
Chapter 33: Ch 32* “Elves”

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"Many ex-soldiers join the Adventurers Guild and for an equal amount of reasons. Some join for money and fame, others join to fight evil while others do not see any other carrier fit for people trained to kill."

Extract from a diary of a Crimson adventurer.



POV Anna


"Quick Anna, we are going to be late, the bell rang already!" Cisil grabbed my hand as we ran through the busy streets towards the Adventurers Guild." I should really focus on my constitution for a bit at least. 


"Told you to be there an hour earlier." Albert said as he stomped behind us in his heavy armour, a giant shield hanging on his back.


  The three of us reached the guild house a good bit after the specified time. Cil looked at me with hesitant eyes as he reached for the handle. "Come on we are late already," Albert said with irritation leaking from each word spoken in the monotonous tone. 

He really didn't like being late. He slammed the door but stops in his tracks. I quickly ducked under his arm.


"I am very sorry for the lateness, we of Light Sigil are also interested in participating"


"Ah, I was just finishing explaining!" An old man wearing butler's clothes answered, causing me to sigh in relief. I could imagine Cisil brows forming into a frown as the tall gorgeous woman and the receptionist turned to see us, tips of their pointy ears peeking out from under their hair. I didn't know why he disliked them so much but he always made a fuss about it.

The old butler waited for us to approach him before speaking again.

"I will repeat what I said to these two. I arranged carts for you and a map of where to go. You are not allowed to show that map to anyone outside the hired group. You are to deliver any valuables to my master's mansion and there you will be awarded a fair price and one platinum coin, if there are valuables left at the dungeon we will send a crew to retrieve but your share drops to ten per cent. Do you understand?" 


"Come on we are risking our lives out there we deserve m-, ouch! Why? She deserv-" Cil pointed at me as he glared at Albert, massaging his side where he was elbowed.


"Sorry about my friend's rudeness, we will gladly accept this offer." Albert dipped his head in curtesy to the butler.


"I pardon your friend," The old butler eyed the adventurers in front of him. "Here is the map and the cart is behind the building. Court bless your journey." He turned to the pale elf and handed her the map before leaving the guild. The unnaturally pretty elf silently headed to the back door followed by a short hooded figure who stared into the wooden floor hiding its face throughout the conversation.


"What are those Coppers doing." Cil crossed his arms.


"Doing their job." Albert answered with his newly returned upbeat tone.


  We followed the two copper ranked adventurers into the alley behind the guild house, finding them in front of the cart.


"Hope you didn't think about leaving us." Cil said.


"Greetings, does that happen even?" The elf in leather armour turned to answer in a funny old-fashion accent.


"Give her a break Cil. My name is Anna the Cleric, this is Albert his class is Bulwark and this is Cisil who is a Swordman." I reached out my hand to her.


The elf seem to ponder about shanking my hand but eventually, she replied. "Iris, Hoplite and this is Siri a Dark Mage. Nice to meet you."


"She is a Cleric of the great Citranus you should kneel-" 


"Cil, why do you always like this in front of others?" I could hear Albert lightly smacking the back of Cil's head. "Now, how about we leave the city before the streets get swarmed." He hopped onto the driver's seat.




  The horse nervously shifted as the rest of us climbed the cart. I sat down, and Cil sat beside me. Siri sat opposite me still concealing her face, maybe using wizardry disfigured her face for offending the divine?

I turned my head from boredom, watching as the people of Marinya walked around us, navigating their way through the crowd with great skill. The great city still felt alien with its masses of humans and busy markets contrasting her order's monastery in the evergreen countryside.


"So ladies, what you still doing in Marinya?" Albert's greying black hair swayed in the wind as they left the city receiving the map from Iris.


"I don't quite understand what you mean?" A pale elf in front of me answered.


Albert seems to struggle to elaborate, "He trying to say why you didn't go to fight in the war." I helped the grizzled veteran.


"Saw my share of human brutality." Iris's said with a cold face.


"Yea..." The peaceful giant steering sighed heavily.


"He is going to talk about their war stories with her." Cil beside me whispered, but I think Iris heard him as her ear twitched, cute.


You are reading story Necropolis at

"Can Siri speak?" My curiosity got better of me, instantly regretting it as the elf's eyes dug a hole in my soul, looking for the genesis of the question.


"...Yes, she is just shy." Iris released my soul from her stare as her eyes soften and turned to look at Siri sitting beside her.


"So, are you from Arel or the sunny isle of Leral? I was always wondering how elves live in their forests" I said.


"Neither, and I would appreciate not going into our past any further." Her tone gained a bit of an edge causing Cil to start ensheathing his sword.


I stopped him from doing anything stupid knowing I crossed a line any adventurer knows, I am supposed to be a Golden adventurer.

  After that awkward silence filled the air as the cart bounced occasionally on the rocky road. The hooded elf seem to not enjoy the bouncing as she held tightly to Iris's arm.


  Albert drove the cart off the road onto a flat grassy clearing with trees forming a crescent moon around the campsite. My button hurt soo much, maybe we should ask for compensation but Albert and the two elves did not show any signs of the bumpy ride. The five of us quickly finished setting up the camp and lighting a fire. Strangely Iris and Siri had only one tent. 


"Who cooks?" Albert looked around as he sat down on a log. The still hooded elf looked at the taller elf.


"You sure?" The purple-eyed elf asked before turning to us. "I could cook."


"Better than any of us. Hehe.*hic*"


"Albert, have you drunk?" I narrowed my eyes at the sitting man.


"Ni, I am only telling the truth, I can only cook meat over the fire, he can't and you cook your cabbage soups and the like, *hic*" He tried to slur his speech, grinning the entire time. "But a bit of alcohol would not be unappreciated."




  We showed Iris our supplies, she picked a bunch of ingredients from our humble selection. She held a yellow earthfruit in her hand and using her nail she started to skin it. "Would you like some help?" I offered to help and received a small nod from her.

Afterwards, she pulled fresh-looking meat from her backpack, putting the meat inside the pot, sprinkling an unfamiliar red powder.


"What's that?" Cil asked.


"Sweet paprika powder." The elf answered.


"Never heard about it?"


  After about a bell of time, Iris gave every one of us an equal portion, to my shock she gave herself barely any of the divine smelling dish rather than giving it to her companion.

"Let us thank Tinnbera Aspect of earth, Corin Aspect of life and Marin Aspect of water for this meal." I raise the steaming meal to the high heavens, and I'm followed by Cisil and Albert silently repeating the thanks. My eyes glimpse at our shorter companion, who turned to Iris slowly shaking her head.




"If Anna likes it, I guess I try."


  We all quickly ate all the spiced meat and boiled earthfruit with meat sauce. As I finished my meal and the taste of it sadly faded, I wished out of my selfishness that Albert would invite the two to join Light Sigil.


"You guys stay here." I stood up to leave.


"You found water?" Cil replied.


"It's nearby." I pointed where I could hear running water. "Maybe you should go with me?" I asked.


"Where are you going?" Iris responded.


"If she can, she is always washing herself before going to bed." Albert said as she shook his head


"And there is nothing bad with it, it's good for your skin, not getting sick and needed for any self-respecting woman." Albert shrugged my reasoning. "Going?"


The elves looked at each other before Iris rosed with reluctance while Siri stood up full of excitement.




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