
Chapter 82: Ch 81 “Judge, Jury and Bloody Way Froward”

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"Am I?" The necromancer touched her cheek and examined the black tar on her fingers.


"Kia!" Iris began to franticly examine the girl for more wounds. Cursing herself for not knowing any healing spells to heal the undead girl.


"Stop Iris, I am fine!" The undead mage pushed the worried elf away from her before healing the insignificant cut leaving nothing but smudged bloody finger marks of the two older undead on her pale face. "See, I am fine." She showed her cheek to the two causing the tallest undead to calm down slightly.


"I am sorry Master! This one had failed to ensure your safety and..." The vampire seemed to lose her sanity as she begged the necromancer for forgiveness with her body trembling in fear.


  Iris found Umbria's reaction infuriating, instead of trying to deal with the problem or even explaining it she meaninglessly begged Kia for forgiveness expecting her to already know everything. 


"You are going to explain yourself somewhere else." The elf picked up the hopeless vampire by the collar and onto her legs.


  The three secluded themselves into an empty room just as soldiers began to flood the main hall. 


"What do you mean you failed Kia?" Iris asked as she let go of the powerful vampire, who sank onto the floor in a servile position.


"I mean, I failed to act on my duty to ensure Master's safety. I knew I knew and yet I didn't act on it." A new wave of unnatural tears started to flow down Umbria's face. "I had received a report on Akkad's men infiltrating the city but I didn't want to leave Master's side... Of course, Master is not to blame I am fully responsible for this failure." The woman hurried to wipe away even the smallest hint of the blame on the fair-skinned mage which she might have caused.


"Who is Akkad?" Kia asked.


"My deepest apologies for not explaining, Master." Umbria appeared to collect her broken self to explain the situation to her dear Master. "He was once my lieutenant during the early days of the Human Empire but he sank into the depths of madness seeking power and knowledge from Abyss itself.  From there on he led a band of loyal followers, slowly eroding my powerbase and spreading his foul daemonic beliefs to your other servants." Hatred and anger slipped past Umbria's teeth as she spoke to Kia.


"Why haven't you tried to kill him?" The elf asked.


"I tried Harbinger but he quickly grew to equal my own power causing us to never leave our lairs in fear of an ambush since we can sense each other presence. Even now I can feel his vulgar presence north-east from my  city." The Overtyrant explained. "Fear caused me to not attack when I had a chance and now I can only observe as my territory is slowly stolen away from me with my servants being killed like pigs. He even used the Fallen, my own creation against me." The woman stated sounding more defeated and tired with each word.


"Mmmm," A thoughtful noise came from the girl wearing a bloodstained owlcat mask. "Then why don't we exterminate all of his allies so you could fight him alone?"


"No, Master that to dan-"


"Didn't you call out your own inaction?" A cold judgemental voice filled the small side room. "Will you continue to defile the contract to your vassals and servants even when a helping hand is extended? It is your duty to obliterate any dangers threatening your realm and if you didn't want me in enacting this duty you should have dealt with it while the issue was still young. You Umbria of Hirudo lineage will do as I say with not even a thought of disobedience present in your mind as long as the person known to you as Akkad is dealt with as your repentance." The shy and innocent girl Iris has come to know disappeared, replaced by a dominating bloody figure who bent the ancient vampire to its will. The elf was certain that the specific words spoken by the mage possessed a greater meaning to Umbria as she gazed at Kia with great emotions brewing behind her golden eyes.


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"We will be waiting at your house!" Kia's body shuddered in revulsion as she quickly grabbed Iris's hand and ran out from the small room leaving the sentenced woman alone with her own thoughts.


  The girl ran toward the vampire's mansion undoubtedly spooking many humans. The blood on them started to coagulate but Iris didn't care as she still tried to understand what Kia suggested to the high-level woman.


"Kia, why did you say these things to Umbria?" She asked as they entered inside.


"No reason~" A strangely happy girl wrapped her hands around the elf's arm.


"Kia, tell me the reason why?"


The petite mage drenched in blood looked up at the elf resting her chin on the elf's arm with a small frown before speaking. "We have to increase your level and I figured this will be one of the fastest ways to do it and if this Akkad shows up the annoying lady will take care of him." A cold, calculating response came through from the visibly pleased undead.


"I don't like that plan of yours," Iris's mind instantly thought of the darkest of possibilities which could happen to Kia. "I will not you risk your life."


"You are being annoying." An almost hostile glare came from the mage.


"I am not annoying, I worry about you greatly and I don't see why we have to get involved in this." Iris stopped and leaned toward the girl so her and Kia's eyes were level in height.


The girl dropped her eyes to the floor before returning to the elf with newfound conviction. "The annoying lady needs help with realising her duty and I want to...Why is your language lacking in so many words!" The frustrated necromancer grumbled angrily.


"Just say it in your own words." Iris patiently waited for the rest of Kia's sentence, not realising the girl was speaking in Common the entire time.


"I want to direct her in the right direction." A simple singular word came from the undead yet the undead girl's native word invoke a deep spiritual sentiment inside the elf whose talent clumsily translated the powerful word into her primitive language.


  The elf sighed heavily contemplating the possible options in front of her and Kia. With all her heart she wanted to choose the safer option, to run away from the struggle between powerful monstrous beings where Kia could be hurt yet the old shackles did agree with the girl in front of her, not allowing her to cower in the face of power and might like a simple animal.


"We will do things your way," Iris said. "But I will not allow you to charge into unnecessary combat under any circumstance." She added seeing the necromancer's widening grin.


"Whhyyy?" A whine came from the undead girl.


"Because I said so." Iris replied. She wondered from where her little innocent kitten obtained her newfound thirst for battle. "Let us defeat the daemon-worshipping vampire and have this over with."


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