Naruto: Fujitora Kouta

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 ~ Second Task

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I finished the first task, now I'm going to forget about the sword, my body currently can't use haki, I think I need to train my body for a whole year, then I can start training to use armament haki.

But for observation haki, I think I can use it if I practice it for months.

As for the power of my devil fruit, it was wrong to try to use it without a sword, gravity is all around me, I can't control it very well. But when I will get a sword, controlling it would be easier. The sword will make me able to apply gravity at one point. But now with just my hands, I can't control gravity very well.

In short, the sword will raise my focus, instead of applying gravity to everything around me I will apply it to the point I want.

That's why I'm here now, Weapons shop!

I pushed the door to enter, and heard the bells who were hanging above the door.

The place was quiet and smelled strange, somewhat depressing.

At first everything was dark, but after a few seconds, my eyes got used to that darkness and I started to see what was around me.

The place is full of ninja weapons, kunai, swords, shields... everything is here.



A man came to me with a limp in his gait. He was dependent on a crutch to walk. He was wearing half-circular glasses, and he had a long mustache. His eyes are brown with hair in the same colour. He had white skin and he wore a tall hat, he was rather thin. After he reached me he coughed quietly and said;

"What is a kid like you doing in this place, it's a dangerous place for you son. It is not for play"

I think this guy is the one who sells weapons. But this place is in bad shape, I don't mean the design and the weapons.

The wooden floor is good and shiny, and the weapons looks very new.

I mean, there aren't many shoppers here, and I don't know why.

But that's not what I should think about now, first I have to explain to him why I'm here.

"Don't worry I'm not here to play, I'm looking for a wooden sword"

that man brought his hands together and said;

"Wooden sword?" He stopped talking and looked at me for a while and then added; "You're from the ninja academy, right?"


"So you want to train, that's great! It's good to train at such a young age, I have a 15-year-old son and he's still afraid to go to the academy, seeing a kid like you study there makes me feel ashamed" He said.

"So what about the wooden sword"

"Oh excuse me, I got lost in the conversation"

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His behavior changed a lot, maybe because I want to buy just a wooden sword, I think he wouldn't have sold me a real sword.

"It's okay no problem" I said.

"Wait, I'll get you a wooden sword that suits you now"

That man entered another door inside this shop, then returned quickly, carrying a wooden sword in his hand.

look at this, I found a wooden sword that fits your height" He said.

"Can i try it"

"Of course, take." He said.

It's very light, of course it will be light because it's made of wood, But my fist doesn't fit with the hilt.

"The sword handle is bigger than I want" I said.

"So try this one, it's a little shorter than the other one, but it will work" He said.

It's also light, the handle of the sword is suitable, it will be good for training.

"What is the price of this wooden sword?" I said.

"Well I'll sell it to you for 225 Ryõ " He said.

    [ Ryõ is the currency of the Naruto world.

225 Ryõ = 2250 Yen = 15,50 usd ]

I think this is a bit extravagant, I mean, it's just a wooden sword after all. You made a mistake, shopkeeper. old Fujitora was a good gambler, you can't fool me.

  [ after five minutes ]

I walked out of the store and raised my hand to say goodbye to the shopkeeper.

"Okay Uncle! I will come back someday to buy more weapons!" I said.

He answered me in a low tone;

"Please don't come back"

In the end he lowered the price of the sword, I got a 60 percent discount, I have the memories of an old man you can't fool, now I've done with the second task... it's Time to move on to the third task...

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