
Chapter 40: Ch 39 “Invitation”

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  The world swirled around Iris, blending into a blurry panorama of colour with a pearly white girl cradled in her arms remaining motionless in the chaos. Kia laid still in Iris's arms, with her head not snuggled to the elf, her sleek arms not wrapped around the elf's waist, and even her chest wrapped in the black dress did not rise and fall but rather remaining still as Iris held the girl in her arms.

Iris wept, stroking Kia's cold cheek, hoping that the girl would wake up and tell her it was all a dream but the girl did not stir.

Elf tightened her hold on Kia as the situation and the possible outcomes finally sank in, no longer obscure by naive hope. A deluge of tears started to fall on Kia's black robe.

The loud rumbling sound echoed throughout the dungeon shanking the very foundations but the elf remained still, her forehead glued with Kia's.


Kia wake up...Kia wake up...

noise...footsteps...many...close...warmth...silence...Kia wake up...





Pov Change


  The never ending green plains stretched over the horizon as I steered our wagon following tracks in the grass. Too monotonous sight for my taste but what you don't do for a job I guess.


In front of me, Elen ungracefully swayed in his saddle like a sack of earthfruit, I could never understand the half-elf's mindset. "Oy Elen!"


"Yea?" He answered.


"Why do you always such a request, it seems dodgy at best."


"Oh, yea? Could you enlighten me on which contract in our profession is not dodgy?" He turned his upper body before speaking.


"That is not what I meant. This contract in particular smells of foul play you know." I answered.


"What do you mean by foul play?" 


"It's different kidnapping a whore from streets that no one knows a name of than capturing an adventurer team and delivering them to the wild area of the forest. To me, it's a setup by that merchant we scammed or a smart way to get rid of the competition." 


"There are twenty of high-level people including us plus some, so if you want to walk on me now Lucia then go and miss your share of the twenty platinum coins. Also, the guy that gave me the contract is a well-trusted client," Elen said, glaring at me. "Contracts are way better than just roaming the highways for slaves to capture for dirt pay and I assure you Forest of Arel is safe for us." He pointed at himself as he spoke before turning back.

  I turned to watch the steppe noticing wild horses galloping across the open fields. I glanced at my dagger, I just hope he is right.


"Rubar!" Elen shouted for our scout. "You see that over there?" He pointed at the area covered with massive boulders which stuck as a sore thumb in the flat plains. He talked to the scout before his mouth formed an unnerving grin I could recognise anywhere, he found something.


I halted the waggon and hopped off the driving seat. I could hear our men quietly whisper to each other about something with unusual vigour at that.


"Elen, what's going on?" I asked.


"Found them." Elen turned from his journal and looked at me.


"The targets?" I hated when he responded with vague answers.


"Yea, they are over there." Half-elf started to walk where he pointed, and I followed behind.


"What all the ruckus about? They are always quite quiet when on a job." 


"Think Rubar told some of them what are targets look like." He shrugged.


"Something special, wings, twelve legs, maybe that they have a halo?"


"I never saw them but it was not written in their description that they have a halo." He turned, showing his slightly yellow teeth.


  Elen silently peeked over a boulder, gesturing for me to do the same.

A tall woman was kneeling on the ground her back pointed towards us, slowly rocking back and forth as she wept.

From her long black hair, two long ears poking out. The elf wore a leather armour of exceptionally good quality and craftsmanship of good offence and defence but I haven't noticed what weapon she might use. I also saw two legs lifelessly sticking out, she clearly was holding another person.


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"How do we approach this?" I whispered.


"Surround her and pack her up." Elen answered as he slowly walked back to our people.


After a moment I glimpsed our people surrounding the lamenting elf. I stood up and observed their course of action. 

One of the younger workers, a boy holding a sword approached the elf.

He screamed at the elf that she was captured and to get up but she seemed to not even acknowledge his very existence. The boy unsheathed his weapon and walked closer to the woman.  He stood right beside the elf and started to speak, "I said-" His words suddenly cut off as the elf's arm moved, the boy did not have time to react as her arm pierced his stomach with lightning speed, I could see her palm exiting through his other side before pulling her blood covered arm back.


What the hell? Was my only reaction as the boy grabbed his stomach and fell dead beside the ebony hair elf, not uttering another word or scream.

A ripple went through our workers as they started to uncomfortably shift and quietly whisper among themselves all eyes locked either on the elf or Elen.


"What's the plan?"


"Have the exact same question." Elen responded.


"Great." I sighed.


I, Elen and our second in commands stood in relative silence, relative because the elf seemed to never stop crying, I get it you are sad but come on. We brainstormed ideas but not a single one did not risk the powerful elf's anger or killing her which was forbidden.


"I might have an idea," I said. "We have one or two earth mages maybe they can glide her in."


"We could try that Lucia. I did not hear any better ideas so if anyone has any better plan say it now." Elen said.


  We gathered four earth mages but two of them were too low of a level to move earth with the precision needed. The rest of the company helped move the reinforced wagon as close as possible to where the elf was.

The two men stepped as close to either side of the elf as they could and slowly moved the top layer of soil towards the waggon, the earth resembled a fold in a carpet which slowly moved to the edge of it.

All of us flinched as the elf shifted slightly. The two mages were covered in sweat finally managed to glide our targets inside the waggon and slowly closed the reinforced doors.


"Easy money." Elen pushed me lightly with his elbow as he sat beside me.


"Yea only one dumb kid dead soo yes, easy money." I replied to him.


"That's why I love working with you, now head to Arel and we are golden or rather platinum." The half-elf smirked.


Our returning journey was peaceful except for the black clouds forming above us. "We won't make it to the elven capital let us camp." I suggested as we were entering the great elven forest from the south.


"Yea sure." Elen said hopping off the seat.


  I set up my tent beside the waggon which was on the far edge of the camp. I carefully opened the sliding window on the doors and peeked inside. The elf used her blood-covered hand to stroke the other person's face leaving bloody marks on it. The hood suddenly slipped off the laying person revealing a heavenly beautiful girl under the hood.

I rushed to cover my mouth as I gasped, staring speechless at the girl held dearly by the elf. I could not confirm if the doll-like girl was real or not but just a quick glimpse at the porcelain girl created doubts in my head about my looks, not to say the elf was ugly she was in fact one of the most beautiful women I ever saw but the girl left me speechless.


I quickly shut the slit close and walk to my tent. I attempted to forget the image that ingrained itself in my brain and tried to not feel pity for the elf.  

No wonder we get twenty platinum coins for this job. But would we get paid the full prize if the girl was dead? I steered my thoughts to business matters.


"HAHAHA!" Maniacal laughter echoed through the forest.


"I told them to be quiet." I murmured as I was leaving my tent. 


  The laughter turned into agonizing screams. I rushed where I could see our camp, my dagger in hand. I saw workers starting to slaughter each other as if their years of working together meant nothing.


"Elen!" I screamed.


  I saw the half-elf beside the campfire, covered in blood. His sword was held high before plunging down, accompanied by the chilling scream of a person I knew. After the horrendous act, I spotted a large shadow looming between the trees behind Elen, its form shrouded by darkness. 

I stepped back falling on my back tripping on a root. I witnessed as Elen started to point his weapon at his belly but before I saw his end, the monstrous shadow appeared in front of me, its overpowering presence sending dread down my spine as it stomped towards me.


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