
Chapter 81: Ch 80 “Gore for the Gorefather!”

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"From the taiga, the dense taiga

From Ridge to Vitas,

Quite, Like an indomitable cloud, 

The Firmusans go into battle.


Quite, Like an indomitable cloud, 

The Firmusans go into battle.

Being brought up sternly,

By the quiet taiga,

The formidable storm of the North,

And the Firmusan snow.


The formidable storm of the North,

And the Firmusan snow,

With neither fatigue nor fear,

Fighting during night and day,

The Firmusans go into battle.


Fighting during night and day,

The Firmusans go into battle,

Listen Firmusans we are guarding,

The memories of glorious olden times,

The honour of a great nation,

Our children will defend.


The honour of a great nation,

Our children will defend,

The Holy Empire will rise again,

By our sorrowly faith.

This song will be heard,

Inside the walls of the drowned Palace,

This song will be heard,

Inside the ancient walls of the drowned Palace!"


  A group of humans sang, their voices acting as the only instrument they needed. A large crowd gathered around the performers as two abyssal-haired women slipped past the crowd entering the almost empty dining hall.


"What is this drowned palace?" An angelic voice escaped into the mortal world from behind an owlcat mask.


"It is a palace in Havenfall or rather in Forest bay of the old imperial family. The water around the city is hazardous for large ships because of the debris from the old capital underneath the water's surface. Forest bay is where the noble district once was and many of the marble spires are still visible either lurking just below the surface or above it reaching toward the sky like trees in a forest... I saw them a lot of times." The dog mask responded remembering the beautiful view of the azure bay, forever stained by her memories.


"Wow," Kia responded, marvelling at what she had imagined. Inside her golden and blue eyes, radiant sparks appeared as she looked up at the tall elf. "I want to go there."


"Ehh... maybe in the future." Iris replied.


"You have come back!" A strangely happy Umbria suddenly appeared in front of the elf, she was about to kneel before Iris stopped her. "My mistake I drank a little bit too much you see." She said, her voice was a little louder than it needed to be. She motioned the two adventurers to follow her into the langue with two strangers seated on the couch. 

  The woman with a cat mask stared at Kia before shifting onto the Overtyrant, who shoo her away like an old cat to make some more space.


"Hi." Kia didn't bother looking at the two strangers as she spotted a full cup of white wine which she liberated from its previous owner. 


"Greetings." Iris gave the two strangers a nod before sitting on the edge of the semi-circular couch with a table in the middle.


"My lady, do you know these individuals?" The venom-spitting noble gave Umbria a puzzled look.


"I do." The vampire gave a short reply, her voice leaking with bizarre pride as she stared at the necromancer beside her.


"Miss Umbria I thought snow maidens are a myth, from where are they hailing from?" A man wearing a simple mask asked while a servant with drinks approached their table.


"From my own household." Iris almost spat the crimson liquid in her mouth onto the dumb vampire. What is she thinking?!


"Ah, I presume they are not close family." The stranger urged the idiotic bloodsucker to elaborate as he eyed the elf and the oblivious girl beside her.


"More like very distant family." The woman flashed a playful grin toward the annoyed elf.


You are reading story Necropolis at

"Could I ask your name, fair lady?" 


"...Iris and this is Siri." The elf managed to reply without breaking eye contact with the vampire.


"I see." The human said. "To who are you married too?" He asked tapping his hair where Iris had her precious gift braided.


  As the masked elf was about to open her mouth to dodge the question a loud female cry came from the adjacent hall. At first, no one seemed to pay any attention to the cry thinking nothing of it.

A rain of glass shards rained onto the floor around Iris as cloaked figures burst into the royal palace from outside. Blood-freezing shrieks echoed around the elf as the armoured guards attempted to confront the assassins with a strange aura around them.


"That daemon-worshipping, corpse digging, motherfucker. 'hope your mother gets fucked by goblins!" Beside the risen the white-haired vampire began muttering litanies of curses strung together as a bloodthirsty aura began to leak from her. "Marleen, take the king with you, now!" She barked an order at the snake sitting beside the young man.


  The woman and the man were shocked by the sudden attack before Umbria gave them another commanding glance causing the cat to quickly escort the royal out.


"Die-!" One of the cloaked figures charged the elf already standing in front of the necromancer, ready to defend the still-confused girl. She grabbed the face of the human behind the dark hood and smashed it on the stone pillar beside her with unnatural force causing the human to lifelessly slump onto the floor.


"[Infernal Mirage], [Fortitude]" Iris cast protective spells on herself which syphoned a large pool of mana from her reserves.


"Harbinger, take Master to a safer place." The vampire radiated fury as she casted a spell on the attackers.


"Come on we are going." Iris quickly listened to Umbria, wanting Kia to be as far away from the unknown danger as she possibly could.


  Instead of listening the undead mage looked reinvigorated by the carnage around her hurling bolts of darkness toward the assaulting humans resisting the concerned elf beside her.

Having her plans altered, Iris began to slaughter the cloaked figures never striving too far away from the dark mage. The still-standing Firmusan nobles in the dining hall began to grab the ceremonial weapons lining the walls and fought to escape further into the palace. Iris saw some of the nobles killed by the unnerving attackers burst into ash which glowed with a pale blue light.


  The assassins threw themselves onto the two undead in an attempt to murder them. Iris glimpsed Umbria killing one of the assassins, her movements appeared blurred with the murderous deed being completed in a mere moment leaving a lifeless body to drop onto the ground.


"Gore for the Gorefather!" A loud warcry echoed from the dance hall before a huge human wielding dual axes, Iris glimpsed a black-red armour under the blood-soaked cloak of the crazed berserker as he charged her.





[Human Berserker Level 71-???]

{Warrior overtaken by bloodlust}

[Statistics of this creature are significantly increased due to its class]



  Iris swiped at the berserker's hand, deflecting the overhead swing of the bloody axe. Her left hand went up tearing the black cloak before digging bloody scars into the human's face. She could feel her Mark of Darkness react intensely as the berserk used his bulky shoulder to pin her to the wall, pulling out a knife from his belt.


"Another gory sacrifice for the Gorefather." Blood splattered on the risen's face as the berserker started mumbling to himself through his unnaturally sharp teeth. Veiled by the torn hood a crimson light began to shine from a tattoo on the human's heavily scarred neck.


"[Mana Missile]" A white ball of energy hit the berserker in the thigh, melting a groove into the heavy armour which managed to do its job.


"Aaah!" The human screamed in agony as suddenly he let go of Iris before frothing in the mouth. His blood dropped onto the tiled floor as terrible snapping noise sounded from his neck. Iris saw a blood-covered spine jut out from the man's pouldron as his lifeless body dropped like a puppet having its strings cut.


"A bit too long but it was slightly cheaper than shadow bolt although he didn't have magic protection mmm..." A very familiar voice came from beside Iris as she turned toward the voice.


  The elf saw Kia standing calmly among lifeless corpses of humans, black fog wrapped around her hands slowly fading away.


"Thanks, where is Umbria?"The elf asked searching around the lifeless dining hall for any enemies.


"Ehh, she went there." The girl pointed to her left where the only sounds of combat still remained. 


  Following the crimson trail, the two found the vampire covered in blood, her white hair dyed crimson and an unhuman wide grin on her face. Two spheres of blood levitated slightly behind her, growing bigger as Umbria slit the neck of the last rememaing assassin. Her head snapped onto Iris her previously golden eyes turned red with vertical pupils penetrating her next prey before she shook her head returning to her senses. The two crimson spheres dropped onto the ground with loud splashing noise.




"This should have been the last one," Umbria said sniffing the air as she closed her eyes before opening them again shortly after with her golden eyes returned to normal. She turned her attention onto the girl beside Iris and her mouth began to tremble as she threw herself on the undead girl's feet.


"It's my fault, Master! My fault! I am so sorry! I failed you!" The woman wailed in terror leaving bloody marks on Kia's face. Iris, annoyed by the woman's behaviour approached her spotting a deep cut on Kia's cheek leaking the strange boiling goo which was her blood.


"You are bleeding, Kia." 


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