
Chapter 44: Ch 43 “Lazing in the grass” +18

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"Mmmm~! Mmmm~!" Kia's slender body trembled as a transparent liquid streamed from the depths of her slid, pouring onto Iris and the grass.


"That was sudden." Elf smirked at the panting girl laying naked on the ground, her legs still trembling slightly.


  She stood up, a transparent fluid dripping from between her legs and laid beside the exhausted girl. Iris felt unsatisfied as her eyes devoured the perfect silky smooth body trembling in pleasure on the green grass. 


"Don't think this is the end," Iris whispered into Kia's ear, nibbling on it as her index and middle finger slowly swayed back and forth on her stomach making girl's hips thrust instinctively. "Oh, craving for more?" 


"why..." Kia barely managed to voice out, in between shallow pants that followed her orgasm. Her face unknowingly pleading for more of elf's attention.


"I told you there will be punishment~" Iris lecherously smiled as her two fingers entered Kia. Elf's other hand instinctually travelled down her own body as her hand pounded against soft flesh. 


"AAHH~!" A surprised girl arched her spine as her overly sensitive body experienced another orgasm, founding herself under renewed assault, her face changing rapidly with both incredible pleasure and pain.


  Iris bit her lower lip at the lewd faces the innocent girl made as her own fingers slid between her labia sending waves of pleasure down her spine. She kissed Kia muffling her loud moans. Kia arched her back again, turning away from the elf leaving a thin string of saliva connecting both of their lips.

Iris's body moved of its own volition climbing on top of the shorter undead pinning her to the ground, grabbing her hand and leading it to the elf's honeypot. A pair of slender fingers entered Iris, she could feel her hot insides lustfully wrapping themselves around the two fingers as they hesitantly pleasured her.

Without giving Kia the time to utter a single word, Iris kissed the girl again this time with much more vigour. Kia lifted her second hand contouring elf's pale body causing Iris extreme delight from Kia's lightest touch as feeling truly wanted. 


"Mmm~!" The pale blue and golden eyes rolled in pleasure, Kia's insides coiling tightly around elven fingers moving inside her as more transparent liquid gushed out.


"Ah~!" Iris's mouth slowly moved away from the trembling girl, overcome by desire she lifted one of Kia's slim legs and placed her honeypot to be above Kia's before lowering herself. She twitched in bliss as she touched Kia's wet pussy with her own.


"Yes~!" Elf moaned as she moved her body. A smile of pure bliss formed as she felt her body move instinctually, grinding her honeypot on Kia before a wave of unimaginable pleasure washed over her. Her body suddenly quivered in bliss as she violently climaxed on top of Kia.


  All the lustful vigour drained from Iris's body as she laid silently beside Kia, basking in the afterglow as she stared at her naked saviour. Girl's pearly skin glistened in the silvery light mesmerizing the elf with its magnificence as she gave Kia a long loving kiss on her forehead. The girl rolled her beautiful body towards Iris snuggling her head in her chest.


"Good night." Iris said, tightly wrapping her arms around the girl.




  Iris opened her eyes, groaning as she tried to move her neck. Her body felt numb as she could barely move her head with bones inside her neck cracking caused by the slightest movement of her neck.

The sun shined through the tree crowns directly at her. The only sound she could hear was the soft whisper of leaves swaying in the wind.

She looked down where Kia snuggled into, her cold skin touching elf's bare skin. Iris ignored the discomfort and gave the petite girl a quick peck on the top of her head.


"Mmm?" Kia stirred before Iris could fully take in her naked form in an acceptable amount of time.


"Good morning, Kia," Iris said. "Had a nice night~?"


The girl's pale cheeks turned red before she answered. "Y-yes."


"Glad to hear it," Elf expressed with a small smile. "Want to stand up?"


"Have to?" Kia clutched elf's arm wrapped around her.


"No, I too would rather not."


  The pair lay on the grass taking in each other presence as the sun above them lazily moved across the heavens. The blades of grass brushed against their bodies as they swayed in the soft breeze which reached the forest floor.

Iris heard Kia quietly breathing again, she gave the napping girl another loving peck. A feeling of accomplishment mixed with joy filled the elf as she recognised one of many small things she noticed about the strange undead girl. 

Eventually, her desire to study Kia's body with her eyes which gave her a weird sense of fulfilment died down, she finally turned her attention to her system.






Race: Risen {Undead}

Age: 1 month

Title: [Anchor of Undeath]

Classes: [Risen Level 8 ] [ Hoplite Level 8] 

Talents: [Masterful Translator] [Pure Mana Manipulation(awaken)]

HP 720/720

Strength 105

Constitution 101

Dexterity 111

Wisdom 103

Intelligence 103

Charisma 100

MP 800/800

You are reading story Necropolis at



Active Abilities: Mana light, Mana Shockwave, Flame.

Passive Abilities: Combat Precognition (F), Regeneration (E), Nightvision, Enhance Vision (A), Enhance Hearing (B), Mental Resilience, Immunity to Magical Domination, Immunity to Magical Charm, 

Physical Resistance (F+), Monster Experience Gain (B), Magical Talent (F+), Mark of Darkness*Anchor*


{New attributes detected}


[Mark of Darkness]* The creator of this mark chose to hide its statistic changes from you. Level to low to forcefully decipher.


[Anchor]* A powerful magical being chose your soul to act like its domain. Now able to permanently exist in the outside world by lowering its overall level to match yours. Able to slowly gain it back as you increase in power.

The longer this connection holds the being can choose to bless you with some of its original powers, however if the long-lasting connection would suddenly be severed by either deliberate or not deliberate actions, terrible consequences await for both of you.



Abilities: Cooking (Level 5), Survival (Level 5), Maid (Level 6), Fishing (Level 1), Cleaning...



Iris loudly gulped as finished reading her status page.


"Regretting it?" A quiet whisper sounded beside her.


"No," Iris turned her head to face Kia. "I actually feel honoured that you would in-trust me with so much responsibility, I just worry if can I fulfil it given how weak I am."


"Don't talk like that," Kia pouted. "And you are helpless only for now."


"You naughty kitten," Iris pounced on to the defenceless girl snuggled to her. "Going to show you who is helpless." Her fingers mercilessly tickled the pinned girl as she giggled.


"HahastooopHaha," Kia giggled uncontrollably as she tried to escape from undead hoplite's grasp. "Hahaplease..." The undead mage desperately pleaded between laughs.


"Adorable as always." Elf said as she kissed Kia on her forehead before standing up.






"What was that?"


"Tickling? I thought I did it once with you." Iris casted a puzzled look at the still laying girl.


"But this felt different, Iris." Kia voiced her opinion.


"By different you mean?"


"It just felt different, more enjoyable maybe?"


Iris buttoned her tunic before answering. "I am glad to hear this." She sat down on a tree stump as she put her long black boots reaching just below her knees. 


 Kia purred as she slowly stood up, her long black dress suddenly materialising in her hand. "Huh?" She stared at the fabric with a confused look.


"What happened?" Iris asked finishing dressing herself.


"I can't instantly equip my clothes for some reason." 


"Maybe because your level shrunk because of me becoming your anchor?" Elf suggested.


"But I still have all of my abilities," The naked girl grumbled slightly as she stared at her black dress. "You have to quickly level up so I can equip my clothes." She demanded.


"I on the other hand see this as a bonus." Elf said as she approached Kia.


She grabbed the girl's dress and her undergarments. "You don't wear a bra?" Elf asked with concern as she noticed a distinct lack of a bra.


"What a bra?" Kia gave the tall undead a confused look.


"It's a piece of women's clothing that hold our breast so they don't become saggy," Iris touched Kia's petite breast before continuing. "Also they prevent strangers from seeing our bare breasts. "We will have to quickly address this problem once we reached civilisation." Iris said as she helped Kia to dress herself in her clothes.


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