
Chapter 41: Ch 40 “Staring at Darkness”

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  The sound of joyful laughter and slaughter died down, replaced by the sound of heavy footsteps slowly approaching onto the armoured waggon, which shook the metal cart violently with each step.

Metal shrieked and metal rivets popped out one by one as the metal plates were slowly ripped apart.

The moonlight shined through the ever-expanding hole reviling the two imprisoned adventurers. A large looming shadow stepped closer to the cart obstructing the light from dimly illuminating the pathetic scene inside with its silvery light.

The shadow bent its body and slowly reached its arm inside the cart, cautious to not disturb the vigilant elf dearly holding onto Kia. Mere centimetres before a long finger could touch the defenceless necromancer, sparks briefly illuminated the dark cell. The hand retreated halfway because of the elf's strike. The shadowy creature standing outside seemed to curiously tilt its head as it examine the arm before attempting to reach inside once again. A feral noise made by the elf warned the shadow, to not get any closer before swiping at the hand again. This time the hand ignored the strike sending long orange streaks into the air once again. Elf struggled to keep the extended finger from touching Kia's pale face but it did not budge even when the elf tried to hold it with all of her might.

Upon touching Kia's forehead, elf felt the girl becoming much colder, her closed eyes moved frantically under the eyelids before opening.


"Iris?" The girl barely murmured the elf's name as she searched for her. Her glowing eyes shone blinding bright light inside the cart before quickly dimming.


"Kia!" Iris excitedly shouted, embracing the girl with all the strength she could muster.


The two stayed in the embrace until Kia escaped the murderous elven hug. When she spotted the monstrous creature obscured by shadows she froze. "Iris?" She pointed at the creature.


"Yes?" Elf answered, her voice getting stuck in her throat as she turned her head.


The Thing's body was hidden in an unnatural shadow allowing only small glimpses of its body to be visible. Where the head was supposed to be a skull of a great deer with immensely large antlers attached. Its bulky yet incomplete body looked like a stitched amalgamation of animal carcases, bones and green- brown colour metal with many weapons and arrows sticking out from its back. 






  The deer's skull tilled in curiosity as the two stared at it before it turned, heading into the dark forest.

Iris felt that the Thing wanted them to follow as it turn its body to them, its hollow eyes staring elf down with certain expectation or at least that is what she thought. Kia attempted to stand up but her legs could not support her causing the girl to fall back into the elf.

Iris looked at the girl with a worried face, the girl nodded slightly confirming her silent question.

Elf lifted the weaken undead with both of her hands, she gave the girl last one look before stepping out of the waggon and following their mysterious saviour.


  Iris silently followed the Thing for what felt like hours, her sight glued onto the slowly waddling creature's back, never able to ever get closer to it. She eventually looked around her surroundings, even in the primarily black and grey night vision she possessed, the leaves turned into sickly purple colour and the tree trunks were twisted like a wet towel.

The Thing stomped loudly, drawing the elf's attention back onto its back, the Thing stood still and without moving its torso it pointed to the right stood a negligent estate overgrown with vines growing on the outside. She could swear that she did not see the mansion when she looked before.


Iris hesitantly walked where the monster pointed. She worriedly looked down at Kia's face, the girl appeared to be in slightly better shape.

The tall undead stood in front of the closed door. She felt Kia shift and a soft but tired voice exited her mouth. "Put me down, Iris." 


  Elf gently put down Kia, supporting her swaying body as she weakly knocked on the wooden door, second later the old door squealed with rusty hinges as it opened. They walked in as the door slowly closed behind them. The inside of the mansion was a grand hall with rotted pillars on each side of the central alley with a red carpet leading up to a humble throne.

Iris felt Kia's weight lessen as she straighten in posture until she no longer leaned on her.


  The two walked down. the red carpet until a cacophony of noise rained on the undead. When Iris looked up she saw a black mass covering the roof, hundreds if not thousands, sets of glowing red eyes stared at her.

A gust of wind hit Iris from the front and when she turned to see the cause, a wave of unimaginable dread overcame her as she struggled mightly to not run in fear.


  The area behind the simple wooden throne turned into darkness and a tall human woman dressed in colourful clothes appeared on the throne, casually filing her nails. After a moment of silence, the woman's eyes slowly rolled onto the two undead standing in front of her, her expression betrayed her disappointment.


"Aww, So much preparation and I don't even see one of you shriek in fear." The woman's shoulders slumped weakly as she stood up. A large centipede quickly appeared from under her sleeve and the woman started to put the crawling insect.


"Who are you?" Iris asked stepping a step in front of Kia.


"Ouch! That hurts," Woman's purple cape whispered softly as it grazed the ground, she answered lightly. "Maybe I should remind the world of who I am?" Her tone gained a dangerous edge to it, sending another wave of fear down the elf's spine. Her eyes moved to look at Kia. "I thought I was created to be insane and then I hear that one of my kin is just wandering the mortal coil without any preparations or nothing," The woman pinched Kia's cheeks as she spoke. "Don't stare at me like that, I kinda saved you, you know?" The undead mage's eyes softened a little as she turned her head from the mysterious woman. 


"You said kin?" Iris frowned at the word.


"You created that?" The woman's purple-black eyes shifted back onto the elf, grabbing the elf's arm and began to examine it. "Never saw something like that. Very well made links... you can do that with this... May I borrow your notes about this subject." Iris felt odd being felt around by a stranger.


"Her name is Iris, not that." Kia defended Iris, whose heart skipped a beat at the comment.


The well dress woman quickly backed away from Iris with her hands in the air. "You can call me Mother or Vesa," Vesa elegantly dipped on her leg to Kia. "Could I know yours?"


"Kiayicu." Kia unwittingly said her name, mirroring the bow with visible roughness.


"And they say undead are not cute," Vesa pinched the shorter girl's cheeks. "How old are you even?"


"18 cycles  it says." 


"And you look so young for your age, I am..." Vesa leaned towards Kia and whispered.


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"You-" The woman raised her voice. "I am not much older than you."

She shook her head. "I will talk to you about where you were all these millennia later, now I have to teach you some basics about living outside your domain since you  do not have much left. I only ask for a small favour." Vesa's voice turned monotone as she spoke. "Later-" She said living her arm before the world around Iris shrank.




"Greetings." A voice echoed in Iris's head. She opened her eyes when she did so she felt like a thrown rag with the surroundings swaying slightly. She  quickly tried to stand up instantly falling over as she sensed her sense of balance being gone as soon she stood up.


"Calm Safe." The powerful yet gentle voice sounded again. Iris looked around as she sat, it appeared she was transported to a relatively small greenhouse somewhere in the manor with the inside being somehow illuminated by a bright light even with the glass being completely covered in either vines or dirt. The inside of the greenhouse was empty with all of the pots lined against the wall. In a corner beside the sole door in the room was a giant statue covered in dust and vines."


"Hello?" Elf yelled.


"Motherless Understands?" The voice asked.


"Yes I understand, where are am I?"


The statue moved to cause thick layers of dust to fall onto the ground and vines to snap. Under the dust lay a giant beetle with a singular horn growing on its head his black exoskeleton shined slightly. 


"Oh, did not see you there," Iris said as she tried to stand up again. "Can I leave, I have to get back to someone?" She said after seating herself.


"No." The beetle answered in a rumbling voice. "Mother Will Come."


"Do you know when I can?"


"Mother Knows." He dipped his head again at the word mother.


A long moment of silence passed as Iris waited for the beetle to elaborate.


"You called me motherless, why?" She finally said.


"Not Kin" Beetle slowly answered.


"Not a bugman?" Elf retorted.


"Others Call Us That Yes."


"You mean other races?"


The beetle clicked his mandibles before answering. "Pactless Motherless Yes."  


"Pactless, I don't understand? Sorry. " Iris shook her head not knowing anything about the bugmen.


"Pact Between Mother Children Not Abandoned." The bugman bowed his massive head again.


"Abandoned by who? The mother, bugmen or someone else?" Elf asked another question.


"Us Not Abandoned Like Others Mother Not Alone Understand?" He slowly explained, not showing any signs of annoyance.


"What do you mean like others?"


"Others Abandoned Mother Stayed Here Insane Others Think False." More dust fell off his head as he spoke.


"False? I heard Vesa say she was created insane." Iris said.


Upon hearing the woman's name the beetle quickly snapped his mandibles. "Mother Insane To Her Kin She Stayed They Didn't To Us Mother Not Insane." His mandibles started to chatter as they quickly vibrated. "Shadow Terror Insanity To Others To Us Creator. Mother Falsely Blamed Terror Fear Just Emotion That Mother Is."


Iris listened closely to the venerable beetle trying to not think about Kia. "Who are you wise bugman and why are you here collecting dust."


"Thank You," A vaguely cheerful voice echoed from the gigantic beetle. " I Serve Mother Recoling Ancient History To Mother Waiting For Rebirth Into Another Shell." He said that as a door beside him opened. "To Mother You Return." He pulled his previously folded arm and touched his chest in a strange form of farewell.

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