onoki said.

After this we went to the village, the Kage gave me an apartment as he promised, and gave me some money. I still don't understand the reason for this, however, Goodbye to back pain! I'll buy a bed and anything I want.

I used half the money the Kage gave me to buy gifts, like food, fruits, etc.

And I was going towards the factory to the old man to give him these gifts.



And at that time, while Kouta was heading to the factory, Onoki was floating in front of the factory door.

Then the old man said from inside the factory;

"Are you going to float there forever"

Onoki got down to the ground and walked into the factory.

"Your sense of chakra is still as strong as always." Onoki said.

The old man was holding a hammer and fixing one of the shields. Then he stopped and said;

"So what brings my old friend here?"

"I came to take him from you after all these years, will you let me?" Onoki said.

"Don't you think this is a little harsh for me?"

"I won't force you, if you want him to stay in this factory. I will not stand in your way." Onoki said.

The old man laughed loudly and said;

"Hahaha! As if I would allow him to live a miserable life like mine. Thank you for giving him a chance to take the exam."

The Kage smiled and said;

"What are you talking about, I'm the one who should thank you for taking care of him all these years." Then he looked down with a frown and added to his speech;  "Even though his maternal uncle killed your son..."

The old man picked up his hammer and struck the shield he was repairing again, and said;

"Don't remind me of the past, Onoki, Kouta is now my son, and he has nothing to do with what happened. But even so, I was powerless to protect him from the people who lived in this part of the village."

"Because they knew his mother even before he was born, but I'll make sure those rumors don't spread around the academy. Namikaze Rose, Minato Namikaze's sister, or in other words, the one who killed a thousand shinobi from our village. I had accepted his pregnant sister in the village after his death, and I had reason to accept her among my people. But I did this without the knowledge of the village elders. But Rose looks a lot like Minato, that's why the people here hate her so much that they burned her. But I will not allow the same thing to happen to Kouta, because he is from this village. Kouta was born here, so I will protect him as the Kage." Onoki said.

"If that's all you're going to tell me, I'm going to tell you to get out of here quickly. Most likely Kouta will arrive soon."

"You're right, goodbye my old friend." Onoki said.

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