Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 24: CH 24

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The adventurers guild was filled with a tenser atmosphere than usual.

But not this time.

Almost everyone looked uncomfortable, driven by impatience, and none was able to calm down.

Some people looked at the request paper and hold their heads, some people discussed among themselves what should they do, debated with their party members, etc. Almost none have peace of mind.

It was completely different compared to when Nacht visited three days ago.

None of them chatting while eating and drinking, and no passionate gaze directed toward Nacht. There was no nostalgic feeling in that atmosphere.

That should be the proof that they have no leeway.

“What a drastic change–”

Nacht murmured.

She was pretty exhilarated when looking at those adventurers that she could only see in-game or novels before, but their appearance now was completely different from the last time.

The air inside the guild was heavy. Fear permeated the air, and it was somehow uninteresting for Nacht.

“Everyone has difficult expression–”

Aisha said worriedly.

“That just shows how highly Hausman was regarded by many adventurers–

The reason they called Nacht today was first due to the appearance of the mysterious lighting dragon, and the second was because Crysta proposed to ask assistance to Nacht in this emergency time since Hausman who was sent to check the disturbance in the forest met two women and engaged in battle with no clear indication his survival.

Everyone could see the exhausted figures of Hausman’s disciples, Fuuka and Kaito.

But the problem was not there.

For common adventurers, A-rank adventurers was an existence above the could.

Of course, as a comrade, they have their highest level of trust. And that Hausman was unable to handle it. Of course, they would feel fear. They also heard a part of the report. Just knowing there was a griffon in the Depth already damped their enthusiasm. To add another blow, there was a rumor that the ancient demon race appeared there. Even for those adventurers, they would not forsake their own safety. Before gambling with our life, we should strive to become stronger, that was the teaching of adventurers guild in free trade city.

“Hmm, I did something bad–”

Crysta tilted her head slightly hearing Nacht’s words.

Although she said that, it was not like Nacht felt guilty.

Of course, the reason Hausman went to investigate, and the target of the investigation was the ancient demon race that Nacht has released, so it could be said it was Nacht’s fault all along.

But, it was something trivial for Nacht.

It was not something she did with bad intention. Although leaving the threat unchecked sounds irresponsible, there was not a speck of guilt inside Nacht’s heart. Perhaps it was the influence of her half-human half-dragon setting. If she was still Tooru, she might go to her own room and prostrate herself alone.

But this current situation even thrills her a bit. Nacht was certainly, feel delighted with the possibility of meeting an unknown race the ancient demon race.

In the first place, Nacht did not agree with sealing the existence of called ancient demon race.

However, if the ancient demon race or anything decides to attack the place Nacht currently staying then that’s a different matter. Nacht had some reasons to not let this place be destroyed.

That’s why she would need to ask the ancient demon race to politely leave.

That much she could handle, that was what Nacht thought. That’s why Nacht could open her mouth carelessly with a sly smile.

“Booring–to think that adventurers are just a bunch of cowards–well, let’s go meet the guild master.”

Of course, many adventurers were ticked off by Nacht’s words.

The sound of mugs hitting the table and chairs kicked down could be heard.

Among the annoyed adventurers, one tall young man with a sword in his waist stood in front of Nacht.

“F— you! How dare you act so big! Don’t be full of yourself, brat!”

Crysta was taken aback and about to restraint that man, but Nacht stopped her.

“Act big? Well, this is just how I am, not a problem.

Are you unsatisfied, boy? But you know, I am unsatisfied too. Lamenting on your own powerlessness and then ranting to others, in the end, you even want to vent toward me. This kind of adventurers bore me.”

Good grief. Nacht shurg her shoulder in exhagerrated manner.

“D*mn you! You are not even an adventurer, just a brat. Listen here, brat, I am a rank C adventurer, Henry, don’t you dare to belittle me. Now let me tell you something, listen carefully! This town is finished! We couldn’t do anything at all! That bastard Kaito said that not only griffon, he also saw Man Eater and Wyren! And not only that, from how he looked he must have seen something even more terrifying!”

Henry was an adventurer who started almost at the same time as Kaito.

That’s why he felt weird looking at Kaito who trembled and cried.

Kaito has ranked up to C rank faster than him, showing how talented and skilled Kaito was. Kaito always has a calm mind, looks at the situation accurately, and has the decisiveness to make a judgment. For Henry, Kaito was also a target he wanted to surpass.

This time Kaito was supposed to clear a quest under the famous A rank adventurer Hausman. Although Henry felt jealousy, he also understand Kaito’s hard work, passion, and he also felt a sense of trust toward him.

But when Kaito returned, he whispered toward Henry.

“This town might not able to hold out. You, and everyone else, should retreat to the capital.”

It must be a piece of advice toward a comrade. Kaito must have wanted to let at least his acquaintances save.

But they also sense the implication of that warning.

That they would be no use even if they stayed.

“The guild should make a request to subjugate monsters to D rank adventurers and above by now. Some who foresaw it was already run away. But I did not blame them. We are just common people who work day to day to survive. If they have no attachment to this place, they could just move to a different place–”

Nacht was slightly intrigued with Henry.

“You are not running away?”

Henry answered Nacht’s question with cynism.

“Hah! I am the free trade city’s adventurer. My family was also here, we are just commoners, how could we run away. And even if I run away alone, I would be nothing but good for nothing. Everyone who stayed mostly people who have tied to this place. Then, we could only wait until the time we fight and die. That’s all.”

Henry’s expression turned gloomy.

On the other hand, Nacht beaming with a smile.

“What’s weird, lass?”

Asked Henry.

“Hahaha, not really. I just thought that you are a pretty interesting person. Although you guy has said given up and filled with grief, inside your heart you still have the will to fight. You did not come to fight with the desperation to die. However as to not letting others involved, you let those who wanted to run away run. And the way you stood before me, was to not let others explode. Splendid, that was really interesting–”

Henry looked at Nacht and shrugged.

“What an imaginative lass.”

That time was the first time Henry remembered Nacht’s existence.

There was a beautiful girl with a dress like the night who visited the guild three days ago. That girl defeated the legendary mercenary Duran and save rank A adventurer, Crysta Neve Branrichter.

Bringing an elf servant with her, a peerless beauty–

“So it was you–”

Henry did not know how much was the rumors were true, but he could feel at least part of it was true when looking at Nacht.

She did not show any opening, which shows that she should be powerful, but before people could recognize that they would be first drawn at how beautiful she was. Although he did not really pay attention to her when he was enraged, now when he looked at her again he could say for sure that Nacht was truly in a different dimension.

“Hahaha–I am feeling good right now–Now then, for those who were in despair, I will show you hope.”

Hearing Nacht’s arrogant declaration everyone focused on her.

Although part of it was her fault in the first place, Nacht did not mind and enjoyed the stage.

“Alright, Henry or whatever your name, draw your sword–”


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Henry was confused but Nahct urged him.

Looking at Henry who finally draw his sword from the scabbard reluctantly, Nacht nodded satisfied.

And then she raised her index finger.

It was perfectly clear finger as if art, with a ruby red nail which draws everyone’s attention.

“Now, come with all you got. Of course, I will give you a handicap. I will not move from this place. Additionally, I will only attack with one finger.”

Nacht boldly declared.

“Hah? What the f— are you saying–”

“I said I will show you hope. Although I will not take a side with you guys, I decided to cooperate. So I will show to all of you my true power. I will show you how insignificant, and hopeless you are in front of my power. And the hope that comes from the fact that this power would cooperate with you.”

As if to end the discussion, Nacht signaled with her finger.

Due to the pressure from the surrounding, Henry could not step back.

“I won’t take responsibility if you get hurt!”

It was a well-known fact that Henry was quite skilled among the adventurers in free trade city.

There were a lot of rumors that he would become B rank at the next rank promotion exam.

“Hm, did you not hear me? I said come with all you got.”

–he was deflected.

He could hear a metal clashing sound.

The sideswipe attack of the blunt metal was deflected by Nacht’s finger that suddenly appeared there. Not only Henry but everyone was dumbfounded. Compared with a heavy sword, Nacht’s finger was delicate, but she deflected it.


He did not understand.

Henry did hold back, but the power and weight should be enough to knock a person unconscious. On the other hand, it was as Nacht said, she did not move from that place even an inch.

“Give me all you got. If you can use magic, use it. Whatever trump card you have, use it and attack me–with the intention to kill.”

The next moment, a fighting spirit exploded from Nacht.

Henry gulped.

Holding back?

What a stupid thing to do.

He wanted to punch his past self in the face.

Because what stood before him was an existence that exceed the knowledge of common people.

Henry circulated his mana and used body strengthening magic. Everyone else in that room, from amateur to veteran, understood that Henry was serious.

It was not something that should be used against a girl.

But Henry’s long sword which traveled directly toward Nacht was dyed with killing intent.

A single step so sharp it wanted to gouge the floor of adventurer guild.

Henry was about to do another side sweep, but the sword in front of him retracted slightly.

“Arts–Water Scythe!”

It was an attack that focused on speed.

Nacht’s dragon pupil could see the attack that fast enough it would not raise a ripple in the water.

In an instant.

A high-pitched metal sound resounded.

At the same time, Henry’s felt numbness and his hand was paralyzed. In his hand, there was no sword.

“Hmm, that was a good attack. Continue to work hard from now on.”

When they looked up, they could see a sword stuck in the ceiling.



Everyone cheered.

Nacht laughed in satisfaction.

“You are, who are you…?”

Nacht smiled at Henry’s question.

“I am Nacht. You could call me Nacht-chan with affection~”

Nacht answered sonorously.

After hearing cheers and whistles from all around, Nacht nodded in satisfaction.

“As I thought, a guild should be like this.”

Nacht whispered as she remembered her own guild.

And inside the excitement–

“What happened here?”

The polar bear guild maser appeared together with a girl and a boy.

Guild master looked around and found Nacht, he then said happily.

“Ooo, Nacht-dono–thank you for comi–”

But he could not continue.

The atmosphere in that place cracked.

The golden pupil disappeared only leaving an afterimage.

Nacht’s figure has disappeared from the guild master–the ex-A rank adventurer’s eyes.

The wind she caused was so fierce it blast away chairs and tables.

As if teleported, Nacht appeared beside the guild master.


Nacht did not answer the guild master question.


The black-clothed girl was frightened by the sudden appearance of Nacht.

Nacht grabbed that girl–

And peeled her clothes.

Ignoring the hostility from all around, Nacht took it off.

“It seems you are followed–”

The half-naked girl screamed.

At the same time, from the girl’s bosom, Nacht took a black lizard, which then struggled on her hand.

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