
Chapter 43: Ch 42 “Lonesome” +18

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"The gods of Divine Court do not talk to their loyal faithful. Only System does!"

Exert from a popular pamphlet given by Systemaits.


Two figures walked through the forest, skillfully navigating their way between trees in the silvery twilight of the full moon. The taller figure stopped in its tracks and looked around.


"Kia." Iris said.


"Y-yes?" Kia flinched at her name being called suddenly.


"Something happened? You seem rather on edge today." Elf put her hand on the girl's shoulder.


"N-nothing, just thinking about something!" Kia quickly glanced up as she explained.


Iris caught a hint of uncertainty in the necromancer's blue and golden eyes. "Kia, do you want to say something to me?" Her thumb traced girl's jawline as she asked.


"No- yes- I mean, I don't know." The flustered undead responded with an uncertain answer.


"Is it something to the with Vesa?"


"No, it just..." Kia gazed at Iris with uncertainty hiding deep inside her eyes, judging her reaction. "I don't know how you would respond."


"Respond to what?" The elf asked, her ears perking up with interest.


"Would you..." The girl furrowed her brows as she concentrated, her mouth working silently but with each word, the girl became more frustrated. "...Why is it so hard to explain this?" She finally said.


"Don't rush yourself just calm down, we have all the time we would want." Iris turned Kia and her embraced from behind. Pressing the girl's back to her.


  The two stood perfectly still in the silence, Kia gratefully accepted Iris's impulsive embrace, relaxing in the warmth as she organised her thoughts.


"... I just don't want you to blindly abide because I said something." The petite undead in elven hands murmured quietly.


"And why is that?" Iris asked.


"I just don't to be alone anymore." Kia sunken deeper into the elf as she quietly, almost silently whispered.


  Iris stared at the top of the girl's head for some time as she considered her words before answering. " You, just have to believe me that I do things out of my own selfish will." Elf tightened her embrace on Kia.


A long moment of total silence followed between the two. "Iris?"


"Yes, Kia?"


"Would you accept being my Anchor?" Kia's face turned to meet the elf.


"Yes." The tall undead instantly answered.


"But I haven't even explained?"


"You could but as long as I am close to you, I am pleased." Elf softly smiled. "Believe me."


"T-then t-take y-your clothes." Kia hesitantly stepped away from Iris, pulling a bowl from her inventory.

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  Iris wanted to ask why but the girl standing in front of her focused all her attention on preparing something. Iris took off her clothes and stared at Kia.
Laying in front of the necromancer was a selection of bowls and mortars with strange ingredients inside. She held a thick book in one hand while an unusual-shaped black knife materialised in her other hand. Kia mixed the ingredients together forming a purplish grey powder. She started to quietly whisper a spell but Iris could not understand the few words which managed to reach her ears. On the black knife, golden letters started to glow before turning crimson as Kia sliced her palm.
Viscous black liquid similar to tar started to leak from Kia's open wound and the 'blood' started to boil as it touched the powder in the bowl.
The girl started to mix what was inside the bowl. She picked up the mixture and walked over to the bewildered elf.

"Lay down." Kia ordered the uncertainty vanished from her voice. Iris quickly obeyed, laying perfectly flat on the forest's floor. The petite undead dipped two slender fingers in the boiling mixture. "Last chance to quit." The girl warned but Iris shook her head.


  Two slender fingers touched Iris's chest accompanied by an overwhelming pain she never felt before. She gritted her teeth as the fingers started to gently skim on her skin leaving a painful trail behind.
The pain caused Iris to be on the verge of her consciousness but even as she struggled not to pass out she felt Kia's slender fingers somehow reaching her back before she lost awareness of her surroundings.


  Iris was greeted by a dark world of colour. The full moon still shined through the leaves above her. She slowly sat up feeling a dull pain resurfacing where Kia had touched her.
The elf glanced at her naked body seeing one continuous line marking her body. The mark resembled a birthmark and was slightly darker than her pale skin. She curiously examined herself, watching the trail meander and coiled around her arms, torso and legs creating unknown symbols and shapes on her body.

"Kia?" Iris said feeling something move beside her. Kia lay naked on the grass beside the elf, her purple crystal softly pulsing with light. Her body was also covered with an almost identical coiling pattern to Iris.
The tall undead moved closer to the sleeping petite girl. Kia's pearly white body shuddered slightly as the mischievous elf gently brushed her fingers on her smooth skin. As Iris's fingers trailed the mirrored mark on the petite undead's skin, the girl started to take quick ragged breaths.





POV Change


"I-Iris~" I gazed at her, a strange feeling rising deep inside my body.


"Yes~" A worrying grin appeared on the elf's face.


"More~" My hands wrapped themselves around her arm. As I said something.


"More of what? You have to say what you want." Elf playfully demanded.


The strange feeling rose within my body as I felt her breath on my exposed skin. "Please," I asked Iris to help me as the feeling started to tickle my thighs.


"Could not hear you Kia speak a bit louder."


"Iris~!" I covered my face remembering what was this strange new feeling.


"That can't go without punishment~" The tall undead whispered to my ear tickling it with her warm breath. Her hand travelled down slowly, slowly brushing the tips of her nails on my skin sending lighting up my spine.


"no." A desperate plea came from between my lips before, warm pair of lips sealed them and my own fate.
A comforting warmth coming from Iris transformed into a burning feeling which entered my body with ease as I awaited my fate.
I felt Iris's fingers stroking my inner things sending waves of pleasure to fill my body. I moaned into her mouth as the pleasure overspilled. Iris's ears perked up at my embarrassing and shameful sounds. Her hand fondled my small breast, playing with my sensitive nipple as it stiffened.
Iris explored my mouth, leaving nothing in there to be not examined. She slowly saperated from my lips allowing me to breathe. Her smile resembled a predator finding its prey.


"A-" A sudden wave of pleasure overtook me. I bit my lower lip as Iris quickly nibbled on my slender neck. "Nyaah~" A strange moan escapes my lips as Iris pinched my nipple.


Iris gently touched my crotch causing it to become wet from her touch. She circled around the place which ached, stroking my inner thighs and area close to it but never touching. Elf put the wet fingers which teased me into her mouth, she smiles at me and quickly kisses me again.
Something sweet is left by her in my mouth as she separates her lips.


"More~" I shudder as Iris licks and suck on my breast.


"Louder." A lustful smile appeared on the elf's face stopping her advances.


"No..." My body moves by itself, my fingers are grabbed by her as they travel down. "Please do what you did in the human house." I say.


"Good girl~" Iris says, she starts to kiss my body while slowly approaching my private part. Two fingers gently pulled on my skin opening my labia. Her hot breaths brush my private part causing me to crave her even more.


"Everything about you is so perfect." Elf said staring into my eyes.


"Haaah~Hmm!" Before I could answer Iris's warm mouth covered my labia, while her tongue slip between them. I fast as I could I covered my mouth with my hands to soften my embarrassing moans.



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