Naruto: Fujitora Kouta

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 ~ Second day

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[ Next morning.

  Ninja academy. ]

On the morning of our second day at the academy, I was walking in the corridor to my class, and then...

I met Hokaku, He was walking toward me, I think this is the time to ask him who spread the rumors.

"Hey Hokaku, how are you"

I acted normally and raised my hand to say hello to him.

But he spat on the ground near my shoe and looked at me with contempt, then said;

"Don't talk to me, scum!"

Well, his manner of speaking to me has changed, he was not like that in the exam.

But Hokaku, don't expect this to make me angry.

"I want to know one thing, are you the one spreading those rumors about me?" I said.

Hokaku put his hand on my chin and lifted my head up and brought his face close to mine and said;

"Rumors? You must be kidding me, I'm telling the truth, all I'm saying is the truth. You got a Zero in ninjutsu, this is a fact! and not a rumor, do you know why I told everyone this? Because I hate you, from the bottom of my heart I hate you, you illegally entered the academy, so what's the point of the effort that I and other people make, why do you receive special treatment?"

His tone was very angry, but at the same time his speech was completely correct.

Now, I can understand what he's feeling.

Hokaku pushed me from my chest with his left hand, started walking and said;

"I made a request to fight you in the first fight, I will make you lose your dignity in front of everyone, I will prove to everyone that talent is incomparable to mediation. If I'm right, leave the academy before everyone laughs at you. And if you have another point of view, come to me and prove it to me in the first battles."

And that's how Hokaku left...

But Hokaku, I never forgot the moment you laughed at me in the exam, I think I found my opponent, the Ninth highest mark on the entrance exam, Studying in class A, A member of a noble clan...

After that I went to my class, The class was full as usual, but the teacher was not present. He seems to be late today for some reason.

That Tamaki girl is sitting in the same seat, but the place next to her was not empty.

That's supposed to be my seat now because I sat in it yesterday, right?

But the problem doesn't stop here, the person sitting in my seat is the one who asked her to be his girlfriend yesterday.

I was standing in the classroom door, but I didn't walk to my seat, I thought for a long time and before I knew it, my eyes met that person's eyes. His name is Karlo as I remember.

His features changed when he saw me, he looked at me angrily as if I were his enemy and said;

"Huh? WTF You are looking at?"

I acted like I didn't hear his voice and started walking in search of another seat.

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But at that moment, a small problem occurred that I didn't expect.

Tamaki was putting her hand on her cheek, then moved a few strands of her hair behind her ear, Then she said in a quiet voice, as she usually speaks;

"Why are you looking for a place to sit, isn't that your place"

Actually I don't do this because I want to avoid confronting this person. The person I want to avoid right now is you, Tamaki.

But the information I've read about Tamaki is still just black letters on white paper, I have to act as if nothing happened yesterday, and to do that I have to say;

"Do you want me to sit next to you?"

Tamaki was not late and answered me immediately, saying;

"What would happen if I say Yes?"

Well, the appropriate answer at this time is to stand up to that person. But why is she interested in such a simple matter?

"Then I will cause unnecessary trouble" I said.

After my words, Karlo laughed out loud in class and said;

"Come on man, don't make me laugh, an unnecessary problem? You will cause trouble to your ass, that's the only possible outcome."

Karlo, I didn't have enough time to read the information about him in the file, but I remember his rank, the 14th strongest person in the academy. His body is normal, not skinny and at the same time he has no muscles, I think he's 17 years old, there's a six-year difference between us, I've never seen him fight, But Karlo is not the real problem here.

"Rest assured, I don't care about that place" I said.

"Good answer my friend" Karlo said.

I think we came to an agreement, but Tamaki wasn't happy with that.

"I don't agree with this, Kouta, sit here" She said.

The danger one is not karlo, the real danger here is Tamaki.

But Tamaki, you made one mistake, you showed your desire to have me sit next to you. What would you do if I used this against you?

"You see, I'm the weakest person in the academy, but you... I think you're strong, I'd be grateful if you would ask him to leave that place for me to sit." I said.

Tamaki didn't answer me right away, which means she's thinking of something. Well, I thought it wouldn't be so easy, but I'll soon find out your secret.

«I feel like Kouta who was sitting next to me yesterday is not the same Kouta who is standing in the class now. Somehow he's avoiding me... No, now he's asking for my help to get Karlo off the seat next to me. There are two possibilities, the first possibility is that Kouta is just a weak bastard who cannot protect himself, and the second possibility is that he wants to see how I will convince Karlo to leave that seat. But anyway, boys are stupid, he's supposed to fight for me even if he's weak, that's the right way to get close to a pretty girl like me. So why, why does he seem wary of me today?» tamaki's thoughts.

"Do you ask a girl to protect you, that's not manly" Tamaki said.

She had taken a lot of time to think of a good answer, but sitting next to her now was no longer an option.

Tamaki, I think we'll be on good terms in the future, only another orphan can understand an orphan.

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