
Chapter 34: Ch 33 “Angelic swim”

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"The Celestial Court is the name of the elven religion. It is a well-known fact that the Celestial Court is the direct predecessor of the Divine Court.

According to some scholars, upon the dawn of the elven empire, humans took the opportunity and replaced the elves as the dominant species of Edor. Not dishearted by that some elves travelled to the human tribes converting them to worship of Celestial Court which over the course of numerous human generations, slowly transformed into the Divine Court of today.

Many of the lesser Aspects in the Divine court still bear elven names. The elves worship eight primary Aspects while humans venerate six, abandoning Arel and Leral aspects of Sun and Moon respectively.

Human reasoning for it was simple Arel and Leral were just mundane elves, which started the two royal branches of elven aristocratic society."

Exert from "History of Niuran"





"Guide." Iris motioned to Anna.


  Iris didn't know why but Kia really wanted to follow the human adventurer. Elf's mind worked hard to produce believable pretexts and fallacies for any oddities of Kia's snow-white body, the main one being the luminous purple crystal embedded in her body.


"How do you know where to go?" Iris stalled for time.


"I-I just hear it." Anna answered.


"That's quite impressive for a human to level their hearing so high." Elf said with genuine amazement as her hearing could not pinpoint the exact direction where the quiet sound of moving water came from, the sound bouncing from the trees surrounding them.


"Heh, I wasn't the best acolyte the Order had." Anna's long blonde hair swayed as she peeked at the two following her.


  After a bit of walking in the not so quiet forest filled with mating calls of insects. Anna walked through a bush, lifting a dark green branch a small river revealed itself. The river meandered its way through a series of deep pools similar to man-made baths. 


"Praise Tinnbera." The blonde human excitedly raised her hands in the air, causing the held branch to smack into Iris.


"Some local women must have a great time in here." Elf said sarcastically.


"Do you not believe in the Divine Court?" The cleric turned to face the fair-colour elf.


"That would require me to give no thought to the world around us but claiming everything is divine diminish the divine to be quite the mundane, "Iris said as she walked passed Anna. "Don't you think?"

 Anna's mouth worked silently as she contemplated the tall risen's response eventually her face relaxed, evidently finding her answer. 

The two female adventurers silently started to undress unfazed by each other nudity leaving the shortest of girls to watch helplessly through her fingers. 


"Come on." Iris lead Kia where the human could not see and helped her undress her long black garment which disappeared into thin air. The familiar warm assaulted elf's body upon glancing at the perfectly shaped petite body.


  The water felt cool to Iris as she and the now naked Kia entered the water, her sense of touch did not help in judging the temperature of the water, she already found the ice-cold water of the deep ocean to be satisfactory warm because of her race.


"There you are," The fuzzy feeling inside Iris's body quickly fizzled away upon hearing Anna's voice. "Aspects..." The human stopped in her tracks and stared at Kia's face. 


"Though you are here to wash yourself." Iris spoke to the stunned human standing naked at the edge of the pond.


"Ah, yes, yes." Anna walked towards the two undead, careful not to slip on the wet rocks. Upon entering their pond, she renewed her staring causing the poor undead to try to hide her face under the surface of the water. 

"Oh." *Sniff


"Anna, for how long do we stay here?" Elf asked.


"As long as possible," The female adventurer answered strangely excited.


"I was meant to ask why did you join me, usually other women don't accept my invitation?" 


"What because of her," Iris pointed at Kia's half-submerged head. "Second, you do ask people the question to go with you in the middle of nowhere and bathe naked, no wonder no one accepts your invite."


"I never said anything about nakedness." Anna argued.


"And how do you expect people to wash themselves?" The pale elf retorted.


"I-I guess."


Kia submerged her head fully underwater, "????i????????!?" she asked upon surfacing with innocently adorable Common. On the two older-looking adventurers' faces, a wide smile grew uncontrollably.


"So you are tainted," Anna's eyes narrowed, suddenly pointed at the purple crystal. "You poor thing."


The long blonde hair dragged behind Anna as she slowly approached closer to the standing girl. 

  Kia who just realised her upper body could be seen quickly hid herself under the water, rushing to cling onto Iris's soft body as the human cleric hesitantly reached towards her.

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The elf instinctively put herself between Kia and Anna.


"Sorry." Human retreat her hand back and swam to the opposite side of the pool.


  The two of the women silently sat in the water. The previously embarrassed girl started to snuggle shamelessly into Iris's arm in front of Anna trying to comfortably nestle on the soft pale elven body.


"I think we have to go," Iris said. "Come on wakey, wakey."


  Anna stood up and gave the two undead a respectable bow before walking where she left her clothes. Iris stood up shortly after the cleric's departure having to drag the sleepy Kia out of the water, thankfully girl's long black dress materialised on her body.


"Iris?" Kia said, her arms outstretched towards the elf.


"My Sleepyicu~?" Elf tried to tease Kia, but the half-asleep girl swayed weakly in the wind. "Sleepyicu it is." Elf happily lifted Sleepyicu allowing her slender arms to wrap around the elven neck.


"Mfimmsh?" The sleeping Kia asked.


"Mmfish tomorrow." Iris could not stop smiling at the girl's imported inquiry.


 Kia hummed a satisfied noise into Iris's shoulder, as she gently stroked the girl's silky onyx black hair.


"My..." Anna held her hands in front of her mouth.


"Cute?" Iris whispered.


"Too much cuteness." The Golden adventurer answered in a whisper.


"Could you not tell anyone what you saw today." 


"See what?" Anna winked.




"Finni-!" A young adventurer called Cisil shouted, causing Iris to scowl.


"Shhh!" Cleric beside her hushed at her compatriots.


"Alright." Cisil answered weakly.


  Iris nodded at the two men sitting around the campfire a glass bottle in between them reflected the orange light of the flame. She entered her tent and carefully tried to peel Kia from herself but the girl only tighten her grip on the elf. Iris laid down on the sleeping bag, watching carefully to not squash the sleeping girl's hand in the process.

The outside world appeared to not exist to Iris as Kia snuggled deeper into her with a brilliant smile adorning her sleeping face while doing so.

Elf felt her heart beating as she watched that smile attempting to burn this image into her memory for the rest of her life, or unlife.



POV Anna

"What you did with them?" Cisil casted a judgemental look at me.


"Nothing exempt washing ourselves." I answered.


"Come on boy, these ladies will not steal Anna away." Albert tried to cheer up Cil.


"Did those elves do something to you?" Cil was not satisfied with leaving the matter at that.




"Cil grow up." The sound of metal plates sliding on each other could be heard as Albert leaned closer to Cil.


"You see that they are shameless in front of Anna trying to steal her from me I mean Light Sigil."


"You drunk go to your tent," Albert ordered, making Cil grimes but he could not argue with the team leader. "Want some." He presented a mostly empty bottle.


"No thank you," I declined. "You should also rest I will take the first watch."


Must be good to have a such a lovable  family. I smiled as I stared at a blueish tent with small bloody hand imprint on its side.

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